BB8 USA: Ok what is missing in the HOH room?

United States
August 19, 2007 8:03pm CST
SPOILER,Please don't read if you don't wanna know what happened. Did anyone else think it was strange that Dani didn't get a letter from her B/F? I wonder what is up with that? I knew Amber and Jameka were going up,but what Dani said at the ned threw me for a loop! her real target is Jen,will we finnally get rid of her? I can only hope. but Dani made some good points when putting up Amber and Jameka,but I really want Dani gone I am so tired of hearing"i hate being stuck with people I hate" I am glad E.D. calmed down a bit and man Eric is a weasel I finally see his true colors. I hope he doesn't hurt Jessica,what are your thoughts?
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14 responses
@taylorblue (1286)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
Dani looked really excited and happy to have a letter from Nick. It looked like this wasn't the first time he wrote a letter to her. I was surprised when she said that she wanted to back door Jen. I would be happy to see either Amber or Jameka go. But I still love D*ck. HE is my favorite!
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• United States
20 Aug 07
Oh anothing Evel fan,lol. I liked how he was at first but I really dislike him after seeing what he did to Dustin and Amber on you tube,that was going way to far,even Evel fans say that was out of line. I want Jameka and Amber to stay but I think one will be leaving,even if Jen gets put up she always seems to stay in the house,some way or another,since America will tell Eric to keep her in.
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• Canada
20 Aug 07
What is that link for what he did??? Or is it something someone who watched the show would know?? I don't know...D*ck plays the game! I like that. I think Amber is too whiny...
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• Canada
20 Aug 07
I have looked at the Message Boards but I can't find it...OMG...I am so lost in there.
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@jazzfanz (54)
• United States
20 Aug 07
hmmm yea i think her boyfriend has kicked her to the curb. i know i would have after that bedroom moment. ERIC IS A DORK. BB NEEDS TO GET RID OF HIM. BAD IDEA. im out
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• United States
21 Aug 07
Sounds like it to me too,thanks for your 2 cents.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I really don't think Eric is a weasel. You have to remember he is just doing what America is telling him. He is very good at it, but it has the whole house starting to turn against him. I don't think that is quite fair. He is only doing what we as America has told him to do.
• United States
20 Aug 07
Yes that is what I was saying from the very beining but everyone wants Eric to get found out,they want to screw him over big time. Everytime I go onto the BB message boards it is everywhere,let's get Eric out! I think he is a weasel because he went along with voted Dustin out without a fight,after Dustin had backed him the whole time,that is a weasel move to me.
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@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I think Danielle's boyfriend will be an ex-boyfriend when she is out of the house. He was interviewed and is moving back to his parents home now. He wanted to marry her and Danielle is just not ready to settle down. It was clear that Amber and Jameka were going up next. Right now, the big question who will win the veto and will somebody be back doored now? I don't like the back dooring, as it is used so much this season that its overused to me.
• United States
20 Aug 07
Yes it seems even though E.D is out in the open about how he views people,everyone else like to backdoor,even Amber. But I don't think it was Jessica's intenstion to backdoor Dustin,Eric made her believe it was best. i donno who will win POV but I hope Jen gets the boot out of the house.
• United States
29 Aug 07
Although we always see the backdoor being done to players, the houseguests are not sure what to think about each other. We see and experience a whole different side of the house than the ones who are actually in there. They probably think that the only way to get someone voted out is to backdoor them, because if they put them on the hot seat in the nominations, somebody could win the POV and get that person off the block.
