I Have A Unique Problem, Can You Help?

@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
August 21, 2007 12:21pm CST
My parents are moving four to five hours south of their orginial area. They're moving things a little at a time. My mother thought it would be a great idea to take one of her cats down for a few days so she could kind of get a smell and look around the place and then take her back to her "old" home and return with the cat when she went back down with another load. Well it didn't quite work out that way. Mom had walked her around outside on a leash so she could look around what is to be her new home. She got off the leash but Mom was able to catch her. The next day her cat flew out the door and Mom went after her but thought she was ok for she was looking around the sheds and other buildings. Mom went to get her because she was getting too close to the woods but when Mom bent down the cat took off and she hasn't seen her since. I've put up fliers on every major stop sign so no one can get past without seeing it. We've passed out fliers door to door. Mom had to go back to the old home eventually to pack some more but quickly returned when she got a phone call from her next door neighbor who has horses and said she was just in his barn but he didn't want to make a big fuss over her in fear she'd disappear so he went to his house to get some food for her in hopes that would get her to stick around. Well she didn't. He got a trap from his son in law in hopes to trap her. No such luck. Mom went home again and got another phone call, some kids down the road where riding their 4 wheelers and saw her and called. Mom wants to get a dart gun to tranquilize her because she's not coming to anybody because she's fearful of strangers. She won't come to Mom's calling for we think she's just wanting to "go home" which isn't her home anymore. Mom is going to keep her in the "new" house now since she's been down there for so long (three weeks) but she has to catch her first. She's what's called a ragdoll. It's a siamese cat with white feet and she's 4 years old most likely running scared and doesn't want to come to Mom's calling in fear of a number of things, being put into the carrier again? New place? What ever the reason, Mom is beside herself. I don't know what to do or how to catch her for she's a cat unseen and sure can run faster than I can. lol Does anybody have any suggestions on how to catch her? We've tried food and water and didn't work. I'm at a total loss. HELP!!
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12 responses
• United States
21 Aug 07
Having your animal get loose can be very upsetting, especially if your trying to aclimate them to a new enviornment. I had a somewhat similar problem with one of my cats. I live in the state of Virginia near the North Carolina boarder, so it hardly ever snows here. Well, one time it snowed a whole bunch in one night and during such, our cat was outside. We first worried that he might of froze or hurt himself, but when we phoned our neighbors they said they saw him, however he looked very scared, frightened, and skiddish. We came to the conclusion that he probably did not know where he was because everything looked and probably smelled different. We tried alot of things, including calling of course, but none of them seemed to work. Later that night one of our friendly neighbors suggested that we put out some dirty clothes (because they had our "home" scent) with some food and check it every hour or so. Well, we went up and down the street and put some dirty clothes along with some food under every cozy looking bush on the street (If we had a trap big enough, we would have used that). Sure enough, in about two hours we found him huddled under a bush in the middle of some of the smelly clothes, brought him home and kept him inside until the snow melted. So my suggestion to you would to be to do the same thing, especially where she has been sighted. I hope this helps, and let me know when your mother finds her, I know she will.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Aug 07
I've added you to my friends list, will you accept?
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
22 Aug 07
Well... it looks like your cat has found its freedom and intends to keep it. Cats are not like dogs. They hate being locked up and even more being put on a leash. Cats are free spirits and do not like being told what to do. It is only when you stop running after the cat and trying to catch it that he will comeback to you. Cats don't get lost. It knows where you are... but it also knows that you are going to lock it up again. And now that it knows what it is like to be free... it is going to give you hell over it. You can read a post I just made about my cat http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1251103.aspx
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• Australia
23 Aug 07
I take my cat with me when going on holiday. He always take off when we get to a new place. But he never get lost. He usually comes back within 24 hours because he is hungry. But here in the bush... he has been away for as long as four days. Many times I did think I had lost it... but he always come back. Either... someone is feeding your cat... or it is catching its own food. Maybe it has found another cat to play with. It is usually the other cats which interest them and keep them from coming home.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Her cat was put into a carrier to be brought down to her new home. She's never "locked" up except when taken to the vet or in this case to her new home. Also, cats DO get lost if they're not familiar with the area and in this case, she didn't but I'm sure she does now. Yes most are free spirits just as she is but she's probably running scared because she doesn't know what's going on and why she was brought to this place to begin with.
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@rimsha (806)
• Pakistan
22 Aug 07
Yes it is a unique problem.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Yes it is and I'm looking for a solution. Got any?
