peace all around

August 27, 2007 2:33am CST
why is the world going so fast today no one has time for others no love no peace no harmony ? hatred all around... guns n atom bombs every where no one like flowers !!! oceans, mountains.... how can we promote the peace
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4 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
Hi noumans! I guess with so much going on like wars and violence all over the newspapers and television, we can't help but wonder what is happening to the world. We are civilzed human beings, how come we are acting this way? So how can we promote peace? Maybe let us start with ourselves, within the family then let it spread out. Let us begin with ourselves by forgiving those who have hurt us, being patient and understanding to those around us and being genuinely caring for other people. I guess, somehow that will go a long, long way. Oh, and let us not support wars and economic sabotage. Take care and have a nice day!
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
Hi noumans! God sees all things and He would all reward us accordingly in Heaven. Forgive others so you may be forgiven, that has been said over and over again in the Bible. I forgive so I can move on with my life and free my life from the pain dealt of the hurt that was done to me. Take care and have faith!
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
27 Aug 07
Well I think programs like Mylot is a good start, I will be honest I am a lot more tolerant of other cultures since I have been coming in here so I think Mylot is helping a lot, any small step in the peace direction is a good one, and ther are so many people in here from so many countries if it keeps expanding who knows we might be seeing the very start of world peace right here...
• India
27 Aug 07
hi friend to an extend u r right, these days , the world is so fast paced that not many value human relation and emotions, money and richness is the criteria for everything. all v can do is not to repeat what everyone else is doing, love others and expect others to love you as love.this is the only way forward. take care
• India
27 Aug 07
hi friend to an extend u r right, these days , the world is so fast paced that not many value human relation and emotions, money and richness is the criteria for everything. all v can do is not to repeat what everyone else is doing, love others and expect others to love you as love.this is the only way forward. take care