Do you believe money changes a person ?
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
August 28, 2007 11:03am CST
If you won the lottery do you believe you would be the same person you are today or do you beleive you would change somehow ? We often hear that people with a lot of money feel they are somehow better then those that don't make as much money in life . Do you believe this to be true and if so why do you think they feel they are more deserving then someone with not as much money ? Do you believe you would change your circle of friends you came into money , would you be more generous then you are now or would you still be the same ?
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41 responses
@MaryannaHope (96)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Yes,I believe money changes people. If a person is not used to having a lot of money, and then suddenly has it, it is very hard to deal with. My husband and I came into an inheritance two years ago, and the past two years have been so stressful. It was hard to deal with...and I know that sounds strange. But people have an idea....(at least we did)...that having money would solve all of our problems. We found out differently...and discovered we had some new problems. Thank goodness, it is now gone...
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
I don't find this strange at all . I have never had enough money to worry about what kind of problems that could arise if I did . I often tell friends and family that money is not what makes one happy in life , we have to be happy with what we have , money is nice to have but is not everything . Thank you for your response and I am glad to hear that you have solved your problems .
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
I want to say it would never change me but I've actually heard and seen how money changes people. Almost as bad as a woman getting a new man. LOL. Actually to be fair I think if I won the lottery yes it would not only change me but everyone else also to some degree, it only makes obvious sense. I would not change for the worse however. If you were my friend before, you're going to continue to be my friend unless you choose not to have anything to do with a rich ol'girl. I would not allow money to change things like morals, friends, beliefs or my well being unless for the better. In other words I'm not going to start eating at fast food places every day just because I can or start going to the places I never went to before, that type of thing. Oh lets just win the darn thing!!!LOL
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
I don't believe I would change who I am either and the only changing would be in what I could do for those I love and care about . I agree .... let's just win :)
Thank you for your response
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I would like to have the opportunity to prove that I wouldn't change! Show me the money!
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
I would love to show you the opportunity ... it would make a very intersting study , now we just have to find someone who has enough money to be able to prove weather one would change or not LOL .
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
28 Aug 07
Money - it plays a pivotal role in all of our lives . With no money in hand ,you are reduced to nothingLOl. The other side of affairs ...with money comes all the problems ...once you are rich enough, you forget about your fellowmen and begin to act on your whims and fancies
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@vinzen (1020)
• India
28 Aug 07
I would always remain myslef, no matter what.
Yes, i agree that people do change and i have seen that too, and so do their friends circle etc, but i wonder why? Does money mean so much to you that it can change you.? Is it worth changing you to someone totally different?
I for one, if i won a lottery would not spend all the money, infact would save up 80% of it and invest it for a rainy day, and use the other 20% to buy things that maybe are needed at home and for the better education of my kids.That would be a pratical way to deal with so much of money i think.
Yes, people do have this superiority complex that now that they have more money they have a beter staus and are richer etc, but they dont realise that , just as money comes, so does it go, and then will you change again? We should be very neutral i think , and not let these small things effect and change who we are. They come and go, but we remain, so we must stand firm to whom we are.
Yes, circle of friends, who again would value money more, would become your friend when you have so much of money. Those who wouldnt bother to be your friends would now come flocking to you. Do you think its right to make such friends who come just because you have money., not for who or what you are.?
I think money matters alright, but to bring a change in you, that would not be me at all, it would be just money working me up all around.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
Very well said and so true ... thank you for your response .
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
28 Aug 07
You have to be a very grounded person to deal with a sudden windfall of money. The best thing anyone can do is to get an advisor, make sure that before they spend a dime they have socked some away for retirement, and only then should they consider spending any.
Most people who win a lot of money say it was their downfall and usually end up in worse financial situations than they were in before they won any money.
I have been financially stressed so long that I hope that having money wouldn't alter my opinions of others or make me a less caring person or inflate my ego. I would like to think that I would take care of my bills, spend wisely and help others in need. I hope that is true.
