PMS and Humidity, a Bad Combination

United States
August 25, 2007 8:30am CST
Today is another hot one. I have never complained about the heat of summer. But, the humidity is unbearable! Add a dose of PMS to the mix and any menopausal woman can become volatile! Today we are having a family get together to celebrate my mother's 68th birthday. With all that has been happening in my life, I am a bit moody to say the least. I have taken all of my herbs that are supposed to ward off the evils of menopause. Doubtfully they will have little effect today. So, I am going to try to bite my tongue. I will breathe deeply and exhale. The dog days of summer are near an end. The cooler days of summer will soon be here. Hormones tend to deal with cooler days better than they do the humid ones. Wishing you and yours cooler days. Big huggers to all.
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13 responses
@Eskimo (2315)
25 Aug 07
All I can say is that I'm glad that its not something that I suffer from. All I can say is get an air conditioner and a dehumidifier (forget about global warming and your extra carbon footprint for this) this should help you cool down when inside, and try and not go out to much, move your mother's birthday to later in the evening when it might be cooler (there is also the chance that at that age she might drop off to sleep in the middle of it then you can rant & rave as much as you like without her hearing it).
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Aug 07
One of the things I've noticed about you sarina is that your femininity can be glimpsed quite often in your posts. It makes for getting to know you quite a delightful experience. I think this is one of the most womanly pieces of writing I've ever read. We are having delightful weather leading from a dreadful winter to summer. I think Spring has been trodden underfoot. The wattle was late and all the bulbs early. Events in the garden are awry and I think this summer coming will be terrible. I sincerely hope not. Hope things are better....cheers. :)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Sep 07
Dear lady, thank you for br...a big hug for you. (((Sarina)))
• United States
26 Aug 07
Aww, I hope you get to feeling better. Get some rest. I don't look forward to menopause after reading your post. Let me know how your moms birthday went. I'm moody, and I'm not menopausal! *LOL*
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Oh no—PMS, and hot heat- That stinks! Just the heat alone makes me cranky- tired and miserable from time to time- Hope your party was nice- for your mom. Wishing you the cooler days of summer also!
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
25 Aug 07
Oh Elusive, I am feeling your pain! I am in the throws of menopause and the hot flashes are unbearable to say the least. Throw in a 99 degree day with high humidity and I am more dangerous than an AK 47 !!!! I have an entire class of fresh, excited new faces who are eager to become nurses. It has been all that I could do to not bite their heads off at the least little thing! My poor hubby is looking much like a whipped puppy and the kids are hiding in their rooms. I can't wait for this heat to end!
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• United States
25 Aug 07
I will not go off like a maniac, I will not go off like a maniac. Grrrr
• United States
25 Aug 07
I'm ready for cooler days! Here in Tennessee, we have been having a heat wave going on FOREVER! Or atleast is feels like forever. PMS was worse this month and I'm not sure I have gotten over it yet. If you ask my husband, I'm sure he will say it hasn't ended for weeks LOL.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
25 Aug 07
Here is a hug for you.......... - Here is a hug for you........
You are so right. I am getting to that age too. I just do not deal well with the heat and humidity. I can deal better with the cold. I will feel sorry for you if you feel sorry for me. Its my time of the month, I am premenaposal. We have had the heat and humidity, plus all around us its been record floods. I have a dog, 2 cats, 2 baby kittens, I have also recently had a dog and bird die. Then on top of that my household was invaded with kids for the weekend. Ages 8, 7, 4, 2 and 11 months, LOL. I wish your mamma a Happy Birthday.
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@GardenGerty (162810)
• United States
25 Aug 07
We are cooler, but muggy today. I will say a little prayer for you. I do not know all that you are going through, but the Lord does. I do identify with humidity and mood swings, but do not suffer from PMS, I am just always in a bad mood, LOL. I will spend some extra time with hubby. I would like to give up job two. NOt because I hate it, but because I value my time at home. Family things can get to be thick, and we can all manage to say things to offend or hurt each other. After you bite your tongue so much, you sometimes need a bandaid, and a pressure valve. Hugs to you today.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
25 Aug 07
Oh geez!I do feel for you. I hope you can enjoy your self today. Just remember to breathe and bite the tongue.LOL Let us know how you made out. huggers back to you too!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Aug 07
I never had trouble with menopause, sailed through it as easily as night into day. Trouble was I never was able to bear children during my marriage and I hoped that I would get heat flushes, be unable to sleep and really suffer so that others would know how bad I felt. My husband, though, before I went through menopause, always turned the heat up because he thought the regular thermostat setting at night was too low and I told him, you are making me think I am going through menopause and when it does come, I will be unaware of it happening. Well I sympathize with you about the humidity, but at least, you do not get the odor of pig farms wafting through the air like here in Winnipeg.
@yanjiaren (9031)
25 Aug 07
Yes I hope your hormonalia witll calm down lol.I think I amflying to the States with a PERIOD LOL, THAT's nice isn't it considering my hubby hasn't seen me for six months!! Silly me I just booked the ticket and totally forgot about what time of the month it was going to be lol..Too much on my little head and not much time to do it all in lol!!
• United States
25 Aug 07
do you know what pms stands for? P--Putting up with M--Mens S--stuff(should be a different word but they wont allow it here)
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
25 Aug 07
Yes, that is a bad combination, Elusive. The heat, in itself, is enough to shorten tempers and make people edgy. Add PMS to the mix and it can really become volatile.Enjoy your weekend.