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
22 Aug 07
The live trap is really your only choice. Go around & find o ut if there is a feral colony around the area. But if she is seen in one area more than once, that's where you need to set the trap. Use really "stinky" food like actual tuna to bait the trap. Good luck. Oh, and it takes more than a month to aclimate a cat to a new place & think of it as home, so taking the cat down early wasn't a good idea. Unless you can lock the cat up, leaving them for the last moment - locked in a bathroom or someplace is the best thing to do. When I moved back in 1984, I couldn't lock the cats up in the bathroom at my old place, so I took them to the new place & locked them in a room that nothing was going into so I could put a litter box & food & water in it. They were safe while we emptied the old place & put things in the new one.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Her next door neighbor helped her put a trap up with food inside but she hasn't gotten in it so far. We think she sees it as a carrier type of thing and doesn't want any part of it... it's a guess. I told mom today to cover it with leaves and sticks and leave the opening open so she can see how to get to the food and maybe that'll do the trick. It's worth a try anyway. The good side to all of this is, basically the whole neighborhood are cat lovers so she's getting food from somewhere no doubt but still we want her home! :( If she had of listened to me in the first place, to leave her inside for two weeks before letting her out then she wouldn't be in the position in the first place, darn it but she didn't and is learning a hard hard lesson. Being that I'm married to a now retired army guy, we've move a number of times and I had to keep my cats inside for two weeks so they could learn that "this" is their new home and it worked every time. I just pray that she gets her back soon. Maybe once she gets her other cats down and the two week waiting period then let them out, she might decide to follow them and come home. We can only hope. Also, tuna is a great idea!! Thanks!
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Ronnie - One of our ferals
try covering the carrier in a blanket that maybe smells like home I've got 3 ferals & 2 of them have gotten out One I caught in the trap once & she wouldn't have anything to do with it again - she came in the roomie's window the second time. The 2nd we caught in the trap in the first place & is so big that she was streaching her neck over the trigger pad, so I put down something to extend the trigger & finally caught her. Funny thing, Star when she got out lost weight both times, Ronnie gained weight!
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@anon12 (31)
• United States
22 Aug 07
well when we want to get our racing pigeons down and into the shed we put a pigeon on the roof to lure the flyer's down...ur mom needs to get the other cat from the old house put it into cage and walk it around the new neighborhood to lure the first cat out...like catching pigeons...hehehe
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I told her that but I didn't think of putting one in a carrier but that's a GRAND idea!! Thanks for telling me!!
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@jiggy88 (10)
22 Aug 07
I wish I had an answer. I'm a dog person myself and it's just so easy to call your dog and they respond to their names, but with cats you just have to hope they're in a good mood at the time. Hopefully the cat became some what familiar with her new home and decide to return, but if not maybe some kind person will be able to get her and keep her safe for your mom.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
You're right about that, dogs do usually come when called. Cats have a mind of their own and freak out easily and run off. Thank goodness the neighborhood has a bunch of cat lovers and dogs too so she won't be harmed in that way. If only we can get her to come home. One thing you can do though is pray for us all especially mom and her cat Cupie Doll. Thanks.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Hi CatsandDogs! The only thing that I think would work get a trap the kind that will close when she walks in. she should be hungry so put some food in the trap to brieb in the trap. Thats How I caught some wild cats. Just leave it out there.Let us know what shes going to do. I feel so bad for your mom.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Thanks Terry. Her next door neighbor borrowed a trap and help set it up for her but she hasn't been found in it yet. She's a smart little thing and maybe she knows it's a trap or she's associating it with her carrier. We don't know. I told my mom today to talk to her neighbor and see if he'll cover it up with leaves and branches and leave just the opening open so she can see the way to get to the food and maybe that'll work. I just wish she listened to me in the first place and kept the cat inside for two weeks, none of this would be happening but she's so hard headed and now is learning a hard hard lesson but I hope this lesson ends soon with her baby in her arms. I've moved several times with having a hubby that was in the army but is now retired so I know a thing or two about how to manage cats and moving. Hopefully she'll listen to me when she gets all her other cats down to her new home.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Wow...talk about a problem. I don't know what to tell you but I wish you lots of luck and will say a prayer for both your mom and the cat. AT PEACE WITHIN
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Thank you soooo much! Prayers have been known to move mountains so hopefully this one will be solved and soon. Thanks!! Bless you!!
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• United States
21 Aug 07
My cat - Yours will be sitting there content just like her soon.
You need a cage that catches animals for one, two put some food in it. She knows where the food is she WILL come around, try tricking her with some can food when it's cool outside. You might catch something you don't want to catch but the idea is right. It needs to be very very quiet, no distractions. I would be lost without my MsPrissy.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Aug 07
She's tried that. Her next door neighbor borrowed a trap from his son in law and it didn't work. It's been out there for a week. She's so lost without her Cupie Doll. I just wish I could do something but what else is there? The suggestion above yours sounds like a great idea so maybe we'll try that.
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@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
21 Aug 07
My Brother in Law's cat disapeared when he moved in to his last house. It was gone for weeks and one day it just came back. Assuming the cat is alive and well she'll be back sooner or later. ;)
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Thanks for telling me that for it is really reassuring that maybe some day she will take a notion and come home. I'm also thinking too that once she gets all the other cats down to her new home, she'll show up with them but I told her to keep them inside for two weeks so they can learn that this is their new home so if that's the case, it'll be a while before she comes home.
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@Daelin (683)
• Brazil
22 Aug 07
Is the old home too far from the place the cat was? I think the cat will try to get home, the old home.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Oh my gosh YES! lol The distance between the old and new house is 4 to 5 hours. We thought that too but she's been spotted two times in two weeks so she's still around. She's either running scared or she's afraid she'll be put back into the cat carrier. Or it could be something totally different, we don't know.
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24 Aug 07
Try bring home a male cat, she, and sometimes her mother also, will come.
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