Do your inl-laws or parents live close by?

By Amy
Abernathy, Texas
August 24, 2007 11:44am CST
I've heard so many complaints about parents or mother - in- laws getting in the way and pushing their idea of how the cabinets should be arranged or how you should raise the kids. My family and my husband's are all very far away and haven't even seen the baby. My husband's family hasn't even met me and we married years ago... We will see them on thanksgiving for the first time. To me this isn't good - them not being around I would have welcomed advice. IF it wasn't something I wanted to incorporate I would have said "I'll keep that in mind." The positives - besides weddding and baby showers would out weigh the negative. Of course, I haven't been in the situation so....what is and what was it like for you? Are you grateful for parents and inlaws or frustrated - or even downright angry? What situation made you the most grateful or frustrated?
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16 responses
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
25 Aug 07
My parents live about an hour away from me, that is close enough to get there in the event of an emergency or something unexpected.
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• Abernathy, Texas
25 Aug 07
Sounds perfect. Its also easy to get to for birthdays and holidays. Or if you and your mate want to go away for the night or the weekend. :)
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@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
25 Aug 07
yep it is convenient in those times, Christmas and stuff
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@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
24 Aug 07
We live in a an apartment unit owned by my parents. MY mom lives at the 3rd floor of the building, while ours is at the ground floor and 2nd floor level. There was no problem even if we live in the same building. We also live separately from my parents in law. Before they migrated to the US, they live about 15 kilometers from our place. Now they are in the USA and my MIL just come home once every 2 years, while FIL comes twice a year. We do come along well.
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@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
25 Aug 07
Hi there artemis. I'm from Phil. I want to correct my statement, My mom used to live at the 3rd floor of the building which they (parents) built as residential units, some for rent and others for family use. My mom had passed away 2 years ago; now my dad who used to be in our home province is now there at the 3rd floor coz he is undergoing 2x a week dialysis where I constantly accompany him to the hospital or dialysis center. My other 2 siblings are in Canada and one in US, and 2 are in the home province. There's no problem with us living in the same building although occupying different units. We live independently from each other, but constantly communicating and seing. My hubby has no problem too because he is usually working overseas. I had never chance to live together with my inlaws. We get together though on special occasions.
• Abernathy, Texas
24 Aug 07
joyce, to me that sounds like an ideal situation. I've often thought it would be nice to have property where my family - sister, brother and his family, my mom and myself could live - in separate residences - but together. In other countries, it seems just a matter of course to take in elders as their age progresses. Or even to always be together, taking care of each other. A chinese friend of mine and her Thai husband took in her parents - they live in a separate apartment attached to their house. In their case, my friend hadn't seen her father for a long time as her dad had been in prison as he was accused of helping the Americans long ago. My friend had actually escaped years ago with her aunts and brothers. Her entire class was killed. So they are all happy to be here - her aunts too her in - and her aunts lived together - now her favourite aunt lives right across the street. They are so grateful family is alive they want to live close. May I ask where you're from?
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
25 Aug 07
It is always better when we live with our parents and in-laws. They alwsays come out with their useful advice and opinion and they know how to handle a particlur situation, because being elder to us, they are more experienced and you know 'there is no substitute for experience'. My parents now a days stays with my younger brother, to help him raise/maintain his kids and family. Earlier, they used to stay with us. When they were around, there were less worries and tensions for us because many of the daily routine things were looked after by them. Now, we are suppose to look after our house and we need to perform even the minute and small tasks ourselves,without the guidance or help of our elders. To tell you the truth, it hurts when elders are not around, if they are around, you feel secure and contended and always seek their guidance and advice. Nonetheless an Excellent Post by you! Full marks to you. Have a great day!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Sep 07
Best of Luck to you!
• Abernathy, Texas
25 Aug 07
Sounds like an ideal situation. I would stay with my son (still 9months) and his family. I wish my family were closer or even my husband's. We are going to see his family for Thanksgiving and try to see my family as well. We've seen my mom a bit more the past few years - yet neither has seen the baby yet!
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@Aurone (4755)
• United States
24 Aug 07
I live a long ways from my parents and it is a 8 hour drive to the in-laws. We see them both twice a year, but we call both frequently.
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• Abernathy, Texas
24 Aug 07
Are you happy with the distance? Sad? Frustrated? Do you just accept as what is? Is there any situation with your parents that you're grateful for or frustrated about regarding your kids?
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@vinzen (1020)
• India
24 Aug 07
As the saying goes " grass is always greener on the other side ". Similarly, if you dont have something you want it, and when you have it, you wish for a change . I would say that keeping a little distance from parents and in-laws is the best option, after so many years of my marriage. There are many pros and cons, but thats what i feel over all. I undersatnd and agree that being within a joint family is nice , as the kids get the best of all the worlds and household things are shared and all that. But, along side comes the problem of their interference in your day to day affairs. Its your small family and if you want to do something, parents or in-laws permission is needed or they have some other ideas,which maybe need to be followed. There maybe exceptions, i speak for myself and my general experience. I have lived with my parents and my in-laws at different times and also far away , so i can say all this with confidence. When they live together , things are taken for granted and your value lessens too. Maybe your spouse whose parents are staying with you, is not able to give you that much of persoanl attention, that they were giving you, when both of you are alone in your small nuclear family. The kids are affected, that the discipline that you mayve taught your kids, may not be followed in the joint family, as grand-parents generally are very soft and tend to spoil the kids, by pampering them or doing things that maybe parents would not like their kids to do, in short, they like to play and be lenient with the grand-kids and parents maynot like that. Other family functions and rituals have to be followed when in a joint family, which you could have done without, in your own nuclear family. I prefer the nuclear family better i think, as its closer knit and we are all togehter. But, i would like us to visit our parents and in-laws, meet and be with them for a while and return back to your home. I think the value of realtionships comes out more, if there is a little distance in between.
