How did you name your cat?

@jpetals (314)
August 26, 2007 12:50pm CST
I have two cats. The first is named Bob. He was given to me and introduced to me as Bob, so that has stayed his name. (Side story: His name was really Booboo, but the person who gave me him didn't want me to call him that so just named him Bob) The second cat that owns me is Karma. As a kitten, Karma's owner called him Patches, but we weren't particularly fond of that the owner said we could rename him. Originally we though Karma was a girl so we gave good thought and Karma eventually just came to us. When we found out that she was actually a he, we kept the name as Karma seemed to fit either a boy or girl. How about you?
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9 responses
• United States
26 Aug 07
I have 2 cats also...I had a hard time naming my male cat but the kids came up with Felix and my female was kinda easy I always wanted a daughter named Gabby but I can't have anymore children.SO I named our Female Gabby....
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@jpetals (314)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
That is funny about naming your cat after the girl name you like. My mom has always said that people shouldn't name their pets after people. I agree slightly... but am a hypocrite cuz my one cat is named Bob. See, I wanted to name my baby Charlie if she was a girl, but my sister has named her dog that, and who wants a baby to be named after a dog? LOL
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
26 Aug 07
My cat's name is Reggie Cat. He originally belonged to my brother and his wife. They had named him Gina. He... they thought was a She, hence the name being a female name. When I got the cat from them (after 1 month they decided a cat was too much effort to care for...and had a child instead, go figure.) I was playing with her and saw something between his legs that made me believe he was a he and not a she! So I was like "this cat ain't no Gina, he's a Reggie Cat!" and it stuck. He's been my Reggie Cat ever since. I got him when he was just 10 weeks old and he's almost 5!
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• United States
27 Aug 07
Well, I have three cats, and they were named according to what was going at the time, the situation we were in, and their personalities. Frisky was named because he was frisky and he looked like a cat on the Friskies box, my brother also watched Superman and there was a cat named Frisky in the film. Tommy (or Dubby as he is known as now) got his first name from being a baby and being a tomcat, and from looking like the cat Tom in the Anne Frank book my brother was reading at the time, Dubby came later from a commerical with penguins singing "Strangers In the Night". Goldie's name came from her situation, she was abandoned, and she was a total drama queen, also she was always the most expensive of the three to take care of, so Goldie became her name.
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• United States
27 Aug 07
That's Goldie.
@jpetals (314)
• Canada
27 Aug 07
So Goldie is the only female and the drama queen. Go figure! LOL
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
27 Aug 07
My first cat I named Constance because I really liked that name and I always wanted to name my daughter that but I was like 17 then and had no kid so I just named the cat that. My second cat is Thor because I just think Thor is cool being the God of Thunder and all.
@jpetals (314)
• Canada
27 Aug 07
I like both of those names. Thanks for sharing with me.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
27 Aug 07
We have a grey/black/white striped tabby. When he was a kitten we were thinking about names related to the stripes on his body. Of course, my hubby and sons were thinking about things like Sergant, Captain, and other military names, in reference to 'earning one's stripes.' I didn't like that idea and eventually my hubby came up with the greatest name, 'Ripples!' The cat's markings looked like the ripples that one sees on water when stone has been skipped! It stuck and he has been 'Ripples' ever since!
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@jpetals (314)
• Canada
27 Aug 07
Ooooh, I love it! It seems like most people have taken their time to name their pet and put some thought into it.... But typical males, going for the army theme. I think this is what I have to look forward to, as I have two young sons. I'm out numbered, even the cats are against. LOL
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Aug 07
My home is run by 2 cats, a little girl named Sissy and a BIG boy named Squirt. I had another Sissy a long time ago and she was my baby so when my daughter got me to take this sweet little abandoned kitten she had found in the middle of the road and nursed back to health and who made the same cute little half-meow, half-purr squeaking sound I didn't think twice before naming her Sissy! As a side note, my granddaughter's name is Angela but alot of family members have called her Sissy since she had a big brother. Once I was telling my daughter that I was afraid Sissy had earmites and Angela, who was about 4 at the time, giggled and said "I don't have earmites!" When Sissy was about 4 I noticed 3 tiny kittens and the mother cat across the alley from us. I tried to catch them and took food and water to them every day for several weeks. I learned from a neighbor that the mother's owners had moved and left her behind, probably because she was ROTTEN!! Anyway, they all disappeared for a few days, then one day just one of the kittens reappeared. I kept feeding him and trying to pet him and pick him up but he remained scared for a few more days. The others came back a few days later, but I never could get to close to any of them. Soon though I managed to pick the one up and I took him to the house and showed my mom who had recently had hip-replacement surgery. I took him back, but later that night he was at my door so I brought him in and he's been here ever since. Anyway, I thought he was a girl at first and was calling him Samantha, then my daughter said, no, he was a boy. Meanwhile, Sissy wasn't too happy about this little guy invading HER turf so we had to keep them separated when we weren't there to supervise. My mom was always saying how sorry she felt for that poor little squirt being locked in our downstairs bathroom, so I decided Squirt would be a good name. The only problem is the little "squirt" now weights about 30 pounds! Seven pound Sissy still beats him up, though! She's actually the name for a female DOG...LOL! Annie
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@jpetals (314)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
Isn't it always the smallest ones that grow the biggest? And those are always the ones with the funny names. My sister has a cat like Squirt. The cats name is Kitty and he's over 20lbs!! And about those jerks that left the pregnant cat.... they should do the right thing and have their cat spayed or neutered so that they end the cycle. I feel so bad for all the homeless kitties in this world. People should be more responsible!! Thank you so much for sharing your stories.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Aug 07
When I think of how tiny Squirt was and how big he is now I can't believe it. His first night here he spent on the closed-in back porch and I put some litter in a tiny little 8x8 foil cake pan...he pooped in it within 10 minutes after I put it there. Later I couldn't find him and he was under our push lawn mower. To think he could fit there boggles the mind. Squirt was a rescue from across the alley and Sissy was picked up by my daughter after she'd been abandoned along the road so there are 2 cats that almost didn't survive. It's so heartbreaking how people can do that to their pets! Both my cats are fixed even though they've never been outside since we got them except to go to the Vet. That could be a whole other discussion... Annie
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Ahhhh, Fatso. My 9 year old calico kitty. The name says it all! Actually, we put her on a diet about a year ago so my father in law insists we change it to not-so-fatso. She use to be about 20 pounds but has slimmed down very much.
@jpetals (314)
• Canada
3 Sep 07
I'd still call her Fatso! I love it.
• India
27 Aug 07
i dont have any cat....but my yonger brother plaaning to get cat. and he will put her name as MINNI
@jpetals (314)
• Canada
3 Sep 07
• United States
27 Aug 07
I couldn't think of a name for my cat, so her name ended up being Kitty. She's actually Kitty II because I had a turtle named Kitty previously.
@jpetals (314)
• Canada
3 Sep 07
My sis has a "kitty" also. :D I like how the turtle was named it first though. :D