Do you have a fat cat?

Wilby - My cat Wilby is overweight.
@rosie_123 (6113)
August 19, 2007 11:25am CST
I was just reading this article in the British newspaper The Daily Mail Seems nowadays, cats, like people, are getting more obese, and this is causing health problems with diabetes and heart disease for pets. Part of the article says:"Vets have found that cats are imitating their owners' couch potato lifestyle. As a result of eating more and exercising less, more than a third of cats are overweight and the number of cases of feline diabetes has risen five-fold in 30 years. Edinburgh University researchers estimate that one in 230 - or up to 400,000 pet cats - is diabetic. Danielle Gunn-Moore, a professor of feline medicine, said: "The lifestyle of cats is changing. They are tending to eat too much, gain weight and take less exercise. "Unfortunately, just like people, cats will over-eat if they are offered too much tasty food, particularly if they are bored and have little else to do." It also goes on to say that a lot of dogs nowadays are obese too, because people just don't have the time to exercise them enough. I have to say that although I adore my 6 cats and spoil them to pieces, only one of them is overweight, as they are out a lot and take loads of exercise. But poor Wilby doesn't move so well or so quickly, as he has a bad back, so he tends to stay home all day amd the furthest he wanders is out onto the patio to lie in the sun. But, of course, he still eats as much as his more active brothers and sister so he is now quite fat. So do any of you have a fat cat? And have you got any diet tips for them?
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20 responses
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I feel for your cat. Poor little big guy! Well if he can't exercise like a normal healthy cat then of course he'll be over weight. At least he's happy loved and secure. That's what matters most, right? However, the diets that veterinarians have cat's don't like so I don't know of any other diet to feed him. I wouldn't feed him something he doesn't like because what kind of life would that be for him? A miserable one so I'd leave him be for when he does leave you, he'll leave a happy cat.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Aug 07
Thanks for your response, and I actually agree with you. Poor Wilby was a cruelty case - that's why he has a bad back, because he was badly beaten as a kitten, - so he really didn't have any kind of life until he came to me. So although I do know that his life may be sugnificantly shorter because of his weight, at least I know I will have given him the security and love that he would never have dreamed possible before I had him, and ehn he does go he will have lived happily with us.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Aug 07
How in the world can anybody be mean to an animal? For the life of me I will never ever understand. I'm so so happy to know he's with you now for I know he's well loved and really secure. Bless you for being his rescuer.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
21 Aug 07
I have no idea how people can be mean ti animals, nut sady it happens. Ignorance, cruelty, stupidity, inadequacy, cowardice and insensitivity, are all reasons I think.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Aug 07
My Banjo is getting thinner. I was told by many that when he is desexed he will not wander, not get into fights, put on weight and be more affectionate. He still roams between our place and where I work a few doors away. A cat that lives two doors down picks fights with him, he is not eating canned food much anymore, sticking to his dry food and he is getting thinner. I found out that he sometimes eats the dry dog food at my bosses place. he still sleeps on my bed at night though not always as he used to. I don't know what to suggest for Wilby other than reduce his portion. I don't know what to do for Banjo either.
@rosie_123 (6113)
22 Aug 07
Well sweet Wilby is on my knee as I write this, so at least I know he's happy! Not sure what to suggest for Banjo. I know they do say neutering makes the cat put on weight and stay nearer home, but some cats are just natural wanderers......... my Henry is a prime example of a neutered, male cat, who still fights and stays out all night, and will never put on weight! It's just the way he is I guess. Thanks for answering.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Aug 07
Thanks your comment with a sigh of relief. So now I know Banjo is not He gave us lovely cuddles last nnight..."us" being the dog and I and he slept under the covers curled up against me so I think he is happy too. Give all the kitties a cuddle from us. :)
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• United States
20 Aug 07
We have 2 cats in our house that we got at the same time but our male cat is getting fat. She eats her regular food but we also have a dog and the fat cat likes to eat the dog food. We have noticed with the added weight she is less active then the other cat we have.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Aug 07
Well I guess they are like people. The fatter they get, the less they feel ike exercising because they get tired - and this lack of exercise will make them fatter still, so it is a vicious circle. Thanks for your response.
