Have You Ever Broken A Bone?

@Malyck (3425)
August 19, 2007 8:48pm CST
I haven't, and I find it extremely odd. I was one of those kids who would climb trees, jump off my roof and fall off my bike constantly, and yet I've never broken a bone, or sustained a serious illness or injury. Have you? Share your stories.
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12 responses
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
21 Aug 07
Yes. When I was two, my mom was spending a lot of time at the hospital as my grandfather had turned into a vegetable as a result of diabetes. My sister wanted to suprize her by getting her a lemon meringue pie - her favourite. So she put me on her handlebars and off we went. Somehow, my leg got caught in the spokes and turned around. Funny thing - although now its memories of memories, I remember it up to the point I looked down to my leg - then nothing. I remember the police coming - no ambulance and the cop carrying me gently to the car. Really its mostly pleasant memories because all of my relatives came to visit and made a great fuss. Remember this, I wish we had kept in contact with our relatives. But my mom lost contact when we moved away....
• Abernathy, Texas
21 Aug 07
My second boyfriend was lebanese - his father still spoke arabic and french. He was blonde and light eyed too, not what you'd expect. I guess its like northern italians - blonde and blue eyed. I don't know why we expect other countries to be so homogenous! How great to have greek in your heritage - such a rich history. They were the inventors of so much we use today. Both of these countries likely have rich foods too - alot of eastern europeans like my family(slavic heritage) come from that sort of heritage so it doesn't suprize me that diabetes is prevailant here.
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
21 Aug 07
Haha, one of the great things about being sick or injured - having everyone pamper you and care for you =P It's sad about your grandpa, I had the same thing with my grandmother who withered away with cancer and diabetes.. I always try to keep in contact with my relatives, but hardly any of them live near by. They're scattered all over Australia.. The ones in Sydney I normally see every time I go down for a holiday/break. I have Greek & Lebanese heritage, but a shamefully small family!
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
21 Aug 07
Ahhhh the food, don't get me started!!! My mum is the most amazing cook, and she makes the best meat dishes (even though she doesn't eat it) and awesome sweets. It's amazing that we're all reasonably thin, I tell you what! It's so good to be blessed with good skin, too. I think I'm one of the few kids who didn't get crazy acne breakouts when I hit puberty, and rarely get a pimple or blemish =] My Grandma used to speak Arabic, French, Greek, Turkish, German and English - all fluently. She was certainly my idol.. I'm ashamed to say I can't speak another language =[
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@agnescav (566)
• United States
21 Aug 07
I broke my jaw when I was nine. More interesting the one child of mine who was afraid to climb fences, afraid of animals, afraid of carnival rides, just generally afraid, got hit by a car and broke her ankle. The rest of the kids were daredevils and only one of them broke a bone. She broke her toe kicking the step when she was mad at her sister!
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
21 Aug 07
How did you manage to break your jaw? wow. Ha, how ironic with your kids =]
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@agnescav (566)
• United States
21 Aug 07
i sledded into a drain pipe. Actually I was the scaredy-cat in my family. i didn't want to go sledding. They kind of forced me into it. I was the scaredy-cat in my family, too. And I don't remember anyone else breaking a bone!
