Why do you love your dog or cat? Share stories

August 22, 2007 4:48pm CST
Animals have peronsalites and characters just like humans. They are happy, sad, joyful, cantankerous, grumpy. They answer and talk back, complain. I love my Dog and Cat because they are part of my family, that includes a husband and children. My dog is so friendly, but has proven if need be she will protect our family. My dog is very protective over our children. Dog's are pack animals, they include you in their pack their family. My cat, thinks she owns the joint and she runs the family. I love her personality, she marches to her own drum. I am posting this in effot to get people to share stories about their animals. It can be animals you have now, or animals that have passed away. I would like people to share, so others can see even if you are not an animal lover, that animals have feelings, are unique and should not be abused.
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