Do You Know Someone Like This?
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
August 19, 2007 1:22pm CST
Do you know someone who purposely suckers ppl or programs to get what they want for free? I've known ppl that will purposely leave their carseat at home when they go in to have a baby so that the hospital will give them a new one for free. They sell the new and use the old one.
I also know ppl that get foodstamps and trade them for cash so that they can buy alcohol and cigarettes. The same with milk and such from WIC.
I've known ppl that will ask for free clothes and toys for their kids and then sell them on Ebay or put them in yardsales to make extra money even if the kids could have used them.
A few years back, a person I knew collected a large amount of toys from the community that were supposed to handed out to children in need. They were told to store them until they could be handed out. They were forgotten about and when they were found several months later...the person decided to sell all of them on Ebay.
It seems there are alot of ppl like this out there. I figure if you don't need really need something, leave it for someone else who really does need it. And if your getting so much stamps and WIC that you can sell them for cigarettes then you probably don't need that many to start with.
Do you know ppl like this? Do you think they are dishonest or just to blind to see what they are doing? What do you think should be done about it and would you turn someone in if they were doing something like this?
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13 responses
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Wow, you know a lot of shady people- lol.
I have one friend who always "forgets" her money whenever we meet for lunch. Needless to say I have stopped inviting her out to lunch with me. Other than that, I don't know anyone who does stuff that you listed above. At our local hospitals, you can't take a newborn baby from the hospital unless you have a carseat- so someone needs to go out and buy one. Our hospital doesn't give out free car seats.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Good thing you don't take that friend out anymore. I think if I was going to be planning to have a baby, a carseat would be right at the top of the list of things to get.
Thank you for responding!
@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I don't know any people like that but I am sure there are many around just wanting to make a buck. People think if they cheat the system they are not stealing, but actually they are stealing from someone who actually needs the assistance. Darn right I would turn them in, they are commiting a crime!
@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I know of a store chain that supposedly is for poor people they take donations and then people are goin there to buy things to sell on E-bay. Well now you can't even go in there to shop with out things being nea;ry full price or more since they caught on to people shopping in there for selfish reasons. It's really unfair to the people who really need aforable used clothes and house and toys.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
23 Aug 07
1)Do you know ppl like this?
I know of people like this, that is for sure. Real self-centered jerks in my book. I keep these people at arms length and never allow myself to be involved in there deeds.
2)Do you think they are dishonest or just to blind to see what they are doing?
Yeah I do think they are dishonest, not only to society but also to themselves. In their mind they work up an idea to some how justify what they are doing to convince their conscience to shut up. Then they attempt to convince other's as well. I had a stepfather who's brother was just like this. He once went to a rent a center, some how with horrible credit and no income furnished his house. Then a month later moved and gave no forwarding address. His excuse was, he rented from them years ago and they stiffed him on some furniture and over charged him by way too much, so this was just pay back. Huh???
3)What do you think should be done about it and would you turn someone in if they were doing something like this?
It depends on the situation but yes I would. If they have kids and buy turning them in it would harm the children as in, parent goes to jail, no. I have to keep the kids best interests in mind. I will however tell them how much they are wrong though. Now no kids or kids old enough to handle it, sure I would. While I can not go into detail as of yet, others and I are working very hard at busting and seeing one lady go to jail for this stuff. Let's just say this, she is in charge of a program geared at benefiting children and we KNOW she is pocketing funds for herself. Her children are grown and well I am sure benefiting from her deeds as well, so hey it's all good to take her down.
Trust me when it happens you will know about it cause I am going to be singing from the rooftops as soon as we bust her. :oD
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
25 Aug 07
I agree that ppl will build up their own reasonings, no matter how out there they are, to justify their behavior. It is still dishonest and it makes me wonder what they are teaching their children when they do these things. Let me know when you get her...
They had a woman a couple years back when the Hurricane Katrina happened that parked in a parking lot, put out a sign saying she was collecting for the victims for the Red Cross...ppl brought her truckloads of blankets, food, toys, clothing, you name it and lots and lots of money. Turns out she wasn't collecting for anyone other than herself. They didn't catch her but they were sure looking for her for a long time. There were others doing the same thing and they did get caught.
