Guess Who
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
August 27, 2007 1:31am CST
Yep I have been able to sneak on for a bit
I know we have not been here much but I have been busy looking after Mum well trying to as Mum has been very sick, she is slowly getting better now that she has been taking of them Tablets that she did not even need and that made her so sick in the end
If this stupid Doctor would send Mum to a Consultant all this would not happen to Mum
Well on top of that Mum only went broke the Coffee table and HURT her poorly leg again I just do not know what to do with her
She was giving me a Hug and when she got well she went backwards and straight onto the Coffee Table
I could not understand why she wanted to be on the Coffee Table in the first place, but she said something about loosing her Balance?
The other Day she fell on the Street because her poorly Leg just gave way I just could not understand why Mum was on the Floor with me I mean in the middle of the Street is not the right Place to play I would have thought, well Mum tells me of for wanting to play on the Street
Well to all my Members at Gissi Web Mum will be updating soon again she just needs to still rest a lot but is going there soon
Well that is all for now better get of before I get caught again hehehehe
Love and Hugs
Gissi xxx
Oh and a Question
Is it true that I am not suppose to walk in front of Mum and just stand still in front of her, she keeps telling me of when I do that, she says I will make her fall and that she could accidentally hurt me to when I do that to her?????
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17 responses
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Well I am glad to hear your mum is getting better. My own dog Maddy always walks in front of me too, but she is REALLY big, so I always see her first. You really should try to walk beside your mum and not in front of her. She may accidentally step on you one day and that would hurt. My dog likes to pull me around and has pulled me down a few times.. once in the mud and I was covered from head to toe on my back side !! I think you would really like my Maddy girl.. she's a lot like you !!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Sep 07
Lol Misheleen and Mum complaints at me pulling her at least I have not done that Yet
I just can not help walking in front of Mum I like to have the Pavement to myself and it really anoys me when other People are on there as Mum always pulls me to the Side so they can get passed why can't we pass first why does Mum always let others go first, no one ever lets Mum go first
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Sep 07
our labrador takes me for a drag regularly, lol its a bugger
blessed be
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
3 Sep 07
that's because not everyone is as polite as your mum. You can learn a lot about being nice and polite from your mum, whom I for one know is quite a wonderful lady...
@DJ9020 (1596)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Your poor Mum! You must give her lots of cuddling and lots of licking, but do stay out of her way! What if she should fall on you? You would not like that. Be very good and quiet so she can get some good rest. Then maybe she can take you for a nice walk when her leg is better!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 07
Hi there oh I am being good for her I am not up to much mischief at the moment but I will catch up when Mum is better lol
She is still taking me for walks but we can not go to the Field at the moment because of Mum's Breathing and her leg and also I have to stay out of high Grass as my Tummy is only just starting to get better from the Infection I keep getting
But I am looking after Mum it is just this walking in front of her I can't master at the moment I mean Mum should watch where she is going she knows I am unpredictable lol
But I guess I should be careful to really as Mum is always more worried about hurting me then herself
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Doggies are supposed to walk beside their mothers/fathers. In front of them, it can be dangerous in that you might get stepped on, if not make 'em trip & fall on top of you. If you stay behind them, they cannot see if you end up having to stop for some reason, & you might either get dragged, or they might lose their balance & fall back on top of you. If you ever tried running with a car, that can be even worse. If you run in front of the car, you'll get tired. If you run behind the car, you'll get exhausted. Oh - if you try running beside the car, you'll end up behind the car & get exhausted.
