#7 of 101 Contradictions in the Holy Bible
By nickventere
@nickventere (1420)
August 25, 2007 7:37am CST
How long did Jehoiachin rule over Jerusalem?
(a) Thre months (2 Kings 24:8)
(b) Three months and 10 days (2 Chronicles 36:9)
Negligeble error?
3 responses
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
8 Apr 08
its not 101 actually, but more! and the contradiction you point out is not really important, but what's really important is the contradiction of the 4 gospels about life of Jesus. Negligible error??? translation error??? So what da most reliable source of history, 4 different Jesuses??? LOL
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
9 Apr 08
Hey FTA (freethinkingagent) what's so shocking??? I'm still regard you as a mystery agent, are you from FTO (freethinkingorganization) ???? LOL
Most of Christians scholars claim that Bible, especially The New Testament is the most reliable source of history about Christianity, about Jesus Christ. So what's up with those contradictions??? If its really reliable, accurate, means no contradiction between each others, was it means that there's several different Jesuses regarding several different stories about him (or them???). Most reliable source of history eh???

@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 Apr 08
Well... it might seem as contrdictions to some. But most can be explained becouse some books use jewish itiems and some things are not translated corectly, It would seem for instance that there is a contradiction about the liniage of Jesus as there are two given. One actualy is the line of joseph and the other through mary. It is mary's line that is the one that is important, not Lukes liniage through Joseph. Luke being of Greko?Roman decent normaly takes the liniage of the "father" as hebrews trace their linage through the mother. Although both are decended from David the king, Josephes line as you see are though a line that was "disinherited", Othe so called contradictions are coused by diferences in languge and word meanings, 'couse you know sometimes words have two meanings' LOL, Anyway another reasons why the "gospells seem to contradict each other is becouse of who and when they were writen, and that simuler stories are veiwed as being one in the same instead of two possible events. Luke's account was not one of eyewitness but a retelling of the doctrens and letters befor him so a possiblility exist that he heard or read corrupted "stories". One major problem with the bible of today is #1 the notion that it is infalable, it is totaly falable becouse it was writen by not one man but dozens of men and rewriten over the malinia by hundreds of scribs. and secondly the problem of selective deleation and addition by the chruch of Rome and the councle of nicea, If looking at the bible in reflection of other and older writings and understanding the culture and words of the people the bible is remarkably intune with itself. You could relate it to the constatution, many amendments have been made and it has been reinturpited many times to say what ever the people in power at the time wanted it to say. The #3 reason why some things seem to be contradictions is not becouse of what it says but the traditions and teachings outside the bible that make it contradictory. Sadly much of christianity was corrupted in it's infancy by nostics and others to become something so alian from its origenal meaning and simplicity. I could go on for ever about this, but I will say this, If you know the sources of the bible, and know about who wrote what and when and why then you can wade through all the corupt teachings and read it the way it was ment to be taken. I am so saddened by the fact that the majority of mankind is not ready to know what the bible realy teaches.

@AndriaToh (1268)
• Malaysia
25 Aug 07
Negligible. The author of Kings tended to round regnal lengths, while the author of Chronicles would sometimes state more exact lengths.