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Wow Wilby is a little pudgy- but so cute!!!! Well as you know my boys exercise now but two years ago- they were getting fat- and after what we went through with our previous lab and diabetes- we decided to get them more exercise before this happens again- they are much happier now- when they get their exercise they don't drive us crazy with getting into as much stuff as they did before (like eating the remote to the tv- ripping apart the garbage...etc). LOL
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Aug 07
LOL! Did they really try and eat the remote? I guess that's the difference between dogs and cats - cats can go out unsupervised if they feel the need to "escape" - whereas dogs have to wait to be "entertained" - or end up finding their own entertainment!! And - yes - Wilby is pretty cute:-))
• United States
20 Aug 07
No, none of my cats are fat. They all have good body structures ( my old one is getting a little overweight but she still isn't huge). Now my dogs, my golden retriver was really overweight, but we have been throwing her ball for her to chase and she has lost a lot of weight. She looks a lot better now! Your cat is still beautiful! I love his coloringm very bright! :)
@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Aug 07
Thank you for your nice words, and for taking the time to come here and respond.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Aug 07
LOL--I found this a bit funny. I used to have a cat, named Twinkie, and she was definitely on the rotund size...but then mummy here spoiled her rotten for she had rather gourmond Brie cheese! If I fixed my Beouf Bourgninon she loved that...My two cats now are pretty lean Pyewacket has remained a lean mean fighting machine...LOL..Kissy though is a little fluffy but not overly obese...shhhh...hope she doesn't read this..she'd be very insulted!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
23 Aug 07
LOL - OK - I promise I won't tell her!!! My cats all like Brie cheese too:-)) Thanks for responding.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Aug 07
Simba  - This is Simba
Nope not really maybe Simba the tomcat is a bit but saying that he is quite big to so I could not even call him over weight lol
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Aug 07
But Simba is VERY handsome though! And probably a bit like my Sasha (on my avatar) - a large, big-boned cat, but not overweight - just big-built and strong:-))
19 Aug 07
I have a conspiracy theory about why they are getting so fat. I always used to feed my cats on Science Plan dried food, which they loved. Then one day I decided to buy them whiskers and since then they have become addicted to the stuff. I have tried to re-introduce dried food but they are not having it. Everytime I walk into the kitchen, they miaow for food, it is driving me crazy and sometimes I tell them I am not going to feed them. I know they understand, because they go off and fight with each other!! I am convinced they are putting something in the food to make the cats want more, also with the introduction of all these new gourmet meals, this isn't really helping...all for profit I'm afraid. My only diet tip is to feed them less and try and ignore the pleading as they look at you with those cute eyes!!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Aug 07
Well I can't vouch for whether this is true or not, but I did cnce read that Whiskas actually add some kind of hormone, or chemical to their food, to make the cats somewhat addicted to it! Certainly I do give my babies dried cat fod, and they eat it well enough, but their litle eyes certainly light up when a tin or sachet of their favorite "wet" food is on offer! Certainy Lily won't eat anything else really but "wet" Whiskas type food, and because she has been so sick, and is significantly underweight, I feel compelled to feed her whatever she will eat, as she is very "picky" in her eating habits and needs to maintain her weight. Thanks for your answer as ever.
• United States
19 Aug 07
Rainy loves to play hase, so she isn't too fat, but she is a bit overweight. She wasn't at all until we had her spayed and then she got chnky around the scars. The way we've been slimming her down is strict portion control (just like a people) instead of free feeding her like w did in the past and scheduled kitty breaks to get up and play with her. Even if she s napping, she'll exercise if we force her too and she started losing weight in no time. With wilby though it might be more difficult as you can't very well feed him differently than the rest of the family and he has a bad back, so you'd have to tailor his exercise...maybe play lots of games with him where he can just bat at a toy without moving so much...the kitty equivaent of chair exercises. Good luck and Rain says, "How's Lily?"
