By trickylacey
@trickylacey (67)
United States
August 28, 2007 2:54pm CST
Recently my husband and I have been fighting...a lot. I suffer from depression and therefore can be come very emotional and upset easily. My husband has hit me before, but recently the violence is getting worse. I wouldn't say that he beats me, but he hits me as hard as he can across the face. Along with that he has started verbally and emotionally attacking me by calling me stupid & worthless (although I am the one who is working a full-time job, whereas he only works 2 days a week). I really want all the negativity in our relationship to stop, but each time after something like this happens he apologizes and tells me that he will try harder not to do it anymore, and then he does it a couple days after. I want out of our relationship, so much so that I called some legal aid places today and they told me that I had to be seperated from him at least 6 months before they could help me to get a divorce. All the other attorneys/lawyers I have called want $1,000 or more upfront before they will do anything. I don't know what to do. I want out of the relationship before it gets any worse, but I just don't have the money to do anything right now. I also have 2 small children, and I am concerned for them right now, also. Any suggestions?
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35 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
28 Aug 07
It doesn't cost anything to file for a restraining order and get the cops to come take him out of your house and away from you. Worry about the divorce stuff later, you need him out.
Look in your local phone book for hotlines for abused women. Go to your local courthouse and file a restraining order. Get help from the advocates they have available in the courthouse. Call anyone and everyone who can support you in this.
I don't care how he hits you, there is no fine line to draw between one kind of physical abuse and another and it always escalates. A slap now becomes a punch later.
You have to do something now! Before it goes any further.
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@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
29 Aug 07
you can't just call the cops to come get him.... I remember I tried that and the cops just treated me like an idiot..
then I said I would just throw his stuff out if they wouldnt help me and then they threatened to lock me up for littering! lol
cops are no help unless she calls AFTER he hits her..
who wants to wait for that?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
29 Aug 07
When you obtain a restraining order, it is sent to the police department in the town where he resides. They serve the order on him, they remove him from the residence. He will be allowed one visit to get his personal belongings and will be accompanied by a police officer. He has already hit her, that is enough to get a restraining order.
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@cutecheekus07 (6)
• United States
28 Aug 07
You need to leave, I know that 6 months seems like such long time, but it will pass by in no time. Contact friends, family , whatever it takes to get help for you and your 2 children. Contact a battered womens shelter in your area....they will help you with work, childcare, legal advice, everything, and dh will not get to you there. This is a cycle.... if he has done it once he will do it again, and not only are you at risk, but so are your 2 small kids, maybe not from physical harm, but emotional as well. Please get some help and get out...this is no way to live. You will be in my thoughts
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
Okay, your husband is definitely being abusive.
First of all, it doesn't seem like you need him from a financial point of view, because you are the one with a job. But you need to make sure that his abuse is documented, and that everything is written down. This will make it more difficult for him to do things like try to get custody. You should also ask what you can do so that he cannot get alimony, if you make more than him.
You need to get real life assistance. Legal Aid was right about the divorce issue, but you can still file for a separation, and call the police about the physical abuse. Hitting you, regardless of how hard, is not right, and not something that can be apologized away.
Can you send the kids to your parents' or a sister or brother's house? Because I do know this from the point of view of the kid: a man who will hit his wife, will hit his kid. And then your kid will be taken away from both of you.
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
29 Aug 07
you need to call ur local women abuse hotline they will help u get out of the house..
help situate you and get the ball rolling while you are safe
he isnt willing to stop.
he just says it..
one day he will hit to hard and it will be to late..
i have seen this to much..please please call ur local battered womens shelter...they can help u get the ball rolling..if not with them they will know agencies...(hug)
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
29 Aug 07
www.houseofruth.org They are nationwide. This is the link for the DC office, but they could surely direct you to your local office. They provide shelter, legal assistance, councling etc.
Please call them and please leave him. It will only get worse.
Best of luck to you.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I am in agreement with the other posters. The violence will get worse. Look in the phone or online for domestic violence shelters in your area. They can help you with everything you need. Food, clothes, shelter, etc. They WILL help you!! But you have to make the first move. Do it before your husband injures you or your children. Or even kills you. Abusers don't stop. They continue forever or until the person who is being abused does something about it. He will always apologizes afterwards. Thats part of the abusive behavior. But It wont stop. GET OUT!! Do what everyone has told you.
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@TiffanieC (827)
• United States
29 Aug 07
You should be concerned. This sounds like typical abuse and it is getting worse.. I hate to tell you this but it will only continue to get worse. You need to get out of there before he kills you or your children. There are womans shelters and stuff around.. please see what resources are available in your area.
Do you have access to 211 where you are? I think most states have it now.. try calling.. they can refer you to anything you might need.. just tell them your situation. Also.. you might want to try legal aid.
Please stay safe!
Also, keep a bag packed and hidden for you and your kids so if you ever need to leave in a hurry you can.
Please visit these sites
www.ndvh.org (National Domestic Violence Hotline)
www.endviolence.org (Family Violence Prevention Fund)
www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/help/dv.htm (offers help by providing cell phones)
Please also visit stopthehurt.com I think this is something that will be very useful to you.
Let me know how things go.. I'll be thinking about you. I understand how difficult it can be to get out of an abusive relationship and how after being abused for a while you may feel you won't be able to make it on your own or ever find someone else but I promise you, these things aren't true. Try to have some faith.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
It sounds like you are in a bad situation and you realize it is not going to get any better . I would agree that you need to get out now . Have you thought about staying with a friend or family member until you can get back on your feet ? If this is not an option for you then you can always look in your phone book for one of the hot line numbers for abused woman as they will take you and your child in one of the shelters . Do what you have to do to protect yourself and your little one's . This will be very hard for you but if you can keep your strength and get away now you will probably be better off in the end as you don't deserve to be treated like this . Best of luck in whatever decision you do and keep us informed . Take Care .
