Needing Healthy Help...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
September 4, 2007 7:20am CST
Ok, I am really needing to get onto a healthy life plan and need some help and advice. Here's some of the facts: I'm diabetic which is controlled by a small meal every 3 hours, I can't get outside very much and I've started having problems with my ankles and knees. I'm not on any medications.
What are the healthiest meals you know? What about Vegetarian? What is the best indoor exercises you can do that get results? Is grilled chicken really better than beef? What is your best motivation tip?
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13 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Grilled chicken iS better than beef.. but even grilled beef is better than beef fried or even simmered as more of the fat disappears. Vegies and fruit is where it's at! And the whole grains, like whole wheat bread (whole or ground wheat will be the first ingredient listed)and oatmeal. Even some cereals (non sugared) are made with whole grains. "Oats" is always whole. As far as indoor exercise, I prefer to put on some music and dance! Anywhere from very mild to vigorous. The older I get, the milder it gets! If I'll put on the music, I'll dance. I make my own music CD's with my favorites on them.
- I like to cook up a crock pot of vegies, or simmer slow on the stove.. or better yet steam! but I usually think of that when it's too late. It takes longer to steam them, but preserves all the vitamins without the danger of boiling them away. We should at least cook fresh or even better, frozen vegetables very slowly and not overcook. Some of the new margarines like smart balance, or others are good. I didn't like the light / lite at first, but after using the non light version, I switched to the light one with no problem and now prefer it.
- I think the ideal diet is lots of vegetables (and fruits for snacks) and good lean meats, without the salt of cold cuts! Fish and chicken are so healthy and lean, but low fat other meats are not so bad either. But the human diet really was meant to focus more on fruits, vegetables and grains (and nuts).
- I'm trying to get myself to walk, or pace when I'm thinking (contemplating) something. Why not? And yoga! When I used to do yoga, even once in a blue moon, I remained very limber, and that's very freeing.. So I'm trying to remember to do a few yoga type stretches when I put music on. It's so good for you! You take deep breaths as you stretch.. or unstretch, and visualize the breath going in, as healing and Life, which of course it is, and you stretch (reach) for the heavens.. It also blesses your dance steps!
- good luck! and wish me luck too!:)
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Sep 07
..I would say to do mellow stretches / yoga and dance. Going crazy just leads to sore joints and muscles the next day, week, or even longer! (Depends on how old we are.) Gotta lead up to crazy gradually!
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
5 Sep 07
My daughter developed diabetes aged 20. Nobody is sure why her pancreas became dysfunctional but all the indications point to a viral infection which may have seemed like a cold at the time. It was only a chance remark to the university doctor that she constantly felt thirsty that prompted him to test her blood sugar level and to exclaim that she should be in a coma! (She felt quite fit and normal at the time.)
She is Type 2, of course, and needs her insulin but has also been working on her diet. It seems that being aware of the glycemic index is very important. Slow release carbohydrates are better than ones where the sugars are dumped quickly into the blood stream causing a big peak in sugar levels.
Here is a book of diets which are tailored to the glycemic index diet. You may find it worthwhile having: There is much information for free, of course, on the Internet.
Another avenue I have been exploring recently was sparked by the chance find of a book by Frederic Bailes called 'Your Mind Can Heal You'. It was first published in 1941 but there are recent and updated editions of it (my copy was published in 1971 and contains references to research papers of 1969).
His thesis is that our minds are not really separate and our own but are part of the cosmic mind ('God', if you prefer to think of it that way) which is given to us to use for our lives on earth. He claims that Man lives 'in his inner consciousness, not in the outer world' (our inner consciousness is the only way we can experience the outer world), so we are 'of the mind' rather than 'of the body'. There are many ways in which we can demonstrate that the mind controls the body (emotions, for example, can cause us to blush, to pale, to feel nauseous and even may cause more deep seated ailments which, at first, appear to have no connection but actually develop as a means of avoiding unpleasant experiences!)
"What the mind thinks, the body thinks; what the body thinks, it becomes."