But, the only way to be sure is for me win the lottery. Maybe I would be every bad thing I hope I wouldn't become. But, I am willing to take that chance and find out.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
28 Aug 07
The only way I would change is that I wouldnt worry constantly.I'd be able to breathe a tiny bit. I'd take care of everyone I know.I'd never be as uptight and condescending as some people I know who have never ever had to worry,who just couldnt fathom what being poor felt like.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
29 Aug 07
I feel that money should not have an impact on one's character though it may impact a person's life style. Say, for example, when we have extra money at our disposal, we tend to indulge , satisfy our desires a little. This is different from a change in nature. If a person suddenly flouts his wealth or despises people less fortunate it only speaks poorly of him because not all are equally endowed with the same fortune. However, with proper building of character, we should know, that We should never lose our equanimity and balance of mind and it is foolish to attach much importance to a transient feature of this transient life. Obviously. when you have better surplus, you will tend to be more generous but everything needs to be tempered and there should be no link to money and friendship or relationship. Never transact and lose a good friend. Charity should best be confined to the poor and downtrodden .
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@kakemafarm (492)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I belive that money can change people. If I won the lottery I would be giving money away left and right. I am a big charitable person and am always scrounging up extra cash to give away to my favorite charities. I would also put away a substantial amount to keep me and my family comfortable for the rest of our lives. If I ever did win the lottery or came into a bunch of money I wouldn't announce it to the world, I think only my immediate family would know about it because I know a few people who would be constantly knocking on my door looking for handouts. I don't mind helping people out when they are in need but I don't believe that I have to support every body simply becuase I have extra money.
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@bjgyjaui81 (38)
• China
29 Aug 07
money is a good thing ,we all expect to have a lot of money
so i think money can change a person,
its a simple thing, just like when you have money you will live in a big house, and own a luxurious car, have nice meal, and so on, and then your interesting will change to and the people you often meet will be different too. for instance if i have enough money i will not stay here chat on the net ,instead i will play golf maybe i go to your country for a vacation hoho
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@12345maue (85)
• Philippines
29 Aug 07
Money can change a person not only inwardly but also physically.
When you have money first that will tend to change is your outward apperance, that way you wear your clothes and if you dont like some part of your body or your face you will go to to some dermatologist or some other surgeon just to change some part of your body or your face. Second you behavior, you will be change hoping that you will change for good but mostly when people become rich and have a lot of money there behavoir also will chahge they become impatient and rude.
So i realy beilieve believe that money can change everything even your whole being
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
I would have to agree that even if we don't want to change who we are , in suble ways with the clothes and what we could afford to buy would change us .
Thank you for your response .
@kulotzki (61)
• Philippines
29 Aug 07
yes, most of the time.. today I think most of the people more busy to make money, they are working because they need to earn. also here in mylot most of the people here is for money and the reason why they joined in mylot. most of us need to have money than to have a profession, relationship, friends and sadly they forgot to remember our God because of money!
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@claire03 (1443)
• United States
29 Aug 07
yes, i do believe that money can change a person specially when it involve a huge amount of money. Even some people will kill for money that why they say that money is the root of all evil. i have seen a lot on instances on tv about killings just because of money. MOney also influences people. i hate to say this but i would rather have tons of friends than having millions of money!
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
One can be so much richer with all the friends they have in life then with all the money in the world .
Thank you for your response .
@kneeshka123 (392)
28 Aug 07
Yes I do believe money changes a person; especially if the person didn't have any money in the first place.
Some people think they become better than others when they have money but it's just a case of being more powerful. If you have money you can dom more which puts you in a more powerful position, so it has to change a person it is unavoidable.
