Why are Jehovah Witnesses still recruiting?
By whywiki
@whywiki (6066)
August 19, 2007 3:37pm CST
I was enjoying a peaceful day at home when a couple women came knocking on my door. They were JW's and were there to save me from I don't know what but I am an Atheist and turned them away. Next day there is a vanful of them about 5 of them in my yard when my husband and I return. They were "friends" come to see me. I never invited them, anyhow he turned them away a little more sternly and they didn't return. My question is...Heaven is limited only to 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses, if I convert and am really good and heaven is full will they take me anyway or is it 144,000 and that is it, door closed. How full is it now? How many spots left? Do I have a better shot at winning the lottery?
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15 responses
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
20 Aug 07
WOW, I never knew about the 144,000 thing! I used to open the door and be polite to both the Jehoval Winesses' and the Mormans who frequent my neighborhood. However, after a bad experience of not being able to get one set of them (can't remember which it was) to leave after I politely said that I wasn't interested in changing my religion, I no longer even open the door. My front door has a glass secion in it, and when I see that it is, I smile and wave them on.
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@FallenSage (43)
• United States
19 Aug 07
There's this one guy who comes to my house all the time. My dad talks to him even though he's not a JW's. But he's his christian and the same basics apply. I don't really know the answer to your questions since I'm Atheist too. But I don't think your lotter chances will increase.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
19 Aug 07
I'm getting the feeling that one of us on here, is psychic!!! I didn't know about the 144,000 until today when my fiance mentioned it. He is Mormon. Mormons go door to door too, but if you say "no" the first time, they will leave you alone. They are not as stubborn as the JW's. I am Presbyterian and we don't belive in going door to door. I agree with that.
A few JW's came to my fiance once, and he made Mormons out of them!!!! The 144,000 argument was one of the things that did it.
"Only 144,000 of you are getting saved? ALL the people in my church are going to go to Heaven."
Those JW's could not fight Mormon logic, and they converted!!! ;-)
They were on a mission to convert him, but he converted them.
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@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
20 Aug 07
That is an interesting question. I contemplated on that, too, though I am not an atheist. I still can't find the answer why more people should "recruited" to heaven when the number seems to have attained. Imagine when conversions started, I am sure they shold have already reached the 144,000 mark.
Apparently, other faiths don't have that mar. Perhaps theirs is a better and more realistic approach to heaven and justifies their continued obligation to recruit more "faithful"!
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Well I would have to say they dont feel like some of their JW brothers are worthy of getting in? Just kidding. Its common practice to spread the word, they feel the more they talk about it the more chance they will have at being the ones who make it. Talk is cheap, be a doer.
There is different interpretations on the 144k, some think its the max number, some think its the number at time of christ coming but others will follow who end up being overcomers after the resurrection. SO basically they are recruiting because they feel it will help prove themselves to god.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I must admit I know little on their doctrine. I do know that they have predicted wrongly two times the end was here, I think that they gave that up now.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
The Jehovah's Witness people pick on everybody, whywiki. They are an equal opportunity nuisance. I did not fully appreciate moving into a highrise building until I noticed some time later that I wasn't being bothered by them again. They even tried to recruit my daughter when she was a teen. She had been staying with her dad and his new family for awhile. The mother and daughter were JWs. She came home and told me that she wanted to join. I had to sit her down and explain the facts of life to her. I told her that I had no problem with her visiting their hall, but she could not join under any circumstances.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
They seem to have some strange beliefs and ways. I think the thing that gets me is when some kid is dying and the parents refuse to allow lifesaving blood transfusions. You would think that saving a life here on earth would be more important than a shot at heaven.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I can remeber those people the jehovah witnesses coming to door all the time when I was younger. My mom would never listen to them. We are catholics and dont believe in people trying to convert other people. If one of them come to me door I will tell them how I feel towards them. They will go running from my door.LOL
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
20 Aug 07
I think that it is like this.
144.000 people will have a place in heaven and it is full, but the rest of them will forever live in paradise when the world ends. They will have eternal life in a world with no war and stuff like that.
my grandfather is actually jehovas. I have no contact with him since I have no interest in the religion. he has tried many times to convert me and my family (my mom even keeps far away from him) but now that he realises that he will not succed he keeps no contact at all.
I am just glad that this is the case coz he is a real nutcase. He is one of the really fanatic ones and he truly belives that the world is close to its judgement day.
My mom actually recived a book about this from him the other day.. He does this every ones in a while It usually goes in the trash but this time I was curious and started to read... They think that we are all doomed and that we will all be gone in a short time.
@Bujoyseth (1684)
• Philippines
20 Aug 07
i've experienced that too. it was three years ago.. i'm doing my laundry then when two ladies suddenly came and talk to me about our saviour.. i am a christian but i told them that i don't have time for them to listen on what they're preaching because i've already known those teachings for i studied in a catholic school and a devoted christian.. but they insisted. they've got a lot of questions which i've answered all easily and then they're wondering why i know all those things, i know more than them. then after questions and answers, they give me magazines. i thought it was for free, but then, they let me pay for it.. why are they doing these? to earn money? i thought. words of God are for free and we don't have to use those teachings to earn money! till then, i never entertained them again!
@luintaurien (972)
• United States
20 Aug 07
These are all very interesting questions about the Jehovah Witnesses. I can't answer them since I am not affiliated with them. I am Christian but I think that everyone has their own beliefs and If I shut yours out then I am a very narrow minded person. I think that the Jehovah Witness recruiting program is outrageous. I work overnights and when they ring my doorbell in the middle of my sleep time it really pisses me off.
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I think they feel that they must go door to door so they can go heaven. It's pretty sad because they feel they can "earn" their way in. In truth there is only one way "in" I could share it with you if you'd like to hear.....MY guess is no........But if so let me know!
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
20 Aug 07
yeah I'm not here to fight about it. My dad always flew an American Flag and that keeps them away!
@elmer0421 (436)
26 Jun 23
I have this crush who is Jevoha's witness...He's straight...But I am gay but I found out JW be that homophobic.
@pioneer2009angel (135)
• United States
20 Oct 08
Jehovah's witnesses are not just recruiting but doing a lifesaving work. The fact that only 144,000 go to heaven to co rule with Jesus Christ and Jehovah God. There is only hope for most of the GREAT CROWD is on earth. Read Psalms 37:9-11.29 states that the wicked will be removed and the meek ones will possess the earth.
The heavenly hope is still opened but only if the person has be chosen by God himself, no one really know hows that person gets the calling but only between Jehovah and the person.
We are doing the preaching work door to door and everywhere is because we want to show concern for people and I know I am not going to heaven so Ihave earthly hope.
Granted it may seem wrong but Jesus did say to the robber next to him that he will be in paradise with him. So that means the new world on earth.
Whether you accept the good news or not, you will face a chance either to be part of the world or not. It only between God and you. Gratned most people feel that they are happy where they are...YET they have no answers to their questions or how they are going to be part of it is upon the 2nd chance at life on judgement day.
READ ACTS 20:20-24, Psalms 37:9-11.29.
Matthews 24:7-14, Revelation 21:3,4