I have an ovarian cyst

August 30, 2007 2:00pm CST
Does anyone have any information about ovarian cysts? I have one on my right overy and am tols that i am going to have to have surgery to remove it. Its getting bigger and is extremely painful. How do I manage the pain? Any Ideas could help. My dr. doesnt think it is cancer thank goodness.
11 responses
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
I say do what your doctor tells you. If you don't think he/she can help you, go for a second opinion. I have ovarian cysts as well, but it doesn't pain me. I have been with my ob gyne for a long time now, and she tells me that we just need to monitor it. If she/he says that you need an operation, then go for it. But of course, before going through it, you should be sure about your decision and start living a healthy life so that the recuperation would be faster and easier. Good luck, my prayers are with you. =)
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
14 Sep 07
Well, before you should comment about these things, I suggest you first have these sickness. These symptoms could only be seen by modern technologist using modern ways and doctors. You should open your eyes, it's the new age, stop living in the past. Good luck.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
14 Sep 07
If you are a man of medicine, you of all people should understand that there are different types of ovarian cysts. There are those that need to be operated on because they post a threat to the person (these are the ones which have activities in them ~ like blood clot inside etc) while there are those which don't need operations at all. How do you decipher which is which? of course, you do tests. I do have an ovarian cyst but my doctor tells me that for now operation is not really needed because it's not bothering me at all and it doesn't have an activity inside. Indeed there are a lot of people who lived through ovarian cyst without being operated on simply because theirs, like mine, didn't need to be operated on in the first place. It's not mostly about fear my friend, it's about feeling the pain inside. By the way, we are not talking about God here, we are talking about health. Yes God does help us but remember, He helps us using the instruments here on earth ~ people. If you are bleeding, would you just pray that it stops? No, you cover it up so that the bleeding stops. Faith in God is not only through the mouth but also through one's actions. Stop claiming these ignorant posts because you are not helping people at all.
• United States
15 Sep 07
It hurst because one would be mineral deffecient and dehydrated. Pain is always associated with inflamation and that is always due to dehydration and lack of electolytes. I have epxerienced pain disapearing imediately. So you think you know but the trut is you do not. You are assuimg the pain can only be taken out via operationg but that is not true. Pain is caused from exactly what I said. Even arthirits whic is just as if not more painful is from inflamtion. when your cells and tissues expand it causes extreme pain. Why dont you get a book on minerals and water and then come tell me some information instead of just talking about the symptoms. Why dont you see what the causes are and give me an educated answer instead of being rude. Yeah look up the definition of rude it can mean uneducated which is what you are about the situation. You gave me no info on the topic that would help anyone. To say"go to the doctor and have it remove" is the worse advice I have heard anyone. I could have you talk to women who aRE IN THEIR 70'S AND 80S' about what to do and you will see that the situation ios rediculous. You probably would not want that because you only trust your "doctor" who does not even understand dehydration or what mineral deficiencies are. The doctor would recommend coloidal minerals which is a laugh because if you read the definition it says "too large to pass through cell membrane". Now if you want educated information I would more then willing to supply you with it. Please do not refuse other people good advice because you decided to listen to some guy who is only educated in cutting people up and administering chemicals. Being that you didnt even apply the truth of what I said before to your reply to me then I know you are only tring to stick with an uneducated response without humilty. Humble yourself and stop trying to keep an ego about something you are not even educated in.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Sep 07
River girl there is hope. You need to get some ionized minerals fast. The pain will go away fast and the tumor will shrink until it either goes away and or becomes harmless. Tumors are a build up of toxins. toxins are removed through the mineral process. Minerals have two main jobs, carry nutirents into the cells, and carry toxins out. I suggest you stop eating meat and sugar at once and start drinking lots of good mineral water. I know a mineral solution from Japan that has worked on many of my close frineds, including a woman who was told she would nee a historectomy(pardon spelling). she is now healthier then ever and her menstrtion has been normal for over 3 years. My wife no longer has those problems wither and we bought some when she was b- feeding. EEevery day it hurt to lactate with excrutiating pain. The day she started drinking the mineral water the pain went away and has not come back since even on our second child. The website i know of is www.roxtracth2o.com. I know the owner and can get you 50% off. Go to the websiute and do more research on ionized minerals. peace be with you
• United States
11 Sep 07
Dont take meds because you do not need them. trust me
• United States
30 Aug 07
Do a search online about it and you can get lots of information. They can be extremely painful. I wound up having a totaly hysterectomy due to several cysts forming. I will keep you in my prayers and I hope it all works out for you.