• United States
20 Aug 07
I am one of the few people rooting for Eric. He has done a great job considering all the curveballs that America has thrown for him. He is still staying alive in the game. He is a true manipulator which is really what the game is all about. People don't come on big brother to make friends or hook up. This isn't the Real World, it's Big Brother-they are playing for some serious cash. People are getting mad at the way Eric is playing the game but he is making it work. I can't beleive he has lasted so long especially after being outed by that stupid helicopter and banner. I think it is definently time for Jen to go, she was supposed to be gone the second week of the game. I'm ready to see Amber go, I'm tired of seeing her cry. I wonder if Danielle's boyfriend didn't feel like writing her a letter because he's tired of how much she has been crying over Nick.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
I liked Eric from the get but common they had the votes to get E.D. out and rule the house numbers wise,Eric is choosing to let America screw him and alligning with E.D. and Dani common that is low,Eric is already getting around 10K per task done and that's why he is choosing to do them. Jen needs to leave but I'm not so sure that is what will happen.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I noticed before on the Big Brother page on that they have Daniele listed as Single.... I saw this maybe two weeks ago and thought "well that's weird I thought she had a boyfriend for a year?" There was a big to-do about it on big brother after dark and ED basically just said that Daniele knows what's going on and it's no one else's place to get involved or something like that. I think, like someone else said, it was also Big Brother causing controversy and making it more interesting for the house and the viewers. I'm glad you're coming around to realize how much Eric sucks! I'm not surprised that they're going to try and backdoor Jen, though I think the smart thing would be to get Amber and Jameka out first. But Jameka can't win HOH and Amber probably won't win. Backdooring Jen is the only way to get Jen out because she's gotten off the block every single time before.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
Yes I think BB has alot to do with it,but I also think her B/F has got to be hurt as well,just look at the way she acted when Nick got sent packing. I want Jamkea and Amber to stay and would love to see jen leave,guess we will see huh?
@raychill (6525)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I'm with you on Jen leaving. But I'm really not a fan of Jameka or Amber. I just realized the other day that Jameka's from around me. She lives in Maryland and so do I. hope I never run into her ha ha.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I must have missed this discussion last week b/c I don't remember it :) I don't think it is strange she didn't get a letter. In fact, I think she may have but CBS decides which stuff to give her. For example, last time she got certain pictures, and the next time she got different pictures. So I think CBS probably has a lot of stuff that they DON'T give and they knew it would be more dramatic for her to get a letter from Nick. I don't get why Dani hates everyone and also thinks they all hate her. Honestly if she would let things go, I bet many of them would be friends with her. But since she's had such an attitude lately, it's too late to build friendships. She should be happy she's got an alliance!! Doesn't that show her that Eric and Jess must not hate her?
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• United States
27 Aug 07
You make good points,as I see it Dani only cares for Dani and she should to win I guess,I really don't like her.
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Thanks for the update I missed it Sunday, I think Dani did not get a letter from her BF because when she was HOH I thiink she got something from him then. I dont like Jen she and Amber are crybabys. I really do hope that E.D.wins I like him. And I am glad to see that he and Dani are on talking tearms and wish them the best when this is all over with
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• United States
20 Aug 07
I am glad that E.D. and Dani are talking but I still don't like the things he has said in this game. Jen needs to go and soon she should have been gone a long time ago,I can't wait to see if Dani's plan works and Jen gets backdoored.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I think they made it more interesting by giving her a letter from nick instead of her boyfriend. it gets the gossip train moving lol. I wasn't surprised by who she put up or by the fact that she wants to backdoor jen. they've been trying to get jen out since the beginning and she wins alot so its better if she can't play for the veto to save herself. I'm glad E.D. calmed down too. I think Eric has to resort to being a weasel because of the position he is in. with the way america has been voting for him, everyone is on to him and doesn't trust him, so he has to do what he can to stay alive in the game as long as possible. I think he will avoid hurting jessica as much as he can unless america makes him do it.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
You make some great points,but if America was to ask him to hurt Jessica he can always choose not to do it,if he trully cares for her he won't mind missing out on the 10k per task. I know they have been tring to get Jen out but Jen always manages to stay in,she is alot like Dani in the way she always wins when she needs to. I think Dani is a threat because she won 2 veto's and now 2 HOH if she makes it to the final 2 some will vote for her because of that fact. I do hope Amber can bring herself together enough to make a change and be a better player and save herself or jameka I am not ready for either of them to leave,because even though Dani's plan is to backdoor Jen BB always has a way of surprising you,ya know.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
20 Aug 07
It was a very predicatable show. I think that we all knew Jamika and Amber were going up. It will be great if they can backdoor Jen. If Jen plays for pov, they have to make sure she doesn't win or that plan is ruined. The letter was from Nick, not the boyfriend. That was interesting wasn't it? That poor boyfriend must be taking a lot of harrassing from his friends. Evil and Eric seemed to be ok with each other now, but I think that is all in the game. I think that Zac is doing things right. He is staying out of all the drama and staying under the radar. He might even make it to the last 3!
