Is abortion right or wrong?
By tsitra100
@tsitra100 (171)
7 responses
@greatwolf75 (90)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Eveything in this post is only my opinion. Live sperm and an egg equal life not one or the other. As far as I'm concerned if something has a heartbeat and brainwaves, then destroying it is wrong. One of the things I do in my spare time is law study. Our original system of law in The American Union was English Common Law. Under this system of law, abortion is considered to be murder and a person could be tried for that. Also on the news I have heard of many cases where some guy snaps and kills a woman and her unborn child, and gets tried on two counts of murder. So by the logic you abortion supporters use, this is simply wrong to try these people like that. Also explain in your mind how this scenario is okay: There are doctors that support late term abortion. So lets say that 2 women get pregnent at the exact same time. One woman goes into pre-term labor and gives birth at 7 and a half months. The baby turns out to be fine after a little while. The other woman has an abortion at eight months and her baby who would have lived is now no longer. Please justify this to me. Someone please tell me how abortion is fine. Do you support the senseless killing of others? That is a serious question, because to me it seems if you support abortion then you support murder. However, if you say that you are against murder but say abortion is fine then that makes you a liar. The only time I have ever thought that abortion is okay is if something extreme happens, such as the baby is threatening the life of the mother, or the woman was raped, things of that nature. If this has offended anybody (and I know it will) then I'm sorry. We express our opinions, such as this post, it's only my opinion, and others are bound to disagree. I don't intend to make anyone angry.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
24 Aug 07
First of all an attacker is only tried with two counts of murder if the pregnancy is past a point of viability. A person kills a woman who's only 2 months pregnant, they're only being charged with 1 count.
As far as the two women question, it's not legal to terminate a pregnancy at 8 months. The majority of abortions take place in the first trimester (under 3months/12 weeks), a small percentage takes place in the second (3-6 months) but those are most often due to severe complications. I can not swear that there is no place in the world that allows 3rd term abortions, but the US definitely does not.
An early abortion is removing a developing mass of tissue. It has neither a heartbeat nor brain functions, or any major organ development for that matter. It is not a life, it is a potential life at best. It's not murder because it isn't alive.
@greatwolf75 (90)
• United States
24 Aug 07
I didn't say the U.S. did or did not allow it. I'm referring to the doctors who do it. There is a doctor in California who does it. It has been on the news before. So it does happen and I don't care where it takes place, it's still murder. People can try to justify it to make them feel better about it. I agree with you on the attacker thing but my point was if he or she gets charged like this then why don't these doctors here in the Union get charged and penalized the same way. There is always a loop-hole and it shouldn't be like that. All that aside I really enjoyed your post, you seem very well schooled. Hopefully I will reading more of your stuff.
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@greatwolf75 (90)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Oh yeah and one other thing, I asked an OB friend of mine and he said that after 7 days a fetus has a heartbeat even though it can't be heard at that point.
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@free2lmao (230)
• United States
25 Aug 07
Well, i myself would not have an obortion. Or so I tell myself but thats just the kind of thing that you dont know what you would do tell it hit you in the face...So you cant really judge somebody for having an obortion.
I think that it is the mothers choice it is her body and if she wants to do that then let her...That is why we live in America so that we can have those choices to make!!!The only time I can see people getting angry about this is if the person waits along time until they get the obortion. Like I think you have up until six months to do so...What kind of stuff is that the baby doesnt have long tell its born at that point...
Well I guess I think that it is wrong but at the same time I think that the mother should have a choice...I hate when people say that they dont agree with obortion but they have never had to make that decesion before. I bet alot of people who say that end up having obortions them selves...Take my word for it...
Its a very sad thing I know but you cant hate somebody or judge someone for making a decision they had the right to make. That just makes you childish in my eyes...Alot of people have done one many regret it...But in the end they are glad they actually had that choice. So, just think about it if you were in that position wouldnt you want to be able to do what yo wanted with YOUR body?
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
27 Aug 07
She said it was childish to judge people for their choices, clam.
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@nana1944 (1364)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I believe to take another life is wrong. In the bible there is a passage that says "He knew me from my mother's womb" or words similar to that. So I think that the chikd is a being before they are born. The child learns in the womb and that I know.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
24 Aug 07
The Bible also tells how to kill children of conflicting nations so as to populate that area with more of God's chosen people. Sorry, I don't know the passage to give an exact quote or site the verse. But clearly some authors in the Bible didn't value all life either.
A child learns what in the womb? And when? Yes at the end of a pregnancy a baby begins to suck it's thumb or turn it's head towards sounds or lights. But that's at the end of a pregnancy not at a time when a termination takes place.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Well. I think abortion is wrong. And I do agree with you that life starts at conception. But I do recognize that not everyone feels that way - wish they did, but they don't.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 Aug 07
It is not right for us to kill or encourage others to kill an unborn baby. Life starts as soon as the baby was conceived and if by misfortune, there is a miscarriage, we know that the baby would not have survived anyway. However in most cases of abortions, had the baby been allowed to be born, he would have survived and so would the mother. There are so many loving couples willing to take a little life into their home and no, you cannot blame all infertile or sterile couple for their inability to bear or beget their own children as someone on this list obviously does and you cannot punish them for their crime by forcing them to adopt a hard to place, handicapped, or difficult child.

@eden32 (3973)
• United States
24 Aug 07
That's not accurate. About 30% of pregnancies end naturally early miscarriages, sometimes without the woman even being aware that she had been pregnant. Of the total number of terminations, the same percentage would have likely ended in miscarriage.
And who's to say the woman would survive the pregnancy. What if she's in an abusive relationship & now can not leave her abuser because the pregnancy is making her more dependent on him? Or women living in poverty, who's bodies just aren't nourished enough to support a pregnancy? Even if they survive the pregnancy, they'll have life long consequences for the toll it took on their body.
You're right that infertile couples are probably blameless in their condition, but by the same token a fertile woman is also not to blame for being healthy & able to conceive. She does not owe another more "worthy" couple anything because she happens to have working ovaries, tubes & uterus.
You don't often hear pro-lifers looking at the other logical side to their arguments. I'm not as heartless as this is going to sound, but let me play devil's advocate for a moment. As often as a PLer will say something to the effect of this (pregnancy) is what a woman deserves for being careless; you'll never hear them saying that the infertile couple is suffering for their carelessness despite the fact that one of the most common reasons for infertility is untreated STDs. You will hear that "pregnancy is a gift from God & women should feel blessed to be pregnant." But you will not hear that "God choose for these couples to be child-free & they should just accept that decision of God's". I don't actually feel that way, and I do sympathize with couples who wish to have children and can not; just as much as I respect that some women become pregnant when they would choose not to be. Neither one is to 'blame' for their predicament & both should be afforded the same rights to do whatever they wish to change their situation.
@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
Abortion is wrong and not a right move to kill to kill the life of an innocent child. Abortion is an absolutely wrong and it is a crime of murder. And absolutely I am not favor for this. And I think the fetus have life and like us she/he have a right to see this wonderful world.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Says whom life starts long before birth? If an pregnancy has not reached a point of viability, is not capable of life outside the womb, it doesn't seem like a life to me at all.
Abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is one choice a woman may make when faced with an unplanned pregnancy, or an unhealthy pregnancy. If it's the best choice for her, it's the right choice for her.