BB 8 USA: Is Jessica making a big mistake???
By babyangie27
@babyangie27 (5176)
United States
August 28, 2007 8:56pm CST
SPOILER stop reading if you haven't seen it.
Ok so Eric kissed Jessica before he knew the task so that will do him good when Jess is watching this later.
I was happy to see Eric win POV but I think they are making a mistake by not backdooring Dani,she is tough and she needs to go. Don't you think? They had the perfect oppurtunity to get the strongest player out and they blew it,now if one of them goes up next week I will laugh,Jess is letting her feelings for Eric over ride her game plan.
Also I was so excited to see Amber blow Dani away on Power Of 10! Ha ha Dani!,Sorry I don't like her. And if he b/f hasn't left her by now he just did after seeing her crying over not seeing Nick on Power of 10,and again she said"ugh I hate this house" while crying over Nick,ok Wamber cries but I am so tired of Dani saying how much she hates the house.
What did you think?
And who do you think is going home????
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12 responses
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Jessica is just lonely in the house. She'll likely wake up after the show ends. I agree they aren't the smartest bunch of houseguests- Dani should have been backdoored. Do Eric and Jess really think Evel and Dani will look out for them next week? Their only hope is if Eric wins HOH. I think Zach might be going home- I kinda hope so. Amber is annoying, but at least she's entertaining.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I think they made a big mistake and I know Jessica believe that now,they had better get Zach out before he does win HOH or they will both be fighting for the lives.
I think Dani will win HOH again that girl is a fighter and a huge threat as well.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Evel and Dani will stick to their past actions and take off Eric and Jess if given the chance. They'd rather have Zack there with them in the end I feel.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
30 Aug 07
i think eric should have used the pov. from what it seemed so did jessica but he did what he wanted instead. i don't like daniele either but i like her more than amber so it didn't really matter to me who got to play power of 10. i think you are right about daniele's boyfriend. he'd be stupid to stick around. daniele should just leave the house if she hates it that much. i think it depends how the votes go. if america choose for eric to vote out zack, then it could be a tie with jameka voting for zack and ED and daniele voting for amber. i hope that amber goes.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I really think amber is done for,maybe if she is Jessica will open her eyes and start playing for herself.
I don't like dani much either but she is a really good player and I know she will win if no one smartins up and boots her out!
@patgalca (18399)
• Orangeville, Ontario
29 Aug 07
I have never seen people so afraid to nominate others before. This is what is happening. They are afraid to nominate ED and Daniele because of the resulting backlash. Obviously they can't make two people go in one week so the remaining person will seek revenge. That's one person against how many? They are total idiots for letting it slide this week and you can bet they will be done like dinner. I hope Zach wins HOH next week (if he is still around which he probably will be) but he hasn't won a darn thing yet. Neither had Eric until POV tonight. Why did he all of a sudden decide he wanted to win something? He should have let Amber have it.
Everybody is saying they don't like seeing Amber crying all the time but that is what Big Brother is showing you. They are not showing you how she gabs on for hours about herself.
I just have to say this is the worst season of Big Brother yet, and I have seen them all. This just doesn't make any sense for these people to be afraid of ED and Dani. No sense at all.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I agree like I said Jess and Eric will find out too late they are done,neither of them have a chance in Heck of winning that money against Dani,she has been a strong player since day 1 and she will get that money over anyone else besides maybe Jameka.
In this game sometimes you only have one chance to make a move and Jess and Eric messed that up.
There have been many "biggest mistakes in BB history!" this season and it looks like it will continue to happen up until the end.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Eric is America's player and if you don't remember America was screwing him out the wazoo when he was going against Dani and ED. Eric is trying to keep America happy now...and he had to win POV to keep Amber on the block. He would have USED POV except Jessica would have wanted Amber off and he would have made her upset by taking Zach off instead. So the only way he could win was by just not using it.
Eric is screwing himself playing for America because America is cheering for ED and Dani.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
31 Aug 07
Well as of tonight we see that Dani has a secret code with Nick even, so I'm sure if her boyfriend hasn't left her, she will leave him when she gets out. It's pretty telling that even AFTER Nick is gone, she still talks about him more than her boyfriend.
Dani hasn't been complaining today about hating the house. I bet she likes it now that she's getting closer to winning!!
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I am so addicted to this show. I have the live feeds and I have a hard time turning them off at night.:) I want Jess to win and I like her and Eric together. I think that Zack should go tomorrow, because he is going to try and get Eric out then Jess will not be as protected. I am also tired of Amber crying, but I kind of like her. I wish that Eric would of used the power of veto to backdoor Dani. I have a feeling that Dani is going to win, but I hope that I am wrong.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Yes i have that feeling too,if Dani isn't gone soon she will win the whole thing. Amber is annoying no doubt but I'd rather see her win than Dani or E.D.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I was surprised Amber beat dani in power of 10 cause Amber is pretty stupid. Point proven by her answer to the Pitt Bull question.. and by the way, the Power of 10. Incredibly STUPID game show. I was bored out of my mind watching it.
Second. Eric just keeps proving to America what a slime ball he is.
And... I completely disagree with you only because I so desperately HATE Amber and Eric that I hope they DID make a mistake and get screwed next week by Dani and ED. As of right now I think Ambers who they are banking on going home, and if so that will rock.
you've gotta remember that Dani is being Portrayed as that! You can't hate Dani because she's being portrayed as hating the house so much and her hating the house when she was crying during the power of 10 wasn't serious!
I think Dani and her boyfriend are over and HAVE been over for a while.
