Pick a scar on your body, how'd you get it?

Scar on Knee - Hmmm... do you have any scar and how'd you get it?
@sr0415 (1140)
August 22, 2007 5:50am CST
I got one on my knees. I had this when I was learning how to ride a bike when I was 9 or 10 years old. Oh boy! I really got a hard time balancing myself on the bike, and it took me time (and scars) before I mastered the "art" of biking. hehe.. (Should it be called an art? LOL) --- How about you? Do you have any scar and do you still remember how'd you get it?
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26 responses
@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
23 Aug 07
I have a scar on my left shoulder and one near my navel. I got the scar on my left shoulder when I was a first grader, we have a vaccination in the school and mine got so itchy and I kept on scratching it until it swell. My scar near my navel was the product of a chicken fox. I could never wear a hanging blouse because it is noticeable.
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
22 Aug 07
A one inch vertical scar mid belly from having my gallbladder and appendix out about 17 years ago. This was before they sucked it out like they do now. They had to go in and cut it out and they snagged the appendix because it was there and they figured I didn't need it. Makes wearing a bikini impossible although at my advanced age, that isn't an issue. lol.
• United States
24 Aug 07
I have a scar on my belly that was from a chicken pock. I got them when I was little and this one must have been the worst. I itched it so bad all the time. Now I have a little scar from it.
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• United States
22 Aug 07
I would have to pick my newest 3 scars. I had my appendix out 2 years ago and it left 3 scars. One itsy bitsy one on my left side, a really funky one in my belly button, and one on my right side. I think it sticks with me most because I thought at 35 years old, my appendix where going to stay put.
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@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
23 Aug 07
Hi there. I have a small hard to see scar on my hand, which I got when I was 10 years old, from trying to pour hot water into my cup to make myself a cup of milo... Instead of asking for help, I helped myself and the first thing my dad put on it, was butter, then into water, which Im sure I could see the butter frying and bubbling lol...
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@mistissa (1349)
• Netherlands
22 Aug 07
I have a small scar on my upper lip. I got it when I was about 2 years old and I can still remember it. My dad and I went to get some flowers for my mother from the flowershop. I wanted to run inside and I fell because they sprayed the outside wet, my dad saw me fall and ran to help me. He also slipped and fell and his heel of his shoe hit my lip.
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
23 Aug 07
oh my scar was from a bike as well, but mine is just below the knee, on the inner side of the leg, i was riding around, being silly trying to jump over jumps and i hit a stick it flung up and went between the frame and the chain and about an inch into my leg. and i fell off and pulled the stick out (was about 10) and then blood going everywhere and i was at a friend house, so i went into my friend house n her mum cleaned it up, i went home 2 days later and showed mum and she was furious as i didnt ring her and tell her as she would of come and got me and got stitches in it. i always wear jeans or trousers so people cant see it lol i dont like showing off my chubby legs anyways lol
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I have a scar on my chin from when I was about 19 I think.... I had a few people over at my parents house for a small get together. This guy showed up that I really really liked and his friend drove him there but he had parked his car infront of my gate so I had asked him to move it. Well I walked out with him to smoke a cig and when he got in his car I decided to be cool and hop on the trunk of his car. Well he took off really fast and it flung me to the ground face first (chin first) into the gravel. I had to have stitches (can't remember how many) and then about a month later I had surgery on it. Not fun! And that sad part was that I was sober!! lol
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@AmbiePam (96666)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I've got a couple scars to choose from. I have one on my left leg, towards the bottom of leg, in the shape of a V. When I was seven, I accidentally stepped into a pipe, and the rock inside of it split my leg open. I could see the meat and the bone. I was taken to the hospital and stitched up, but three days later I was in the hospital with an infection. For a while they thought my leg might have to be amputated, but after a week, I was released from the hospital and the infection was gone. It's a reminder to me how very blessed I am.
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@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I have a scar on my chin. it was my first set of stitches. I had ice skating lessons every morning when I was 5, and I got their early, and decided to race my instructor. There was a divot in the ice that I didn't see, and I tripped on it and went sailing. I landed on my chin, and blood just came pouring out. Those were my first stitches, and the scar is still there. Most people can't even see it, because it's under my chin. And it has faded over time.