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
28 Aug 07
For your sake and the sake of your kids, GET OUT OF THAT RELATIONSHIP NOW!!! I speak as a child who grew up in an abusive home, those kids deserve better and it won't stop. The only way that these kinds of things stop is for him to get some kind of help. However, until he does that you need out.
Once a man hits you, he will continue to do it and it will get worse. If you work full time, take your next check and leave! Find a shelter, a church, some one that can help you leave.
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@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
29 Aug 07
1-800-799-7233 or
this website can help you
call or check out this website, you really need to get away from him and your children need you to get them away from that. trust me I know it is not easy but I have been there. the national domestic violence hotline can help you.
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@nightsabre (147)
• Australia
29 Aug 07
Don't stay! No matter how much you want a relationship like that to work, it will never work out if the other person is happy with where they are now - and usually, those that batter their partners don't see that they have any faults. I was in a similar relationship (though I was not married to the man and I didnt have children with him) but I fear that if I didn't leave when I did, I would've gone down the same bad roads that he did...if I even made it that far. If you suffer from depression, you need the most supportive environment possible to help rise above your condition (I know, because I have been very severely depressed in the last year). You need to find a support person and get them to help you plan out what you will do. Having just one other person that can support you and advise you and make a decision or two for you when you feel that you can't do something on your own is by far the biggest help in the world. Take your future into your own hands now and step out into a new world of sunshine and laughter...it's what you deserve - noone is worthless. *hugs*
@dreamer75 (7)
29 Aug 07
Try to see if there are any battered wives hostels around, when my dad beat my mum we went to one, we were lucky it hit my dad hard and he never did it again.You must think happy mum happy kids, it will be a big change. Do you have any family that could help?
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@rjholley (19)
• United States
1 Sep 07
I was married before where my ex beat and hit on me. I also seen my stepdad beat on my mom and my message to you is if they do it once they will do it again. If you truely want out go to your local family and childrens services and ask them for the number or information on a battered womens shelter they will take you and you kids in and will not reveal where you are. When you are taking your steps to get out keep in mind your children they do not need to see the violence cause as they grow up they will grow to think it is normal and think that is the way life is supposed to be and it is not. I have been in my first serious relationship in for over a year and a half now. He has never raised a hand to me or said any thing that would be considered emotional abuse. I stayed alone for 5 years because I was scarred of getting hurt but I have learned all men are not like that.
@trickylacey (67)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Thanks for the advice, it helps to know that others have gotten through something like this.
@jazzygunz (177)
• United States
11 Dec 07
well,you are doing the right thing by deciding not to stay in the relationship and moving along. i think you are very smart and very brave and no one should be treated like that. I do think though that alittle councling might be needed in the end and alot of leagal advice. I do know what exactly to tell you because I have never been int the situation but, i will tell you to keep strong and leave. GOOD LUCK!!
@chairylgay12 (34)
• Philippines
3 Sep 07
get ur children, pack up and leave him. he will never stop abusing you. there are battered women's shelter that can help you and the next time he hits you (if there's a next time) call the police.
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
1 Sep 07
It sounds like he needs an ultimatum.... I would say Anger management classes or hit the road. Unfortunately it sounds like it would be safer for you to leave than to have him knowing where you live. It seems as if his promises are ingenuine. Have you explained to the legal aid people the extent of the abuse? Don't sugar-coat it.
@love1979 (37)
• United States
2 Sep 07
Hi, I just want to say you are not alone in this matter. Please go to the police, let them know he hits you and you are scared for you and your kids.. Put his violence on record. Then file a restraining order. It doesn't cost anything to file. They will most likely tell him to leave the house. If you have family go stay with them for a while until you can do all of this. You should also get full custody of your kids, but wait until you get the restraining order. Please do this ASAP because he will never stop. No matter how much he will say he will. Do it for yourself and the kids.......GOOD LUCK.
@miranda101 (4)
2 Sep 07
Right now what you need to do is get yourself and your kids to a safe place. Find a refuge in your ocal directory, they will be able to advise you on the best way forward ut the physical and mental safety of you and your children should be the most important factor right now
@linoxy (283)
• Cyprus
3 Sep 07
Just leave him. It is better to have less money and live with 2 small children than to face every signle day with your worst nightmare. It is not ease to do, but it's better for you and your children.
I have a friend, she was never abused by her husband, but he was more agressive than usually people are. they have 2 small children one of 5 other 2 years old. One day he was playing with his son, and the friend of mine thought he is more agressive than should be and that the game isn't developing as a game only. So she told her hursband to be more gentle with her son. He did not respond to her in any manner, but beaten her, broke her some ribs and her nose too. The friend of mine was hospitalised for more than 6 months... She eventually leaved her husband, relocated, divorced... Her children now live together with her....
But what wouldn't it be better if she leaved her husband several years ago, when she noticed that he is violent?so do not think a lot about your financial situation. just leave your husband. 6 months will pass by, but it is better to live somewhere with your 2 kids than be in hospital... Just think like this... If something happens to you, who is going to lookup your children?
@froggylovesu (173)
• United States
11 Dec 07
It took me 16 plus years to get myself set free of emotional abusive marriage . But I was set free in
2003 . Now in 2007 I am remarried cherished loved respected home of my own .So there is light hope at
the end of this dark tunnel remember NEVER GIVE UP
keep beliving in yourself.That you deserve better
than being abused.
( I was one waited until child got of age before I left )