Very First Day Of School
By BinKsBaBy
@BinKsBaBy (505)
United States
August 28, 2007 8:18pm CST
How many parents of Kintergardeners (either this year or of older kids) had a harder first day then their kid? I did my daughter started on Monday and she had never went to Pre School or Day Care (she had always been home with me. Well anyway she was nervous BIG TIME the night before and that morning. When we got to school I was worried that whe was going to have a hard time with me leaving her. (she sometimes if i stay with her at her dads house for a few minutes then she will want me to stay with her the whole visit) Well my plan was to get her in the classroom and to stay a few minutes hoping she would be somewhat comfortable.... Well to my surprise I walked her in helped her with her name tag and she told me to go and that she would see me after school!! =,( I started to cry as soon as I walked outthe door my little girl is growning up. Anyone else have a kid be more ready then you to start school? I think that my reaction was normal and that my daughters actions show that shes strong and independent (as i already know) and I am hoping that she does good....
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13 responses
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Aww thats funny because my daughters aunt is starting high scholl this year and i remember when she started kintergarden she didn't do well at all! she would get so nervous and worked up that she threw up for the first couple of days, I made sure I told her NOT to tell my daughter that ! Thats part of what worried me because she went to preschool before. But my daughter seemed to be a pro at school I was the one who was in tears. Good Luck in highschool!
@loree73 (17)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I can totally relate, my daughter now 7 in 2nd grade, was pretty ready for school as well. I was just happy it was for half a day. She was use to being at home with me as well. Now, she is full day since last year and loves school. I miss her so much, during the day. It will get better, I promise.
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@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I am getting used to it as this first week goes by, and I notice how much I can get done around the house while by myself, its amazing what a difference a few hours alone can make. but then of course she is a pro at makeing it a pig sty as soonas she walks in the door and then it feels like home I guess! LOL! "a truly happy home is a messy one"
@gypsylady28 (945)
• United States
29 Aug 07
My son had went to preschool 3 days a week, so it wasn't too hard for him or me when he started Kindergarten. He was all excited and ready to go, but I was a little apprehensive. He seemed so small, and the school was so big. I was worried he would get lost or the such. We went in the first morning, got him all settled in, and he told me to go home. LOL
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@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I know that feeling thats what my daughter did, I was worried too because the school is so big and they have K thru 6th grade there, so there are kids as big as me there!! I am short lol! But she is doing fine and I guess I am too, I still get a bit worried about her while shes gone but I guess thats normal?
@pismeof (855)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Although you framed this discussion around school I did experience a similar circumstance with my son the very first time that he went to summer camp with the boy scouts.
I assumed that being away from the familiarity and comforts of home in a strange new environment would bother him.
Boy, was I surprised when I showed up mid-week for a parents night and saw the distinct expression of disappointment.
Apparently,the elation of that new found independence was so pleasing seeing mom and dad wasn't exactly a thrill.
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@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
29 Aug 07
AWWWWW! I bet you got some letters telling you that he was imbarrist that you guys came or got a stern talking to once he came home. Its crazy how fast they seem not to need us anymore =( But then funny how big of "babies" they still can act when at home!LOL!
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I about collapsed both times with my sons. They were just babies! The first one, who is 21 now, looked like such a big boy with his backpack. I will never forget it. I was 9 months pregnant (Had my second son 6 days after Kindergarten started) and I waddled out to the stop sign in front of our house and stood there with my son in tears. I was. He wasn't. He had been to preschool but this was big boy school and he had to take a bus!
He got on and never looked back and I cried my eyes out. And that day, the bus got lost and didn't bring him home until almost 5 p.m. Talk about a freak out.
My second son, who is now almost 17, was sick with seizures before he started school and was on a special diet to control them by the time school started. He wasn't having seizures anymore but he could not TOUCH anything but what I gave him as a lunch and I worried my brains out that they would give him a cookie or he would share his lunch which was weighed and measured exactly.
He was FINE. The diet worked out fine, he didn't cheat, he adjusted fine, and I cried for weeks after he left for school. With him, it took me a while because he had been so sick. Thankfully, he is fine now and has been since he was 5 but whew, I won't soon forget either kid starting school. lol.
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@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
29 Aug 07
AWW! WOW! Im surprised that the bus not getting him home till 5 didn't send you straight into labor that day, I am going to be sending my daughter on the bus starting next week, I didnt want to send her on the bus for the first few days especially sence she had never been away from home before. Plus we found out that 2 of her friends that have known her sence she was a baby will also be on the bus too. Which makes me feel a bit better about it, but mainly because the school is between 15 and 20 minutes away and theres no route that isnt bumper to bumper traffic I will make sure to still pick her up atleast once a week so I can check in with the teacher on how she is doing!
