What animal scares you the most?

Dead snake at my sisters home - A dead snake at my sister's home
United States
August 18, 2007 12:32pm CST
It can be an animal, reptile or bug, but what living creature scares you the most? For me it is snakes I am afraid of all snakes, I can be told it is not poisonous or is tame I am afraid of it. I walked into a pet store one time and there was a man with a huge snake on his shoulders. He was in the back of the store when I went in to the store. When I went to leave he was hanging around by the cash register and I was too afraid to go up and pay for my items. I hung at the back of the store for about 30 minutes until a worker asked me if she could help me. I asked her if she could have the person with the snake move away from the cash register and door so I can pay for my items and leave. I know I know it was pretty wimpy, but that snake scared me. What type of creature are you afraid of?
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30 responses
@raychill (6525)
• United States
19 Aug 07
My answer would pretty much be any sort of animal that could kill me in one bite/sting whatever! Poisonous snakes or spiders. Sharks or Alligators! The thought that you could come upon something like that and it could just kill you in one snap of the jaw or whatever scares the heck out of me. In general I come in contact with spiders the most and I don't like ANY of them so I guess I'd say spiders only because I come in contact with them more often than snakes or sharks or anything else!
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• United States
19 Aug 07
I am afraid of aligators and tigers and big wild animals but I have never been in contact with them so I do not consider them. I have seen lots of snakes, so I know about them.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
19 Aug 07
yeah that's why I went with spiders! I think tigers and bears are too cute to be scared of...and that's when they'd eat me!
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• United States
20 Aug 07
I was raided in Yosemite National Park and saw our share of brown bears. I was not afraid they would attack us. We had a healthy respect of them thou.
@Laurla98 (786)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Ok...may sound ridiculous...but I"m terrified of grasshoppers. I know its not directly an animal...but I had a horrible dream as a child that a giant grasshopper was trying to eat me...ever since then...if I see one...I move away from it. I know it won't eat me...but the jumping...creeps me out
• United States
20 Aug 07
My mom is afraid of grasshoppers, and any bug that jumps. She can handle snankes, lizzards, and other such animals so it is not wierd.
@Daelin (683)
• Brazil
19 Aug 07
I have been hit by one of those once. I was going home by foot and at one point something hit my face. I thought it was a rock. Then I saw the ground and one of these bugs was dizzy and try to jump again. I guess it went home and told a totally different story about some crazy woman who hit it.
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• United States
19 Aug 07
I have this big fear of spiders. When I was a child I got bit on the back of my hand. It swelled up like a balloon so my parents rushed me to the ER. I slept for 2 days due to the medicine the doctor prescribed me. Ever since then I freak out when I see a spider. Recently my son and I were in my friend's truck. I saw a spider on her cup and freaked out yelling "pull over and let me out"! I about gave her a heart attack but she pulled over. I don't know how I got my son and myself out of the seat belt and on to the curb so fast, but I did! A man that just parked his car near by came and killed it for us and saved the day. I can laugh about it now. Every time I think about spiders the skin on my head crawls and I get itchy.
• United States
20 Aug 07
You poor girl, I feel sorry for you. I would freak out also.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
19 Aug 07
I think an eye to eye contact with a hippo would scare me, they are known for being territorial and viscious. Luckily, we don't have hippo's here in my country!;) Another animal that would scare me I think would be, a honey badger. They're known for being tenacious and annoying, I think I would run immediately if ever I come across with them!LoL Snakes are too common for me, I have met people who are like that!LoL
• United States
20 Aug 07
Hippos are so pretty and they look so meak and mild, little do they act like that. I do not think I would ever come eye to eye with a hippo
@eshaan (6188)
• India
18 Aug 07
I too am afraid of snakes, i find them sluggish,and very scary too. But I will tell you one strange thing, that in India, today is the day of worship of cobra snakes as it is the creature who lives with Lord Shiva,they are worshipped at almost every house. Some man carry them in cane baskets and they go from house to house. People worship them and also give offerings to the man who carries them. Its just coincidence that you wrote the discussion just today,when i too worshipped it and touched it slightly, though i am very afraid.
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• United States
18 Aug 07
Thanks for telling me that I did not know that. I hope your day is good.
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• United States
18 Aug 07
After I posted the comment I was wondering if you can give me some history or lore on the beliefs of worshipping the snake and Lord Shiva, I am American and have never heard of this tridition. Thank you.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I think I can honestly say I'm not really afraid of any animals...there might be some I wouldn't want a close encounter with like sharks, or scorpions, but for others?? I've handled snakes, lizards, tarantulas and mice...so no fear about them....Actually the most feared and dangerous of all animals though is we humans I think!! Oh how on earth did you get that sylvester chasing tweety bird on your profile??
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• United States
20 Aug 07
pyewacket, I think you are confused, I an not the one with sylvester and tweety on my profile unless someone else put it there. I will go look and see.
