I hate Spiders
By webeishere
@webeishere (36313)
United States
August 28, 2007 2:07pm CST
Okay I killed this monster awhile back. I went to take a shower and this creature was just hanging on the wall of the tub and it scared the daylights out of me. Granted I had an easy time killing this pest but it still scared me. Does anyone have any idea what type of spider this is? Is it a common spider for Minnesota USA at all? Is it deaDly? Did I do right by squashing this beast into a small blob of guts & blood? HAHAHA! What has your experience been with this type of beast? I'd really like to hear about other countries spiders and problems etc. I am sure they're some monsterous sized spiders elsewhere. Thanks in advance.
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37 responses
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Is it, rather was it brown? It looks like a Brown Recluse Spider. I doubt if you had time to check this but they have a violin shaped marking on their backs and can grow up to 2 inches..legs included. They are venemous, so you did the right thing. If it was light brown and smaller, it was a young one. Grandpa Bob, you are a true photographer. Even in the eyes a great fear, you can still snap a picture of your victim, Haha!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Ahahhhhh! I enlarged the photo just now in my viewer and could make out what appears to be almost a violin shape on it's body. Uggghhh! It was brown also. So I guess that's what it was then. I have yet to see another type like this so that's a good thing I think. Are they common in Minnesota then? It was about quarter sized with it's legs included. So not small but not too big. It was the size of a softball when I first saw it though. HAHAHAHA! Thanks for the info as well.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
This thought just crossed my mind..Should I be the hunter type next time and mount it's head in my basement dens wall? HAHAHAHA!!
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@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
28 Aug 07
They are common in Illinois and Minnesota...aren't we lucky. Most likely it was a young one. They like to hide so just be careful. They only bite when startled...but that's okay cuz we only smoosh when startled by them!
I think ya smooshed it's little head so next time you'll need a mini guillotine to get a clean cut for mounting...morbid yet, hilarious
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@mizrae (587)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I am so afraid of spiders I won't even look at your picture. I hate them, and it takes ALL my courage to kill one. I have many in the yard, but usually leave those alone as they are helpful to the garden. However, should I catch one in my house...look out, I run screaming.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
i WANTED TO KILL IT IMMEDIATELY. bUT OF COURSE THE PHOTOGRAPHER IN ME SAID, "hEY TAKE A PHOTO AND USE IT FOR A DISCUSSION." hahahaha1 So here it is & there it was. Too funny. The ones in my garden area I leave as well for they kill some bugs and skeeters especially.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I am not afraid of spiders. I usually leave them alone when I see them. But when I see something that big and scary looking in the shower where I want to be. He's a goner. If it was a brown recluse, you did the right thing. Their bite can be horrible.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
It actually didn't matter what type of spider it was. it's my tub and it was not welcomed in the least there. No sharing my shower bugs.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
i hate spiders and just all creepy crawly bugs...well i know you are a little north of me, but i have to tell you that on the news the other day, a lady went to a health food store and bought a bunch of grapes (yes here in canada this happened!) and what did she see in the bottom but a black widow spider
now if you know anything about spiders, these are pretty dangerous - she managed to capture it in a glass jar and did some reseach to see what it was...
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
What a disturbing story, as I didn't realize that we had 'black widows' in Canada, or was it imported with the grapes? Yuck!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Oh my gawdddd. I'd have been running to return those grapes
that's a given. Even a small spider & they get returned. HAHAHA!!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I heard of that happening a few years back; apparently it's rather common for black widows to be found in bunches of grapes so I'd assume they are shipped with the grapes from wherever they came from. I LOVE grapes but I hate spiders more so since then I examine them very closely...and CAREFULLY...before taking the grapes home. And why DO spiders seem to always get in the shower and bathtub??? It must be the moisture but I sure wish they'd stay away, FAR AWAY!! Here I am, hopelessy terrifed of spiders and snakes, so what did I watch on TV over the weekend? Spiders 2, Ice Spiders, and Mega Snake on SciFi. Pleasant dreams...
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
28 Aug 07
Hi Grandpa Bob,
What a 'lovely' topic to come home to, for me. I've viewed, rated, and commented on your photo as well. This is a hideous looking thing, and I'd hate to have one like it inside my home. Here in Canada, we get a lot of 'common house spiders,' in our homes, and they're considerably smaller, and are often a light brown. I don't like these ones either, or any of them for that matter. A number of years ago, our family used to go to my brother's cottage in August, and the spiders 'were in full bloom.' We had to spray them before we could stay in the cottage, and they'd spin webs, and get inside the parked vehicles as well. We had a couple of 'nasty surprises' while driving along. These 'cottage spiders' as we called them, were humongous, and would hang in the bushes and trees outside. Many of them were brown with some orange, but they came in many colours, and were gigantic, with thick legs etc. I'm shuddering here, at the horrible memories, and also because of the one that 'graced your bathroom.' It's quite extraordinary to be inside a home (I think).