Even if you do get caught pecking at the keyboard with that pen, just remind her that you're earning for her here on MyLot.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 07
Hey there Krazy I never thought of that to say to Mum that I am earning her some money that is a good Idea hahaha
Thank you for all the Advise there I certainly took that in
I love reading your Advise the way you put them always makes me laugh
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@lols189 (4742)
27 Aug 07
hey gissi i see your back again on mylot. you need to look after mum lately little man as she is sick and needs you most. i hope she is ok and that she does not catch you on the pc again lol. no you are not supposed to walk in front of mum only if you want her to have an accident and i know you dont want that so you should walk at the side of her lol. tell mum i said hello and speak to you again very soon
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 07
Oh no I have permission this time Lols see so I am being good
I mean I would have come on here anyway lol as you know me
Cause I am back we wouldn't leave here Mum always says that this Place is special to her as it brought her so many loving and caring Friends like you so never fear we will not leave by choice
If you want to become a Member on my Web send Mum your Email Addy
I think you know Mums it is where you talked or does Mum just have to add that onto your Name
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@lols189 (4742)
28 Aug 07
hi again gissi i am glad your mum is not going to leave mylot as it would not feel the same without her or you. i am glad you now have permission to be on the pc lol. tell your mum i will pm her my addy as i would love to be added to your web. speak to you soon little man
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@mummymo (23706)
2 Sep 07
Gissi it is so good to see you here again! I love to talk to you and just wish that I could tickle your tummy for you! I know that your Mum has been a lot of work for you lately but you need to stick by her and do the best you can to look after her - I know that can be very difficult as she is very stubborn and determined but just you do your best - okay? As for walking in front of her - come on sweety , you know how clumsy she is - better off trying not to walk in front of her - you know you will just get the blame for her falling over again! Hugs little fella! xxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Sep 07
Hey I read this xxx
Oh dear Auntie Mo Mum just pushed me out of the way and read this I did try to tell her that it was not her turn on the Computer yet but you know how Stubborn she can be
I don't know and yes she can be hard work
Love you xxxxx
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@mummymo (23706)
3 Sep 07
Gissi my darling she really can be quite trying but you just have to be patient with her - espescially when she gets so belligerent and sarcastic! She loves you sweety and for all her faults you know you love her too! Now lets have some fun and see what she thinks if she sees this! Don't you worry though if she tries to push you off the chair this time I will really scold her! xxxx
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
27 Aug 07
Hugzzz Gissi I sure hope that your Mum feels better very soon I know what it's like not too feel very well..And Mum is right it is safer for you to walk beside her and not infront of her if she trips she could land on you or she could trip over your leash I really hope that your Mum feels better soon.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 07
Well I hope so to but her Lungs are still not better I just hope she will get over it soon she has enough Problems Breathing when she hasn't got an Infection in the Lungs as her Lungs are crumbling away or something like that anyway
Hugs to you and I hope that you are ok
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
I'm doing better with each day Gissi thank you hugzzzzzz and big kiss for such a cutie...I hope that your mum will feel better and I'm sure with love from you and all her friends and family she will make it through
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Sep 07
hi gissi, good to see you. Im like your mum, been a bit ill, but im back and should be here a bit more often now. Had a spell in hospital but im getting back to normal now. Hope your mum is well, dont let her catch you but give her my love
blessed be
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Hey Gissi long time no see . Well if you didnt tell us what your mum is up to we would never know now would we?
Am so hoping she didnt get hurt to bad when falling down. And I bet that scares you badly.
and no you are not to stop fast in front of her she could fall on you then what would ya do?
You would yipe and nip at her. to get her off you.
I just hope that this nurse fianlly does the right thing ndd sends her to cansell before she really gets hurt adn give her good love licks fo me hugs Lakota
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 07
I know
She hurt her leg again and she had a bit of a breathing attack but she seems ok
Wouldn't it work better if Mum watched out for me going in front of her? I just can't help it I am all over the Place when I walk I just like to be everywhere but I guess I do not want Mum to fall on me as that would hurt
I will give her lots of Kisses big Hugs to you
@rosie_123 (6113)
27 Aug 07
Hwllo Gissi,
This is your feline friend Lily! I have missed you lots here - but I understand that you have to look after your Mum. Mums are very precious, even though we might not let them know we think it all the time! So you look after her, and give her a big kiss from me and my brothers (and my Mummy and Daddy), and tell her to get well soon!