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• United States
20 Aug 07
You are all too right,this show is starting to get bland,things need to get shook up like last week. EVen though everyone in America wants E.D. to stay I want him gone and Jen too. I would hate to see AMber or Jameka go,but I have learned I never get to keep the people in the house that I want,lol.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
21 Aug 07
I think that Dani's boyfriend realized she just wasn't into the relationship. He seemed like a nice guy but I think that she is probably into bad boys like her dad. As for Jen she doesn't really bug me that much apart from those stupid "Jen" shirts she wears. The one who really bugs me is Amber. She is such a sniveling little whiner and all she can do is cry. I wish they would fill the house with normal people not all these kids that thing they are hot. That is why I am a Evil D fan. Tell it like it is Evil and if the kids can't take it too bad. I think he may be a little harsh though to make it to the end. The one I think will just float under the radar is Zach. No one is saying much about him and he doesn't seem to annoy anyone all that much. Jessica is too needy for me and she doesn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.
• United States
21 Aug 07
You could be right you could be wrong,I donno. I don't like what Evel has done and I don't care for Jen or Dani,but that's just me. thanks
• United States
20 Aug 07
I missed the first 20 minutes of the show, so I didn't see this. This is interesting. Did she read the letter on t.v.? I wonder what Nick told her. Thanks for filling me in, I was so upset I missed the first 20 minutes. I have watched it every time and only missed 1 eposide so far. I don't care for Danielle or Evil much. I liked them at first but I don't care much for them now. But I do think Danielle is very smart. I used to hate Jessica's voice but it doesn't bother me anymore. I can't say who I would want to win, but I don't not like Eric because of the tasks america is giving him. I read on the website where america is sabotosing (sp?) him. Like give Jessica, his best friend the silent treatment, come on. I read they were just doing stuff like this to make it interesting. I also read they kept evil in there on purpose to make things interesting. Who knows. But I am still watching and loving big brother.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
Yes she read parts of it,Eric made the comment it looked girly,and to be honest it did,it looked like a scrap book page or something,lol. I know they are keeping E.D. in for ratings,and America most of it hates Eric and that's why they are screwing him. He can choose not to do the tasks but he seems to be enjoing them now,that's kinda why I don't care for him much anymore. Jessica has never really bothered me al that much,I think she is starting to play smarter sticking with the house numbers and all,but I still don't like the fact Dustin is gone or that E.D. is still there.
@cody71 (13)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Dani also didn't have any photos of her boyfriend, which was also strange, I thought. I thought it odd there was no letter from her boyfriend, or even her grandmother, or brother. Where is everyone? I get tired of hearing her say she hates everyone too, if she does, why not leave? It might be just her age, she's awfully young. I was so surprised they turned on Dustin and left E.D. in there, they had such a good opportunity to put him out. Oh well, they have to live with him.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
Right,maybe the B/F is gone after seeing Dani with Nick? I donno but it makes me wonder. As far as leaving E.D. in the game,I don't know why they would do it but I think I have a small clue,everyone in the house knows if one of them was against him in the final two,they would win over E.D. as everyone in the house hates hime. That I think would be the only reason to keep him.
@Laurla98 (786)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I think Daniele made a good choice. In her position, the worst case scenario is that someone that needs to go home will. Amber & Jameka have been riding everyone else's coattails thru the whole game & Jen is just annoying and needs to go anyways. She really hasn't been doing that much either. I think it really should come down to Eric, Jessica, Daniele and Evil in the final four. They have done the most in the game after all.
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• United States
20 Aug 07
What has jessica done? She rode on coat tails too until she got lucky and won HOH and took someone from her own alliance out,I like her don't get me wrong,but I can't stand Dani and want her and Evel out,even if he has calmed down. Dani made a good choice yes if her ententions are to get Jen out,if Jen doesn't know what's going on she will be floored,but even if Jen goes up,she might not go home. I think Amber is going to be a good player and i don't wanna see her go now,and jameka has always been a favorite of mine.
• United States
20 Aug 07
I agree. Jessica has ridden coattails too. And in all fairness, Jameka has at least one the power of veto a couple of times and has shown integrity on the show. What always gets me, is after how long Big Brother has been airing, people seem to forget that it is a game. Mainly I mean the people in the house.
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