Why Do People Do This??
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
August 30, 2007 8:33am CST
Yesterday I spent a few hours at my Mom's and had my Stepdad there with me. He gets into real serious discussions and some of the stuff he comes up with is pretty wild. Well, yesterday was no exception.
He started off by telling me that the US Government and Fema are making or have made over 800 concentration camps in the US. Then he tells me that they are going to be used to round up all the Christians and ppl that believe in God. Then he tells me that if you don't denounce God that they will torture and behead you and all of your family. Then he tells me I can go online and see the video of the camps to see the proof.
Well, when I got home I told Hubby who said it was alot of bullsh*t and not true. I looked the video up and yes, there is a video that shows basically a military base with the standard security (fences and cameras). No where in the video does it say its a concentration camp. Also the person describing things in the video never says anything about it being a concentration camp.
Well, I head to bed and end up having nightmares all night and waking up sobbing at 4 am with visions of my nephew and Mom being tortured and beheaded. I couldn't go back to sleep to save my life and I can't see why someone would tell ppl things like this. I mean even if it was remotely true...what can you do about it?? Move?? Hide??
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34 responses
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Your step dad sounds like a sick individual who thrives on torturing your mind. When he starts in again on another story, you need to be strong and tell him to stop right then and there or you'll get up and leave and if he doesn't stop then do just that. He knows how to push your buttons and will continue to do so as long as you let him. DON'T LET HIM! He's sick and twisted and you don't need to be around that. I'm surprised your mother doesn't step in and make him stop. Don't let his words get to you for that's exactly what he wants - for it to get to you in which in this case, he succeeded. Say NO MORE.
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@travellady817 (9)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Either your stepdad needs a physcologist or he needs to write a book! Also sounds alittle like the movie I saw as a kid in church (left me having nightmares for a long time). People have been touting this "End Time" crap forever! If it would ever happen it certainly would not happen in our life time!
Get some sleep tonight!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Aug 07
Well I have to say that was awful of him to tell you that and not just that why does he make things like that up
I am sorry that you had a bad night because of that just don't listen to him anymore as he seems to be talking rubbish
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
30 Aug 07
You weren't supposed to see those videos. You weren't even supposed to know about any of this. I haven't even finished sharpening up my axe yet.
Just kidding.
I was going to just respond saying he was just having a little fun with you but then remembered the avitar I have set. How appropriate...
The whole thing is just laughable.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
30 Aug 07
You know this is not true. StepDad seems to have a problem, maybe he was being mean or teasing you or actually believes this. Either way, don't let him upset you.
If he does appear mentally unstable though, it may be time for Mom to get him to a doctor for a physical and full evaluation.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Well, I talked to my Mom about it and she says he has done this with my younger brother too and she had to tell him to quit talking to him about stuff like this. She talked to him and told him not to talk about that stuff with me b/c it upset me too much. I went out shopping yesterday with him and he was fine and didn't say much about it and he did apologize for upsetting me. So everything worked out.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
30 Aug 07
Ya know, the problem with people like this is that they TRULY believe this stuff. I've seen everything from this to a report that our government is slowly turning our population in to robots with the use of nan-chips in medications. And yes, the person who wrote that honestly believes ity. He'll probably respond in this thread as it is right up his alley. I won't give a name because I don't do that but you'll know when they show up :)
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Oh sheesh. There are really a ,lot of whack job cases out here aren'tr there? It's unreal what one will do to get the attention of others. Is this the stepdads own thinkings of this video then? Seeing you said it didn't mention this on the video. My question is why in the world would you go online searching for it in the first place? Something like this gets told to me I laugh and say, whatever happenes happens. Just the way I am is all. Thanks and stop thinking about these types of things.
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
30 Aug 07
We don't have to worry about that happening here in the U.S. Those kinds of things only happen in the Middle East in Islamic countries.
Tell your stepfather that we need to worry more about being beheaded by radical Muslims that believe we should all convert or die than our government.