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@Galena (9110)
22 Aug 07
among many other scars, I have a group of small scars on the base of my nose between my eyes, where I was bitten by a dog and had cosmetic surgery and 13 stitches.
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@subathra (3519)
• India
23 Aug 07
I have scar marks like white streches at my back side due to minor fire burns.It happened when i was 3 years old.I dont remember it and only heard through my mom. whenever i go to some new doctors for treatment the nurses who inject me always ask me about this and i use to narrate the story.
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@pinnibabu (135)
23 Aug 07
there is a black mark on my face. It is not a scar but looks like a mole. This I got all of a sudden one fine day. I just cant recollect whether it was a blackhead or something of that kind. I still have it. Though not painful but strange. Wonder how I got it. Looks good though.
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• Philippines
23 Aug 07
Oh, I have legs full of scars so I rarely wear shorts or skirts because I'm embarrased to show them. I have a couple of scars I got from a skin infection. I got it last year from one of our field areas. It really looks awful but I've lately learned to live with it when I realized that each of my scar has a story behind it. And I wouldn't trade those stories for flawless legs because it means I am living a full life.
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@bluishrose (2289)
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
I have one on my chin, i got this while playing one of the boys. He grabbed me and ran so fast that i didnt cop with him and fell with my chin. Because of this my chin became double chin hehe
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@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
16 Sep 07
Yes, I do have a scar on the right side of my knee. I got it when I was a kid biking around our neighborhood. I was chasing my neighbor using my bike. While I was chasing her, I didn't noticed that the handle of my bike was about to fall off and I was going fast. I simply ignored it and thought that it was just my imagination. I fell when I took a turn. My face hit the ground and I was a bit unconscious. I sat down and felt I was bleeding almost near my lips. Good thing I fell right in front of a house that was being built. One man carried my bike home while the other man helped me up and walked me home. I felt that angels were helping me. When I was walking towards home, my mom or my dad (I couldn't quite remember who was riding in the car) who was about to park the car in the garage saw me. She or he immediately went to my side and asked me what had happened. She and my dad drove me to a hospital where the doctors sewed my scar near my lips. I didn't feel the pain because of the anesthesia. I looked horrible because of that scar. I couldn't quite remember how long I was absent from school. After that incident, Im now more careful in riding bikes.
• Philippines
16 Sep 07
Whoops! I made a mistake there. My scar that I got when I fell from my bike is near my lips not on my knee. Sorry for the mix-up.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I have one on my hand I got from a bike accident when I was about 6, it was my first bigger bike, and I was riding it up and down a railroad ramp, they were very steep where I lived, and I didn't get enough speed, and I started going down backwards and I fell on my hand and arm, and scraped it up pretty bad. Sadly that's just one scar out of like 30. I was always a bit of a klutz.
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@JaMaL82 (120)
• Saudi Arabia
22 Aug 07
Yes, first scar was due to injury with a sharp object when i was a little kid .. second and third scars i got from the scalple of the surgeon .. one in my neck and the other in upper thigh .. i had a fracture in my neck so i needed bone grafting from my hip bone..
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@meaculpa (338)
• Philippines
21 Sep 07
I have this scar on my left ankle. When I was in fifth grade, during summer, I was taking a vacation in my aunt's house with my siblings. I was about to borrow my cousin's bicycle and my brother's going to passed the bike on me, there was this nail attached to the side pedal that we weren't able to see and it got a cut thru my ankle. I had a 6 stitches then. It was the deepest scar on my body.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
I got one on one of my finger. This scars as caused by a fire. Yah, a fire whem I fell on it. I was cleaning the house and burning some trash then. When the fire get uncontrollable becuase the wind blew, I stepped on a hollow block which broke into pieces. I fell on the fire with ths hand lying on the fire itself. I stood up right away and saw this finger of mine with a small portion of burned skin. It hurts like hell. It took me sometime before it was healed. And when it does, I got this scars that looked like a long creeping animal. lol