Sending out good karma and sweet vibes!
By sunshinecup
@sunshinecup (7871)
August 20, 2007 10:58am CST
Hey I am tired of the negative energy aren’t you? So I have decided to send out some good karma, positive energy and wonderful vibrations to those in need of it. So here it goes...
??*Twing* ?? *Twing* ?? *Twing*??
Yeah it really does make that sound. :oP
So here is my question, when things are getting you down or putting you in a rotten mood, what helps you the most. Supportive upbeat friends? Music, dancing, no, I didn’t mean that, I meant prancing, yeah there you go. Come on guys and gals share your secret, what is it and why does it make you feel better?
There are some dark clouds trying to roll in and block out my sunshine. I am in need of some love as well people, so if you have any great warm fuzzy feelings you want to send my way, please do. Oh and I want to hear it’s sound effects to.
Ok if you are going to be shy about then I will answer first. I love being silly when I am in my worst mood. It really just brings out the positive in me and smothers the negative. So I sing off key more so than when I am really trying to sing. I also injure myself trying to dance, which looks like a chicken trying to throw up. I do anything and everything as silly as possible and let me tell ya, it works for me. Now what it does to those around me...well that’s a different story, :oD
Ok it's your turn!
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17 responses
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
20 Aug 07
when I am really down it actually helps e to really cry it all out. after crying i feel alot better =)
On ething that also gets me in a better mood is listening to really sad and depressing music. i am aware of how strange that sounds but it really does help me - maybe it is because I then realise that I am not alone and that there are people out there who are worse of than me...
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@sunshinecup (7871)
20 Aug 07
Marie I am not feeling the love, where's the love???? Ha ha that's ok I think yours has a silencer on it :oD
The sad songs works for me as well, it keeps me reminded I am not the first to hurt nor the last. Tell the truth though, have you ever turned on the most heartbroken one you can find, then act it out as it plays. You know with the facial expression, tears and everything? LOL, I have to admit, I have, when I was alone and knew for a fact no one was ever going to see it. It made me feel so silly and wonderful inside and there is nothing in the world like the feeling one gets from smiling through tears.
Any way Sweetie, I know you are surviving your storm clouds here lately and doing so like the truly strong woman that you are, I must say. Just knowing how well you are doing is inspirational not only to me but to many of us. I am proud of you girl, you are doing great.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
20 Aug 07
Awww, that is so sweet - thanx alot.. really needed that. yeah - been through alot lately, however I am strong and writing my feelings down here and getting feedback really has helped me as well as you have. I am sure that people are going through the same and alot worse as well, even though it is hard to think like that when u are in the middle of it..
To be honest - I have acted out during a song *hehe*
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
20 Aug 07
I though this was so sweet and it made me alittle proud - hope u dont mind that I am using it in a discussion of mine =) If so - please let me know
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@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
21 Aug 07
Aww, bless ya hunni. Thanks, that was just what i needed first thing in the morning, sending at all back to you plus a few :D:D:D:D
@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Aug 07
LOL, I have the most red neck neighbors anyone could find. I am talking get drunk and fight the wife in the front yard, country music blasting, four wheel riding bunch of true blue wanna be good old boys. So any thing I can do to irritate them just a smidgen as they do me, I am all for it. I will not only sing Aretha Franklin off key as loud as I can, but there has been times my no-rhythm rear, will take a shot at rap in the back yard. Ha on them and YAY for me, cause it does make me feel so much better when I am done. :oD
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Well, I just read "The Secret" about a month ago, and let me tell you... I have tried to live by that for about 15 years!!! I remember the day I decided to never be unhappy again - I found a lawyer to get a divorce!!!
It is a concious decision to be happy, and we just need to make that choice and live by it (yeah, I know, easier said that done - but it CAN be done!!!).
I just don't let things get me down. My husband and I are "fighting" but I really don't care. If he wants to be mad, he can, but I'm not. It's just not worth the stress to me.
Thanks for the good Karma though - it's always helpful!!!
I guess what helps me get through it is just smiling. I just want to smile all the time so I do. It really helps!!!!
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@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Aug 07
"It is a concious decision to be happy, and we just need to make that choice and live by it (yeah, I know, easier said that done - but it CAN be done!!!). "
Oh yeah it can, it's just on how you choose to view things. I am so learning it now and I am determined to make this change part of me.
"I guess what helps me get through it is just smiling. I just want to smile all the time so I do. It really helps!!!!"
Ha the worse thing I can do to someone in the real world that is trying oh so hard to get under my skin, is to stand there and keep smiling in their face. To me, a smile is a wonderful shield to deflect negative energy. So I think it's great you love to smile! Don’t stop :o)
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@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
22 Aug 07
Zing!* Ping!* Coooeee!** Yowwwwwiiiiee!!** Great idea sunshine cup, you made us all laugh!
When you are feeling a bit down or negative, have you tried going somewhere and shouting as loud as you can? Just anything, doesn't matter what. If you can find somewhere that will throw back your echo, it's even better! Try feeling down after doing that - it's impossible; all you can do is roll about in fits of laughter.
