Do You Remember Some Of Your Pets More Than Others??

Photo Of Tippy - image of tippy my cat
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
August 25, 2007 10:24pm CST
I've had pets nearly all my life. I have loved each and everyone,yet I find myself often reflecting some more than others--not that I didn't love all of my pets equally I did, it's just that some stand out in my mind more. I could probably write a book about all my pets that I've had and share my experiences I've had with them, and who knows, maybe one day I will. But in this case, I want to share one story. On May 12, 1983, both my mother and I were home, and she was noticing, when looking out the window, some kids playing across the street from us. Yes, they were playing, but what they were playing with wasn't exactly a football that they were was a little kitten. They thought it was a joke to toss that kitten around to each other. Infuriated, I stormed out of my apartment, went up to these kids, yelling at them, and my language wasn't exactly ladylike...I was yelling things like, do you think it's nice to treat that kitten that way? Of course they thought I was a nut from He!! with my ranting on at them. Not knowing what the fate of this kitten would be if left to these kids, I took the kitten from them, and yes "adopted" it. She maybe was only a month old, a silver tabby female, and the distinguishing mark on her was that she had a pure orange tip to her tail--making it almost look like a little light bulb glowing...I named her Tippy. Now I did have about five other cats as well, but she and I bonded like crazy. She always slept with me, she followed me around like a puppy dog, came when I called her and so forth. Then things changed...Some years later, we got another cat, Bobbie, and while a nice cat, for some reason he just loved tormenting Tippy, why I don't know. I mean, no there weren't horrific fights between the two cats, but he did scare her...scared her so much, that she felt the only safe place to be was up in the kitchen cabinet over the refrigerator. She would never come down from there and remained up there in her little safe place for something like ten years! I had to place food up in the cabinet for her, place a pan up there --the works...She just wouldn't leave that spot of hers. Then by an almost miracle, one day, she came down around the last week of August of 1999. Now maybe little alarms should have gone off, but the only thing I thought of was how great she finally came down after all these years. The great thing too, was that Bobbie had finally left her alone...She walked around my home the way she used to, she came up on my bed and snuggled up near me, and even did her famous little back rub that she had used to do in years past. Then one day I woke up, and saw her on the floor near the foot of my bed. I thought she was just sleeping, but no, as you can guess she had died during the night, and the fact that she was near the foot of bed, told me that even in her last moments she wanted to be near me. She died August 31, 1999---and I still remember her and think about her. And everytime I look at my present cat, Kissy, she looks remarkably like Tippy, except doesn't have that little "light bulb" at the tip of her tail. Do you have a pet or pets though even though long gone, you still remember with love and fondness and stand out? Now excuse me while I get a handful of tissues here!
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19 responses
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
OH MY GOSH.I just saw the picture and its MY cat.Shes just/exactly the same,same,same as yours!Her name is tigger.I would like you to see a picture of her but dont know if it would make you more sad.I dont want that!When i was 8 years old my grandmother bought me a parakeet.He was gorgeous,bright green black and white.I named him biddy.He would fly in my room in the mornings and perch himself on my bed headboard and start tweeting,as if to say wakeup,school time!!!I would always give him a kiss and he would bird kiss me back.One day when i was 15 years old i came home from school and my grandmother said biddy missed you,he never ate,sang or moved from the perch all day.So,i talked to him and he SLOWLY made his way across the perch.Anyway later that night i was watching tv(my grandparents slept early)and heard a thump in the cage.I went to look and he had fell on the bottom of the cage.He wouldnt move when i talked to him and said come biddy.It was like this for an hour.Finally i put my hand in the cage and he tried to climd on my hand,so i picked him up.He sat in my hand looking at me,i stroked his feathers and kissed him,he gave me a kiss on my finger,looked at me and then he was gone.I cried like forever,its almost like loosing one of the family,they are part of the family.I still think about him often and laugh about funny things he did.I have his picture on my dresser,he was my little wake up call.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
I put 2 pictures of her in my homepage(i think its called that)They are out of focus a little,i couldnt find any fast.I will find better ones tomorrow,its 1:30am here were i am.Tigger has black lines with grey lines and mint green eyes that turn yellow sometimes.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Aww--she does look like my Tippy--thanks ever for sharing!!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Hey--every time I see you, you change your avatar--LOL
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
26 Aug 07
That's so sad! That cat did love you very much and she knew she was dying, that's why she came down so she could be with you when she did pass. She wanted you to know how much she loved you. What a sweetheart! She went straight up to kitty heaven that's for sure. Yes I've had a few that stood in my memory. The first one was my cat Kisses. I made a tribute to her and if you'd like to see it here's the link. Also Star, my sweet and loving siamese kitten. She just turned a year old before she was hit by a car. Liked to have ripped my heart out again. Another is our 2 cocker spaniels that we had to put down a year apart from one another. One had cancer and the other had terrible seizures.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Yeesh--I had to grab tissues again when I read that tribute to Kisses--such a wonderful memory of her
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Thanks. I wish I could get up enough courage to do more with the others that have passed but I can't just yet. It yanks my chain to hard!
