Should I feel bad if I sell his stuff?
By wiccania
@wiccania (3360)
United States
August 27, 2007 2:21pm CST
My ex and I still talk, we have to, we have a son together. He moved out declaring that he "needed to figure out what he wanted," in January and hasn't helped with any of the bills since April. I don't work, and the only income I have is what I earn online and what I get from Social Security for my son (he's Autistic).
I'm pretty sure he's not coming back, but I also know the person he's living with right now is notorious for ruining other people's things. Most of his belongings are here. I even had to pay for them to be moved along with my stuff when I moved in June.
So I've sold a few of this belongings. I'm going through and making another pile of stuff to sell. At this point, I've already sold everything of MINE that has any value to pay bills.
Should I feel bad for selling his stuff? Or just do it? I'm not planning on mentioning it to him unless he says "where's my..." then I'll tell him it was sold to pay the rent or the phone bill or whatever.
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30 responses
@Galena (9110)
27 Aug 07
in all fairness, if it's bills for things like electricity and rent and so forth, that he's not using, it's probably not right to sell his things to pay for them.
it could possibly be considered theft.
you need to try and work out a fair level of child support, rather than expect him to pay things like rent and electricity and water for a property he's not living in. so things like food, and clothing for your child, is fair.
if it is something he can be fairly expected to pay for, then notify him that he needs to pay his way or you will have to sell his property to pay his side of things.
the fact is, it's fair to expect him to pay a certain amount towards his childs upkeep, but it's not fair to expect him to pay for you to continue living somewhere beyond their means, if that makes sense.
hope this isn't taken the wrong way. I know people who have been let down by unsupportive fathers, and people who have milked exes dry, just so they can go on living in a house that they can no longer realistically expect to afford. and both sides of that are horrible places to be.
it may be that you need to downsize, as a single parent. it is however fair to expect him to contribute to care for your child.
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I have downsized. When I moved in June, I went somewhere with lower rent and utilities. From January until April, he paid about half the phone bill every month and covered "non-grocery items" at the grocery store. Which includes food for the 2 cats and dog -- who are his pets too. There was no "child support payment" outside of that help. And since then, there's been nothing. No child support of any kind and it doesn't look like he'll have the money to pay anything any time soon.
When we were together, he worked and I stayed at home. That was the agreement. When he moved out he said he'd help out with the bills. Which he didn't really do. I'll be able to get a part time job once our son is in school, but I have no idea when that will be.
Since June I've had to spend about $500 that could have been prevented if he would have provided the transportation that he also promised when he moved out, between moving and having to take cabs to the grocery store.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Okay your son with him lives with you right...and he's not helped out with the bills etc?? pfft..sell his sh!t, thats b.s as far as I'm concerned....if it was just YOU and he wasnt helping that'd be one thing BUT you are raising his special needs child and he hasnt lifted a finger to help out with money?? Sell it, take care of you and your son and dont feel bad in the slightest...
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
28 Aug 07
welli wil tell u what.,.you are way mlore of a person to keep his things as long as you have,especially since you havewnt gotten a dime for help since April..thats just immature..selfish and makes me mad! hell yess..sell everything u can of his! and dont mention it..if it comes up..i dunno where it lol..or maybe oh they have a new home now lol..but i feel things are really bad with you now.i have some places u can get some help..have u tried selling things on ebay? ask friends and family to give up what they dont want..and u sell that on ebay..and its free if u dont know..and that wil sure help u..and look round the house things u dont want or need anymore..u would be soo surprised what people wil buy!! and there is site i go to..people list free items they dont want anymore..and u get it all free..and they have it for almost eveyones city..i live in a tiny town and we are theer lol..go to its truley a great site and u can post things you need too..i had a friend that moved outta a bad realtionship with her 3 kids and theer clothes nothing else..they have everythging for theer new home now thanks to just check it out..they are people like u an dme.and just dont need stuff anymore..hope i was some help..take cae hun!April
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
28 Aug 07
noo its not that site i gave u..i messed up..the real siteu want is this..sorry about that!!
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
28 Aug 07
I don't think you should feel bad about selling his stuff. He hasn't helped you with any of the bills and I bet he's not helping you in supporting your son. He is not being a responsible father and therefore you have all the right to sell his stuff.
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@jcyap888 (721)
• Philippines
28 Aug 07
sometimes it hard for us to sell our items that we treasure, but in time of needs we must sacrifice for it, but things we sale must not goes to nothing save some money for the start of some business or else you will be broke! and have nothing or anything. Dont just use it for paying bills start something that enthusiast you.
just to give you point of view that had happen to you lost my job my house and everything, i had my furniture my appliances for sale too until i decided to save for the future before i lost everything.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Well I just wanted to say that I think you were very respectful to sell your own items before his to pay your bills. I personally would have sold them first and then mine if it came down to it. I dont think you should feel badly at all, after all your paying your bills to keep a roof over your head for you and your son with him. Its not like your selling his items to support a bad habit! Its the least he could do seeing hes living with another woman at this point.
Good luck to you.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
28 Aug 07
He has been gone since January because he needed to figure out what he wanted but yet he jumped into another relationship with someone else. Why do men always say that when they want out of a relationship but always want to keep the ex hanging because of just in case things don't pan out for them. Well, If he truly cared about the stuff he would have took it with him or atleast put it in storage. He hasn't kept the promise of helping you and you sold all your things to help keep your son in a home and since it is his son also then I say go for it. Or atleast pawn it then send him the receipts to pick it up if he wants it bad enough he will get it out of pawn. When it comes to providing for your child and his needs should come first then you shouldn't have no doubts or feel to guilty. We have a 4 year old who is Autistic in our family he belongs to my sister in law so I know a little where your coming from. No court would do anything since he hasn't been in your home since January and it would be considered that he just abandoned his things. If he made to big of a fuss then a judge could make him pay you the cost of the money to have it moved then caretaker fees and storage cost for each month it would add up to a pretty good amount since January. Bills come first..happy selling.