"Sickness is the outer evidence of an inward disturbance. Health is the outer evidence of an integrated mind."
He says that, once we can understand our intimate connection with that perfect Mind, we can begin to draw on what is freely given to us in Love. Because we are intimately indwelt by the power and presence of God, the Creative Force or the Cosmic Mind (it matters little what name you choose to give it - there is only One and the same thing which is so vast that we cannot fully comprehend it and religions have sought to 'humanise' it in different ways in order to attempt to describe it to their followers), its perfection and wholeness (health) is there for us to draw on freely, if we choose to do so.
This concept, he maintains, is the basis and truth behind all faith healing. Once we begin to understand that this health flows through us, we can begin to attune our minds to it and bring the flow of health into our minds and therefore into the cells of our bodies.
Diabetes is supposedly 'incurable', yet as Dr Bailes was training as a medical missionary, he was diagnosed with diabetes, so was unable to continue with his profession. 'Shortly afterwards [I am quoting from the blurb on the back cover] he came across the writings of Judge Thomas Troward and began to develop a philosophy for living based on them. It led to his complete recovery (this was before the discovery of insulin).'
The book I have before me is not primarily about his cure from diabetes, though, of course, he cites his experience as evidence, but it is an outline of the philosophy which led to it and to many other healings which he experienced.
As I say, I have only just come across the book and have not finished reading it, let alone followed up on its references and explored similar books (though I have been interested in reiki and Emotional Freedom Technique for some time). You can buy it from Amazon here:
My feeling would be that, even if your 'healing' only means learning to manage diabetes and being able to live with it, that would be a blessing. If it were to mean that you could be 'cured' so that you can eat what you like when you like and not suffer any of the side effects, that could seem like a miracle. What do you think?
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
5 Sep 07
I would add that yesterday I was in hospital for tests - the latest of many - after treatment for bladder cancer. Usually I go into hospital feeling healthy and full of energy and come out feeling poorly and damaged and it may take me a week to recover from the biopsies. This time I was reading and thinking about the first few chapters of Dr Bailes' book and am amazed to find that, after waking from the anaesthetic I have so little discomfort and so much energy flowing in me that I could easily have taken the bus home. In fact, I feel so unusually fit that I am quite ready to believe that, this time, I was able to receive this flow of energy and love that I already believed surrounds us and permeates us.
I feel I should repeat 'PEACE WITHIN' with you!
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Hello Twoey68,
First of all, congratulations on making the commitment to taking back your health.
I'm going to cover a few areas here. Some will make sense immediately, others might not. But, there is a method to the madness. I come from a long line of diabetics, and am hypoglycemic myself. So, there's more than a bit of experience to what I'll share.
First, what is your blood type? Since you're having sugar problems, I'm guessing that you're probably an 'O' type. If this is correct, then the majority of your caloric intake should be protein. However, since you're already in the throws of sugar imbalance, you're probably having a hard time fully digesting your proteins. I would suggest supplementation with carrier enzymes and amino acids to better facilitate digestion. This allows for more complete nutrtion to be absorbed for your endocrine functions.
Specifically I would suggest:
Alpha-Lipoic Acid caplets
digestive enzyme caplets (I use a spirulina based enzyme product, and L-Arginine/L-Ornithine
Chromium or Chromium Picolinate
Gymnema Sylvestre
Vit's C,E, CoQ-10
Now if you do your research, you should be able to find a good quality daily supplement that will have most if not all within it. Plus, you can find all these through your handy-dandy on-line connection.
Fruits should be limited in quantity, as they are simple sugars/carbs. Also, eat your fruits, don't drink them. As for Complex carbs, they spike sugar like nothing else. So, stay away from breads, pasta, rice, etc... If you must consume complex carbs, remember the rule "No White at Night". Meaning, if you consume complex carbs, do so earlier in the day. Followed by some kind of exercise.
If you are also experiencing hormonal imbalances, then add Evening Primrose Oil to your supplement regime. * Insulin resistence/release is regulated by the same system of your body as the rest of the hormones. So, they are linked! If your hormones are really out of whack, you may want to have your levels tested, as DHEA is ofen low in most female diabetics (I'm assuming that you're female -- please forgive me if I'm mistaken.)