Sorry but I'm afraid I would have laughed at him.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Well, I tend to worry more about what is going on in our own country rather than other ones. I know that probably sounds selfish but I really think that we need to take more care of our own and let other ppl take care of theirs.
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@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
30 Aug 07
That would have bothered me too. Maybe he needs some counseling or something. Why in the world would anyone say anything like that? I guess he believes it's true. Sorry he says things like that to you.
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
31 Aug 07
Why on earth did your Stepdad say that? Does he really believe that stuff?
I'd probably just avoid him. Maybe invite mom over or meet her for lunch when you want to see her.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I don't like to add fuel to the fire, twoey, but there is a grain of truth in what your stepdad said. There are camps being prepared, however there is a lot of speculation as to exactly what they would be used for. This all centers around the government's secrecy during the present administration. I listen to a lot of talk radio at night where you hear much more than you hear in the mainstream media. There is even speculation that the 2008 election will not occur due to a plan that is even now being hatched. We have to face it, the America we live in now is much different from the one we have always known. We don't like to think of these things, but there is a real possibility that we could be placed under martial law in the near future.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
30 Aug 07
I've heard this concpiricy too. I even saw one "video" IO think it was someone just prowling around a military train yard though with a camera makin stuff up. As far as specualtion that the 2008 elections won't happen, this is loosely based on the continuation of powers act that was passed. Basicaly what it states is that in the event of a national disaster, with, as it says, dramtic loss of life and loss of funtionality of the country, that power will continue, it involves all 3 branches of the government, not the president. It would take something on the scale of a nuclear war to bring iot in to effect. Ive read the document...its on the whitehouse's website, sorry folks, no big bad scary thing.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
30 Aug 07
A document is only worth the paper it is written on. Insofar as all these people saying things can't happen because this is America, they need to take their heads out of the sand. Many things are happening in America that were unheard of before. So, you can place your trust in the government if you wish, I do not have that kind of confidence. I recently heard a statement that the American people are asleep. I now believe this is true.

@wiccania (3360)
• United States
30 Aug 07
It's no different than the people who believe that the Illuminati had something to do with September 11th, or ones who believe that September 11th was a government conspiracy to get Americans to support invading Iraq.
Someone writes a blog or an online article or makes/finds a video depicting what they want people to believe and then they spread it. They slant information in such a way to support their theories and then they post it as often as they can, arguing their point vehemently. Then people take the ball and run with it.
And once the idea is planted, it's what people see/hear. It's like when someone says "hey if you play this record backward you can hear someone saying 'hail satan my lord and master.'" If you want to hear it when you play your record backwards, you will.
Sadly, a lot of people are so desperate to believe such bad things -- so desperate to explain corruption or government/military/etc mistakes with things like this that they believe it and they run with it.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Sep 07
I think that is what this is. Someone found or made that video and then made it look like what they want it to look like. I've known ppl that do that with the Bible. They will find one piece of a passage and use it to justify their own agenda.
@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Mosst doomsayers believe what they say, but we don't have to sit there and listen. Everytime he starts to say something so stupid, just get up and leave, sooner or later he will get the idea! Why put yourself through it, visit mom when he is not there or better yet take mom out to lunch so hse doesn't have to hear it. Hate to say it but your step-dad sounds like a sick man!
@Laurla98 (786)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I hate when people do that too. My husband is like that. He already has things planned out if the country goes to war...luckily I have learned to block out what he says so I rarely dream about it anymore...but he will talk about and dream about it and talk about it in his sleep. Drives me nuts. I mean its ok to be prepared...but still. Try to remember that people like my husband and your stepdad just have nothing better to do with their time than to come up with these crazy stories. I hope you feel better today!!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Well, I understand being prepared...but really if this even remotely happened what can you do? Leave? Hide? Stepdad recently joined a religious group called Seventh Advents or something like that so that may have something to do with this. But then he's always been making up stories about Special Secret Missions he had when he was in the service and all kinds of things.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Hate to break it to ya, but your step dad is right.
Everything he said can be looked up and proven.
What to do about it?
