Do you agree students should have homework and how much ?

August 28, 2007 10:27am CST
With another school year starting or in some areas already started I would like to know you views on homework for students . Most educators believe that homework is good for students and helps keep parents involved and that being repetitive helps students to remember things easier but some feel that this should be the job of the teacher in school . Do you feel it is necessary to give younger children homework where the parents are going to spend more time on this then the student or do you feel this is a way to bond with your child ? What happens in cases where a child is overwhelmed with all the work they have and refuse to do any of it ? the more homework a student is given each night may interfere with outside activities they may be involved in which is some cases could have good and bad results depending on the student . If a child struggles with this all day in school should they be forced to do this each night ? HOw much is considered to much ?
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29 responses
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Aug 07
I am from China and I think many people know that the study pressure is very heavy in China and Japan. We have lots of homework all the time, even in the holidays. I was a student before and I had to say that I hate it. The homework was a lot and it was so difficult to finish all of them by myself. So everyday most students had to finish homework until 11pm. And besides it, the teacher still asked you to review the lessons. We didn't have much time for our own interests. I remember I met a very good teacher in the primary school. She said it was better to leave 1 hour homework for puples. They should have their own time, too. Unfortunately not all the teachers were so nice. Everyday all we had to do was finishing the homework and going over the books. We couldn't have a break. I agree that students should have homework, but not so much. It will make students lose the interest in study. I am afraid to say that my son will repeat my history. I hope when he goes to the primary shcool, there will be a big revelution for the study.
• Canada
5 Sep 07
I agree that is too much homework . A child should never have so much homework that they have no time to themselves . Even when we get older we still have time for ourselves at the end of the day when we come home from work . Thank you for your response .
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• United States
28 Aug 07
The best high school students learn more outside of school than they do in school. However, few children are motivated enough to put down the XBox controller and TV remote to open their textbooks for several hours every day. How can teens learn when they have more distractions in their home environments than any generation of children preceding them? The answer is parents. Parents accomplish two important things by engendering in their kids respect for hard work and dedication. First, and more obviously, kids will likely take heartfelt messages of teaching from their parents with more gravity than lectures from impersonal teachers. This is because teachers are often chastised and subordinated at every opportunity in high school. Second, when teens become aware that their moms and dads care about them and their lives, they have more incentive to act maturely in order to garner their respect. Moms and dads alone hold responsibility for the education of their children; teachers are at best a way for the learning material to jump off of the page. Parents would be foolish to allow such an important aspect of their teens' lives as education to be left to the whims of unknown and often barely qualified adults, many of whom are unfortunately clueless as to how to grab the attention of twenty adolescents.
• Sri Lanka
30 Aug 07
Nice response , Best students are the ones who motivates themselves to learn more. But not everyone is motivated to such an extent and thats where I think the homework becomes important. As some have mentioned there are lots of distractions for kids these days so by giving some homework at least the students are doing some studies after school.
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
29 Aug 07
Home work is a must ..!! But for young sibblings the only home work they should get is just to revise what they have done in the scholl..just to revise. And for children from juniour school they should get an average home work related to there subjects and like if a new formula is taught in maths then the home work should be to try 6 more questions based on that formula.Like this its should be average but for high school students they need a good homework to keep them busy at home as they get distracted easily..!! Like reading some lessons before the class and practicing the questions on there own..!
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I think that homework helps to reinforce what is done at school and is necessary in some classes more than others. I feel in math it is particularly important. Our schools do not have the teaching time that they used to have and the material is dumbed down. Some reinforcement at home is so necessary. I don't feel that any one subject (assuming a child has 4-5 subjects) should give more than 30 minutes worth of homework.
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@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
29 Aug 07
No, i this is a burden on students. Except for mathematics, which is solely dependent on practice, i don't think children should have homework. Its too tedious for them. They should be made to involve in extra curricular activities in place of homeworks. Extra-curricular as in something of their own choice, not by force. It can be drawing, sports, making crafts, resitation, fancy dressing, drama, mono acting, etc something they would like to do with pleasure. It makes them develop great skills and become a talented personality. Making children do something forcibly will not make any sense, they'll do it like machines, they don't understand things better just by writing it 5 times or 10 times.
