If Jesus, Buddha, Moses or Mohammad came back today..what then?
@Perspectives (7131)
August 20, 2007 10:45pm CST
Within the growing polarity within politics, religion, gay rights, abortion and a lot of other things I was wondering how people of all religious faiths would respond if any or all of their great leaders from the past came back today and announced that they were...Jesus, Buddha, Moses or Mohammad?
Can any of you imagine what a stir that would create? Do you think anyone would actually believe them..or would they be carted off to a psych ward, put in jail, cause rioting in the streets or brutally condemned for daring to make such a claim. Do you think anyone would greet them with open arms or listen to what they had to say...or would their bigotry or indignation get in the way of even giving them a chance to 'prove' that they were who they claimed to be. How do you think they would dress...the way they are depicted from historical paintings? What if they were dressed in modern attire...could that make them seem less credible? Probably so...or maybe not?
What would you need to have happen before you would believe and what would it take for others to be convinced? Something to consider...people often have a tendency to not open their minds..they just listen and re-arrange their prejudices. Thought this might be an interesting topic for our 'thikers' to consider.
Anyway I've been busy completing a couple of writing deadlines and will be responding to everyone in the next couple of days. I check in..rate and go back to work. But I do value all your comments...and we will keep the sharing circle going...with your assistance of course.
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9 responses
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Considering that under my belief we are to expect a false prophet claiming to be the second coming of Christ, and millions will fall for it, I'd have to trust my gut and hope it's right.
I can only begin to imagine the beating that our Creator (whatever name He/She might be using) would take from the press and the clergy. They'd probably try to lock Him/Her up and/or execute Him/Her.
What I'd like to see: The neocons & Illuminati instantly disintegrate into dust and be blown off the earth. If God is the type of God (whatever His/Her name might be) I believe He/She is, the evil, controlling, 2-faced, lying war-mongering, murderous, sneaking, theiving, abusive people would be wiped off the face of the world and good people can begin again with the free will we were given at birth.
However, with religion (for lack of a better word) being kicked out of everywhere but churches, synagogues, temples, private homes, etc. God may not see fit to help us thwart the new Hitlers this time around. There may be no Noah this time.
Another however, if I let myself believe there is no salvation at all from the evil taking over our world, I would go catatonic and spend my days drooling with my mind on some far off planet and my nights in silent terror.
Yeah, I know. I can't get off the neocon kick. Sorry.
It seems most every subject leads me back to that in some way.
Chalk yourself up another great "thinker" of a discussion!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
21 Aug 07
Oh Shannon...you are such a great, gutsy gal! Your views are always..staight up...from the heart and often with both barrels blazing! They are just a few of the reaons that I enjoy you and what you share here!
Raising the point about the second coming of Christ and the false prophet is an excellent one. Couple that with the fear based thining permeating much of society the paranoia could certainly be projected towards any religious figure claiming to be one from the past.
The one thing I would naver associate with you is being catatonic. You have such passion for life, for those you love and care about and the confidence to speak your truth...nope that is not something I can ever see happening to you...and those of us who have contact with you certainly hope not.
Your thinker works well...even at this time of night. Thanks again for adding your valuable perspectives here.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I just hope the destruction of evil comes before the destruction of mankind. Things are getting ridiculous.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
21 Aug 07
Well it's an interesting question for sure. Perhaps the false prophet is in fact the New Age Movement - does one really know? This movement has heightened the 'Iluminati' and incited allot of aggression in the process. It begs questions in the effect it's having in a positive way.
The human condition is such that it has fallen further from a state of grace and receptivity to presences of such magnitude as Buddha or Jesus or Mohammad etc. People are still looking outside for some form of saviour when it can only be found within. Why is that such a difficult concept to fathom. Jesus was a man, an ordinary man who went through the human condition in such a way as to show that any man/woman has the ability to do so. Christ became his saviour because Jesus opened himself to the point where he found Christ in himself.
In Hindu Teachings, that of Sri Aurobindo it is written that many who sat in the presence of The Mother could do so for short periods because she reflected so much fire that the mere uninitiated could not handle the fire. They could not stand the amount of love she emitted.
