Irresponsible writings

@juliefaye (1214)
August 23, 2007 10:23pm CST
Mediamen especially those who wrote articles on mags and newspapers, be warned.. just to share a link here on how a filipina was being bashed with curses because of her article about the filipino workers abroad.
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5 responses
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
24 Aug 07
Oh yes that was really kind of irresponsible thing to do as a writer. although freedom to express ourselves is allowed in our country but bashing her own kind is somewhat offkey for her to maligned her fellow countrymen who are working hard to earn their money and describing them as negatively as it was written is not just right at all. Her being an elitist does not gave her the right or license to put the masses to shame because of her prowess in writing. instead use her gift of writing to good use than discriminating others.
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
24 Aug 07
She just got what she deserve from filipinos around the globe. Being polite not just in writings but in every words we spoke is a must especially if you say it in public.
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
24 Aug 07
You are right craftcatcher. There was too much bashing on her as a result of that writings she had done which hurt many of her countrymen who are working abroad. I agree that she already got what she deserved but I do not agree to those that even threatened her and her family. It is very wrong already. People sometimes are just so passionate in their expression of their disgust but then it would be another lesson for her to learn that writing should be done in a fashion that will as much as possible not hurt as many people as she can.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
24 Aug 07
This Malu Fernandez must be blinded by her wealth, or maybe by her own fat!LoL I have relatives and a parent who works abrod, I'm sure they are doing their best to live a fair life out there. They are all working hard to feed their families here, striving to give their family a better life here. It is really hard to see that a filipina like her would badmouth her own countrymen, so I wouldn't be surprised if I see her on tv or newspaper beat up by people black and blue!;) I don't think that we can call that Crab Mentality, but she does have lots of guts to post that on the net.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
25 Aug 07
That is the real problem, people will just step on someone or something just to make themselves feel superior over the other. As for those fellow countrymen who has no good thing to do but bring down our nation and motherland, I bid them goodluck and hope they achieve whatever goals they want in their lives.
@everafter (378)
• Philippines
24 Aug 07
well I dont want to read the rest of her article, all i know is that she's partly telling the truth about the incident in dubai dutyfree. I was with my family 7 years ago going to London because of my dad's military schooling. One filipina asked me if my mom is a DH or OFW. I didnt know then what they mean. But its just that she doesnt have to write those things to the Filipinos because once and for all, she is one of us. She deserves the attention shes getting now.
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
25 Aug 07
She became famous because of that.. i never heard that there's a writer by that name, all i know is maurice arcache who wrote articles about the rich and famous. Well, thats the prize of being sarcastic.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
24 Aug 07
oh well, at least she's more famous now than before..she just have to go through this for the rest of her life I guess..yrah..she has writen and asjed for apologies but forgivng different from forgetting. People thinks she deserves what she is getting now..all those bad words and curses...I chose not to comment,enough has been said.
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
25 Aug 07
yeah.. the verdict was given to her by filipinos around the globe. An out of court trial...
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
1 Sep 07
That was simply cruel of her. My mother had once been a DH for so many years. But I never was ashamed of what she did. Because of her being a DH, I was able to finish college and get a good job. That's what makes it so sad. A Filipina looking down with distaste and disgust to her own countrymen. There's really no use crying over spilled milk. The damage was already done and I guess no amount of apologies can reverse what she had said. She had maligned the whole OFW image and these are now the consequences she has to suffer. Maybe she just has to brag that she's rich and that she smells good unlike the OFW'S she had been complaining about. But the truth is, she stinks far worse for her ugly behavior.