What's your idea of messy?

United States
September 4, 2007 5:38am CST
So, what is your idea of messy? How do you know when your home is just too messy to go without cleaning? How messy do you allow your surroundings to get before you insist that they be cleaned up? Do your friends and family share the same standards of cleanliness that you do? For me, a messy house would be one littered with clothes on the floor and shoes everywhere. I don't like my house to look "lived-in". Everything has to be neat or I go into a panic and start cleaning like a whirlwind. Some of my friends claim that they are constantly cleaning, but it looks as if no one has picked up a broom or mop in years! But, I suppose my definition of messy and other people's might be different. If one thing is out of place, the entire house doesn't look right to me. I like to put everything out of sight and then it looks well ordered to me. Maybe that is an extreme view. So, how would your home look if it were messy? Would you consider a few toys on the floor to be messy? Or, would everything literally have to be pulled out of drawers and laying everywhere before you called in the cleaning team?
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14 responses
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I don’t like clutter either- or dust on the floor- so messy to me is not sweeping daily- (especially with cats in the house). Also when my daughter comes home and tosses her backpack on the floor- I hate this- Hang it up! Dirty dishes in the sink- I go through and pick up the house each night prior to bed- I love waking up to a picked up house!
• United States
8 Sep 07
Now if I could just teach my 3 1/2 year old to pick up after herself 75 % of my cleaning job would be done daily. She is the biggest maker of the messes around here.
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
Right now, everything in my place is a mess. I think things are messy if they are not in their spots, and even if it looks okay, it bothers me if things are not in particular places. The difficult part is that I live with my husband, and he thinks it's okay so long as everything is shoved into a cupboard.
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• United States
8 Sep 07
Hidden in not so plain sight? Yes, I have one that thinks the same as well. I love an organized closet, but my spouse thinks that is too much effort for one human being.
• Canada
5 Sep 07
Yes if there are a few toys on the floor then I get upset because I find the house looks messy . This doesn't bother me if I go into someone elses house and there place looks that way but I can't handle when I find I see something out of place . I can handle it for so long during the day but when I go to bed at night , I want to know that everything is put neatly in it's place and that if for some reason someone were to show up early in the morning that the house wouldn't look like a tornado went off before we went to bed . A few dishes in the sink is acceptable if it is a couple of glasses used after the supper dishes were done but I want the toys all put away , the counters and stove cleared off along with the table and chairs , the toys put away and no stray dishes hanging around the house . I like the beds made and can't stand hair on the bathroom floor as this is my biggest peeve about the bathroom . My sister says I am a clean freak but I don't feel that I am , I just like for things to be tidy and when there are so many people living in a house it is easy for things to get out of hand really fast if you don't make sure that everyone puts away there stuff . It only takes a few minutes to put something away after you are done with it but could take hours to clean if you just left everything the way it was as with seven people living in a house and everyone leaving out something it would look like a bomb went off in no time flat .
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• United States
8 Sep 07
You must have amazing organizational and time management skills. That is very impressive. Right now, I only have to run around after one grown man and a toddler, and then me, so it's not so bad. But, it does pile up if I take a day off. So, I rarely do that.
@DJ9020 (1596)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Haha! My husband and I fight over this all the time. My house is clean, not dirty, but certainly not picked up. As long as there is a clear path to the door I'm good! My husband, however, gets nervous when there's a lot of clutter. He can't stand for stuff to be piled up everywhere. And since we are rearranging and remodeling - he's a wreck!
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• United States
8 Sep 07
My spouse can't make that distinction either between clean and messy and just plain messy and dirty. He thinks the house is dirty if kids toys are everywhere. But, he doesn't mind putting his stuff everywhere and then wants to know why it's messy. Hmmm! Let me think on that one for a minute. LOL!
• Hong Kong
5 Sep 07
My desk is always messy but for other parts of the house is fine. I guess I just had too many notes, books and pens going on my desk (ear-rings too). My mom would shake her head whenever she sees my desk but I live along with it fine. Once in awhile, I would have a major clean up, but it will become messy after like 2 days. I guess I am really used to messy desk and I work better when it's messy!
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• United States
8 Sep 07
But, you know where everthing is. Right now, I have two notebooks on the side of my computer and two sitting on top. It's been that way for two days and I can't bring myself to move them. They have all the My Lot notes. Yes, I make notes on things I want to discuss on My Lot. I get most of my ideas while I'm off line doing regular stuff. Sometimes I lose my notebooks and then have nothing to say. That's when I don't show up at My Lot for days. Either that or I'm cleaning my house.
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• Philippines
5 Sep 07
Time for a rant here. I just finished cleaning up my sister's mess. She thinks that because I work from the home and she goes to school, that I should be the one to pick up after her. I've tried to set her straight on this one but to no avail. I figured, hey when I finally move out, she'll realize that she should learn to pick up after herself. For the messy out there--those who leave towels on the floor, dishes in the sink, or bits of paper scattered--there is one simple rule to follow. What we're asking of you is not impossible. You don't need to vacuum, sweep, or scrub everyday. Just clean up a table after every use, wash the dishes you ate on, hang the towel to dry. That's all. Is that too complicated?
• United States
8 Sep 07
That is so true! It's not that hard to take three minutes to wash a dish after use or put the towel in the washing machine or simply pull the comforter up over the bed to give the appearance that the bed is made. Very simple things cause a home to look clean and not messy. It's not difficult as you said.
• United States
5 Sep 07
My husband is always complaining that the house is a mess. When I look around, I find nothing out of the ordinary. Now that I clean houses all day long, I have found some that are messy, and I mean messy. Mine is immaculate compared to many I have encountered.