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• Netherlands
26 Aug 07
I remeber all off my animals very well but one cat named Lady especially. She was a red persian cat and very special to me. I got her from my father and she was so dear to me. When I had to put her asleep becaurse off a tumor in her toungh I was depressed for a very long time. I thought I would never get a cat like her again. A few months later we bought a new cat and she became very special too. I have her for 10 years now and I hope to have her 10 more.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Its always so hard to put an animal to sleep...I've had my share of that too. And yes, I hope your "new" kitty lives a very long life!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Aug 07
Well I have different Memories of all my Pets that I have had and I loved them all the same but in a different way but not less or more on any of them The strange thing is with Gissi I feel more protective then I have with any other and all my Dogs have been rescue Dogs I guess it is because he is so little and because the way he was found by the Police
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I think maybe you feel so protective over Gissi is that he must have had a horrible abusive background prior to getting him--it's like you want to reassure him that he no longer will have that kind of life again, and has a real loving home and mum to take care of him
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Oh Melanie that is a great story. I have tears in my eyes. You saved Tippy and she was thankful to you. I think its amazing that cats can tell when they are leaving us or we are leaving them. Thans for sharing with us.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Was ever so glad to share this story. Yes Tippy knew her time was nearing--hope I see her and all my little ones in Rainbow Bridge
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Mark Twain once said ..."If there are no animals in heaven, I'd rather go to He!!" How true!!
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
27 Aug 07
We had a dog when I was a kid who was probably the nicest, calmest and best dog for a kid to have. She was about the average size of a standard poodle. We got her as a puppy when I was young so that by the time she reached 14, I had basically grown up with her. She went with us everywhere when we were kids. Followed us around and when we stopped to play she would just camp out, lie down and wait until we moved on again. A great companion, you could never feel alone. When she got older she started developing tumors on her back hips, neurofibromas, which are benign but pretty persistant and would grow very large. We had them removed a couple of times, the last time it was such a large amount of tissue that had to be removed that the wound couldn't be sewn up. When they grew back on her at 14, we knew she was too old to put through another surgery, and it would be too hard for her to recover. Letting go of her, even to end her suffering was the hardest thing I have ever done, and if I think about it even now, it makes me want to sob and that was 20 years ago.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
It's never easy having to put a pet companion to sleep...I've had to do that myself, and it is such a hard decision to make
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
27 Aug 07
They can't understand, and maybe that's best. It would be harder if you knew that they understood that you made that decision. But sometimes, it is kinder to let them go.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Aug 07
That was so sad Pye. The dear little thing....fancy living up there all those years.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Aug 07
Forgot to answer your question....I love each of my pets differently because they all have different personalities. 15 years ago we got a smoky grey from the vet who was never quite tame. She had the most enormous attitude, The next cat was just a queen of kitties. She was adorable ...just existed to be loved because she was beautiful and she was lovely to otther animals as well. I haven't worked Banjo out yet. I've not owned a male cat before. Sometimes he's cuddly sometimes stand-offish. Wouldn't swap any of 'em for quids!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Aug 07