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• Saudi Arabia
29 Aug 07
first of all thanks for this discussion, because this is happan all over the world, in my opinion ya teacher have to give some homework, but not too much that students can't praticipate in outdore sport events or any good activity in eveining, ya homework is good for sdudents and also for their parents because by this they can give some time on their childrens, so few homework is good. best wishes
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Since I work with special needs children, I see the struggle even more. Some parents believe if they work hard enough, the kids will become "normal", and some teachers do worksheets instead of active teaching. I think a page or two on some nights per week are okay. On the other hand, if kids do not manage their time, and do not get things done in class that they are allowed time for, then the problem is theirs, not the teacher's or the parents. I know one teacher that routinely gives one phonics page per night for homework, and that is all. There is nothing wrong with that, maybe the parents will learn more about reading as well as the kids. The fact that it is always the same subject helps them all get into routine. It takes maybe fifteen minutes. There is nothing wrong with that.
• Canada
30 Aug 07
A little bit of homework has never been a bad thing, but these days teachers are asking way too much of kids and teens, and the nation's young people are burning out. It's one thing to develop good study habits, but we have to draw the line somewhere, and let children be children.
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• United States
28 Aug 07
My son isn't in school yet so I haven't had to worry about that yet. But I do think that a little bit of homework is good. I even think that if all the smaller kids do is read a book for 15 minutes that helps them learn. I don't think kids should have a lot of homework to do though because they've been in school all day and don't need a ton of homework to do at home. I think parent's should be involved with helping the kids with their homework. That lets the parent know what the child is learning and that way the parent will know if their child understands the subject or if they need some extra help on it.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
28 Aug 07
Kids need some homework, but parents need to help them balance their lives. My son does more than half of his homework every day on the way home on the bus. When he comes home that gives him free time to play with his friends (or activities after school or scouts). However, some parents bog their children down with so many "fun" activities that their schoolwork suffers. For example, there is a boy in my sons scout Den who I thought was pretty smart for a 1st grader, but he struggled with finishing his homework every night and did not read well. Towards the end of the school year his parents put him in baseball. There was one evening we had a meeting at 6:30pm and they had not been home since school ended, they had been at 2 baseball (him and his little brother had practice), he had not eaten dinner, or even started his homework. The meeting did not end until after 7pm. Now this is a kid who on a regular basis his mom would complain that homework too over an hour, why would she sign him up for an activity that took up so much of his time? Doing that is just as bad as too much homework.
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@migenKC (792)
• Philippines
29 Aug 07
having homework is like teaching the child to be responsible... i agree with what you said sweetgirl but not the one who first posted comment on your response.
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• United States
4 Sep 07
I think homework is rather senseless really. The goal of the teacher should be to teach the kid in the classroom, not make the kid go home and spend several more hours on homework after school. Simply because children aren't going to want to do that, especially when they've just spent hours in school learning the same thing. If the kids don't understand it, it's just going to be more difficult to get them to complete the work if they don't understand it. Some teachers would rather give bad grades than to try and make them understand the material. Understanding and learning is the goal of the teacher, not busywork.
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@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I think yes the homw work should be there but that must not be a barden for the students and the parents. A reasonable amount of home work so that they can have a habit of studying for a specified times everyday beside their school time and while at home. This helps to keep up their reading habit strong, get some time to spend with parents and the parents get some time to look after their lids progress, a good interaction between them. This helps to be disciplined. But ofcourse excessive home work---no I don't support them. mainly the essential part must be done at school and home work is just for an extra practice of what they learned in the school
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• United Arab Emirates
28 Aug 07
According to me, a little bit of homework is good. What is taught that day, can be given as homework. Homework should not take the maximum time of the day. Children should be able to play games or do what they think as enjoyable. This will help them develop their skill. They should get some free time also to plan their day which won't be possible if they are stuffed with lot of homeworks. Let them enjoy their childhood along with studies.
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• Canada
28 Aug 07
Very nicely answerered . I agree that a little bit to review what was done for the day is a good way to keep it fresh in their mind but not so much that a child does not have the time to have fun and enjoy their day . Thank you for your response .
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@vinzen (1020)
• India
28 Aug 07
Being in the field of education and running a small school ourselves, we have some ruling that we have made after seeing a few schools who either give to much of homework or those who dont give any, both of which we feel is wrong. We have made it a ruling in our school that all kids in nursery would get just one homework and those in kg etc, get 2 homeworks which they are able to compelte on their own within half an hour or so and those kids in class 2-3 get two homeworks too and one homework that is oral based on learning, which they are able to complete within an hour or so as well. And we all make sure that we follow these rules in all the classes,and this works very well for parents and us. We keep all other books and copies in the school so that their bags arent burdened as well. Whatever we teach on the school is re-inforced again, when its done at home and a revision is done in school the next day as well, thus making sure that the child knows it well enough. No homework is sent till the topic is not well known to the kids. I think homeworks are needed to ensure proper learning and re-enforcing of a particular chapter so that kids are in touch even at home about it. Plus it bring a bonding in the parents and children too as i feel that parents must know what their childs doing in class and how they are performing in their class too. Parents cannot and must not put this responsibility fully on the teachers or schools, as its got to be very mutual i feel,and we should over all see the benefiet of the child and his learning is all that matters. For the younger kids its just one homework, which more than a homework is actually a learning for them to sit in one place and do their 10 min homework, with full concentration, along with their parents. Once they are in this habit it becomes easier for them to sit in one place and study in later years. It should be of course ensured that whatever homework is given must be over within 1 hour for smaller kids and maximum 2 hours for elder kids too so that they have enough time for other activities and agnmes, but homework i feel is must.
