Do you worry about your future...when you get old?
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
August 19, 2007 8:42am CST
I worry about it alot. I worry about being able to take care of myself, having money to pay for the things I need and what would happen if hubby passed away.
A year or so ago, a friends father had a stroke and went into a nursing home. His wife was left with no money since his disability check went to the nursing home. They lost their house, car and most of their belongings. The wife had to go to their kids...6 of them...and ask if she could stay with one of them. Finally one of the boys told her she could sleep on his couch in return for babysitting!! When her husband finally got out of the nursing home they got an apartment and just barely get by.
Not only did the children's behavior astound me but the wife...being in her late 50's...having to go through this really hit me hard.
Hubby and I have his disability...but what if something happened. He has a pension with the state from working for them for 17 years but never know. We don't have children so it is just him and me...and Morgana:) Had I had the forsight to look into the future I know I would have planned better but it just never occured to me when I was younger.
Do you ever worry about these kinds of things? Do you think your kids will be there if you ever need them like this?
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23 responses
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I worry alot about it too. I have alot of health problems, now, and it's hard enough to get around. I especially worry what will happen to my pets when I'm unable to take care of them. Even though they love animals, I can't see any of them trying to care for them all. If it were just me, and not them, I might not worry quite as much, but I'm sure I'd still worry.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I always worried about my dog, Petey, and what would happen to him...he passed away last year so he is waiting for me now. We have Morgana, our cat, now and I do worry about her as well.
Thank you for responding!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Yes, I do worry about the future for hubby and I. The cost of living is climbing constantly and our retirement account is not growing as rapidly as we had hoped due to the pathetic economy! I do not ever want to be a burden to my children. LOng term care insurance is so very expensive that I can't afford it right now. It is all very mind boggling!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
Yes I worry about it abit too, I have no family now and I am the type of person who doesn't like to depend on people so it is a bit of a worry, In Australia what happened to your friends father would never happen here, it just wouldn't be allowed in fact if an elderly person has a son or daughter grown up of course living in their house at the time they are put into a Nursing Home they can live in the home for 2 years I think. it is a bit of a worry especially when people today seen to be so busy with their own lives they just don't seem to have time to worry about anyone else.
@vinzen (1020)
• India
19 Aug 07
Hi, yes we all do worry i guess, but with me its just at times, when maybe i am feeling a little down or low. Otherwise i simply believe in living for today, and living like there is no tommorrow. And i try to follow that principle, but being humans, we all have our insecurities and at times, no matter how hard we may try, we do tend to think and think and worry our heads off, realising that in the end, we have gathered nothing but more tensions and worries, as what lies even a single day ahead,we dont know, leave alone the whole future ahead. We dont even know of the next moment, if we are going to be alive or not, why think so much ahead. I know and understand, that we all have families and i also have two kids, and one should always keep something up their sleeve for the future, but i do just whatver little is required, not taking much tension nor giving too much of thought , as i feel it spoils my today, my present. each person is diferent, maybe i am different too, but i prefer being that ways. Yes, i do belive that with the upbringing we give our kids, they will always be with us, but on the back of my mind i am very prepared that they arent beside us, still we live on, think positive i feel, and live for the present, and all will be well. Leave it all in His hands. :)
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I have a little saying on my desk you might like.
I've always tried to follow that. I know He takes care of alot of things but I think He appreciates whatever help I can give Him.
Thanks For Posting!!
@vinzen (1020)
• India
21 Aug 07
Thanks for replying. I agree with your saying, and maybe your are trying to say that we do need to do our bit in this world in order to help him , help us, i agree with that , its just that i dont worry too much, and live to the present, as i dont think God wants us to be that worried about his plans for our future too, isnt it, as i feel He has already chalked out our future, we have to execute it in the best of our order, we do our best, and HE does the rest .
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
18 Sep 07
Well I do and I dont if something was going to happen to me or husband while we are still working we have insurance that we pay us loss of wages or pension or lump sum. If something happen when we are older we can just take the superanuation money. By then our house would be payed off and lucky in australia we have midicare so any healt expences would be covered more or less.
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
There is a saying that a mother can look after 10 children but 10 children cannot look after a mother. So true in the case that you described. So very sad also. It just proves my own thinking that every person has to become self sufficient. You are still young and have more than 20 years to provide for your old age. I would seriously suggest for you and your husband to see a financial planner. He or she can make a projection based on today's situation what your income will be when you retire. Here in Canada we have a plan called Retirement Savings Plan, I believe you have something similar in your 401K Plan. You pay into it until you retire, even a little bit each month or year and when you are 69 you have to start taking it out, a certain percentage each year. I am retired and receive a pension but it just gets be by for now. I am looking forward when I can take out some money from my Retirement Savings Plan to do some of the things that I wanted to do in retirement. So, yes you are right you do have to think of the future, in particular since people live longer and longer.
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@amber81 (288)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I worry about it. I lost my mother when i was just 8 yrs old, she was 36 yrs old at the time. meanless to say i worry about my future even though im still young. I would hate for something to happen to me and my children be left with out a mother like i was. Its a scary situation! I have a daughter who is 7 months old and one on the way along with two step children ages 6 & 4 ... It would be horrible for them to be left without a mother figure.