It is amazing how different the personalities of our pets can be....If I had thought all cats' personalities were like my very first cat, Babette, I wouldn't have ever gotten another cat...just wasn't a "warm" animal..oh, but then Friskey came along...what a big smoochy!!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I remember all of my pets that I've lost...some more then others but still I remember most all of them. Losing my dog Petey last year was a life-changing event for me. He was my best friend for 10 years and still is. I've lost cats, ginny pigs, birds, and a lizard. I know I'll see them all again when my time here is through. HAVE A GOOD DAY!! AT PEACE WITHIN
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I would like to think I'll see all my babies when I'm greeted at Rainbow Bridge
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Yeah. Doctor was a great cat. He was funny, handsome & my love. He'd kneed on my arm, just barely breaking the skin, but since any skin break will scab on me so I always had these scabs on my upper arm. We'd go outside and I'd push him on his side then flip him over. He'd come up swinging & if he got me I certainly deserved it! He never played under the cover games because he knew that was me. He was my big boy and my big love. I wish I had a pix of him, but he passed in 1995.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I sure wish I had more pictures of ALL my cats that I ever had but alas I don't, but I still remember them too
• United States
26 Aug 07
All my pets have been my kids. Probably because I've never given birth to any myself. I don't know if I can pick out one that stood out above the others. I've had a veritable zoo over my lifetime.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I've never had children least not human...and yes, I've had a zoo in my lifetime as well!! LOL
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
14 Oct 07
That is a really sweet story of how you got your cat Tippy. It is lovely that you ahbe so many happy memories of her. You have Kissy to love now ans she also sounds like a beautiful cat. I remember having a white rabbit called Miffy when I was a young child. I have fond memories of her hopping round ourt garden by day asnd coming into her hutch at night. I have superb memories of the cats my family had at that time. Sylvester was a white cat with china blue eyes and Tucker was a brown cat with a white patch on her chest and a kink at the end of her tail. They were very loving cats that liked plenty of fuss. When I was a teenager I had a sandy and white colored rabbit called sally and my sister had a black rabbit called Tiggy. They were both meant to be female, but Tiggy turned out to be male. They had seven baby rabbits. I remember all the babies so clearly. Miss Muffet was a nervous rabbit and she shared a hutch with Fleck a friendly little rabbit. These are lovely memories, thanks.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Oct 07
I wonder what my two present kitties would think if I ever brought home a rabbit..LOL...Just the other day I was in the pet store and they had two adorable dwarf sized rabbits..and also guinea pigs..there was one that had the saddest look on his/her face as if to say..can you take me home? I love all animals, and if I had the room it would be a virtual zoo here...LOL Love your stories of your former "babies" :)
• United States
13 Oct 07
wow.with all the cats i've had,it's hard to just pick one.each had something special. but the one cat,alley cat(he came with the name) did stand out.he originally belonged to a family up the street.he kept showing up on my doorstep looking beat up,and finally showed up one day covered in blood.the people who owned him had a dog who beat him up,they did nothing to stop it. the animal league here registers adoptions,so i called the number and tag id in to the shelter and explained the situation.the people admitted the dog did this-and the shelter immediately pulled custody from them and recinded him to me. but that was not what made him vet examination,it was determined his vocal cords were damaged.they thought he wouldn't speak again. 6 months later,speak he did. he said what sounded like "hello". hello,hello,hello. the strangest thing i'd ever heard. he lived 10 more happy years with me,before passing of FeLV.broke my heart. but i will never forget the cat who said hello:)
• United States
16 Oct 07
i think i know the one you mean-the orange tabby? yup. he was definetly wrong. speaking of which..that vet passed away this week.i have to find the "kids" a new doc now.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Oct 07
I'm glad alley cat found a good home eventually with you. Have you ever seen that Youtube video?? shows a cat that sounds like it says hello also. Guess that vet was wrong huh?