• Canada
3 Sep 07
Thank you very much for the prayers.
• Kottayam, India
16 Sep 07
My wife also got operated,but subsequently she has sweating/burning sensation,other difficulties.Do operation if it needed very badly.
@maiax2k6 (535)
• Philippines
16 Sep 07
I am sorry to hear that. yet relieved that your doctor says it's not anything as serious as cancer.. but i will still suggest for you to go for second opinion just to make sure. and then folow the docto's advice because they know better. am also pretty sure they know what medicines to give you for the pain. good luck! i'm praying for you
@joshboz (1209)
• Australia
10 Sep 07
you are lucky frined for it is not cancerous at all. first my tip is take meds that are pain killers and second definitely and absolutely let the surgeon remove that growing cysts in your ovary.its really painful so the surgery must be as soon as possible. godbless.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
16 Sep 07
Taking pain medication and a heating pad goes along way in helping alot and remember to not over do it cause that can also cause them to flare up some and hurt. I know it does me. So if you don't have a heating pad might want to borrow one. Hope it helps.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
16 Sep 07
I was diagnosed with Polycystic ovaries over 6 years ago. It is very painful and also caused me to have abnormal hemorraging. One ovary is triple the size it is supposed to be and the other only doubled but I haven't had any test lately so I can't say that they have gotten worse or better. They still pain me alot and still mess with my period..But I couldn't have surgery if I had wanted to. No insurance and no money to pay for it if I did have it. My sister in law was also diagnosed with it and she had her cyst burned off several times and they came back each time. They are thinking she might has to have the hysterectomy now. My other sister in law had a hysterectomy and she is fine now. I am not saying do it but I would check up on it and see if they are any alternatives before you have any surgery. They might be some help for you. I wish you luck in whateve you may decide and hope that it helps you. I take pain pills to help cope with mine when they flair up Midol helps some.
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Research online. Make sure someone is tracking whether it gets bigger or not. If it ruptures, you will be in ALOT of pain!
@jackxav (660)
• Philippines
16 Sep 07
Ohhh im so sorry to hear that river girl...just be stronh enough.I know god is always there for you.But what kind of ovarian cyst u have?Because there are some king of ovarian cyst. Causes and smyptomes of ovarian cyst Ovarian csyts are fluid-filled sacs which are similar to blisters.Ovarian cyst are common among women during their reproductive years and are growth that form on the two almond sized organs on each side of the uterus.Most type of ovarian cysts are harm less and go away with out any treatment. What cause ovarian cysts The normal funtion of the ovaries is to produce an egg each month.During the process of ovulation,a cyst like structure called a folllicule is formed inside the ovary.The mature follicule ruptures when an egg is released during ovulation.The corpus leteum forms from the empty follicule and if pregnanacy does not occur,the corpus leteum dissolves. Types of Ovarian Cysts: . Functional cysts- thses normal cysts will often shrink and dissapear within two or three menstrual cycles.Because this type of cyst is formed during ovulation it rarely occurs menopausal women because eggs no longer being produced. .Dermoid cyst-Ovarian cyst which are filled with various types of tissues including hair and skin .Endometrioma cysts-these cysts also known as the chocolate cysts endometriosis and form when tissue siimilar to the lining of the uteros attaches the ovaries. .Csytadenoma cysts-These are ovarian csyts which develop from cells on the outer surface of the ovaries .Polycystic ovarian disease-Cysts that form from a build up of follicules cysts which cause the ovaries to thicken.These cysts cause the ovaries to inlarge and create a thick outer covering which may prevent ovulation from occuring and are open the cause of fertility problems.
• United States
12 Sep 07
All I know is one of my little sisters had 2 and had them removed and went on to have two children. I wish you Luck on your surgery and hopefully the doc you get will take care of the pain for you!!!
• United States
10 Sep 07
I was forty-five when a ultra sound test revealed that my right ovary had developed a cyst measuring 6 by 4 centimeters and was enclosed in a sac of fluid and a mass had begun to form. I too was urged to have surgery and consider a hysterectomy. I did neither. Instead I embraced wheatgrass therapy and the lifestyle of raw living foods popularized by Dr. Ann Wigmore. In six weeks time the cyst had shrunk and my ovary at 2 by 2 centimeters was pronounced normal. From that day on I became actively engaged in promoting and taking wheatgrass regularly. There is a lot of information out there about wheatgrass, however I have written a complete guide to wheatgrass entitled Wheatgrass: From the Soil to Your Soul, by Billye Graham. Good Luck and healthfully yours.