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I'd seen cottage spiders as you describe them at the farm up north as well. Mostly hanging from the pine trees in the fields. Uggg. As a kid I loved spiders but now that I own a home it's like, GO Away you 8 legged creepy creatures. HAHAHA! Seruiously I hate spiders.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
Those 'cottage spiders' are a nightmare, Grandpa Bob. They just love to 'hang-out' in trees, as you've said, and I used to see such huge ones, that their webs would extend between two trees that were spaced quite far apart. Really hideous creatures. What made you decide you don't love spiders anymore? I've always hated them.
That's true about Australia, anniepa. My cousin used to live there, and she'd describe all of these types of things. She always wanted me to visit her there, but the cost, plus the thought of running into these critters, prevented me from going.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Aug 07
You loved them as a kid? UGGGHHH!! Have you ever heard about the great big ones that are in Australia? I don't know what they're called but I heard they're deadly. I've always wanted to visit Australia but there are alot of creepy creatures there so I'll probably stay in the good ole U.S.A.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Hehe--Just when GRANDPA BOB thought it was safe to take a harmless shower, lurking in the dark was a monsterous, hideous spider ready to attack the unsuspecting human. It's beady eyes saw the human approach her, her pinchers were getting ready for the attack, waiting, waiting for just the right moment and then........mahaha
Okay enough of my attempt at Stephen King here. Could be a wolf spider type and usually are harmless ..but gee, one thing my great-grandmother told me was that it was really bad luck to kill a spider and as a result I never kill them--in fact, if I see one, I gently scoop it up and place it either in one of my indoor plants or outside my window--so as you gather, I'm not afraid of spiders and I had a friend once that had gigantic tarantulas as pets, and yup I handled them.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Beady eyes? Hell look closer at that set of eyeballs. Bigger than beady my friend. HAHAHA!! Pinchers? Did not know spiders had pinchers. Nowhere near Stephen King. Come on and get with it. HAHAHA! Kidding. (to a point) Don't kill a spider? Hmmm? Well I kill them when they're this close to me getting bit etc. No spider shall ever share my shower nor bath with me thank you very much. HAHAHAHA!! Thanks for a laugh.
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@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Hi Bob, I found another site and a spider that looks some what like it.. Though it was a dark picture so i couldn't really match it up very well and the leg on the one picture you took was a bit short and the one I see is long kinda like the same, I don't know if we even have these kind of spiders around.. But here is a link to the one site I seen it at.. http://www.uidaho.edu/so-id/entomology/Spiders.htm the one i am talking about is (Aggressive house spider (Male Hobo)) and from the sounds of it it's not a good spider.. Good thing u killed it, I know I would have I hate spiders..

@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Yes it does look like a grass spider, They sure are ugly little things aren't they...lol I don't even really know if we have poison spiders in the us actually..
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
It does look very close to the Hobo but it isn't according to the photos in the link added in the above response. Check that one out.
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@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I just read all the posts and I'm certainly not walking on my lawn without shoes. That picture is gross. Spiders are one of the few animals that I avoid regularly.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I won't even walk in my yard in my sandals after
that nasty bee sting earlier this year I got. Ugghh!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
28 Aug 07
It looks like a lot of members have already given you a good idea as to what kind of spider that little creepy thing is. UGH! I found a page that shows some different spiders, and it looks like it's actually called a Grass Spider (I'm never going barefoot on my lawn again LOL). Here's the link to the page I found: http://www.termite.com/spider-identification.html
You can even apply for a free spider guide, and they will send it to you. I'm glad you sent her to spider heaven. I think I would have scared the whole neighborhood because I would have screamed at the top of my lungs! I found a few large critters myself yesterday when I was attacking the webs all over my front porch. Eeeeeewwwwwww! I hate those things...I don't care how harmless a lot of them are. Just gives me the heebie jeebies!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Yes that's it for sure. I enlargeed my photo then looked at theirs enlarged as well. It is or rather was a Grass spider. Thanks very much. Appreciated the link a lot. Got my freebie as well. Hee hee hee. I love freebies of all sorts too.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
I can't tell one spider from anohter as they are all ugly and scary looking and I don't care for any of them .
We have all different size spiders but we don't have to worry about poisonous spiders in our area although we seem to be getting a new strand the last couple of years as we are getting big ugly , hairy looking spiders with huge bodies . My husband's uncle was telling me they can carry millions of babies in their bodies and that if you break the sac of this type of spider they will come out biting but won't hurt you in any other way .
The spider in your picture does look similar to a garden spider but I can't be positive as I said they are all just ugly . Thankfully you found him before you got in the shower and not when he landed on you ugh !!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Some spiders can be very pretty. Scary still but pretty. HAHAHA!!
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@creematee (2810)
• United States
28 Aug 07
It's kind of cute in a creepy, crawly sort of way. Sort of looks like the spider on spiderman's costume. LOL!