@Laurla98 (786)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I take my daughter a week from tomorrow to kindergarten. She did go to daycare/pre-school...however, she never wanted me to leave. I just hope she's better with this. I think it will help that her friend is in her class and I heard this teacher won't let the parents take your kids into the class. She'll make the parents step to the side and have the kids walk in without the parents. I think its a good idea...but I still think its going to be hard on me. Probably more me than on her. lol
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@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
29 Aug 07
well it was crazy because her first day of school we woke up and our car was not there, so I had to wait for her Grandma to come and give us a ride. So we were a rew minutes late so I had really had to just run her in and go I think that was better then me staying anyway.... Thankfully we also got our car back in pretty good shape!
@coferbox (298)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I had to take the day off from work the day my daughter started public school. I sat home and cried all day. It was not that she wasn't with me all day because I had no choice but to be a working mom, so nothing really changed in my routine except that I was putting her on the bus instead of taking her to my mother's. But it was just that she was growing up. I had almost as hard a time when she started high school because I knew our time together was growing shorter.
Now I'm a grammie and my granddaughter is only six months old I am already planning to be there to spend the day with her mother when she starts school.
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
31 Aug 07
Dont worry about it I've had it happen to myself before too (double post that is)
@coferbox (298)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I had to take the day off from work the day my daughter started public school. I sat home and cried all day. It was not that she wasn't with me all day because I had no choice but to be a working mom, so nothing really changed in my routine except that I was putting her on the bus instead of taking her to my mother's. But it was just that she was growing up. I had almost as hard a time when she started high school because I knew our time together was growing shorter.
Now I'm a grammie and my granddaughter is only six months old I am already planning to be there to spend the day with her mother when she starts school.
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Aww how sweet thats a very nice plan as well to stay there with your grand daughters mommy on her first day of school! Thankfully for me I spent the first day of school going to the police dept and the tow yard getting my car back so I was pretty busy so I didnt sit home and cry (althought I probably would have LOL) I still thought of her the whole time but was too busy to stress too much!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
31 Aug 07
my daughter started preschool and i was the same way. i was so nervous for her but she was excited as can be. she was ready early the first day and bugged me every five minutes if it was time to leave yet. when we got there she managed to let me take one picture and then that was it she was in the door and went to play. I didn't do too bad, i got a little teary eyed as i drove away. when i went to pick her up i was expecting her to come running to us all excited to see us...ha!..instead she gave me the grumpiest look. she had had so much fun she didn't want to go home and she was ticked off at us that we had come to take her home. we finally got her to come with us, but she wouldnt talk to us the whole way home and wouldn't tell us how her day went. i think it was almost harder to have her that mad at me lol. finally she got over it and told us about her day. she really likes school and i'm happy for her.
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
31 Aug 07
mine was upset too she wanted to stay longer and she didnt wat to hear what I was telling her that school was over and that i had to come get her but she got over it as well.
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
30 Aug 07
i do not have a kid of my own but I have experience with my nephew and nice and they are like my kid. Now they both are very smart and in exactly the same way, they surprised me on their first day of school, just before get into the school they just stsrted to say good bye and see you and did not even saw me ran away inside the school building. I think these days kids are much more maure and smart than we used to be.
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
31 Aug 07
Yes I have to agree about them being way more mature then we were! But see my daughter has always been the type to hide behind my leg when in a new setting, but Im glad that she did good at school the only thing the teacher said that she has a problem with is her being a bit bossy, but I already knew that lol but today was her 4th day and she wasnt bossy she actually had a exelent day!
@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
30 Aug 07
That's exactly what I feel when my son go to his nursery room last 2004, he had'nt been in any day care center before so im thinking that he might afraid of going to school and he will cry, but he did not. Instead happy of seeing more children around him. Maybe he is a bit used of it leaving him and playing around alone with only his nanny around.
Because before he start his schooling I am the one who look for the job. From the moment I get pregnant to him i didnt worked until he reaches the age of 3 the two of us only in the house always. And you know what during my first weeks on my job he go with me at the office. And on the first time that I left him at home both of us crying while im leaving even im in the office I keep on thinking him and cant control my tears. That's why when he first go to school its normal for both of us being separated.
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
31 Aug 07
yep, my daughter and I have been together every single day with the exceptions of staying the night with her grandma here and there and the once in every great while that she spends the night with her dad, but for the most part its just us everyday!
@gizmoshere2 (408)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
Hi my youngest stats on Tues. I think we will both do just fine. I have had in in pre school so I am sure she will be fine with kindergarten. I do remember my oldest childs first day. He was a mommys boy and did not want to go to school. I ended up spending the first few days watching him from the hall. Then he was fine. I try to make it as fun as possible.
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
30 Aug 07
that was my original plan to make it as fun as possible, but that went straight out the window as soon as we realized that our car was missing, then it became a stressful situation! I tried my best to stay calm as I called around trying to find someone to give us a ride and as soon as I found a ride I was able to relax a bit!
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Mine weren't too sad to go in. They've been watching their older siblings go to school for so long they were excited... Chelsea was a little sad but not too sad. Amber could have cared less that I was leaving her!
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I think I took it harder then her just the fact that my baby was growing up and didnt need me "sniff sniff"