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@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
21 Aug 07
It is always a part of our nature to worry about the future and what it could bring to us. Life is really full of uncertainties. Had we known what could be then we could just be relaxing and doing things different.
But spending time to worry about the future will not do any good to us. We better spend the time necessary to prepare our future today. And if ever things could go awry, then maybe it is our destiny working againts us.
This is actually a reality of life we have to bite/ And bite hard as we could.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I go threw times where I do worry about what will happen if anything happened to my husband. He was in a car accident last summer and was very lucky to walk away with no injury. After this, he told me where everything is that I would need if anything happened to him. I feel much better now knowing that I will be financially secure, but it was sad thinking about it. I know that my kids will be there for me when I am older. WE are a very close family.
@videobroker (34)
• United States
20 Aug 07
The worst thing you can do when you get old is to think that having
things brings happiness. But you have to plan carefully so that you're not left destitute. It helps to have faith in the afterlife and start from now to think about your eternal, not just your temporal nature. I'd join a good church and develop your faith.
I recommend or other religious organizations that provide life-planning not just temporally but eternally as well.
Worrying about getting old will age you faster.
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@medstudents4 (826)
• India
20 Aug 07
well i think i may not be eligible for responding to this discussion as till now i have never thought about my old age..but i found it interesting so i popped in..i can comment on the initial statement only which is "Do you worry about your future" and i'll say yes..i am very much worried about that..may be because there are so many things on hold which will be mine if everything goes fine..i can not mention all those things here as some of them are a bit personal...but some things are like i'll be employed or not in the time to come specially where i want and thats in residency programming in some good city of present this is my biggest concern as everything else depends upon my placement only and if that happens exactly the way i wished for then i'll say it would be like the biggest dream come true..then i'll think of getting married and having my own happy family.and when all this has happened i'll probably be thinking of about my old age..but i can not picture that right now..:-)
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@specialleon (4)
• China
20 Aug 07
I don't really worry about that.I believe I can depend on myself when I am old.and I shall teach my children to learn to care for the old.that's not a hard job.I believe.
@akumei1269 (1749)
• India
19 Aug 07
In fact i don't think things so elaborately . Perhaps that is the reason why i don't thing future of myself . But these r things we should plan fturistically . We shouldp prepare ourselves from all aspects and in all respectrs in such a way that no one have to bear our load in our old age .
But that is difficult for low resource people like us . I don't have the courage to think about all these.
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I do think about the future. I was fortunate that my company had a 401K, and I participated for 10 years so I have that save. It is in no way enough but it is a start. I am working on paying off my house early. I figure if I have no mortgage to pay life would be a whole lot easier. I hope and pray that I remain in good health so I don't have to be a burden on my kids or live in a nursing home. I am single so lately I have being thinking I might be lonely in my old age.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Aug 07
It's good that you've got a start and not having a mortgage is good too. I know some older ppl who don't want to have a people companion opt for a pet. I don't think if anything ever happened to Hubby I'd ever look for anyone else.
Thanks For Posting!!
@sunshinecup (7871)
19 Aug 07
See it's stories like that that scare me. I don't want to end up in a nursing home, but I don't want to be alone either. However of the many things I have faced in life that I did not want to, I some how over came them. So I just look at this as another one I will face and over come when I reach it that spot in the road.
I also have a positive example as well of getting old. My Great Grandmother whom just turned 80. She has been a widow living on her own farm for over 20 years now. She still mows her own yard, with a push mow! I mean this woman goes. Well she took my two girls 10 and 8 for four days this summer and when they came home, they were plum worn out. LOL, I can't even do that to them. So I look at her and I keep telling myself, that is me. That is who I am going to be at that age.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Aug 07
My, my, twoey, such serious stuff. You are right to be thinking about the future, but don't obsess over it. Things usually have a way of working themselves out. I'm 61 and Years ago I never even thought I'd still be around at this age,:D I'm happy that I am, but I take it one day at a time. When my ex walked out(after 20 years) 6 years ago, I felt that my life was over. I had become so dependent on him that I knew I wouldn't make it on my own. Obviously I did. I guess that what I am trying to say is no matter what the future holds, we have to look deeply within ourselves to find the fortitude to do what we must do. I'm not in an ideal situation, but I'm moderately happy. I intend to stay independent for as long as I can. It is so sad what happened to the woman whose husband had to go into the nursing home. I've learned that adult children can be uncaring and unfeeling, but I do know that if I ever need somewhere to go probably any of my 4 would welcome me. So, stop your worrying and just enjoy your life and prepare for the future the best that you can, dear.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Thank you. I am amazed that so many women I talk to have no clue what they would do if they lost their spouse or had a major illness. I do try to enjoy my life and prepare the best I can. But I am a born worrier :)
Congradulations on moving on with your life. It is really hard when something like that happens. Huggs to you.
Thanks for Posting!
@senthil2k (1500)
• India
19 Aug 07
Worry about the future is very common disease which most of the human being have. Even if someone says that he or she is not afraid, then most probably they are saying the truth or more afraid to accept their fear.
I do worry about the future when I get old. I dont know how the kids will behave when they grow up. Because even though we brought them up in a good way, their circumstances may force them to behave strangely.
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@Cindi1986 (27)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I don't really worry about future when I get OLD, but I do worry about the future lol from 20-old... Don't know how long I can live lol. I hope I can be independent as soon as possible so I won't worry that much about it.