How big is this guy, anyway? It looks pretty big in the photo. We usually have tiny, jumping spiders. They always manage to find their way into the kitchen. Daddy long legs, too are infiltrating my bathroom. Guess I'm going to have to find some hedge apples to keep those buggers out of my house!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
All in all I'd say a little bigger than a quarter sized creature. That's legs and all. So not really that big. But enough to scare the poop out of me for a second. Ugggh! Cute? You're nuts. Look at them eyes for gawddds sake? That's the part that got me thinking, ewww! HAHAHAHA!! Daddy long legs I can handle but not this beast.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Hi Grandpa Bob,
I get these little beautys in my house all the time. They're a type of harmless funnel-web house and garden spider. I caught one in my tub, took a really good pic of it and e-mailed the pic to an Entomologist. Yours looks exactly the same as mine. They're very common in Illinois too.
They do get humongous. I had one that was 3 inches across up at my dad's house. I've seen smaller tarantulas!
They are great at catching the little pesky biting bugs around your house so if you find another, don't kill it. Just pick it up in a jar and put it outside.
Keep the good bugs! They get rid of the bad bugs.. :D
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
28 Aug 07
Would you possibly have that picture still? Would be nice to comapare them. Thanks though. Now I've 2 different types. I'll have to wait and or research more maybe? HAHAHA! I hope not to find another 1 though.
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@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I scare spider and i like to kill them if I see one but I can't kill it too, better someone else do that for me. Its real scary and I got once infection from a spider bite. I have seen some common green colour spider often in my apartment in Dallas. I don't know how was your look like. I have seen many kind of spiders so far in other places. You can just check it on the net like I have once seen one turtle (a very big, rare type) on the road of Dallas and checked it on the net and found this was a special type of turtle only found in texas, so you can do it too, hahaha
3 people like this
• United States
29 Aug 07
I killed a spider by accident like 3 months ago. It was on my wall so I took a glass cup to try and capture it and put it outsite. Unfortunately, my hand slipped and I ended up like cutting off a few of its legs with the edge of the cup. I jumped like 10 feet away from panic and my heartrate stayed up really high for a long time.
It's still there.
@jmafofo (359)
• South Africa
29 Aug 07
On the contrary I like spiders, they fascinate me and it is amazing how badly these little guys are misunderstood. I realise there are the dangerous ones that will kill you in a matter of hours but then again then lurk in dark places so you just have to be carefull. I do hate snakes though and I can't stand them.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Aug 07
YIKES!! Snakes? Now ya got me wondering if theres any of
them critters raoming in my gardens at all. Thanks. HAHAHA!!!
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I hate spiders if I see a spider in my house I call to my husband to come to kill it.Yes you did the right thing by squashing the beast into a small blob.
My son has so many spiders right now,it must be that time when they all come out of there hiding places. He got them all over his yard outside he even got the black widow spiders. He just told me the other day that he was going to sit outside on his lawn chair and a spider crawled right up on him. So he called the bug man to come and spray his yard and house.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Must be that time of year. I didn't see an egg sac so that's a good thing. It must have been a male spider. Anyhow anymore seen will get the same treatment from me and my newspaper or flyswatter. HAHA!
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
28 Aug 07
This isn't nice Grandpa...to give me goosebumps like this!! I absolutely hate spiders. Had I been in your shoes, the tub would have been full of something as brown as the spider!! I actually have a hard time getting close enough to them to kill them. I scream for hubby or one of the kids. But if I'm home alone, I do kill it, because if I walk away I won't know where it goes! I have stayed awake at night before...trying to find one that I hit at and missed. It fell to the bedroom floor and ran...I wasn't going to bed until I found it!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
29 Aug 07
No - I'm not scared of them at all actually! And I would never kill one. They are far more scared of me than I ever could be of them, and they do a great job eating the flies and pests that cause trouble to plants in the garden. In fact I cannot kill anything, and I'm not scared of any living creature - not rats or snakes or anything! Only thing I'm scared of is thunder storms and people - aniamls, birds and insects are far nicer than people in my view! LOL!
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Aug 07
So if a known poisonous spider was resting in your bathroom when you needed a bath you'd just leave that spider be then? Hmmmm?
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@rosie_123 (6113)
29 Aug 07
Well we don't have poisonous spiders in England, but even if we did I couldn't physically kill it. I honestly can't even step on an ant or swat a fly. I'd have to remove it by catching it in a glass or something, and put is somewhere safe.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
29 Aug 07
Hi Gradnpa Bob, While I understand how you hate spiders killing them is not a great option... ;) IN Italy, where i lived for 8 years is almost considered as sin, because there people believe that spiders bring cash into the household!
"Ragno porta guadagno" to be exact ;)
I dislike these creatures too, but they do great things, such as eating flies of all sorts, and flies I really find disgusting, but anyway, just wanted to let you know an dhave a great day ;)
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Well now this is what I was looking for also in this discussion. I never knew that about spiders and Italy. Maybe this one was in the process of depositing some cash? Just kidding. It is great learning about other cultures especially in something along this line. Thatnks for this info as well. I loved it. This one just scared the daylights out of me is all. I normally shoo them away with a piece of rolled up newspaper outside. But in my tub? Ewww! Thanks again.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
29 Aug 07
You're welcome Grandpa Bob ;) And I like MyLot too because of all the interesting things that I am learning from friends and fellow MyLotters ;) Enjoy your home spider free than and have a great day!
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