Many spiritual teachers of high calibre (and I mean serious teachers with integrity) will reflect to their students. The students become blubbering idiots in their presence.
If Jesus were to reincarnate, would he get in front of a microphone and tell the world he was Jesus reborn? Or would he be more effective by letting people come into his presence and allow themselves to be guided and held, reflected and transformed and shown their own divinity?
If Jesus or Buddha or Mohammad were to stand in front of me, or I in front of them I hope I can be strong enough and grounded enough to ask for a hug. Wouldn't that be the most beautiful thing to receive. What a hoot! To be touched by a presence of that calibre - could I love myself enough to have that pleasure?
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
You are welcome..I always enjoy reading your posts...here, on your site or others. Your Source-centered energy comes through in everything you say. Wishing you light filled blessings on your journey of discovery. It is good to know you are out there adding your special light and love to this plane.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
Oh Technie..how wonderful to hear from you again...and to have such a loving, insightful and spiritual perspective to the topic. Your analysis of our present times in relation to high resonance teachers is aptly put...thank you for that.
Your views about why it is hard for people to understand that our connection to Source is within is something I find hard to grasp as well. But then once you start down this path there is greater clarity than seeking answeres outside oneself.
Your closing comments about allowing yourself to have the pleasure of a hug...with all the inner work and valuable insight you continue to develop...it would probably not too challenging. I bet they's enjoy one from you too.
Your thoughtful insights are appeciated.

@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
21 Aug 07
All those people are only responsible for creating man's made religion. So they would have a hard time proving anything.
However... Jesus is the exception as he is resurrected... so he is still alive... and one would imagine that he has great powers... so it should not be too difficult for him to prove who he is.
But you are right... apart from the very religious people who are prepared to believe anything their faith throw at them... but will not believe in any scientific evidence...
The opposite is true... Those people like me who rather believe in scientific evidence will want proves if anyone claims to be Jesus.
Now... I would love to see the real Jesus coming back and proving to all those who did not believe that they were wrong.
But that said... even if Jesus can prove that I was wrong... I am going to have a long list of questions for him... because him and his father have a lot to answer for...
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
22 Aug 07
You won't need to be a fly on the wall.
I will invite them to debate my arguments on Australian Television... and it will be broadcast world wide via satellite... LIVE. (laugh)
You have inspired me to ask a new question. As Jesus is not here yet... I thought I would ask the people of myLot.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
Well if and when that occurs, I will have my satelite tuned to whatever channel your on. Topics like this create interesting scenarios...and yours certainly is that.
I will check out your site..your 'inspired' idea has me intriqued!
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
You have put some interesting ideas on the table...and yes, Jesus and his powers could be one way that proof could be provided. I'd sure love to be a fly on the wall if you had the chance to question Jesus and Creator. With your pragmatic approach it would be very, very fascinating!
Great input again!

@ZenDove (698)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I remember the first time I took my son to a baptist church, he was 4. Upon leaving, he said, "The music was good but I don't think that Jesus wanted a fan club" From the mouths of babes, right? I don't think that any of these religious gurus or leaders would announce themselves as such. I mean, it's not quite the same as showing up in a cape and saying "I'm Batman"! Lol.
You always know when you are in the presence of loving energy. (Sort of like reading your discussions, perspectives, and the way that you respond to posts!) Christ energy, christ-light, Namaste - if I can recognize the Christ energy in a neighbor or a cyber-friend, surely I would feel it while in the presence of the "original" Christ. No announcement, explanation nor fan club would be needed. What would I do? Same thing I do everyday - try to learn something.
My husband (raised a Catholic) asked me what would I do if Jesus came again and said that I really did need to worship in a church and confess my sins and all the rigamorole that comes with religion that I just don't go for? I said that I would laugh hard, shrug my shoulders and find out if he really is a good sport!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
Hi again Zendove
I love your story about your son...so much insight for one so young...but then he does have a great role model in you. His comment is something I subscribe to...the common thread in all of these leaders is their message of love towards each other. They do not need the adoration that many say they do...the message was for us to work with.