@jayalaksmi (1039)
• India
29 Aug 07
Well, if it concerns to me then i will be the same person after winning the lottery also. I would like to be the same person who i am now. But there are someone who change if they get the power and money and they never tend to be happy if their attitude changes.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
29 Aug 07
I have noticed that some people do change for the worse when they have money but I have also known personally some people who have now more money but remained the same and even became better person. They are the type of people that just strengthens my belief that money is not really the root of evil but could be used to achieve a greater good. As for myself, I may change if ever I have more money in a sense that I would no longer be complaining of headaches or become short tempered because I don't have any money to pay our bills. LOL! I would also believe that I would be more generous since I have more to give. I have always believed in giving back something and I will give back something to the world even in my current situation, rich or not.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I think it depends on the person. If I was to win the lottery or inherit millions of dollars I don't think it would change me other than me buying a home of my own and a couple of vehicles (one for my husband and the other for myself). I'm a pretty simple gal with simple tastes. Now as far as my husband goes, I think it'd change him a bit more as he'd be probably be buying hobbies left and right! LOL
I believe that the people around you (friends and family) can change as well if they know you have a lot of money. Which can cause problems for the person with the money. :(
I wouldn't change my circle of friends...I don't need to, because I don't have any friends to begin with! hahaha
I don't think people with money are any better than people who don't have any. Heck, sometimes the rich are the ones that have more problems than the poor. Just look at some of the rich and famous on TV!
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
I believe my husband would be like yours . He always says if we win the lottery we are going to have to split the money because I want to give it all away and we would have none left over , which is so not true !! I would never give it all away but I would love to give back to those who have been there for me and I have always had a wish to give to a stranger , someone who wouldn't know who it was that gave them the money , I would like to do it so that they woudn't know it was me as I woudn't want any thanks . I believe money is nice but don't believe it is everything . Happiness is nicer then money and to make someone happy , to me would be the nicest gift I could give to someone :) My husband on the other hand would like to invest in hobbies and would put us back in the poor house lol .
Thank you for your response .
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Would a windfall of money change me? Yes and no. Having a great deal of money, would finally allow me to go after all the things I've dreamed about. Having a nice home, the car, be able to travel, not worry about paying bills on time, it would give me such a freedom that I don't have now. As for changing the inner self, the person that I am, no, not in the least. I would still have my circle of friends and share my good fortune with them--uh, to a point having more money might actually change their attitude toward me and might take advantage of that fact. you often hear how when someone comes into a lot of money, people literally crawl out of the woodwork that you never knew existed LOL
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@Cammeel1 (372)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Hi! I would like to think that I would remain the same person that I am today. I have always had a little dream that if I came into money I would build this huge homeless shelter that not only sheltered but had classes for how to find a job, basic math skills, reading. It would have a clinic...anyway I think that I would stay the same, that I would want to help others. I cant imagine ever thinking I am better then someone else. I may make new friends but how could I walk away from old friends when they were there for me all along.
So did you come into some money? Do you want to be my best friend?? hehe
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
What a really nice idea . I wish I had come into some money but no such luck lol , but we can still be friends anyway ... we will just have to be poor friends :)
Thank you for your response .
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
My hubby and I have discussed that at different points along the way...and we have had similar conversations with friends. We have come to accept that money is what we exchange to attain a certain quality of life. It is not a representation of who we are..and so having more of it would not change much in our view. It would give us more freedom..but our goal is to live an ethical life and that is not determined by money. We strive to have our inner and outer world congruent and walk our talk. So vast sums of money would be largely be used to add to the greatest good of the all. We have specific organizations we'd give to.
We are very confident that our circle of friends would not change because we are fortunate to have what we call 'kindred spirits within our soul family.' They are people of a like mind...not driven by outer appearances. We enjoy each other for who we are...not what we have. And if we did come into more money it would have nothing to do with being more deserving...just a spiritual gift that would come with more life lessons to learn. There is a cause and effect to every choice anyone makes...we recognize that and hopefully would choose to use the money with wisdom and grace.
Interesting topic...I will look forward to reading the rest of the responses as they come in.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
You are very lucky to have such wonderful friends who feel the same as you and your husband .
Thank you for your response .