Moral Dilemma!

@Malyck (3425)
August 18, 2007 8:12pm CST
My 16 year old cousin has recently come to me for help, as she has fallen pregnant to her long-term boyfriend. I know for a fact that she has been on the pill since 12 years old, as I used to live in her home. I also believe that she was using protection, as she doesn't plan on having children until much later in life. Although we are both pro-life, we feel that it would be best that she has an abortion, as she is still in school and plans to go straight on to university. We have been to see a few doctors and they also support this decision. They have given us 3 more weeks to make a final decision, as she is only 2-3 weeks pregnant. Her and her young boyfriend are extremely scared, and I'm doing all I can. If we go through with the procedure, I am going to pay for it all, and I'm giving all the emotional support I possibly can, as I know about the trauma and remorse that can be felt after such an encounter. I'd really love some help, advice and personal experiences. I want what's best for my cousin's future, but I also want to know that my conscious is clear. Thanks, Malyck.
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19 responses
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
19 Aug 07
How about seeing if there is a support groups in your area for both pregnant teens and for those who have had abortions. She can see what the teens are going to the benefits and the hard stuff. She can talk to those who have had abortions and they can share stories about how hard it was - if they still think about it grieve each year on the day it was done. They may share stories about how much easier life was without that to worry about. Maybe you can look into adoption too, a couple who desperately wants a child. I always answer first then read replies, I hope you get replies from those who have been through both because honestly I think that's the person you should take advice from. They've been there. If not, maybe there are websites or message boards on the web that are dedicated to just this very subject. They've been there. Ultimately, she has to listen to her heart. Do what's best and right for her. BTW, I think its so great that you are there for emotional and financial support. Does her parents know, how do they or would they feel about it?
• Abernathy, Texas
19 Aug 07
Maybe she can speak to your mom. I understand your mom is her aunt, but perhaps since she went through the same thing she would be discreet. If my niece decided to talk to me about it - I wouldn't advise, just listen - haven't been through it myself - although I would recommend strongly that she speak to her parents, I wouldn't betray her confidence. Okay - I also win for longest running run on sentence !
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
That's a good idea, we'll definitely speak to my mum about it. Having another loving woman on board will only make it an easier, more supportive and loving process. =]
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
At the moment, her parents don't know. She doesn't want them to, because she knows that they will force her to have the baby, and I don't think that's right at all. If we can get through it together without involving them I'd certainly rather do that. I'm glad that you suggested the support groups, because I'd briefly thought of that, but hadn't thought to mention it to her. My mother had an abortion before she had my sister and myself, because she also fell pregnant young, and when she wasn't in a relationship. I talked to her about it a few years ago just during conversation. She's a strong woman, so she dealt with it fairly well and chooses not to look back on it with sadness, as she knows she made the right choice. Considering that my mother is also pro-life, it's helped me in this situation. My cousin and mum are pretty similar, so I think that she'll have a similar reaction if she goes down that road (I hope that she will).
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Well, I'm not against abortion, but is there no way she could have the baby and just put it up for adoption? If that is at all possible, i think that would be a good route to go. but, if not then i think she should have the abortion. its a very hard choice but what kind of life would the baby have right now being raised by a 16 year old and her boyfriend?
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
I'm certainly not against abortion, as I'm pro-choice as well as pro-life, so it's definitely a tough position to be in... We've thought about adoption also, but she feels that this will be much too tough, as she will have to give birth to the child, see it, hold it and then give it away. I know that she strongly doesn't want to have the child, and she won't stop apologising to me for falling pregnant. Thank you so much for your response.