Get off the duff & complain to your congressmen, boycott the products that are produced by their campaign gifters until they pay attention.
Short of that, I don't know what else to do.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Well Twoey I hate to disappoint you but according to the Bible your step dad is right,but he has missed a few things or at least left them out.After the mark of the beast is out into the world the ones who do not take that mark will die for the cause of christ,but this is during the great tribulation..Good news is if you are a christian and you are saved when Christ gathers his flock ,we will be called away to be with Christ,so if you are a child of God you will not be here to go through any of that.What your step dad is talking about is after Christ has caught us up to be with him and those who remain will go though the great tribulation...So do not be scared because all you have to do is make peace with God,do his will and you will be his child.I don't know about anyone else but i do not plan to go through the great tribulation ,i paln to be part of the bride of christ,all the unbelievers and the lost the ugly of the world will remain here on earth....
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Oh and by the way i forgot to say as far as the govenment and Fema being a part of this i doubt it..I only know what the Bible has told us that will happen in the book of revelations...You see it is not Gods will for people for anyone to be lost,however he will take the christians home to be with him but , he will give his chose people (which are the Jews a second chance to accept him as their Savior,but there will be people that will be lost still on earth,and if they refuse to bow down to the anti Christ and refuse to deny Christ they will be beheaded but they will also be saved..But these people are the ones that will be left after Christ has taken all the christians....I do know my Bible,Im not to smart but i do know this much so just relax God takes care of his own...So sleep good tonight ...God Bless
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Sep 07
I know some of this from the Bible and I do believe it will all come down to individual choices. I remember a shirt I saw once that had a picture of Heaven on the front with the words Get Right or... and on the back was a picture of flames and the words Get Left. I thought it was a wonderful shirt. I wish I had a pic of it to share.
I also believe God will take care of His own.
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
31 Aug 07
I have a friend like that, that always wants to tell me about the worst kind of speculation on what is going on with our government, and there are all sorts of horrible things and conspiracies going on. I can believe that there may be some truth in some of these stories, but if so, there is nothing I can do about it. I don't worry about these things anymore. What will be will be, and nothing I do will make any difference. I've been hearing something similar, in that certain elite persons in the world are trying to turn the rest of us into slaves. I'll just continue to do the same things I do every day and try not to think about all the possible bad things that could happen.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
4 Sep 07
There have been concentration camps in this country for a long time. Alaska is a place where some resided for the eskimos and some of the other tribes. My husband also believes as your dad does. He believes most Americans are blind. He says Homeland Security, for which he does contracting work for via L-3 Vortex has a lot more control then people realize as well.
I will ask him for links. In the meantime you can go here to read about President Bush enacting martial law:
I've written a couple of discussion on this and a few other political topics which are always ignored completely.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
31 Aug 07
Hello Twoey68
This was realy unbeliveble. How could this person realy put something like that up. It sounded like something that Steven King would wright about in his novels. I do hope that you did not take this seriosely. It sounded like he wanted your atention, and he shore did. Even during your sleep. Try to forgett, Try to think a mad person are a mad person.
Have a nice holiday.
@Daelin (683)
• Brazil
30 Aug 07
In the US? It is impossible. So many years fighting against this kind of things and now someone believes that the Government would go after someone just because of their religion?
No, wait. They are after the muslims. I guess I donĀ“t have a point there.
Anyway, they would never torture someone because of their religion.
Again, they have been doing that with people they think are terrorists.
Ok sorry, your stepdad might be right. The potential is there. People accept those kind of things happening with members from a distant religion saying that they are all terrorists.
Then one day some Christian person blows up a building and the hunting for Christians could begin.
When we open a door it is hard to close it again.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Yes, but even if they did start hunting Christians what do you do now? There's nothing you can do so why worry about it. I worry about things I can change not things I can't. It's like all the ppl that worried and ranted about the world ending in the year 2000...what good did it do them. If it's going to end, it's going to end. You can't change it. Babies dying in cars when they are left inside...that you can change. If enough ppl realize the danger, they will think before they do it.