Thanks for posting!!
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
23 Aug 07
I do know people who expect that others owe them something or feel that they are entitled to more in life . It irritates me when I see others doing this as I have always felt that no one should be entitled to more then someone else and don't feel that anyone should expect something for nothing . It doesn't work like that and it makes me angry when I see others taking advantage of something as it is only going to affect others that have less and may actually need what these people are taking . I do believe this is dishonest . I would never be able to turn someone in for this but I have often wished someone else would have the nerve to do it as it isn't fair to those that have less and are working so hard to get more in life when others are taking from them what they should be entitled to . I would never be able to turn anyone is as I see it most often in friends and family of ours and by doing this I would not only hurt the one who did this but also the family , the children who are actually innocent in what is going on . Even though I know it is not right and it irritates me to no end , I could never intentionally hurt someone else even if what they are doing is wrong to begin with because I see that when one is hurt , others suffer along with it . Although if I was ever questioned about the wrong doings of someone else , I would not lie about it !!
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
23 Aug 07
the people you spoke about who where selling their food stamps are breaking the law and should be punished.
The person who sold the toys on ebay because they where forgotten in storage, has to answer to God. They should have kept them for next year.
The car seat problem I have no solution for that, it is steeling and breaking the law.
I have a friend who is hiding assessets and telling PG&E that they have not money. PG&E has put in a new air conditioner in their home, given them a new refrigator, and put insulation in their home. The women has a million dollar race horse for goodness sake. What galls me to no end, is she pushes her religion down my throat. I believe in God but I also beleive in living your religion. I feel you should not call me a heathen when you are lieing yourself. I do not go to church, but I do not hide assesstes to get free stuff. I do not lie and act improvished because I want free stuff. Oh well in the end we all have to answer to our maker.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
25 Aug 07
I agree...we all have to stand in judgement. It is unbeleivable what some ppl will do. I just found out that one of the ppl that rented an apartment in our complex a few months ago has been using the apartment for storage and having HUD pay the rent on it!! Talk about gall! It really gets me too when ppl talk about God and doing right when they are doing wrong to begin with.
Thanks for posting!!
@amber81 (288)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I can't believe someone would get away with that. I do however know someone who use's her kids for extra money. She had her daughter marked disabled to recieve that extra 600.00 amonth, for ssi. I can't belive how people can do that, having children isnt suppose to be to see how much money you can get out the system for them.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
25 Aug 07
A couple weeks ago there was a news story about a young man that had been arrested and had to appear in court. When he got to court the Judge was very impressed at how well read and intelligent he seemed to be...especially when his file showed he was supposed to be mentally handicapped. The state investigated and found that both the young man and his sister had been labeled as mentally handicapped as children when their mother filed for Social Security for them. She'd been receiving disability checks on them for years and the kids started receiving them after they turned of age even though there was nothing wrong with either of the kids. Now all 3 of them are going to prison and have to pay back all that money. I think they got what they deserved.
Thanks for posting!!
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
20 Aug 07
First, let me thank you for your friendship request! Yes, indeed there are people out there like this. In fact, I must admit that one of my daughters knows how to play "the system" for all it is worth and it is most embarrassing to me. She has so many college credit hours that by now she should have well over a Bachelor's Degree; but in fact does not even have an Associate's Degree. The thing that really affects me the most directly is that in my Tupperware business I have to pay for all of my catalogs, fliers, hostess gifts, and little prizes and give-aways. I have never ceased to be amazed at how many people feel that I "owe" them free gifts just because they are them. I know that in the grand scheme of life this doesn't really amount to a hill of beans; but when you are living on a government Disability check and this is your only means to help subsidize that amount, it gets a bit old at times. I have even had people bring me garbage bags full of ancient Tupperware that it is obvious came from yard sales or flea markets and tell me that they don't want to have a party, they just want me to replace all of the items they have brought for free since we do offer a lifetime warranty. Thank goodness there is a screening process for that. As far as turning someone in, I probably would not do it. Spousal or child abuse is the only thing that I know, with no questions asked, that I would automatically turn in. ~Donna
-by the way, great topic.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Wow...I never knew that Tupperware replaced old containers. I guess I just figured that if you bought it, used it and it wore out that you got your moneys worth out of it. I certainly wouldn't have the nerve to bring stuff that I'd found at flea markets and yard sales and try to get new stuff for it.