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
FOR ANYBODY WHO READS THE OTHER RESPONSES BEFORE COMMENTING: i live in Australia, where the legal age of consent is 16. my cousin has not done anything 'stupid' or 'wrong'. she used protection and birth control and this just happened. i hope i've cleared this up. =D
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
21 Aug 07
Thanks so much for your response, Clam =] I'm glad that there are some people who actually read through all of the available information before insulting myself or my cousin, or simply saying something incorrect. It's good to know I have support from people all over, Thanks again.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Your cousin is a very fortunate young woman to have someone like you that she could turn to. Don't pay any attention to those who will try to force their own "moral" beliefs on you or who try to scare you or the pregnant girl into believing there will be unknown "scars" if she has an abortion. I'm not trying to downplay the seriousness of this decision; it's not a pleasant thing to have to choose, to be sure, but sometimes it's the best choice. At only 2 or 3 weeks along I don't think it could be called a "baby" yet. Doctors can't even agree on when life begins so don't let total strangers tell you. Pro-life isn't only about being against abortion, it's about being FOR life that is already here, already living and breathing! Your cousin's life and future have to be considered here. It appears she is a responsible girl and has a nice boyfriend, and I wish only the best to both of them. If it's meant to be the two of them can have as many babies as they'd like when the timing is better. Good luck to you all. I hope everything turns out well. Bless you for being there for your cousin, every one should be so lucky when they're in a jam.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Annie, Here here, Excellent response. Too bad others can't think of the life that already exists. And the numerous lives that will be hurt if abortion was made illegal.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
How right you are, and what a wonderful, helpful attitude you have! Even with my own morals and opinions, I never aim to shove them down another's throat, and I think that it's cruel for people to scare my cousin into this decision. I think that it's definitely her decision to make. Thanks for your comments about the two of them, they're great kids who have just gotten themselves in a bit of a fix. And one more before I go: a big THANKYOU! =D
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
20 Aug 07
My heart goes out for the unborn child. I myself waited for years to have a baby and some of my relative grew old just waiting for that one angel but didn't come. It breaks my heart to know that some people are contemplating on aborting their own...I know that having one entails responsibilities that a 16 year old is not ready for but there are options other than abortion... I hope you and your cousin would find it in your heart to consider that the baby did not do anything nor did it asked to be conceived... please think not only twice before doing it because the emotional dilemma and trauma would cost a lifetime not only for your cousin but also for you...
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Why is it such a common theme among pro lifers that the life of the woman who aborts will be horrible and guilt ridden forever? I've known more than a few women in my lifetime who have had abortions and they are not forever haunted by the decision. And when and if they did decide to have children later in life, they were still fine with the decision not to carry the first pregnancy. I guess I am just trying to understand where this information comes from. All of the women that I personally know who have aborted were relieved when it was all said and done.
• United States
21 Aug 07
There is no "baby" yet, it's still only an embryo. Also, just because you had a hard time concieving does NOT mean that all fertile women are required to want and carry children. Just becuase another woman can't have children doesn't mean a fertile woman has to want or carry children. Fertile women don't "owe" infertile women anything just becuase our bodies work differently. They're still OUR bodies. I could, just as easily, say that it's horrible for you to be so ungrateful towards your gift of not having to worry about falling pregnant, or enduring one or having to put up with kids. How dare you spend several years and who knows how much money medically enhancing your body to force it to carry a child. You don't know how good you had it.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
Thank you, and we haven't made a decision yet. I'm aware of the other options and certain people's beliefs on abortion. Thanks for joining in.
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@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I was wondering about her parents, and I see that she hasn't told them as yet. This is truly a tough decision. I don't agree with the idea of an abortion. I've heard the nightmares of women who've had abortions and the scars they carry throughout their lives. The fact that she doesn't want her parents to know tells me that she has already made up her mind and any outside opinions will not influence her decision. I think that she should consult with new doctors. I thought that doctors were supposed to SAVE lives? She should also find some women who have had abortions and get THEIR views and experience.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Frankly, I've never known a young woman who has aborted that hasn't felt...well, relieved when it was over. Mst went on to have children when they were mature enough to handle it, but I have never come across the horror stories that many would propoganize. Of course, my stories are just heresay. But I'm 38, halfway to young and halfway to old. My friends who did abort were young and thought they were protected. They chose to live their lives. I chose to have my baby. They are fine with their choice, as they should be. I amm fine with mine, as I should be. I'm just thankful that I still live in a country where women still have a choice; for now.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
We're definitely going to talk to some more women who've had abortions before, just to know the possible side effects should she choose that route. She hasn't told her parents because she know s that she will not have a say in the matter, which is simply ludicrous. Yes, in general I suppose that doctors are supposed to save lives, but in such a case, they're also supposed to do what is in the immediate, best interests of the person in question. Not all women are able to deal with the whole pregnancy, give birth and then give the child up. If she was further along, we would carry on with the pregnancy no question, but because we are early enough to explore this option we definitely want to give it some thought. Thanks, Malyck.
