Recently started baking.

@shomomo (850)
August 20, 2007 8:03am CST
Hello, I've recently started baking cakes and bread. First I started with a couple of easy to make cakes such as chocolate and cheese cakes, then I moved on to harder things such as bread and pies. It's really fun and it almost always turns out great, and when it doesn't, I simply enjoy the experience. I would recommend it to anyone, especially if you're on a vacation and need something to do, It's very therapeutic!
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3 responses
• Philippines
21 Aug 07
hi! can you give some tips on how to make a good and fluffy cake. I can't do it right.
• Australia
23 Aug 07
The more you beat your cake batter with an electric beater the fluffier it can get. But having a fluffy cake also depends on what ingredients you use. Heavy ingredients like fruit etc should be slowly tossed into your cake mix with a metal spoon, after its been beaten so you dont loose the air you've beaten into it.
@shomomo (850)
• Israel
28 Aug 07
I didn't know about the beating time, I think you should fold the materials in order to get more air inside, and I would suggest doing a bun-marrie (putting the cake inside a "water bath" and bake it like that)
@xiuluoelly (1224)
• China
26 Aug 07
It seems that many people like to do their own cake like the food, although I like the wind, but I will not do, on the one hand because it is very troublesome, and the second is perhaps a dumb because I always done well, so I envy you.
@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
20 Aug 07
I love baking too, but that was before when I am not working yet, since I dont have to do baking is my past time. I did bakes muffins and tried to bake cake too but baking cake is hard specially when you dont have complete equipment for baking. Now that i am working i dont have the time for baking but i have time for experimenting any kind of menu for our dinner or lunch but not often.