What is your dog breed, and how does it behave around other people?
By Ricko82
@Ricko82 (584)
August 26, 2007 8:59am CST
I have always been a dog lover and now that my German shepherd is died, I wanted to get another dog. But I want a more friendly, big, and cuddly dog this time. Unlike my German shepherd which was hostile to my visitors. Can you tell me about your dog? Any advice is helpful too. Thanks...
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20 responses
@mightycrumbgirl (380)
26 Aug 07
I'm sorry to hear you lost your German Shepherd. My uncle lost his only a few weeks ago to a heart attack, and she was such a loving dog. He does have another German Shepherd, who is huge, and he's very cuddly - it's a shame yours was a bit hostile.
It depends on how big a dog you are looking for though - I have a Springer Spaniel, who is fairly big, and he's very sweet and cuddly! But if your looking for something bigger, labradors are usually very friendly!
I've always wanted a Newfoundland dog - they are huge, like big teddy-bears, and sooo cute and cuddly! But when I say huge, I mean giant - but if you've got enough room I reccomend getting one!
Some smaller breeds are known to be cuddlier than larger breeds though. I'm dogsitting for my in-laws, and at this moment in time I've got a cute little Yorkshire Terrier curled up on my lap, snoring! She's the friendliest dog ever, and she loves to snuggle!
Hope some of this helps, good luck :o)
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
26 Aug 07
I think they usually grow to around the same size as the Mastiff, and yes they are very gentle dogs - I'm sure a newfoundland and a chihuahua would get on very well - and they'd look so cute together :o)
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@StayHomeMom (108)
• United States
26 Aug 07
We now have a pug and a border collie. They are both great dogs but need alot of attention. When we have people over thery are right there with them wanting attention. I think the best dog that we ever had was a lab. They love to play and also just lay around with you.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I currently don't have a dog but I have had 2 in my life.
Growing up we had an Airdale Terrier. She was a great dog. Super friendly, big, furry and she obeyed my dad as a ruler. She ran around the yard without needing a leash because she never left our eyesight. She was a great dog. We had to have her put to sleep because she'd gotten an infection in her uterus from never being Spade.
Then we got a greyhound. Also a great big dog. Beautiful and majestic and super fast. She didn't bark, but she whined which was almost more annoying than yappy barking dogs. Greyhounds have to be adopted and usually come with an interview and things of that sort. You can't just pick up a greyhound any old place usually.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Aug 07
Sorry to hear about the loss of your furry friend...it is tough to see them leave. I know we've had dogs and we see them as part of the family and miss them when their time comes.
I have had pedigree poodle dogs and they were loveable but somewhat high strung. Cocker Spaniels and Labs are great doges, cuddly and loyal companions. If you want a really big cuddly dog Irish Wolfhounds are great..but they are big. We had an Irish Wolfhound/Husky cross. Meishka had a wonderful temprement and loved everyone..especially my gal pals. Tasha is our Lab/Shepherd cross and is 15. She is a very loveable gentle dog as well and tend to prefer mixed breeds over pedigree pets. They are often stronger, live longer and have less of the health problems that can come with many pedigree animals...the cross breeding can weaken their genetic pool. So good luck with whatever breed you decide to go with. I am sure if you love it to pieces it will be a cuddly, friendly dog...we are all a product of how we were raised and dogs are no different.
I have included a photo of our dogs...Tasha is the 15 year old female and Meishka (who has since passed on) is the Irish Wolfhound/Husky cross.
@claire03 (1443)
• United States
26 Aug 07
we have a jack russell terrier. She is very cute, sweet, affectionate, smart dog. we love her so much, her name is jackie. you can see the picture here in my profile photos. i really like dogs ever since and i'm so lucky to have found the best dog ever. :)
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@Hanna80 (2)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I have 2 dogs. One is a pitbull named princess and she is very friendly. She enjoy the attention that anybody gives her. My other dog is a german shepard mixed and she is also very friendly and also shy. After,she warms up to people shelikes to play alot with them.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I have a small dog now (mini weiner) but have had large dogs all my life. I love dogs. My little weiner is a love bug. He will bark and growl at strangers though which is just natural. He is the most lovable dog I have ever had.
Of our big dogs we have had all were pretty good and lovable but my favorites would have to have been our Dobermans (not vicious at all unless you count the lickin' lol), our keeshond, and our bird dog.