My dogs also make me feel better when they look at me with their big brown, soulful eyes, so I will play with them and act silly, dancing around the house with them - and it works!
@sunshinecup (7871)
22 Aug 07
Ha ha ha your sounds back more energy than mine!!! I love it!!!
I have done the bury head in pillow and scream thing, but man your suggestion sounds to much better. After a ran here, it does pick up an echo and I have a huge "Natural Tree Reserve" (unkempt abandon city property that’s a tax right off) behind my house that would be perfect for that at.
Thanks for the suggestion and the love! I am off to work at school today and I could so use it. Not for the children, the adults I have to deal with. :o(
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@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
21 Aug 07
music, a hot bath. I actually stumbled across your question at thr right time as I was getting in a grumpy mood from the negativity.... anyway your question made me smile thanks.
the other day I was having a bad day and I decided to goof around a bit and before I knew it I was in a good mood again.
@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Aug 07
Yep, it just takes not giving those ugly moods too much attention and shoving them out of the way with some happy thoughts. I am so learning that, now if I can just retain it.
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@medstudents4 (826)
• India
21 Aug 07
hi sunshinecup...thanks for your wishes and the good karma and positive comes the wonderful vibrations also..phewww..i feel have got them all now....hhhhhhh...sigh..well for me to upbeat myself is very similar to you..i hope i does not sound silly but when the circle of negative energy enlarges and i feel real just start laughing..i don't know but when the problems are just too much or everything seems not working for me..i start laughing that 'oo gosh..i am so stuck up with silly things ' thinking that in my mind..and after sometime i am all fine as i start listening to dance numbers and i do all the crazy steps and try to copy break dance if its playing...and hhhhhhshhh..everything fine again...i then start thinking about the problem in a bit sensible way..i mean what can be done to solve it if i still wish to solve in this way i have solved many problems of mine since my don't know why i start laughing may be because i love humour and may be its inside me
here are my wishes..with special effects ;-) sending towards you..
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@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Aug 07
AH, thanks I so need it to! LOL, I love the sound yours made also! :oD
I think the trick is to just take your mind off of it all and think happy, silly and be free from those dark, stinky old feelings. Just let go! So anything you suggest or do, will never sound silly to wait they will, thus making them logical! Get it? Ha Ha
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@medstudents4 (826)
• India
21 Aug 07
Hey know as i posted my response a sweet little red star appeared there before my username matching with my it magic..??your wishes and vibes really worked..ha..ha..i know its my century just wanted to post under your discussion...cheers(from
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Aug 07
"??*Twing* ??*Twing* ??*Twing*??
Yeah it really does make that sound.:oP"
LOL that must be the American sound..In Canada its more of a *BING* type sound ;-)
"So here is my question, when things are getting you down or putting you in a rotten mood, what helps you the most."
Hhhmm well it depends really...more often than not i just need to take some time/few hours to myself completely (no phone/computer/talking to anyone including the kids and my hubby etc) and do my thing ya know..There are times though when I get heavily loaded/overwhelmed and when that happens getting through it etc is a little more detailed for me...and then there are times when I just ahve to let the moment run its course ya know.....
SOME of the things (though it varies greatly from moment to moment) that help, meditation, hot long shower and some pampering, a nap, writing/painting/drawing etc...reading can do wonders too at times...or maybe watching a really depends actually
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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Hi Sunshine, I think this is the first I have read from you and I see you have a great sense of humor. There is nothing like a sense of humor to chase those blues away.
There are way to many people on here that are sooooo serious. You indeed are a breath of sunshine. Lol.
When I am down I dare not sing or dance. One will cause a fracture and the other will cause others to fracture me. Upbeat friends are great. Humor of any kind always helps. And for someone to tell me they love me always does it.
So if your feeling low just look at my avatar. This is taken off Kauai Hawaii and see yourself standing by that lighthouse. You can jump up and down and sing all you want for there is nothing like a beautiful place to lift your spirits.
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Hey sunshine!!
Good mood boosters:
calming, classical music OR loud heavy metal 80's music,LOL
a hug from my kids
a piece of melt-in-my mouth Dove chocolate
guilty pleasure TV viewing
people magazine or any other mindless reading material
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@sunshinecup (7871)
20 Aug 07
YEAH!!!! That was wonderful and so much louder than mine! :oD
80's music is always a great booster, it was so silly back then and just happy go lucky really.
"Wake me up before you go go..."
Ha! Who can stay in a bad mood after hearing that?
Thanks for sharing the love!!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
21 Aug 07
BOy, oh boy I needed that. Sending more back at you :):):)
I like this and think we all should do it more often :)
SO what do I do when I am at my lowest? Well, like you I like to be a bit silly. Try to allow humour and laughter to make things a bit less scary and frustrating.
Other things I do can be more considered more avoidance than anything else : reading, playing music, drawaing.... but they make me feel better so it's ok as well:)
@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Aug 07
Oh drawing is a good one!