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• Abernathy, Texas
24 Aug 07
The saying you quoted is very fitting. As I say in my initial discussion opening, I may think different if they were nearby. For now, though, I miss it. It would be nice to easily go for advice - telephone is different - to dropp them off for babysitting - which would also be great for my mom - and even my brother and sister in law - we could share babysitting. Our kids could get to know each other. However, putting myself in your place, I can see how it might be frustrating as well. I know for a fact that my mom has told my neices they could do things after their mom said no. And right or wrong, my brother and his wife let their kids stay up late on weekends and holidays and such and my mom is always talking about how wrong that is. Its their decision. Its one thing to give advice when asked, or maybe give an article on something or let them know your feelings once...but...I know it is both wonderful and difficult for my mom to be close by to my brother - still its hard only to see all of them once a year if that.
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• India
24 Aug 07
In fact, the ideal situation is to have them both (your mom and yr mom-in-law) at hand but not so nearby that you step over each other's toes. Its good for growing child to interact with the grandmothers. This is what matters and evrything else is mostly veneer, unless you are lucky.
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• Abernathy, Texas
24 Aug 07
Sangeeta, I couldn't agree more. I'd love for my mom and mother in law to be close - but not too close. I'd love to be able to visit more frequently yet not deal with the problems others have had.
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@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
24 Aug 07
the in-laws care for their child. your parents care for you. it's impossible to carry out such an ordeal.
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• India
24 Aug 07
Hi You have just sumed up the entire situation so aptly !
@balasri (26537)
• India
28 Aug 07
No my parents are living about 500 miles from where I live and my in laws are living 500 mile the another side.But we meet very often since I am living in the capital of the state they have to come here for something or other.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Thankfully my Hubby's parent and siblings all live far away as I don't get along with any of them. My Dad lives up North and I only get to call and sometimes write to him but my Mom and a couple of my brothers live within a block or two of me. Have a good day!! AT PEACE WITHIN
@kishusia (1066)
• India
26 Sep 07
I live with my in-laws in a joint family. My parents live in another twn about 175 kms away. My in-laws are very loving. They treat me as their real daughter. No restrictions. Full freedom. No pushing. Only love.
• United States
25 Aug 07
We used to live about half an hour away from my fiance's parents, and we would normally see his dad about once a week, and his mom every few months. We lived a couple of hours away from my parents, so we would usually only see them at Christmas (though we would sometimes stay at my mom's if we were in the area). Now we live much further away, and I don't mind it so much. His dad still calls about once a week, and we don't really talk to the rest except every few months. (I'm not really close with most of my family, except for one sister, because of some past events in my life.) I did like living near to my fiance's parents, because his dad took good care of him, and always asked if we needed anything. He still tells us that if we need anything, he will do whatever he can to help us out. We are pretty much self-sufficient, but it is good to know that we have someone who would help us if we really needed it. :)
• United States
25 Aug 07
I can only tell you how it is for me.My folks took my daughter and are raising her.I've heard every execuse in the book from them about how they don't htink I can raise raise her.It happened when she was a baby.I won't go into the whole story but basically my life has been really h#ll because of it.I have gone to lawyers only to have my little girl in tears because of it.I can't help that it makes me mad.My mother is very domineering and always has to have her way and thinks everyone else is screwed up.I've never been able to please her or my dad.I fight with them almost on a constant basis.I'm not saying that would ever happen to you at least I pray it wouldn't.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Well, My parents live about 15 minutes away from me. They live right next door to my brother though and I do believe my brother both hates it and loves it. Loves it because him and his wife take complete advantage of the "babysitter next door". They won't take their kids anywhere so they'll say "will you watch the kids so we can go grocery shopping" or "out to eat" or whatever. and my mother always says Yes. Fortunately my dad isn't one to be taken advantage of. Hate it because my parents (his parents) are always there! but my brother and his wife knowingly moved in next door to my their fault anyhow. As for in-laws... I only have my brothers wife and we don't associate much unless we have to. I hope if I get married, he has better in-laws than the idiot my brother married.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
28 Aug 07
my perents live about 6km from us (we actually wanted to live even closer but we couldnt find a house that we liked there) my in laws live on another continent (you cant get there by bus :))))) we are in australia they are in europe. I would love them to come here as my husband has no one here. It was my husband decision to live so close to my parents and he is planing to get a little house for them when they are older and put it in our back yard so they can live with us. My husband loves my parents (you can never say anything bad about them infront of him) but I love his as well.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
25 Aug 07
My parents live a 45 minute drive in one direction, and his parents live a 45 minute drive in another direction. I don't mind advice, what I mind is that if I don't take my mom's advice, she doesn't care. She knows I listened, and she's content, although not necessarily happy, with having expressed her opinion. My mother in law however, used to be rather insistent and a bit pushier about her advice, and she'd follow up to see if we did it. If we didn't do it her way, she'd get upset, as if we had insulted her.
@jz1977 (84)
• United States
24 Aug 07
My parents live 2 minutes away. :) My husband's parents live 20 minutes away. (wish it were further)