Good luck to you in picking your new baby.
@prabodh1987 (297)
• India
27 Aug 07
a great den (LEO)
he is just 7 months old but all the ppl in my colony are afraid of him....
@urbandekay (18278)
27 Aug 07
That your dog was hostile to strangers is more down to how you, or his previous owners, bought him up. Dogs are largely what we make them. The old adage, "No bad dogs only bad owners" is largely true.
all the best urban
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
26 Aug 07
My poor canine species is a white pomeranian , named SOOSIE, very much obedient faithful and friendly . She is with us for the past 9 years . She is one among our family ...she realizes ,understands,suffers. With us ...
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
26 Aug 07
perhaps, the next time I cry would be for my pet !
@astnusaresources (312)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 07
I suggest you try this breed:-
Brittany Spaniel
Bichon Frise
Bearded Collie
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
Hi Ricko82! Our pit bull name is NgatNgat, that is a Filipino term for someone or something who loves to chew. Our pet just loves being scratched at the jaw line area and she goes crazy when we do scratch her. One thing that endears her to me is she is very sweet, she always rest her head on my lap. Take care and have a nice day!
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
6 Sep 07
My dog is a German Shepherd,too. She's actually a nice and most of the time, keeps to herself. Ashley is not the type to be that very hostile when it comes to visitors. She will bark for a while but not the nasty kind that she almost wants to eat them whole!LOL
She will bark for awhile then that's it. She gets very excited though when she sees other dogs roaming around our street.
@ladymel (12)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I have 2 Shelties, a Yorkie and a mixed breed. Shelties are wonderful family pets and are extremely loyal and loving to the family. However, if you do not socialize them ALOT as puppies (taking them out and also having strangers come over), they get very unsocial with strangers. They become very nervous around strangers, bark and run and hide, but not hostile or aggressive.
Yorkies are just wonderful. They adapt well, love people and think they are a big dog. You have to teach them how to act from a young age, just like a kid. Yorkies tend to take over if they are allowed. If you teach them correctly from a puppy, you will have no trouble at all.
If you want a large dog that is going to be gentle, I would think along the lines of a Retriever or Lab. If you want friendly with endless energy, Boxer or Weimaraner comes to mind.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I have a wire fox terrier who is crazy wild! He barks incestently when someone comes in the house. He is wild and has to be put in his cage (that was used for house training). He loves to be in the cage...and thinks that is the only place that he can sleep! Ha! He is not very cuddly, so I wouldn't advise this breed if you are wanting a cuddler!
@vinzen (1020)
• India
26 Aug 07
Sad to hear about your dog, i guess thats the saddest part of keeping pets, when we loose them, it simply breaks our heart.
Well, i have also been a dog lover right from the day i was born i think, as i have always had a dog under my cradle and have almost lived with them.
Now that i am married and have kids of my own ,i have a apso, and its the cutest little thing that i know, and we all love him so dearly. No, hes not all that big, in fact its a bundle of joy, its very cuddly alright and does so many tricks, as thats what weve taught him, and is disciplined enough to sit around and behave himself in front of people at least!!
He has his own little corner and perfers to sleep there , and early morning comes onto our beds and snuggles to wake us up. He just loves to do that and wakes up the kids every morning as well. Even with other people hes alright though initally when he was younger he was more aggressive, now with age, as hs matured up now, hes learnt to be cute and behave properly too. Its only when hes not well, or if someone teases him or touches his tail or his food, that he wont spare them, otherwise with strangers, hed just bark once or twice and if we are friendly with them and tell our dog to be friends, he wags his tail, and shakes hands with them too.
I think they are the cutest bundle of joys.
@Seraphine (385)
• Finland
26 Aug 07
I have a cavalier king charles spaniel. He's extremely friendly to both people and animals, hardly ever barks unless it's at his toys, has a ton of energy to play and he's the perfect lapdog when he's tired. I'm totally in love with this breed, despite it being a toy breed and I have always preferred larger dogs.
I think a golden retriever sounds like a quite good match for you btw. Big, friendly, cuddly, and easily-trained although a bit hyper in the puppy years.
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
27 Aug 07
My Rat Terrier is a pain in the rear! He's scared of every one
My Boston Terrier is great. He loves every one and just wants to play. I need to get him to quit jumping on people though.... Some kids are scared of that.