Two and a half weeks with my new puppy.... hmp!!! I have frustration people!!!
By maii_instik
@maii_instik (133)
September 3, 2007 10:11am CST
As some of you already know I just got a dachshund two weeks ago, and a lot of problems arise. I have cope up with the feeding, the hair and the dogs hygiene. But there are still some things I need guidance. He is getting thinner and more lazier when walking. Keeps on chewing my potted plants, and still whine when bedtime... How about punishment when he commit mistakes? my boyfriend is not a big help to me when it comes to the dog. mum doesn't like the dog to stay inside the house outside his crate. Here is our typical day: wakes up and transfer the dog crate outside with the dog in it. leash em and let em play for a while.
Feed with puppy chow.
Leave em outside for a while for potty.
In the crate until lunch time. out again.
lunch is served.
potty again.
A little basic training.
Back in the crate.
late afternoon, out of the crate.
Walk and play.
in the crate. 9pm dinner.
long walk and potty.
play and pet.
crate for the night.
What do you think? Comments Please....
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7 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Sep 07
What! This is no way to treat a puppy, you are being unspeakably cruel.
Dogs by nature are social animals and to be separated from their pack (you) is an awful punishment to them.
So, this poor creature is first of all separated from it's mother far too early at a time when it should be learning it's social skills. He needs to sleep in the same room as you, at this age you are his surrogate mother so of course he whines, he is frightened. Leaving him in a cage is also cruel.
At this age puppies learn about things by biting them, give him some toys to play with.
If your mother doesn't like the dog in the house then you shouldn't have got the dog. People like you should not be allowed to keep animals, if you were in a civilised country I would report you to the authorities.
A puppy at that age should not be leashed.

@maii_instik (133)
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
yo urban! you dont have the right to call me cruel!!!
dont you ever think that I am mis informed? That is why I am asking people who are much more knowledgeable about rising a dog. we dont have a backyard and it is a possibility that he might get snatched away by some passersby roam around with unfenced backyard. There are much cruel people here in our area. I love dogs I cry when they pass away, get lost, or got stolen. I'm not maybe the best owner they got but I take care of them and I do everything to keep them well. Did you know that somewhere in the far north in my country they cook dogs for delicacy? Do you think I look like them???
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Sep 07
At this age you should not be taking the puppy on long walks you may harm it's development. Deprived of it's mother's milk at 4 weeks it may be malnourished, you need to feed it high quality food. It is not lazy but it's lack of energy indicates a problem
@urbandekay (18278)
8 Sep 07
Not only do I have the right but clearly I have a duty to inform you that you are being cruel when you are. That is it would be wrong of me not to inform you that you are being cruel. Neither is ignorance an excuse, if you choose to own an animal you owe that animal a duty of care and that duty includes researching what is necessary for it's well-being before you take it on.
Saying there are more cruel people where you live is no excuse, a greater wrong does not excuse a lesser one. You stated that you knew it was wrong to take the puppy at 4 weeks but the breeder insisted, why then did you not go to a reputable breeder? That breeder needs a stroke with a brick and by getting your dog from him you condone his actions.
You say you love dogs but fine words butter no parsnips. Love is as love does.
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
3 Sep 07
Hello!Why do you keep it in a crate?A dog this small needs alot of attention and reassurance and love.Its still a baby just like a human one.Usually after they eat they do a peepee or poopy about 5 minutes later.By a little bone or rope toys for the teeth,because its teething like a baby would be.The whining is because its misses its mommy ALOT.This will go away soon,but in the meantime you need to stop the whining by giving love,this way you will be its mommy and it will come to you for comfort when sad.I ended up putting a bathroom mat in the bedroom in front of the bed for mine when she was small(potty trained)to sleep on at night.Now she knows its her bed and goes when we go.I would only put it in the crate at night to sleep in and try to avoid it alot because after a while it will start thinking "im not good enough to be with the ones i love and might become nasty.But as long as it knows "o.k.this is my turf and its nighty night."Think of this as having a baby all over again if you already have one.Its hard at first,but when all is done its worth it.Never hit,because they will always remember it.Talk firmly as soon as the incident happens and say"no (your dogs name)bad dog,its just scolding and no feelings hurt this way.I wish you luck and lots of patience,remember its still a baby missing its mother,maybe because it was taken away too young.Its mourning for this.:):):).
@maii_instik (133)
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
The vet here told me its ok to keep him in crate for a while. after its 4 weeks with me I let him out all day but I let the crate open to be his bed. He still goes there everytime he like.
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
4 Sep 07
I know alot of people do that.I dont like it very much,but im not the owner.I like to feel that my pet is part of the family.I had a daschound before,he was the cutest little thing!He always jumped like a pogo stick!lol.If i were you i would try to avoid the crate as much as possible,they like a teddy bear to snuggle with and chew on.Mine still has hers and its amost finished but its her favorite toy.She slept with it when she was little and still likes to sleep with

@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
4 Sep 07
Maybe he doesn't like being locked up in the crate so much?
A puppy takes patience and without that, you wont have any luck.
You should treat the puppy like you would a baby.
I don't think a harsh punishment would be right, maybe a firm voice when he does something wrong.
I would also maybe spend more time with the puppy instead of keeping him in the crate. If not, then find a new home for him, maybe someone that can focus all their attention on him.
@theempress (408)
• United States
4 Sep 07
Why do you keep the dog in the crate? Do you have a fenced yard? I have 2 Siberian Huskies and they are very energetic. They are house pets as we don't have a yard back in Germany. (we use to live in an apartment). Me and my husband took them to a puppy school for training. If you prefer to crate train your puppy put a toy inside the crate to keep him busy.
Puppies chew. To avoid him from chewing your plants try getting him some chew toys or a chew bone(greenies are very good for their teeth). Or you can buy a bitter spray or something and spray it on your plants and that will keep him away from it.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Sep 07
All my dogs have been family dogs. I currently do not have a dog becuz of where i live. i can't imagine the "crate" as a way to keep a dog. I used the crate method to train my dogs from peeing on the floor and i just dealt with the whining and howling at night much the same as a child. even if dogs were allowed here i would not have one. I love dogs but at this point in my life i do not have time to be fair to one. Dogs are like children.
@linoxy (283)
• Cyprus
3 Sep 07
It looks like this is your first puppy ever :)
I currently have one collie.. she's 13 yo.
everything is going to be ok, just you need some practice and if you need any advice feel free to post me.
if he gets thinner maybe has some kind of parasite.. consult your vet..
it's normal for puppy to chew everything that can be touched :) due to its teeth grow
@maii_instik (133)
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
Thanks dude! yeah it is my first puppy and I dont know what to do. I'll definitely keep in touch.
@dinxcarin (595)
• Singapore
4 Sep 07
You have a very lovely puppy. Can you give it to me instead?What's his/her name? She looks like she's sad.she needs your love, care and attention...treat her like a baby
and everything will be alright.