@TheCatzMeow1 (579)
• United States
28 Aug 07
With all the information you've given, I don't think it's wrong to sell his stuff. Judge Judy would say that he has no right to store his stuff at your place for free in that length of time. He's not helping support his child so the money has to come from somewhere. I'd say if he hasn't come to get his stuff by now, he doesn't really want it anyways.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I would sell his stuff. If he left just because he needed to figure out what he wanted and he hasn't been back since January and he hasn't come back for his stuff then it seems like he doesn't need it. If he's not helping by paying child support or paying any bills (since his child is living there) then I say go for it and sell his stuff to help pay your bills. Then if he ever asks for his things tell him you had to sell them to pay the bills. If he says anything about it then tell him that storage places would sell his things too if he hadn't paid the bill since April.
@NewbieHelper (308)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
Have you looked for any storage services for low-income individuals in your area? Or a local church or volunteer group who will let you unload the unwanted items but who will hold them for a reasonable time for your ex to pick up? After a certain date, everything gets donated to people who can use the items?
This might help you if, at some future date, your ex decides to get nasty and say that you took his stuff or damaged his stuff. You'll have a record with the storage service, church, etc., who will be able to help protect your version of the truth.
It doesn't sound like you have riches coming into your bank accounts - there ought to be some low-income services that will help you, regardless of what I just mentioned concerning your ex's 'stuff.'
Many low-income resources ARE NOT BROADCAST at all by social and other government workers but they are out there if you search and keep asking questions. There are also a lot of other kinds of services that are in many communities that people don't think of looking up.
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Shouldn't he be paying child support? Yes. Is he? Doesn't sound like it. So selling his stuff is going towards his payment of child support. It's been 8 months and he still hasn't asked for his stuff, so it sounds to me like he just doesn't want it and/or he really takes you for granted. More importantly, find out what steps you need to take in order to get him to start paying child support. Check with your local courthouse, they should let you file, possibly for free. If there is a local college nearby with a law program, sometimes they provide the law students' services for free. My advice is to sell away. You shouldn't feel guilty or bad about it at all. Good luck to you and to your son. Keep us posted. :)
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
28 Aug 07
my advice..
SELL EVERYTHING OF HIS. if he ever comes back looking for this stuffs, tell him you are not his slave taking care of his sh*t and everything is thrown out the day he walked out on you.
@lavenderbloom (1057)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Aug 07
I feel that since the things you intend to sell does not belong to you, you have to ask his permission. Atleast inform him to take his belongings and tell him that you will sell it off otherwise. If he says he has no objection then you can proceed with the sale. We do not have the right to sell off other people's stuff. Take care.
@yesterday75 (12)
• China
28 Aug 07
Don't feel bad. If you are not sure your feelings, you can inform him to take his back before selling again. I think, Since moving out, he should know how to do with his stuff unless he didn't want them. And if he didn't pay any bill or some cost of your son, you have right to sell this.
Maybe he wants to come back again? If so, I just wonder whether you can accept him from heart.
Take it easy. Don't regret anything that you did before.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
Well, if my partner left me with our child, knowing I didn't have any income, then he probably wouldn't expect any of his stuff to be around. Actually, I probably wouldn't have brought it with me when I moved.
I'd sell it. Not out of vengeance, but because you have to do what you have to do - you have your son to think of.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
28 Aug 07
felt very very sorry for you, I mean I just cant understand why some people are heaped with all the ill luck and some are plain lucky. To have an autistic child is as it is challenging and then to have the father walk out must be crushing to both you and your child. But then you have every reason to feel bad about selling the stuff too, they are full of memories. But practicality demands that you start selling and pay the bills instead of just hoarding and feeling sorry. I don’t believe the rogue will ever turn up (excuse my language, there was nothing better that came to my mind) but if he does, just kick him out. Make it clear to him that neither you nor your home are dumping grounds for him, and you are not the caretaker of his stuff. He deserves nothing better and you don’t need to waste your energies on giving explanations and excuses to such an undeserving man.
@maxsee212 (799)
• United States
28 Aug 07
i would assume that he doesn't want his stuff anymore because, if he wanted them, then he would have gotten them from you a long time ago. it's his fault not to take what's his. it's not fair to you that you would spend money to move his stuff when he should be spending his. i think that it you should sell his stuff because you have a reason too. i would feel a little guilty because i am a nice person too. if i were you selling his stuff without his permission, i would feel a little bit guilty because no matter what, it's still his stuff. i suggest you should contact him and try to figure stuff up. if he does not want you to sell his stuff, then bill him the money that you use to moves his stuff. this would be a great thing to do. this is my advice to you and you should take heed to my words. happy day!!
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
Well since he is not helping you out with any of the bills and if he really wanted his stuff he has had ample time to come pick it up so I would say that if you have to sell what is at the house to make ends meat for you and your son then yes I would do this as well . If he had really wanted his stuff then you would think he would have picked it up before now . You can't be responsible for his stuff for the rest of your life and if he had to have it stored he would have had to pay for this . Best of luck to you and your little boy and I wouldn't worry about what he is going to say as he is already moved on by the sounds of it as he is with someone else and is not making any effort to make sure his son has all that he needs if he is not giving you money each month .
@hells_demand (157)
28 Aug 07
you go a guy has a kid and the kid does not live with him then he should have to pay so that the child has what they need, at least if the kid is under 18, there are laws about these things.
so if you have his stuff and he is not paying up then you can count his stuff as his pay, and if you run out of his stuff, say get some more, i know you never said anyhing about more stuff but it is best to look ahead right?