I love setting down in the floor and coloring & drawing with my girls. Of course since they are being so well behaved at the time, then I have to resort to being the bad kid. Then in return they become the strict parents. So I reckon drawing leads to acting silly again. Man I can't get away from it. Maybe it's just a natural state for me? COOL!
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
20 Aug 07
What a wonderful idea. The other day someone flamed me for no reason, saying things that have never been said to me, awful things she wished would happen to my baby. I put it in a blog and today decided to take it off. I just want to forget and move forward to positive things. Focus on positive people here and all the interesting discussions.
Here are some warm fuzzies blown over your way (ever read Ziggy)just as you requested. BTW, I too do silly stuff to cheer myself up - my sister does the same, if I'm mad because I'm having trouble in Word or another program - or with the blinds or something - she makes a joke. Confuses the heck out of me because beside the feeling of frustration - I can feel the laughter bubbling up!
If its really bad I nap and allow myself a daydream of say the little energy efficient house I want, or the travel I want to do, what my baby will be like as he gets older. Another suggestion, look up massage therapy schools in your area and go to a student clinic - they charge a nominal fee - but far less then regular price - and you'll do a good thing for them and you! Remember to tip!
Anyway I hope you and all mylotters a fortuitous day.
@sunshinecup (7871)
20 Aug 07
Gee I wonder if that is the same nut that came after me yesterday? hmmmmm Oh well what would life be without a few nuts around? Shake them off and go on, trust me they aren't worth our time.
I love the sister thing. I didn't have any sisters, just three over grown monster size brothers. The best they did was put me in rotten moods, LOL. It's ok they don't post here so I can say that, ha ha on them :oD
I will have to give that massage thing a try, I do think there is one about 3 miles down the road from me. Never thought about going there. Hmmm thanks for the tip!
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
21 Aug 07
Thanks for the Positive energy! I could actually hear the "Twing!" I've been doing the positive thing for many years. Its easy once you get It. I do it by always Being Thankful. Look around you Now. Everything you see is something to be Thankful for, and Of course Lots that you can't see as well. I've found that when your thinking of All your Blessings you can't think of Any Negatives. Also I watch my moods. If I feel I'm slipping down, I realise it, and consciously bring my mood back up again. Its all in your head!
I'm always trying to be funny, and sometimes I surprise myself when all around are Laughing( I didn't know I was That funny)
@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Aug 07
"Its all in your head! "
You are so right! It really is after all.
I so get what you are saying. Today would have been a bad day from the start, raining, sick kid, and hubby with a tooth ache, but I so turned it all around. Grass needs the rain, my child can still laugh and I can laugh with her and Hubby is home from work giving me a bit more time with him. So now my day is wonderful and I love it!
Happy Happy Joy Joy is my theme for today and I am so sticking to it :oD
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@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
21 Aug 07
HI sunshinecup! :) *tOinkz* hehe.. I do crazy dances and sing songs (I am always out of tune)... And sometimes, I make funny faces in front of the mirror. LOL... And often, when I feel that some kind of burden is inside my heart and I want to let it out, I go out of the house, take a deep breath and do jumping2x. hehe...
Take care and God bless!
@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Aug 07
WOW I could so feel it!!!! Thanks!!!
You just gave me a great idea and something else to amuse or scare my neighbors with! My girls just got a trampoline this summer, when things get ruff, I will just go out there and bounce my self silly for a bit until those feelings are gone!! Ha Ha on the guy next door!! :oP
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@CatalystDave (19)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
OWW! Your good vibes just got me in the eye! Gah! *grin*
...just kidding of course. Thanks for the warm fuzzies!
Personally, when I need to cheer up, there's a few things I do. If possible, I meditate. If not, I have what I call a "Mime Freak-out" - act like you're absolutely freaking out in the worst possible way, but completely silently. If possible, in front of a mirror. The site of yourself freaking out and jumping up and down in impotent rage is actually pretty darn funny!
If that doesn't work, I ask myself if I would laugh about this situation in 5 years. If the answer is no, then I keep adding more years. If I know I will robably laugh about this in 20 years, then I can probably laugh about it now.
In a worst-case scenario, I watch someone dance like a chicken trying to throw up. :-)
(Sorry, couldn't resist! *grin*)
@sunshinecup (7871)
20 Aug 07
Hey was that you in my window!!!! :oP
You do have some wonderful advice there, adding more years until you can laugh about it. Man I love that idea! +++++ for you my friend, I love it!
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
22 Aug 07
♥ ♥*Twing* ♥ ♥*Twing* ♥ ♥*Twing*♥ &hearts
Sent you much love and positive vibes!!
Sometimes I listen to music.
Occasionally I write poems.
Watch a funny TV show or movie that I love.
Spend time with loved ones.
I also like to act silly...really silly. But I do that regardless of my mood. And I also dance on occasion while I'm listening to music.
But mostly I just try to think positively.
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@woodlandboy (15)
• United States
28 Aug 07
he he, i love this post, i plus everyone for returning such happiness. thiis is nice to read and see. you are a sweet person glad you on my list of freinds.
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
21 Aug 07
oh!oh!..i feel it already the positive vibes coming in.
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