Post a pic of a room in your house

United States
August 25, 2007 7:35pm CST
Anyone who knows me know that I love HGTV's Rate My Space website. It got me to thinking- I feel like I know so many of my Mylot pals but I've obviusly never been to your hosue. I'd LOVE to see a room in your house! I don't know how to post pictures on Mylot, but if you do- can you post one pic of your favorite room in your house? If you can't post a pic, then describe your favorite room so I can visualize it.
3 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
26 Aug 07
theroom - my dining room
This is my dinning room. I love this room for the fact Hubby and I practically built it. It was here when we bought the house, but within a year the floor fell through. Come to find out that room was a carport that the then owners enclosed to make a room out of, but they had no clue what there were doing. So they attached dry wall to posts that were running from the ground, that were not sealed from the rain. These posts sucked up the moisture from outside in turn getting the dry wall wet. Needless to say, the materials were rotting under the paint and we had mildew in the walls. This is also the reason the floor fell in. These people used cheap wood for flooring and well after years of sucking up moisture, it’ too rotted away. So we tore it all out just leaving the roof and rebuilt the room the way if should have been built. We also, since we live on a slab, poured a cement floor then laid a pretty hardwood floor over it. So here is my dinning room that I am very proud of. Cause not too long ago, it wasn’t there, LOL. Oh and if you have noticed the red stain on the table, that was from my youngest. She was making a pretty construction card for me, then decided to remove the nail polish from her nails. She just left the paper and nail polish remover on the table and it got knocked over. Hubby keeps telling me he can refinish my table and I just keeping telling him,… I am waiting.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Aug 07
Oh I love it, sunshine! What a great room and you should be proud of it. Thanks for inviting me to your home!!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I don't have any pics of the apt but my favorite room is the office b/c that is where I spend the most time. I'll try to describe it. Its a fairly good sized bedroom with double closet doors on one wall behind me which is where I store my stuff. I have a big executive desk that I love (even though its a bear to move) right inside the door and Hubby's desk is an L-shaped desk that is set up so that when he sits at it we are almost sitting face to face...this makes talking to each other alot nicer since neither of us have to talk to the other persons back. There is a window straight in front of me which I love to open the blinds and see outside. The kittys box is under the window (by Hubbys desk hehehe) and then there is a cabinet in the corner with Hubby's coffee maker on it (I got tired of him scooting behind me with cups of hot coffee) and then there is my sewing cabinet and a bookcase with all my stitching stuff on it. It is a little crowded b/c we both have big desks but I love mine and he loves his so we just have to deal with it. :) HAVE A GOOD DAY!! AT PEACE WITHIN
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Aug 07
Lucky you to have an office! We have to wait for my oldest son to move out before we will have an extra room to devote to an office. For now we use our living room, but it's not the same. Thanks for sharing-- your room sounds great!
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
26 Aug 07
It is purely personal and I have no desire to share it with anyone else for whatever reason. Thanks and have a nice day.