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@vinzen (1020)
• India
28 Aug 07
Hi melissaruth, thanks for the response. Yes, i agree they are children, and keeping that in mind only we have made these rule. And a lot would differ upon what and how uch the teachers are teaching in the childs class. How much are they covering, what the childs grasping power is, whats the student teacer ratio what they get in thier grades etc,all this would differ and vary from place to place. So maybe like you feel that for elementary levels, 15 minutes of homework is alright, for me its like at our end even half an hour is good enough time, as half the time kids keep running around and playing, so to make them interested in studies and to make them understand what they are doing, we do need time. Another thing i would like to add is, why to make the kids study at night? That time is for sleeping or are we suiting our own requirements and setting their time for studies at night. Shouldnt they study around 4-5-6 and then be free to play there after, as i feel during the night time, the mind needs to rest and relax more. Well, maybe things differ at your end and each person to their own and what best suits their homes and families.
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@surajpkn (582)
• India
30 Aug 07
Homework of course does help the students remember the stuff they learn in the school. When i was in school, i felt very good about the homeworks that made me review back all i studied in school but over a period of time, when homework is there in all the different subjects, it becomes messy and thats what i call too much. The more the homework, the more the frustration of the students, but the less the homework, the more the involvement of the students and accounts for better results.
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• India
29 Aug 07
Yes, I think children should have some homework. In class, children are occupied with a lot many things other than studies (we all know how kids are), they do not pay proper attention and most of what is taught is not retained at the end of the day. Also within a short span of time for each particular lesson, it is not possible for any teacher to go into the depths of the subject for each and every child. Homework gives a child the opportunity to recapitulate the lessons taught in class at a slow and easy pace. The distractions are less and the child retains more. Also a lot of peripheral knowledge is gained while doing homework, which is not possible at school. For e.g. everytime I sit with my son for his homework, I always keep the dictionary and an altas ready for reference on English and Geography lessons. I sometimes keep a book on mental arithmetic, which we do just for fun. Also during homework sessions, a child has the opportunity to clarify many questions, which s/he thinks of but cannot ask in the class. Regarding parenting, its definitely a very strong medium of bonding and also gives the parent a vital opportunity to keep in touch with the child’s education. About what is too much…well I think, each child onwards age 10 should study for 3hrs on an average for homework in the evening. So that comes down to homework on 5 subjects or half-an-hour on each subject with another half-an-hour spent in between on trivialities.
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
28 Aug 07
Homework should any curriculum deviate from the set pattern? young students should definitely be put to do their homework lest they become lazy .
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@Cammeel1 (372)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Good question. My children are in high school now. When they were in elementary school I often thought that they had way too much homework. Kids should be able to be kids. To relax and have fun. As young adults they need to enforce those good habits of following up on your work to make sure it is done properly and knowing how to prepare. Home work teaches these life skills while reinforcing the days lesson. Hearing it in class then doing it at home help to establish that lesson more firmly in their minds. Although my girls would argue and say that they have way too much, I think they are getting a balanced amount that is fair while not allowing them to be to lax in their studies.
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@migenKC (792)
• Philippines
28 Aug 07
hmp..on my opinion.. students need homework but only the useful ones.. such as doing some research then have the time to report it on class.. im now trying to imagine myself having no homework.. hmp.. maybe i wont ever try to listen to my teacher and just cheat during examination.. the subject or the lesson wont be interesting without stuggle. but the quantity of those homeworks must be fairly given each day.. hahai.. i miss doing assignments actually..
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@stanch (42)
• Uganda
28 Aug 07
I think homework is good for these students to continue remembering what they were taught although it is stressful.
@alfecris (181)
• Philippines
29 Aug 07
oh yes i always agree on that. since i am a student i can really say that homework has a big contribution in your studies. well it also helps you discovering of something on your own. the most thing of it is that it can help your grades up. to earn points is from it. i am sure hat homework is part of the grading a student on how they work on a certain thing. well i know most student depend on their elders upon answering a certain homework. well atleast from it. the grades would have a basis on pulling up the grades.
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