@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Aug 07
Hello to my friends moonshadow and Rain! And thanks for the advice. Yes, feeding Wilby separately would be a nightmare, because he would just steal everyone else's when my back was turned! i do try and play with him, but he just isn't a playful cat - he looks at me like I'm crazy if I dangle a piece of string or toy in front of him - he can't see what the fuss is all about! LOL! He is very happy though, and purrs all the time:-)) As for Lily - please tell Rain she is fine thanks! And I can assure you she will never get fat - even though she has also been spayed. She is a very petite, small-boned cat, - probably more the size of a 6-month-old kitten, even though she's 15 months old now, and she has so much energy, that it is hard to make her put on weight - not make her lose it! Take care and thanks for responding.
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I have one fat cat named Waffles. When I took that cat to the vet in July, the vet weighed her and told me that Waffles had gained two pounds. Interestingly, the vet never suggested that I put the cat on a diet. In the meantime, I've tried to exercise the cat by dangling a string toy in front of her. She "plays" by flopping her fat body on the floor and reaching out to "catch" the toy with two paws for a few minutes. Then she just lays there. The cat used to chase toy balls around, but has not been doing that recently and I don't know why, to be honest. She basically lays around and sunbathes in the morning. She's very affectionate, though, and I love her dearly, but I don't know how to help her lose weight.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Aug 07
Well I guess perhaps with some animals it may just be a genetic thing. I know with Wilby it is mainly down to lack of exercise because of his bad back - but perhaps Waffles just comes from what my Grandmother used to describe as "fat stock" - namely that both her parents were on the podgy side! I guess as long as your Vet isn't worried, then you shouldn't be - as long as she is contented and happy, that is all that matters. Thanks for your answer.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
19 Aug 07
As you might expect, with 26 cats, we've got a few that are over weight. The kicker is, only really 3 that could be called obese. And of those 3, 2 came that way & they have both lost weight since we've had them. That leaves Serena. Well, I know she came from a deprived household before we got her, so I think that's why she over eats. The other 2 also had deprived backgrounds but now that they feel safe they are losing weight.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Aug 07
26! Oh my - I didn't realise you had so many! Certainly I know that sometimes former strays over-eat, because they know what it's like to be hungry, so every time they see food they tend to "stock up" in case they may have to wait a long time for their next meal. In some, that goes away with time - in others, it is a fear that says with them forever. Thanks for your response as ever.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
I have two cats, and yes one of them is fat. I'm not sure what to do with her as she spends a fair bit of time outside. There are days, however, when she just lies for hours. She isn't a really big eater. Guess I can't offer much advice.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Aug 07
Well I guess some cats, just like some people, are larger than others. Perhaps it is genetics. Thanks for your answer.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
19 Aug 07
well i dont have a fat cat yet since i just got him.but i heard that we should watch the fat content in their diets and give smaller portions like a person.hows your other cat lily doing,i read some topics you wrote,i hope she is better now.god bless you and her.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Aug 07
Thanks for your answer my friend. And yes thanks - Lily is doing a lot better now! She is back to her normal, cheerful, lively, naughty self:-))
• United States
19 Aug 07
yes i have a fat cat he is so fat he can't fit in the litter box and when he tries to run he falls to the side it's so funny i just love him
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Aug 07
Awww - that's cute. Thans for responding.
@zirgham (601)
• Pakistan
20 Aug 07
No i dont have cats but cute cats are good to watch
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@donglory (677)
• Ghana
20 Aug 07
yes i have a fat cat but it is troublejavascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$cphMainContent$lbStart','') post response
• Tanzania
19 Aug 07
I do not have a cat and i like it not,but i do have a place for fatherless not cat,you know the cat is bad thing,do you know why or you need to know? Truly truly i am not interest to cats
@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Aug 07
Then I wonder why you bothered to waste your time posting in a topic about cats, especially as your post is so badly written, typed and worded that it is almost unintelligable. A big waste of your time I would say!
• United States
12 Oct 07
one of mine who just passed was 34 pounds.. i have one who is now 21 pounds.overweight,but not as bad as the other.he has been switched to a "mature formula" diet from the family has been told not to share fatty foods with him also.
• Brazil
20 Aug 07
My bofriend has a fat cat And actually she's on a diet lol
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• United States
20 Aug 07