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• United States
8 Sep 07
Sometimes I feel the way as well. I think my home is just so clean compared to others. But, then I will see some beautifully decorated home on tv and be so jealous, cause everything is so much cleaner. Of course, I have to remember that noone actually lives in those TV houses. They're just sets and the families go home at night to their real homes, which are nowhere as fancy as the television homes.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Hmmm, well I do not mind if my house looks lived in but I don't like if it looks like an utter mess. When ppl come over I make sure there are no clothes on the floor. What I find is that ppl who let "stuff" pile up like that tend to have something worse underneath it... that's when things go from "messy" to "dirty" and I can't stand dirty! Perhaps your friends through clothes around but at the same time they take care of the dirt. I find that very difficult. If my house is all in piles, I feel no motivation to clean b/c first I would have to put away the piles. Some people can push aside the piles to clean the dirt, but I can't deal with that. I would teach my kids to put their toys away and hang their coats b/c I do feel it makes it EASIER to be motivated to polish and vaccum if the "stuff" is out of the way. Honestly I could straighten my house to appear neat and perfect in about 20 minutes if I had to.. but I'd rather have a couple hours to really do a good job :)
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• United States
8 Sep 07
Same here! The other day I thought we were going to have last minute visitors and I was able to pull the kitchen/living room area together within a few minutes. But, I do prefer a three hour stretch of time to detail the rooms to my liking. Not always possible though. It does help me to keep things picked up as the messes are made so things are not so tough on me later.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I am pretty laid back for the most part on how clean my house is. I don't really care if it's messy, as long as it isn't DIRTY. I do sweep and mop almost every day. My husband vacuums a couple of times every week. And we try to stay caught up on laundry and dishes. But, a lot of times we have a pile of laundry that is clean and just needs to be put away. We also frequently have toys that aren't put entirely away. I make sure my son gets most of them put away, but if he has carried one into another room, I'm not going to get upset about it. Same thing with cat toys. I'm sure if you were to come over to my house, you would think the place was a mess. My mom always does, too. But since it's a clean mess, I don't care. :) When I go on a cleaning spree, I make my house spotless, but I'm so picky about getting it exactly perfect once I get started, that it takes me hours. I try to only do that once a month or so.
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• United States
5 Sep 07
My cleaning sprees do often cut into My Lot time, so I have to ration them and control my compulsions! LOL!
@AmbiePam (96662)
• United States
5 Sep 07
I don't think a home is messy until they can't identify in which pile they will find the remote. : )
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• United States
8 Sep 07
That's too funny!
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
4 Sep 07
When most things are out of place, i would consider that messy. I hate it when my neighbor knocks on the door and the lounge area and dining/kitchen has dishes lying around, things on the floor and such. She says it isn't messy but to me it is. However over the years I have decided not to be so picky at keeping the house clean to a T everyday, so if its untidy then I tidy it up just enough to make me feel comfortable and on the days I do clean up, its spotless (well in my eyes anyways). My home would be messy if clothes were on the floor instead of inside the hamper, if toys are everywhere, dishes not washed, cushions out of place, bed unmade and things like that.
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• United States
5 Sep 07
Some days of the week, I am exactly the same way. Just too busy with life and mommyhood to be concerned what others think of my house. But, then the clean bug bites me and I have to clean immediately.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
4 Sep 07
I have to say that my room is messy. When I place all the things in good order, then it won't be long before it becomes disorder again. I leave it there that way until when someone is coming to see me. I just don't want my room to be messy by others. I would reorganize it again to make it look nice like what I am doing now. My friend is coming to see me tomorrow, so I have to make it nice and orderly before my friend comes. lol
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• United States
6 Sep 07
Real friends always love and accept you, no matter what your home looks like. With that being said, I am just the same way. I can't stand for people to see my home if it is not spotless.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
4 Sep 07
Hello beautyqueen26, To me, a messy home means when every thing is not in its proper place. I have an extreme bad habit that my mom always disagree with me. My home will be in a mess if I don't sweep and mop the floor every day. Every time after feeding my baby, I will mop the floor. I don't like to see any single cups or plates on the sink any time of the day. I like to arrange every single thing in the house according to my style and I always remember the arrangement. If anyone changes anything in the house, I will definitely know and it will really spoil my day and make me grumble. I will make sure every thing will be in order before I go to bed.
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• United States
8 Sep 07
You are a regular Martha Stewart! That is a good thing! I'm always amazed at your efficiency and organization skills. I wish mine were half as good as yours. It's a real struggle sometimes.
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
OOOPS you got me!I consider it messy when you have to avoid walking on cinderella shoes and mr.potatoe heads body parts.Toys,toys and toys!Dresses,teddys,books,crayons and such.Last night before going to bed my boyfriend stepped on the dogs rawhide bone and let out a yelp grabbing his foot!.lol.I have to clean this up or it will bug alot.Downstairs in the playroom,i dont care if all the toys are out of the boxes,but my daughter tends to lug them up stairs in the kitchen,entry and livingroom,i think to just bug me.lol.I like to have my home in order too and like you said if its out of place,i just have to fix it.Sometimes i give up on it though and dont pick up alot.Its rare,but it happens!:)
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• United States
8 Sep 07
I do go through stages like that as well. And, I always think that it's my body's way of recharging from all the work. I used to run myself into the ground keeping the house clean, now I take a few days off now and then. And, then I have triple the workload when I get back to cleaning. But, that is life. And, nothing unusual.