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
26 Aug 07
That was a very sweet story. I have had three different dogs at three different times. Each one I had for more than 8 years. I have loved all of them, but I think that my very first dog that I had has to be my favorite. Her name was Pepsi, she was a beagel-terrier mix. She was the best dog, we could let her out of the house and she would never leave the yard and we didn't even have a fence. She would be so excited to see us come home, she would jump a few feet into the air with excitement. When she was 8 years old she years old she got sick with cancer. That was a very sad time for me. I still miss her.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I still remember my very first cat, Babette, that I got when I was only five...she lived a long time...all through my elementary school years, junior high school, high school and even college! I can't help hoping how nice it will be to greet all my little friends I've had over the years in Rainbow Bridge
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@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
26 Aug 07
Thank you for sharing this story Pyewacket ;) and I have had similar hapenings with kiddos outside tormenting my own cats, so I can imagine exactly how you felt when saving Tippy from their hands and feet! One of thecats I ofetn remember was Oscar, a very big blak cat, the brother of one my black cats still with my own gang of cats at the moment. She is 10 years now and oscar would have been the same age too, but on a bad day in Janury 1998 I had sent all my cats outside because i wanted to wash the carpet, and they always are making a mess when i do that, so i sent them all outside in my back yard. All of them went but oscar didn't want to, and I foud it crazy as it was a very nice and sunny day, and no snow, so i thought, some one boy, please, go with the others and stay 30 minutes to an hour with the rest. Well, he finally went but I felt he didnt really want to. Later on when all thecats were inside i started worriying why he wasn't coming and started calling, and calling but he didn't came. When my partner got home we went both looking around and we found him finally. He had fallen in the water, probably dogs were chasing him or something, nd he steped on the ice, which was not hard enough it seems, so he had fallen in the water, and the stream had pushed him beneath the ice so he couldn't get out, and drawned. I have felt sick from sorrow for weeks and months and felt so guilty to have him go outside the houdse against his will. The guilt wouldn't let go for a very long time, but it gets less with the years. In any case i remember him often and talk with my partner about him, and miss this cat so much, poor Oscar, and we still love him. Thanks for coming up with your memory of Tippy Pyewacket and have me remeber our Oscar ;)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Thank you so much for sharing your story about Oscar...yes some of our "babies" will always remain in our it should be, I suppose. My cat Pyewacket is an all black kitty too, like the one in my avatar
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• Canada
27 Aug 07
For me it's not a matter of remembering some pets more than others, it's that each pet is individual, so we remember our pets in different ways, and for dfferent things. I have a cat at home in Canada that a friend of mine is caring for until I get home. I'm with my fiance in the USA right now. He has a cat here, and we are pet-sitting a dog and a cat for relatives of his who are out of state for a while. We love them all and remember them all equally.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I agree,...each pet does have it's own personality and is an individual...but I do remember some more than others
@gwendovere (1279)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Yes, but all of my pets have been like my children. I love each one for his or her uniqueness and individual personality.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Yes, we all seem to think of our pets like our children
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Wow thats quite an awesome story. I wish I had my tissues nearby. I loved all my furry friends. I get really sad when I think of the pets I've had. They were all like my kids to me. But the cat that comes to mind is "Woofy" She was pure black long haired girl. She was my baby, and very attached to me. When she got pregnant she had 4 babies, but only 1 lived. She was very upset. I had to help her through her loss. It was hard on me as well **sniffle**. I often think about her, and wonder where she is. I had to move. So I had to give her away. Try as I might I could'nt find a plave that I could afford that excepted pets. That was 4 years ago. Nowadays more landlords are excepting pets, and thats a good thing. It means less pets going to the pound.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Aug 07
That is sad to have to give up a pet one loves. It's completely different where I am, many landlords are the opposite and have a no-pet clause in them. I know one apartment building near me that has such a strict no-pet clause, one can't even have goldfish, and this is a condo where people are paying an awful lot of money to live there--think if you're paying that much you should be allowed pets.
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I remember all my pets but some in different ways than others. I do know that my dogs had more of an impact on me than my cats. I loved all my cats but there were two that were VERY special to me for so many reasons and one who I will never forget because she was such a little fighter. Some others I remember fondly but not like the special ones. The dogs, I pretty much remember them all with great love and sadness that they are gone. Each had a personality and each was my buddy and my baby. Now I have 3 cats and a dog and I swear I will NOT get another animal when these go because the pain of losing them is just too much. But we'll see. I say that every time I lose a pet.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Aug 07
LOL--I've heard that so many times from people--that after the last of their pets die, they vow never will get another...and some time later do...I just could never imagine life without an animal companion
• China
31 Aug 07 pet .......