As for exercise, another poster mentioned Yoga. Simple, basic Yoga will get your endocrine system moving like no other exercise. I would recommend that beginning Yoga should really be taught by an experienced Yoga practitioner. Learning the correct basic stances, or poses is really important. There are Yoga studios in many locations. If you can't find one, then you can purchase a Yoga tape or DVD for around $10. But, a word of caution; do pay very close attention to the instruction for "Mountain Pose". This is the basis for everything else. And, just standing in this pose is amazing for one's back, legs, feet, neck, jaw, etc... Yoga is very easy on the joints, and promotes flexibility, which is so very important. Don't try any advanced poses! You'll be amazed at how effective the simple poses are for increasing blood circulation (which is generally impeded in diabetics). Remember, gentle and easy! If the DVD says to touch your toes ... don't worry about getting to the toes until the spine is flexible enough to do it without injury. Also, I recommend using Yoga blocks. If you can't get them, then use a coffee table, little bench, or if you don't have access to either, use 1 gallon food cans. And, remember to breathe! Yoga is as much about breathing as anything else!
Regarding your question about meats: Chicken and fish are leaner than pork or beef. Baking is much healthier than frying.
Another poster recommended raw foods. I will agree that raw, organic vegetables are about the best things a diabetic can eat, along with healthy proteins. Raw veggies stimulate elimination, which is necessary to proper nutritional absorption. If raw veggies bother you, lightly steam them. Any digestive discomfort should resolve itself once your in a position to more completely digest your foods.
Also, fresh mixed nuts (preferably unsalted) are key to regaining control of the endocrine system. Healthy nut oils are absolutely essential. Nuts are protein, and some carb, but the oil benefit outweighs the carb risk. Do remember to consider the carb content in your daily intake.
Also, try to keep your digestion as simple as possible, until you have better control of your sugar. Don't mix fruit with protein, or protein with complex carbs. You might even want to try just protein, then a couple hours later some veggies. The goal is to move your body out of 'crisis mode'. This will happen relatively quickly if you make a concerted effort to simplify your digestion.
Last, do not ever drink any kind of soda. Not even diet soda. Water or herbal teas are your safest bet.
Lastly, keep a food & exercise diary! You will not believe how much of a difference this makes with both awareness and motivation!
Good luck with this Twoey68. It is a real challenge in the beginning, but it gets to be second nature after a while. I promise! Plus, you'll start feeling better and better.
I'll check back on this question tomorrow morning -- in case you have any questions.
Again, congratulations! I'm rootin' for ya'!
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
5 Sep 07
I think that if it is possible twoey, you should seek advice from a doctor who is informed in alternative healing methods. I had always thought that eating chicken was much healthier for us, but lately I have been hearing horror stories dealing with the unsafe methods used in the processing plants. I still eat chicken-in moderation, but we seem to have cause to worry about almost everything we eat these days. Leslie Sansone has several exercise videos that are very helpful. Many of them are simple walking exercises that you can do in your home. I am thinking of getting one for myself since I don't get out much either. All the best.(:
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Do you have access to a local guy with a swimming pool. Swimming is great for a diabetic espically one with ankle and knee problems. I swim almost everyday in my pool when weather permits. I also walk when I can which I never know from one day to the next. For diet help I do not know the latest research for that. Good luck
@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
4 Sep 07
Inside or out, walk around! It is important to keep your joints limber and walking does the trick! Walk in circles in your house or go around the block a couple of times, soon you will start to walk faster and longer. Walking is great for weight control, heart health, diabetic circulation. Honestly it does work, a slow walk is better than no exercise at all. Good Luck!!!
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
5 Sep 07
Yeah. Walking is the best form of exercise. Plus of course nothing beats walking in nature. The freshness of the air. That's good for us all.
What's important is that you reach a point when you pant or cause your heart to beat faster at least a few minutes a day. Cardio exercises like walking does that to us.
Good luck!
