Jesus Christ is here living in Houston,Texas. WHAT?

August 23, 2007 3:50am CST
Yes tonight I was watching one of those nightly news programs. I am not sure which one it was but I am thinking it could of been Prime Time? I caught the tale end of it and from what I gather a man saying he is Jesus Christ is living in Houston Texas. He has his own church and preaches all over the at different venues. He fully claims he is Jesus in his second coming. What, didn't he read the bible? He said he knows this because angels appeared to him and told him. What, didn't he read the bible? Not only that he has many many followers. What, didn't they read the bible? These followers are actually tattooing the numbers 666 on their bodies. What, didn't they read the bible? I could go on and on with the little bit that I saw. All I have to say to any of you who might want to follow a person or a religion that tickles your ears and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Read your bible. There are some very important facts in there that you need to know! Like for instance the bible warns us that many will come saying that they are the Christ and will deceive many! You don't need to be deceived; read your bibles!
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10 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
25 Aug 07
I saw something about this mn only he was in flordia. Your right read your bible. It tell us that Jesus will be coming from the east in the sky and there will be trumpst and loud noise. he will have 10,000x10,000 angles with him. We can't miss him because aalso of the bright light. Oh for that day to come soon very soon.
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• Canada
27 Aug 07
Yes actually you are right they said at the end of the show that he has his main church in Florida. I didn't understand on the show what they were trying to say as I missed most of it. Like was he living in Texas but went to Florida on Sundays or some Sundays or what. It didn't' make sense to me. But they definitely said it was his main home church.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Jesus tells us in the bible that they will say he is in the desert Or he is in the high places but do not go there for it is the devil. so we need to really study our bible to konw what to expect and how to react.
• Canada
24 Aug 07
Oh this is just way too sad. I think more upset reading comments of those who have commented that have such a low opinion of the Bible. It really bothers me that so many people have been wounded by those are religious but falsely misrepresent Christianity . Of course this person that you mention in your article is the ultimate misrepresentation and totally delusional .
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Aug 07
Religious zealots. This is why I do not believe in religion. Yes, I have read the Bible, and guess who wrote, Jewish men and Catholic men with nothing better to do than to scare people. By the way, 666 should actually be 616, and it is the number used for Emperor Nero, any well knowing Catholic can tell you that. Revelations was written to scare the Romans. A lot of it is made up. Read your history books and do some research, do not just take the Bible's word for it. My step-sister is always trying to shove that religious bulls*** in my face, and I ignore her. Her family is screwed up, and her husband is one moment away from leaving her. Most all people I have met who take religion word for word, have more screwed up lives than I have.
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@davido (1623)
• Canada
23 Aug 07
You know aside reading the bible some people are so gullible that they will just buy anything. Let someone come out and says he/she is the devil or angel micheal,Bill Clinton etc. u know some will still gullibly follow! Its just that people are so lazy to make their own enquiry about things and issues, imaging them putting 666 on themselves and they could not ask whah 666 is all about! Its just the sign of end times. Maybe it should have been in the Bible to put Stupidity, gullibility as other signs of end time! LOL
@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
23 Aug 07
You're so right. Unless a person reads the Bible, they won't be able to tell the lies from the truth. It is so important to be able to recognize the false prophets from the truth of the Lord.
• Malaysia
23 Aug 07
Yeah...I sincerely agreed with PaulBirkin's statement. You're right Paul, he is looking for publicity and he did it. Jesus is in and at everybody's heart.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Ok I understand where you are coming from as far as following fake people. The thing is I have read the bible and have gone to curch all of my kid years and to be honest I dont believe everything I read and I dont believe everyone who claims to be God or Jesus. That is just plain stupid.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Aug 07
This is what comes from taking God out of the public arena and taking God out of the schools. We have a whole generation, no two, some of which have never heard of God or of Christ and not all parents are believers. Sure, there are Churches around and Bibles in every bookstore, but if you have never heard about God, Jesus Christ, or the Bible or seen the Ten Commandments on public buildings, you do not know what to look for. It seems rather scarey. I remember Jim Jones and the murder of all his followers and what was the other guy? Who knows whether this man will lead his followers to the same end.
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
Omg, i cant believe these people that willing to do everything just for publicity and any explicit things. All i know is God is everywhere and in everybodies heart. have a nice day ahead from Kiko
• United States
24 Aug 07
This is absolutely scary.