Thank you for your honoring comments about picking up on loving energy from a cyberspace friend. I abolutely agree with you that sensitive, aware people would be aware enough to 'Know with their know' who was 'the real deal.' I also smiled when you said that you'd find out whether he is a good sport...good one!
Your caring, thought provoking views are such a welcome addition to whatever we are discussing.
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@DanaMark (807)
• United States
21 Aug 07
It would take something spectacular for me to believe Jesus had returned. If someone just walked up and said, "I'm Jesus" there would be no reason to believe that. When Jesus returns,it will be the end of the world. So that would not just be someone walking around like a normal person. There will be phenomenal events throughout the universe when that happens.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
Yes, according to Biblical prophacy that is the way events are going to unfold. It certainly would create some profound changes that many would be be prepared for. Thanks for that addition...we sure are receiving some interesting musings.
@goddessglamourpuss (261)
21 Aug 07
I think for someone to actually stand up and claim to be Jesus or Mohammed etc. then they would either have to be a)very brave
b)very stupid
c)the real deal
I can still remember the ridicule that followed David Ike when he claimed to be the Son of God, and I imagine that the same would be true now - unless they weren't famous and just got sent to a psych unit.
I think amongst the religious community it would cause a great deal of consternation. For example, say some guy claimed to be Jesus then Christians would either be proclaiming the Second Coming or denouncing a false prophet. But if this individual WAS proved to be Jesus then the implications would be massive.
Other religions would be cast into serious doubt as people would be demanding that their deities put in an appearance. Also faith would take a serious knock as all religions claim to be the one true path. Could you really continue to be a Muslim when Jesus has just appeared on Earth? How long would you wait for Allah to appear?
Similarly wouldn't this mean that we would have to accept the stories of the Bible as historical fact - as many would already have us believe. Would there be more religious fervor as devout Christians preach to the unconverted who no longer have the 'prove it' response to hide behind?
Personally, I don't know how I would react. I don't actually subscribe to any religion but I would like to think that I would at least be receptive to such an event.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
You have presented some balanced and well thought out views. Bringing up the idea that an appearance by any of them, particularly Jesus would create challenges for others who do not appear is an interesting idea.
I cannot help but wonder if Jesus came back whether he would be as dogmatic or determined to convert others as many of his followers are. Or would he be loving, honoring and respectful of all other ideologies and re-instate what he said before...that love others and treating them the way we'd like to be treated is the new commandment? We're not there yet...but it still is a great message..no matter what religion preaches it.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
well, if jesus (or whoever) did come back... they would need to do some miracles.. or else they would end up in a nut house.
plus, they would need to challenge david blane and chris angel..
but let me be the first [atheist] to say that if this happened, i would be a believer.. but... i would have a LOT of questions for this guy... all the logical and historical inconsistencies in the bible and for god... i mean, i would tear this guy apart with my questions...lol and so would other atheists..
but, since he knows everything, we would get all of our answers and we would be satisfied.. but would we go to heaven? i dont know... and i dont really care because i understood "why"..
but this is all obviously out of the question.. as there is no [Judeo-Christian] god and all religion is wrong.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Aug 07
I always thought that if Jesus came down , he would be arrested for disturbing the peace.I think all would be in modern dress.I think that Jesus wouldn't be able to go to temple or He wouldn't be able to get into Christian churches either.Mohammad may have a better go at being accepted.And Buddha would would have the best chance of his message being accepted because he would appear as a dream.And Moses. He would be dismissed as a cult leader.Anyway, how could Moses get all his people to go?These days Jews are all over the world and are not in bondage so they wouldn't follow him.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
I think you could be on to something. It is a good depiction of how people could conceivably respond. Like you, I cannot envision the masses today being able to wrap their minds around anyone claiming to be a religious figure that they have been taught about in so many different ways. The definers that they identify with could be hard to accept in our modern world.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
It is a lovely way to look at it...but my concern is we cannot love and accept others and that is the basic commandment of most religions. I know with enough love many of our challenges could be resolved...but many miss the call and choose to judge by appearances. I, like you would love to believe that any one of our great religious leaders would be accepted and honored...but would they really?