Gillette Studios Announces One Third Profits from Artwork will go to Charity

United States
September 3, 2007 1:16pm CST
Greetings all. I am proud to announce an exciting development in my fine art business. As of several weeks ago, for every sale I make, fully one third of the profits will be donated to the "Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund," which helps support injured military personnel and their families. I humbly encourage those who are interested to read more about this charity, at Now, when you purchase your favorite prints from Gillette Studios, you will know that you are doing something noble; contributing directly towards helping active military members, veterans and their families get the help they need to recover from injuries. No matter how one feels about the war in Iraq, everyone should be happy to support the troops who fight there, and the families that they leave behind for many months at a time. So far, I am happy to say that this has not only helped me feel better about my contribution to the troops, but it has also increased my business online, for which I am very grateful. For anyone who is interested, you can purchase my affordable artwork at . The same rule applies to custom greeting cards you purchase from me at, or other merchandise at . I do this partly to be true to my philosophy that private citizens and businesses can do as much as the government in terms of supporting charities, raising money, and funding causes that they believe in. The more we each do our own part, for the causes in which we support, the less we need rely on government to use our tax dollars for such causes. I encourage others to do the same with their preferred causes, whatever they are, and of course, I welcome any comments.
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