I've also met alot of ppl that seem to feel certain things are "owed" to them. I once knew a girl that had 3 children ages 3, 2, and 1. When she finally went back to work after her youngest was a year old, she commented to me that she was looking forward to getting pregnant again so she could quit working and collect WIC and such again. The last time I saw her she had 6 kids all about a year apart.
Thanks for Posting!
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Thankfully I don't know people like that, if I did I would be giving them a piece of my mind. That sort of stuff is just wrong to do and it makes me mad that people are using others to get what they want. But what can I see greed can make some people do horrible things.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Of course I do, twoey, and it is a sad but true fact that there are a lot of greedy, dishonest people in the world. Yes, they are dishonest-there's no other way to put it. It turns my stomach when I see people behaving like this. Most of the time they are already living off the system, but they still have to go that extra mile to milk it for all it's worth. My daughter was visiting yesterday. She has a friend who lives in my building. This woman just received two lump sums of money from SSI over the past 3 months. This money amounted to several thousand dollars. She had been living rent-free until then. Anyway, she was telling me that she can't believe how her friend is stockpiling food that she is getting from the local food pantries because she wants to save her money for other things. That just does not sit well with me.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Aug 07
When Hubby got his Disability we were offered food stamps... $10. a month! And HUD offered to pay $50. of our rent for a few months till he got his annual SSA raise. We are careful with our money to make things work without having to have any assistance from anyone.
A friend of mine talked to me about houses she was looking at. She has what I would call high taste and most of the houses she was looking at in her area run $600.-$750.00 a month. She said she was getting on HUD and when I suggested an apartment or even low income housing (she has 2 children and doesn't work) she was surprised. She said her kids deserved a nice house to live in. I know she wants a good place for her kids but still...
Thanks for Posting!
@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I do know one person like that and it makes me really angry because she dosent even want to work she sits on her butt and get stuff handed to her and she acts like it is her right and she gets mad if she cant get something. she signs up for the programs at christmas even though her kids are too old and lies about thier ages then if she dosent want something they give her she uses it as a gift to someone else.
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@medstudents4 (826)
• India
20 Aug 07
OMG..this has happened with me also..when i was living in my hostel we had many maids there and many of them used to ask all of the girls from our batch to give them something they need like old slip-ons,suits,any other clothing,and even artificial jewelery..we use to give them what we have spare or no more of use to us thinking that they are poor and needy until one day we found them selling things to some other people when one honest maid told us the whole thing..and i was shocked to hear that..since then i have never given anything to anybody now..thinking that it can be done by a newer person also...what you have told is really helpful at least for me..i never thought even this can happen..if i ever find such things i'll give them nothing..and i don't think that people involved in such kind of activities are blind to see what are they doing but i'll call them dishonest and leeches..
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I've always wondered about whether a person needs what they ask for or just want it. A person I know will always try to hit me up for crafting supplies so she doesn't have to go and buy them. I've gotten to where I tell her no now.
Thanks for Posting!
@bumblinbetty31 (121)
• Philippines
20 Aug 07
Although this behavior is repulsive, it doesn't mean the people who do it are inherently evil. Take my friend as an example. She would always walk with me to the bus stop, knowing that I always offer to pay the fare(I can be generous to a fault). She's never returned the favor, and she always makes sure I'm the first one to get on the bus. I was peeved by this behavior, and other friends have likewise complained of her "freerolling." One day, I learned more about her personal circumstances. You see, my friend's father is a Muslim who has two wives. He hasn't exactly been taking care of his children well. This friend of mine has diabetes, and her regular allowance sometimes can't cover her insulin expenses. It seems that she grew up always feeling deprived, and maybe feels that the rest of the world should make it up to her. I've talked to her about this, and although it may be a while before she changes, at least she's aware that others find her actions inappropriate. Sometimes it's best to find out more about a person before labeling them as greedy.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I agree that some ppl may have personal problems but I also know that their are alot of ppl who feel that they are owed something and have no problems with taking advantage of others. It is nice that you talked to her and maybe she can work on changing.
Thanks for Posting!