As for standing in front of her - well - you know - humans are strange creatures - they don't think as clearly as us animals do...... so if that is what your Mum tells you to do, maybe you ought to do what she asks!!! It will help make her think she is the Boss - even though we both know you are really:-))
Love and kisses,
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 07
Hi there Lily I hope you are ok to there
And I guess you are right but I did give Mum a fright tonight I got under the Gate to get after a Dog and well I nearly got run over I had to give Mum lots of Kisses because she was crying and of course running after me affected her breathing really bad so I think I better not do that again
Love and lots of Kisses to you
Gissi xxx
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@rosie_123 (6113)
27 Aug 07
Oh Gissi - now it's my turn to tel YOU to be careful - perhaps I should come and look after you instead? Being run over is BAD - I could tell you all about it - so don't you be a bad boy and upset your Mummy!
Take care,
Lots of Love,
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Yes Gissi, you shouldn't just stop in front of your mum like that, especially as she doesn't have very good balance because of her bad leg at the moment. I'm sorry your mum is hurting so much and getting into such lousy accidents. Please watch out for her my friend. She needs you to take care of her right now. Make sure you give her lots of love.
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Awwww poor Gissi you do have your hands full with your mum, you have to stay at her side so she dont trip over you is best. Just give her lots of love and kisses and she will get better as soon as the mean medicane gets out of her system. And keep mum out of the streets, stay on the sidewalks with her. You take care of mum and tell her we miss her. Hugs to you both.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
31 Aug 07
Hi Gissi, it's Banjo...meow. I like to play with little dogs, stop it Lucy, I do NOT beat them up. I walk in front of my Mum too and she nearly falls over. She doesn't seem to understand I want her to think ONLY about me...not whatever else is on her mind...if she falls over and hurts me or herself then it's her own silly fault for not looking where I'm going. I say walk wherever you want and stop whenever you want.
But what do I know...I'm just a cat.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Aug 07
Hey there Banjo I totally agree with you there
Mum's should watch where they are stepping and they should know that we will walk in front them
I love Cats and I like playing with them but some of the Cats I have met just don't want to know they do this silly thing standing up and putting their backs up so when I see that I just do a u turn and not go near
Great to meet you and tell Lucy to behave
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
31 Aug 07
Hello Gissi the little Hero how have you been? i was not active here for a few days and i guess i missed a lot of discussions by you and Mum and its sure nice to hear from you and i am so happy you take care of Mum and love her so much - you a one cute guy. And i guess Mum is right if you keep walking in front of her she might trip on on you and hurt herself and you which we don't want right? So always walk along with mum on her side i mean iam sure you will find its more fun b'cos Mum wont be worried about hurting you :) i hope to hear from you soon and if Mum does not eat her tablets on time just keep barking n looking at the tablets she might take the hint LOL and i do wish her gets alright soon :) Love you Gissi uuuuummmmmma to you and take care of yourself and Mum. Bye for now - Ano
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
27 Aug 07
How wonderful, Gissi, that you are there to look after and comfort your mum. No, it is not a good thing to do when you stand in front of her. She does not want to hurt you or herself. I am looking forward to viewing your Gissi web site.
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@petspets (476)
• Antarctica
27 Aug 07
Hugs to your mum. I'm glad she is slowly getting better. There is a smiley with a hammer waiting to whack that doctor again and again. Tell mum she has to get up slowly when she bends down to hug you. It is the difference in the blood pressure. I get that,too. And Krazy has given you good advice. XXX.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Hey Gissi my man!I have missed you. I think its wonderful that your taking care of your mom. But I do agree with you she shouldnt be playing on the streets with you.LOL Just tell her in a nice way that you would rather play at home. Im going to go now Gissi and my girls Maggie and Molly say hi to you. And they will call you soon.LOL Hugs to you little man.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 07
Hi there Terry I have missed you to
I did try to tell her but well she just looked at me with something like a frown when I jumped in front of her and wagging my Tail, well I was wondering what she was doing down there
Big Hugs to Maggie and Molly and I hope they call soon I can't call as Mum has put the Phone to high
@lisabigail (24)
• China
27 Aug 07
well ,i do think that your mother's words are true, you should think of her,care her feeling and do not walk in front of her ,only in that way can make her safe, so just do it ,and do better
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