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@teleios (737)
• Philippines
19 Aug 07
oh man, this is a tough one. what does she think? does she think that she can go on to university and still have the baby? or perhaps she sees abortion as the only option? if she really wants to have the baby (as i have gathered from what you have said that you're both pro-life) then she should. i know a lot of young people who have gone to to have babies AND still went to school. a few changes were made but they were able to do it. usually family members took care of the baby while they were at school, or they had the baby put up for adoption. There are a lot of options here; the thing that makes it hard is that some are usually options that we don't like. Hope this ends well for all of you.
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
At the moment she doesn't feel like the would be able to have the baby and continue whole-heartedly on her studying. She's a loving, compassionate young woman who believes that when you have children, you should be there for them from day one, and unless you need a babysitter occasionally. She wouldn't want to have somebody else in her family look after her baby while she went to school, but she really wants to be able to be IN school, not do homeschooling etc. We're looking into adoption, but it's so hard, knowing that she would be giving up a baby that's come out of her - that she's seen and held. Thanks so much for your response, and I hope it goes well too. =]
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@akumei1269 (1749)
• India
19 Aug 07
To me it is a dilemma , true dilemma . But decision is to be taken as early as possible . Emotion should not get priority . Soiety's view is always against premarital child birth . But there is a question of love and life . Parents should be taken into confidence . the boyfriend should not be allowed to escape fromthe scene .
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
Her boyfriend certainly isn't escaping any time soon. He's a great guy, and should be treated as such =D
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I'm 38 years old and I have 5 kids. I had my first at 17. My parents were very supportive of me. They didn't like the father of my baby much and that turned out to be a correct opinion, but my oldest was just recently married and I couldn't be happier. Here is the thing. If your cousin feels that she does not want to raise a baby, but she feels comfortable enduring the pain of pregancy and childbirth, adoption is a great option. However, if she does not think she can endure pregancy and childbirth and cannot raise a child, abortion should be an option. It is entirely up to her, but if she is going to choose abortion, she should choose it now. the time is nearly up for that. Don't listen to people who believe that the feelings of he fetus who has no brain is more important than the feelings of the mother, who has a brain. She was not being immature. She was protected. It failed. I had two pill babies. If she can't go through pregnancy and childbirth then she should abort and start over. If she can go through that torture, adoption is a great option. It must be her decision. It's her body.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I was a 17 year old mother. That was my choice. She should have her choice
• United States
20 Aug 07
The final choice is the pregnant woman's. If your cousin wants the abortion then you are doing the right thing. But if deep in her heart she thinks it is wrong, then she shouldn't do it.She can give the baby up for adoption.that is why I am pro choice. The key word is choice. But only the pregnant woman can make it. You are doing the right thing. You are there for her. She has support in any decision she makes.You have three weeks. You don't have to make a rushed decision.Sit down with your cousin and ask her what she really wants to do and go from there.The decision that she can live with, either way, will be the right choice.You are doing the right thing. Take care.
• United States
20 Aug 07
I am glad I could help.This is a hard time but with the love you both share for each other you will be okay, no matter which path you choose. Take care.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
=D Thanks again, and have a great day!
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
Thanks a great deal. It's hard for both of us, being pro-life and pro-choice, but we've been doing a sit-down-chat every day to check how she's feeling. I'm going to support her no matter what =D Thanks for telling me I'm doing the right thing, it's very helpful in itself. Mal.