I hope Amber goes home. I can't stand her.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Aug 07
Dani may be portrayed that way,but common everyone has heard her say "I hate this house" that was out of her own mouth! That's why I don't like her if she hates it so much send her home!
I like Jessica but I don't like Eric because he is screwing up Jess chances of staying in the house.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I don't like Dani or E.D. I don't wnat either of them to win,I want Jess or jameka to win it,but as long as D&D are there that will never happen. We agree to disagree,ok.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I'm not saying Dani hasn't said it, I just don't think she says it as often. Plus, sure she doesn't want to be there but she doesn't want to go home either cause she loses. She's in it to win it so she just has to complain along the way.
In general I still like Jessica. I think if Dani or ED win HOH this week though I think they're gonna go after Jessica. Because right now Zach was all for backdooring one of the Donatos... but whoever is HOH next week he'll be all for as well... and America loves ED and Dani so I doubt Eric would be able to do otherwise.
If people are smart they'd keep the donatos in for the simple fact that if they're in the final two with a donato they have a much better chance of getting votes than the donatos.
Plus, more than anything they want Dani out and they know what they'll have to endure if ED stays. Notice how he hasn't been mean or fighting since Jen left? He hasn't had a reason to. But if they kick out Dani all hell will break loose.
I'm with the American General public that I like the Donatos. I'd still be happy if Jessica won though, but She's about the only one besides the donatos.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
30 Aug 07
fIRST OFF i AM HOPING aMBER THE WHINER LEAVES. i HATE HER CRYING TO gOD EACH AND EVERY DAY. aND SHE ALSO SAYS, "gOD BLESS YOU gOD"? hUH! aNYHOW....I think it was great that Eric did not use the POV for a backdoor job. Mainly because he was told to nominate Amber & he did and left it this way. I say he is doing one hell of a job as Americas player. But I also would like to see Dani gone so much. She is the worst of the cry babies.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Well it seems Amber will be leaving I don't see how that could not happen.
I agree Dani is a whinner also but you never hear anyone else say that.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
I think Jessica and Eric are cute with each other and do believe they share feelings although weather it will last outside of the house is hard to say . I would like to see Amber go as she really does annoy me with her crying all the time . I realize it may be stressful in the house but come on , if it is that bad why does she really want to stay . I agree Dani has to go but I actually enjoy watching her in the show so would like to see her stay a bit longer . I find she comes across as a very spoiled little girl but would like to see her and her dad connect more plus they make the show real interesting especially when ED is annoyed with someone or trying to protect her although he can take it too far . I was glad Eric didn't use the POV tonight and would like to see Amber gone but don't know if this was a good move they made on their part or not . I would kind of like to ED win although I do like Eric and Jessica also . I think it would be nice to see Eric, Jessica, ED and Zack get down to the final four .
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I agree Amber is annoying but everyone has a better chance winning in the end against almost anyone but Dani and E.D.,I don't think E.D. has a chance at all to win,but Dani if she makes it I believe will be the winner. I don't like Dani because I see how she asks on BBAD and I think she is rude and thinks she is better than everyone else in the house.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I am also glad that Eric kissed Jessica first! It wouldn't be good if the only reason he kissed her was because America told him to. I hope he truly likes her and isn't using her for strategy.
I was bummed that Amber won over Dani on PO10. I actually couldn't believe it because Amber is so stupid! I guess that you don't really have to know anything to win on that game show.
I wish that Eric would have taken Zac off. They then could have backdoored evil or dani. I would rather see Amber go right now, but as strategy, they really didn't think this one out.
I think that Dani really likes Nick but doesn't want to admit it because she has the boyfriend at home. Nick is much cuter than her b/f.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I really don't think Dani has a man anymore I heard he moved out and moved back in with his parents.
I agree to a point about Amber I have liked her from day 1 but I hate the crying thing that is so old.
But Jess and Eric missed a perfect chance to get Dani out,she is a tough player and will win if noone gets her out.
I really think Eric cares for Jess deeply but I don't know how she is going to feel after seeing this show.
@bsmoove11 (6)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I feel bad for Jessica. I think that Eric has genuine feelings for her, but he is ruining her game by not using the POV. Dani should definitely be on the block. This game is about dishonesty (for the most part) and how and when you use it to further yourself in the game, and I think that a golden opotunity was missed because of Erics misguided need to not deceive E D and Dani. Not to mention his lame excuse that "all of the houseguests are threats" and that's why the noms aren't changing. BULL! He's a straight up punk. As far as the crybaby WAAmber is concerned, I think America has had enough of her and will tell eric to vote for her and she will be gone. I have no problem with it. Oh yeah, I hate Dani. I hope either Jameka or Jess wins the whole thing.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I agree with everything you said whole heartedly!
I mean common Jessica knows she is gone when D&D get the chance!
Jess is already starting to feel her and Eric are making a big mistake, and now she can't do anything about it.
Eric is going to find out too late that he lessed up too not only for him but for Jessica as well.
@chenmingsheng (32)
30 Aug 07
It is too difficult ,i didn!t know it at all .May be i must study hard.
@Laurla98 (786)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I'm glad that he kissed her before he did the America's player too. At least that may help him convince her thats how he really felt about her. I actually wasn't happy to see Amber on Power of 10. I would have liked to see how Dani reacted to seeing Nick on national television. That would have been hilarious. I hope Wamber leaves.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Aug 07
I agree Dani would have been crying like a baby Wamber,lol.
But Zack is a threat his is going to go after jess and Eric now,they should have got Dani out while they had the chance. She is too strong and Jess and Eric will never make it to the final two now,in my mind.