Live Without Cell-Phone...

August 23, 2007 6:22pm CST
I was just wondering... how would it be to live a lifetime without a cellphone. I know my parents had a time during thier youth without it, but i just can't imagine myself cellphone-less for a second. How would I remeber ones telephone number, birthday or any other stuff that I should remember!? I might be just disconnet to the world if i won't have my cellular near me... What do you think? Do you think you would be able to spend your all life from now on without your cellphone? a year? a month? or even a day? I was just wondering...
1 response
@trickomm (309)
• Hungary
23 Aug 07
It's a regular topic and question. I think people lived for thousands years without cellphone. If one day everybody wake up and all of mobile providers closed - the people can find another way to communicate. They soluted it for very long time ago, then I think it means problem for a year or two, but after that we can find new solutions to communicate. And about birthdays and stuffs: you can buy a desk diary / calendar and a pen. That's all :)