Adding, Approving, or Denying Friends on myLot

@anniepa (27955)
United States
August 21, 2007 10:54pm CST
How do you decide who to add as a friend and do you ever deny an invitation to be someone's friend? I'd like to have alot of friends, just like in my offline life, but I don't know if there's such a thing as inviting too many myLotters to be a friend. Am I making any So, what do you do myLotters, how do you pick a friend or reject him or her? Do you go by whose opinions you agree with or who shares the most interests? I rather like having friends with whom I don't always agree, it keeps things interesting and helps me keep my brain working. And do you do alot of rating or do it sparingly, like only if something really catches your attention one way or another? I've been a member for awhile but I've just started being pretty active...I sure didn't know what I was missing, this site is awesome.
4 responses
@BrainTeaser (1428)
• Pakistan
22 Aug 07
Nothing in particular in choosing friends ,always have accepted all the invitations for being a friend as i think its my honor that someone's inviting me to be his/her friend so what to loose if i say yes on the other hand there is alot to loose by denying as one can turn very good friend in future...
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Thanks, BrainTeaser. I've added you as a friend if you accept. I agree, in life we can never have too many friends, we sometimes lose sight of their value. I, too am honored when someone invites me as a friend. I was really pleased earlier today to get an invitation from someone who I'd been going back and forth with in another category...we were on opposite sides in this one issue but I think we both appreciated that kind of give and take. It doesn't always work out when people disagree on certain issues but much of the time it's good because it makes you think and see other points of view. Annie
• Pakistan
23 Aug 07
As i said before its my honor that you invited me to be your friend... looking forward towards some good healthy discussions/debates aswell as good friendship!
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@elmo1211 (211)
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
i only have a few friends on the list. i've always approved friend requests i received. there's no point in denying a person. if that friend happens to be a spammer, you can always delete that person in your list. =)
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Thanks, elmo! I looked at your profile and I'm puzzled that you only have a few friends. I've been a member longer than you but I was lazy for awhile. I've found this site quite addicting now that I've spent 24/7 here for the past 3 days...LOL I haven't picked any best responses yet either. That's tough to do! Annie
@elmo1211 (211)
• Philippines
23 Aug 07
i spend about a few minutes on mylot once or twice a week, after i check on my e-mails. my schedule at work has been crazy and i don't do internet much these days. i also haven't made any friend requests because i don't stay here that long. =)
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I choose my friends on mylot the way I choose my friends in life. If a person requests me as a friend I will check their profile. If we do not respond to the same topics or questions or if we have different opinions, I will tend not to approve the friend request. Different opinions work sometimes, but it's a matter of how things are approached. If the requester has nothing in common with me, I wonder why they are requesting me. The synical side of me wonders if this person is a copy/paster and will steal my discussions or reponses, so I decline them. I also don't like it when people are just here for the money. a couple of pennies a day is spare change to me. I enjoy discussions; not hit and run postings. Too many who want the pennies don't respond to the discussions and therefore, the discussions die. Long winded reply. Sorry. LOL. But these are my theories.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Not long winded at all! I understand exactly where you're coming from. I've made a number of friend requests because I really enjoy the discussions here and I like being active, but basically the friends I have added have been those that I've seen popping up in the same discussions I've been in and I see we do share something in common. If I get declined I'll try not to take it too hard. lol I, too like it when there are lots of replies, it really keeps it interesting and keeps the back and forth going. As far as being friends with someone who has a different opinion than me, that sometimes works for me offline as well and sometimes not so good. Some people are fun to have a good debate with and others...well, you know what I mean, I don't like to get into anything where there are personal attacks or alot of nastiness. Speaking of long windedddddddddd...LOL
@beekay (421)
• India
22 Aug 07
I generally approve all my pending offers. There is nothing to deny a friendship. So Why ???
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Thanks, Beekay, I added you so I look forward to our friendship. Annie