• United States
20 Aug 07
I do not know! I was supprised to see them run across the screen. I think one of my friends has put that there. I just checked my page the other day and sylvester and tweety was not there. They came to visit since then. I hope they stay for a while. LOL
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Spiders, especially poisonous ones, really scare the heck out of me. We have a lot of black widow spiders where we live and I have been bitten by one and I was so sick. OMG, they scare me, especially when I think about the kids getting bitten by one. I am probably irrational in my fear of them but they are so dangerous and so commonly found.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
My twin sister was bitten by a black widow spider and she was so sick also. We where about 4 or 5 years old. I do not blaime you for being afraid of them. I am not afraid of spiders. I am of snakes it is a phobia. One day we had a baby gardner snake curled up on our door step. I saw it and got back in my car I was going to leave. My son said mom, we have two other doors to get into the house. I could not think that far, alls I could think of was "OH MY GAUD THERE IS A SNAKE"
• United States
19 Aug 07
Snakes! My neighbor killed a poisonous cottonmouth two days ago that was in my front yard. So, in order to get over my terror, I decided to educate myself about this creature and found it not so terrifying after all. Yes, there are many snakes that are poisonous and can either kill us or make us sick. But, the more we know about the things we fear, the better control of our emotions we have. Also, I know now to have a shotgun handy, a sharp bladed hoe and to watch my dogs reactions when they go for their morning walks! Sunny Waters
• United States
20 Aug 07
Good job, you sound like a proactive person instead of a shrinking violet. I like you already
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
19 Aug 07
Hi teapotmommommerced! I have a great fear for snakes. My hubby has a pet snake and it is a boa constrictor. It is kept in a cage that is very far from where I usually go within our yard. I don't like seeing it because it really makes me shiver and I really get scared by just looking at it. It seems it looks so evil and I guess if I were in that pet store too, I won't be able to pay for the items I have purchased. Oh, I might even go out of the store and just leave all the items I am supposed to buy. Haha... Take care and have a nice day!
• United States
20 Aug 07
The problem was they where blocking the door and the cash resgester. LOL
• United States
19 Aug 07
I'm afraid of spiders, which is pretty normal. But for some reason, hedgehogs and blowfish really, really disturb me! I think it's the spikes or something? I don't know, but they both disgust me and scare me at the same time. *shudder*
• United States
20 Aug 07
I met a pet hedgehog this summer, it stunk bad, but was tame. I hear they tame up well for pets. I have never been around a blow fish or any where where there was any so I am safe. LOL
@Malamute (50)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Spiders and centipedes of any size! I've been scared of spiders since childhood and lately centipedes are my bane!
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• United States
20 Aug 07
Centipedes are just gross to me, all thoes legs its a wonder they to not get them all tangeled up.
• Singapore
19 Aug 07
dogs, spiders and any creepy insects, was once bitten by jelly fish during sea-sport, kind of scary to remember.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
Jelly fish stings like mad. I was stung also. A friend got a bunch of baby jelly fish under her swim suit one time. She was stung all over she was in mistery.
@cahotek (13)
• United States
19 Aug 07
For me the scariest animal is a human. They can lie without a second thought, they are intelligent so you have to pay careful attention to the sounds they make in order to detect their intentions and because they are intelligent they can create and use many different kinds of weapons. They form groups and each of these groups tend to be all of a same mind so that if one of the individuals does something, soon all individuals within that goup does the same thing. This quality leads them to destroy the lives of other humans, other animals and plants of many diffent kinds without a second thought which in turn makes the ecological environment much more deadly than it would otherwise be.
• United States
19 Aug 07
I think you are absolutely right, I was reading your response as well as others, and so far you are the only one to identify humans as the animals they are... Some of them anyway. They are very precise when need be and can do some severe psycological and physiological(sp)damage to others without a second thought or worry about that other person.
• United States
19 Aug 07
I would have to agree with you about snakes. I hate them! They give me the major creeps. I have nightmares about them constantly. I freak out when I see hoses coiled up in people's yards because from a distance they look like snakes. Last year my friends thought it would be a hoot to take to me to the movies for a surprise. They kept the movie title a secret and managed to get me all the way to the theater entrance before I figured out which movie it was. Can you guess? Snakes on a Plane. Needless, to say, I managed to stay the entire time but my boyfriend's arm was completely scratched up and he regretted taking me in the end. The movie was terrible too. Wish I could figure out how to upload a user icon. I'm new and not having the best of times with the user interface so far. Great topic! --Mira Masque
• United States
20 Aug 07
That was a horrible thing to do to you. I bet he regretted that. I hope you did not have nightmares from that movie. I thought it sounded stupid. I do not understand what you mean by uploading a user icon. Can you explain.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Sharks.I was watching some shark vids on youtube and realized i had my feet curled up on the chair with me,LOL!
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• United States
19 Aug 07
Oh not, I do not think sharks can get into your home unless you live on a house boat. LOL
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
18 Aug 07
humm i think anything that stings or bites like wasps or bees or spiders I think spiders are interesting when I can see them & not get into their webs & stuff, but I don't want to get bit by one. I've been stung by a scorpian, that hurt like the devil!
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• United States
18 Aug 07
I have seen my share of scorpians but have never been bit by one. My twin was bit by a black widow and she was very ill from it.
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• United States
19 Aug 07
About the only thing I just can't tolerate are cockroaches. I've had pet snakes, lizards, rats, tarantulas and many other wonderful creatures but I just cannot abide cockroaches.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
I agree with you. We have a bug guy who comes every month to spray. When he comes you should see the huge black cockroaches that come out from around the house and die. I know they would be in the house if it was not for Rick my bug guy. If I can get rid of my aphids on my veggies I would be a happy girl. LOL
• India
19 Aug 07
ya im really frightenend of lizards they scare me a lot.......
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• India
19 Aug 07
well.i am not scared of anything thats smaller than me.though i hate slimy little insects.i am most afraid of sea animals.
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• India
19 Aug 07
none other than "snake"
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