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
21 Aug 07
haha, maybe with a bit more confidence your bones would have been stronger? lol =P
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@AmbiePam (96505)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I broke my leg when I was one. A teenage girl carrying me, tripped and my leg went through the wall. When I was four, I was in a car accident, and broke my collar bone. And of course, I've broken several toes, but I didn't pay attention to those. I'm not going to the hospital over broken toes.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
Ha, you've certainly been in the wars, haven't you =P Yeah, no way I'd sit at hospital for a few hours to be told my toes are broken. "really? no way?" =D
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
LOL I am exactly like you. climbing trees, doing silly stunts with my bike, falling off all the time,climbing everything climbable ( and sometimes not so climbable too LOL ) and still I never broke a bone. I had countless bruises and cuts - some that needed stitching - and I still have one or two scars that never went away, but no broken bones at all. Well apparently at some time I did have my nose broken but I never even noticed it - it just showed that it has been broken in a test done recently. ALthough sometimes scary, none of my injuries was really serious either. I think the most serious one was when I feel in the ocean bike and all but the fall wasn't more than 2 meters and the tide was high so I didn't even got hurt - much :):):) THe bike couldn't get fixed though heheheh
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
Haha, you adrenaline junkie, you! =P Nice work breaking your nose without noticing!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
LOL but that was long, long time ago, now I"m very sedate hehehe The more that I can be seen done is canoing peacefully down the lake or hiking at slow pace and in marked trails LOL I still don't believe the nose thing, I thing I should have noticed it at least LOL but apparently that is the reason why I have trouble breathing properly trough my nose :)
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I was always a tough kid, too and never broke any bones when growing up. I did jam a finger once which messed up the joint so I have a crooked pinky finger on my left hand. As an adult I injured my neck and had to have two vertebra fused because the disk was so damaged. Much later I lost consciousness due to a seizure and pulled the ligaments in one foot so badly that three pieces of bone were pulled off which actually was better than if the ligaments had pulled off of the bone because that would have required surgery and bones only required a cast. But that is about it, not much else.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
I tell you what, after your experiences i wouldn't want any more injuries either!
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@bucketkid (237)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
I've broken my wrist and a few of my fingers in goalie injuries =P I was always a rough kind of kid, my brother and I growing up on a farm, but I didn't injure anything back then!
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
20 Aug 07
good ol' sporting injuries! never a broken nose? when I used to play, our goalie broke her nose once and dislocated it twice with balls to the face. I suppose that she was never good enough to protect it =P
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Considering i was a full blown tomboy as a kid, a fighter in my teens and beyond reckless well into adulthood, oddly enough I;ve never broken a bone in my body..I've been in car accidents, fallen off a wall, fallen down stairs, gone car surfing and car jumping and the list just goes on...you'd THINK I'd have broken many LOL but nope
@LRB1111 (356)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I have also never broken a bone in my life. *(knock on wood)* lol I was your typical child who loved climbing trees, running and jumping like crazy. Nowadays I tend to injure myself a lot because I am just clumsy like that. But nothing has broken as of yet which I am very thankful for. I have had a few sprains that just healed on their own. Once when I was playing baseball as a kid I caught the ball wrong and I thought my finger was broken. I went to the school n urse and she said it was fine. But it hurt pretty bad and it was black and blue and I couldn't bend it right. I didn't wrap it or anything and so it healed back up. But to this day if I slowly extend all of my finders on that hand the pinky (the finger I injured) stays a little crooked. :( I am scared to break a bone though because I wouldn't know what to expect.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
22 Nov 07
The only time I ever broke a bone, was when i was in kindergarten. I broke my arm from a wagon accident, LOL.
6 Jun 08
I hadn't broken anything untill I was 25! Then I broke my coxcyx bone,twice, a few years later I broke my upper arm,THEN,a few years after that I broke my wrist! I too was a kid who climbed trees,walked into things,fell off bikes,fell over ice skating ect but never really hurt myself, i've made up for it since!! Take care.
• Canada
17 Mar 08
When I was four years old I fell off a chair and broke just above my elbow. I had a cast that looped around mt thumb right up to half way up my upper arm. I had a sling to keep it from moving too much. I remember when I broke my arm I was still sucking my thumb. I broke my right arm and sucked my right thumb. Because I couldn't bend my elbow it was impossible to suck my thumb. My dad said it was heart breaking to watch me craining my neck to try to get my thumb into my mouth. Anyone who has ever sucked their thumb knows that the other thumb just isn't the same.
@HansonFan (1653)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Yep - three at once actually. I was in the fifth grade and it was my best friend's birthday. We were jumping on her brand new trampoline and I guess I landed wrong. I didn't notice anything and just kept on jumping and having fun (I have a high pain tolerance). When I got down on the ground I just collapsed and couldnt get back up. My friend's brother helped me and I remember being more shocked about that than the fact that I couldn't walk. Ahh, the innocent naive years.