What was I supposed to do!?

Bummer - That's how I felt...
August 24, 2007 7:45pm CST
Hey, it's 3:30AM and I just came back from a nice party in a "dance-bar". The situation was like that: I was dancing with my friends and suddenly felt a pinch in my butt, when I turned to see what was it all about, there were two nice french girls who put the blame to each other, I told them "that's ok.." and countinued dancing. When I turned around again they were gone and my friend (a male-friend of course) told me: "you idiot.. they were sooooo HOT!! why didn't you do anything???"I'm kinda suck in those kinda stuff, because i'm not getting out a lot. what was i supposed to do!? (b.t.w - when i tried to approach to one of them, she was freaked out, so i backed off..:-S ).
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