am i a stone searching maniak or what ?
September 3, 2007 7:08pm CST
We have a place here in holland that is full of stones sometimes I wake up early and go to that place to search for nice and beautyfull stones ,and I did that today to but when I did that I thought would there be more people who love or like stones ?
or am I a stone searching maniak .?
every where I come and there are lying stones on the ground I cant stop my eyes from looking for the stones....... geez is it some kind of sicknes cause I even wake up for it and while I am searching I get in some kind of trance my boy friend think I am nuts ,but I cant help it,to be honnest very nice stones I wash and after they are dry I paint them with transparant paint it makes the stone more beautyfull cause it looks like if the stone is wet and wet stones r more beautyfull than dry stones OMG you see its not normal but heey some other people like to run al day or like to climb mountains so lol well I like stones.
and you how about you do you like stones BE HONNEST hahaha
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