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
19 Aug 07
pregnant - unwanted pregnancy is a result of irresponsibility. aborting is another irresponsible act.
Sorry, but I am against abortion especially in a case like this. They made the mistake of getting pregnant. Killing the baby would be another mistake. You don't correct a mistake with another mistake. You correct a mistake by doing the right thing. Both of them need to be responsible for their actions, have the baby, and give it a good life. I am only in favor of abortion in cases of rape or when the mother's life is endangered by the pregnancy.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
20 Aug 07
It's not a baby yet. It's a cluster of cells.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
That's a really great standing point wisedragon. it's good to know that even people who are completely against abortion understand that there are some cases where it is the only safe or viable option. It still really comes down to a persons own beliefs, conscious and overall decision - a place that we're nowhere near reaching at the moment! =[
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
Cyntrow, thankyou. I agree, up until a certain point in the pregnancy, when abortion would be completely immoral (if not 'murder'), the so called 'baby' is a mere genetic make up and cells reaching division. Saying that it's murder of a child at this point is just propaganda and breeding fear. In the case of my 16 year old cousin, it's just bullying and intimidating her!
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Aug 07
I would say abort as I don't think life really begins until after birth. She is young and we know her boyfriend is only temporary. In my life I only know one couple that has been together since high school. We all grow and our priorities change in life. If she doesn't want to be an uneducated single mother I say abortion is the right choice. When she is older and with the right man then she will have plenty of opportunities to have kids. It is good she has family she can lean on in a time like this and that is what is important.
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I agree wholeheartedly with you wiki. What you said is so true. She is not married to the guy they may wind up breaking up. She should have the abortion and go on with her life. A baby would only hold her back from her studies. She will not be happy if she goes through with the pregnancy.
@agnescav (566)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Three weeks is not much time to make such a big decision. Is she afraid to tell her parents? What will happen, realistically, if she does? i think the first thing you should do is gently try to persuade her to tell them. I personally am opposed to abortion, for me. Other people have whatever rights they claim for themselves. Are you aware that there are open adoptions with the agreement that she will live with the prospective parents, get to know them, be assured they will be a good match for her child and she will get letters from them, so she can keep an update of the baby's life?
@agnescav (566)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Being forced into having a child is as bad as being forced to not have one!
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
I totally agree, people can give their advice or beliefs to a person, but ultimately it is the individual's decision and they shouldn't be forced by anyone to do something they don't wish to do.
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
Yes, I'm aware of this adoption option (for lack of better words), but she feels that will be too difficult and will disrupt her studies too much. She is afraid to tell her parents, and will be forced to have the child - something I don't think anyone has the right to force her into. Her boyfriend has told his mother, though, so we have three strong women to try to sort things out =] Thanks for the input, Agnes
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@Daelin (683)
• Brazil
20 Aug 07
No matter what she will decide, this is a decision that will changer her life. It seams to be easy to just have an abortion but for some women, specially if they are pro-life, this is a hard decision to be taken. Of course the decision of keeping the baby or giving him/her to adoption is a hard decision too. She needs to make a decision and think of it as the right one, no matter what other people say.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
Thanks, i think you're right. She has to know that it's the best thing - the one she wants over the other options, no matter what people will put her down afterwards. Thankyou.
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• Australia
22 Aug 07
I'm sorry you and your cousin have to go through this, it must be such a hard decision. I know most people would say no to abortion and that the baby is gods gift, blah blah. But she is obviously responsible, she has tried to do the right thing,by taking precautions like the pill and other contraceptive measures. It really is a hard place though. I'm not entirely sure what i would do. My friend has confided in me that she has had four abortions. The reason for those was that she was on extremely strong birth control pills, she already had two children to another man, and didn't want to do it all over again. I believe because she was on the birth control and taking necessary precautions then that's ok. She was also not in a steady relationship and didn't think the father would commit to a baby with her. Turns out tho, now they've been together for a long time, and are expecting a baby soon, the timing for this one is right, and they were actually trying to have this one. So I think she did the right thing in the past. I'm one of those people who arent pro abortion but also arent anti abortion. I think abortion has its place in the world, as long as its used properly and isnt just a form of birth control etc. I wouldn't do it myself, but wouldn't hate someone who did it. I really hope your cousin thinks about it and makes the best decision for herself. And it's great that she has your support in whatever she chooses. :)
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
22 Aug 07
Thankyou for your response, it's wonderful that you've been so supportive (and not judgemental) of your friend. I can't even imagine how hard it has been for her, but from the sounds of things, she definitely made the right choice in the past. Sometimes it's just better to consider yourself first - your own stability and the stability of the 'child''s life. Although I am pro-life, I'm certainly not anti-abortion, I think if I'd gotten pregnant at her age, I would definitely have opted for abortion and dealt with any guilt, rather than give birth to a child who I couldn't give the best life to. I'm all for choice, and for nurturing the life that is already present. I know that if it was me, I would want all the love and support from my family and friends, and for me, it's so great to know there's so many kind and compassionate people out there =]
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
19 Aug 07
I was just reading an article that since abortion was made legal, there have been fewer adoptions. People seem not have directed their hatred towards those who are unable to have babies, believing it is their fault. How can you be pro-life and say that an abortion is okay in this case? I think you should search for adoption agencies, find any that has a place where she can stay for the time being. Do not kill the baby and do something that she may regret later. I am sure there are places where unwed mothers can stay until the baby is born or did they close all of them so she has to stay with her parents? And the people who cannot have children are not that way because they are potential child abusers or murderers or cold hearted. Most of them truly love and care for children and it does not matter if they gave birth or them or not.
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
22 Aug 07
What are kids coming to these days? On the pill since 12! Well, I feel you should try talking to her and of course an abortion. She is only 16. She will not be upto all the problems associated with a child, and maybe in the long run will want to desperately run her own life minus the child. This will bring in a series of step fathers and so on. Please be kind to the unborn child. Let her study and make a life for herself before parenting. Also be strict with her and tell her once and no more. She has never earned for herself or made ends meet. I suppose her parents support her. Yes, friend, an abortion is best for both of them. Just do your duty and leave the rest to God.
• India
20 Aug 07
hi Maylck,i will suggest both you and your cousin not to worry at was all none of you need to be scared...just convince your cousin to opt for an abortion under an experienced may sound rude to you saying this in a go...but friend i am a doctor too and this would be the best for your cousin sister doesn't seem to be mature enough to give birth to a baby as in teenage there can occur many complications and its also possible that the baby may not will deteriorate her health as well mental set up just make up your mind for an abortion..everything would be fine soon..God bless you dear..
19 Aug 07
I think that it would be better abortion. Adoption would be much harder for her and him(Depedning on Him)to put the baby for adoption, and the kid will have to live without knowing who his parents are(In a orphanage prob). And she will wonder what happened to the baby, I don't know, but the fetus(If it is by now, which I forgot the stages of pregnancyXD is not even thinking by itself atm, so she shoouldn't worry too much about it. And to tell her parent should be the couple decision, some parents would break the relatiosnhip between them whci I think, it is not the best decision because both are going trough this, while other parents may take it more calmly.So I think that you could help them make a decision depending on how you think they may take this problem. Best Wishes:)!!!!
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
Thank you very much, I think that you're absolutely spot on with some of your comments =] They're definitely not going to break up, not any time soon or over this issue, and certainly no-one will make them. They grew up together, and have been going out for a few years =] They're very committed and very much in love.
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@bucketkid (237)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
I was in much the same situation a few years ago, and I decided to go through with the abortion, even though I love children. Although I am still sad that I couldn't have given it life and love, I know that I did the best thing for myself. To this day, I still support my decision and know that I am better for it. I don't think it will be selfish for your cousin to abort the pregnancy. It's great that there are all of you supporting and loving her, it's the most important thing in this situation.