@wolflvr (335)
• United States
4 Sep 07
My brother's friend's mother has this belief that if you eating raw food only can cure anything. She has struggled with diabetes for most of her life and with raw food was able to cut down her independence on insulin. Obviously switching to just raw food is a big lifestyle change. She has a website if you are loiking for more info. Also I am sure there are many other places online with info on Raw Vegans.
@sunshinecup (7871)
4 Sep 07
Questions, question, many questions. LOL. I love questions!
What are the healthiest meals you know?
I think low carbs are, in my opinion. I feel better and not so sluggish after a low carb meal. Veggies and meats is what I stick to.
What about Vegetarian?
I am sure they is a plus to some extent, but I think we need our protein and vitamins from fish and other meats that we just can't get much of from vegies alone.
What is the best indoor exercises you can do that get results?
For you I would suggest yoga. There are forms of Yoga that will burn calories and strengthen muscles without high impact to the joints. I love yoga and for an aerobic exercise, just turning the TV on to a favorite show and walking in place while watching it works great.
Is grilled chicken really better than beef?
I think so, less fat and again, in my opinion, tastes much better.
What is your best motivation tip?
To get me motivated I had hubby take a photo of me in a bathing suit and I put it on my fridge, where I keep my weaknesses such as ice cream at. Let me tell ya, you want something to keep you on track, there you go. However I do remove it when company comes in, LOL
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I'm no nutritionist, and you might be better off talking to a doctor about this stuff, but here is my advice. My father became a diabetic when he was 35, I was very young, but the food changes ALONE in our house helped ME be a healthier person.
YES chicken is better than beef. Beef is VERY HIGH in HDL cholesterol, that's the BAD cholesterol. Chicken still has cholesterol, though very much less than beef AND it has a higher proportion of the LDL cholesterol, which is the healthier cholesterol. I don't eat beef AT ALL anymore, because feed lot raised beef is just bad all together. It is cows raised on CORN, which isn't the natural choice for beef. IF you want beef, I suggest 2 options - BISON (much leaner, tastes better and healthier) or specifically search for GRASS-FED BEEF, which is better than corn fed beef.
Having to eat every three hours does NOT preclude you from exercise. Take a walk in your neighborhood - 30 minutes a DAY, that's IT, and it will help tremendously. breath some fresh air!!
Drink plenty of water. If I were you, being diabetic, I would completely cut ALL SODAS from my diet. AND watch juices, too. They are incredibly high in sugar, especially "juices" that are not made from real fruit.
Speaking of fruit, replace all junk foods with fruit and veggies. Instead of candy or chocolate, try some fruit for your sweet tooth. Instead of potato chips or crap like that, try some fresh green beans or other veggies.
My last thing - IF you are diabetic, you do need to control it with insulin. I am not one to take pills and chemicals for no reason, but diabetes is serious. You can lose your eyesight, lose circulation in your legs, eventually ending up in a wheel chair if you don't manage it properly. It can also be fatal. please see a doc and get on insulin if needed.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
4 Sep 07
As much as i like a good steak,beef is the highest in fats of any meat i know of..Liver if you like it is also supposs to build your blood but it works bad on all your inside arteries...The healthest foods would be chicken,and fish,and baked is the healthest way...vegtables are always good for you,and fruits..and yogurt.Eating healthy foods become a habit,you start doing that daily and finally that will be your eating habits.A person should also get a certain amout of water per day.Diet drinks are best for you,even though they have artificial sweetner ,at least they are better than the ones loaded with sugar.If you are a sweet eater the way to go would be "weight watchers" cakes and ice cream...Not only will you maintain a healthier lifestyle your weight will be at an average and you will feel much better..Instead of wholw milk,drink 2% or soy....
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
4 Sep 07
The best thing I know is to make sure you get enough fiber in your diet. If you can afford to get a good nutritionist to help you out with an excellent meal plan, that would pay off in the long run. For exercise indoors, you could just walk in place. I have an exercise dvd by Leslie Sansone with options to walk 1.5 to 4 miles. You put it in and walk along with the dvd. The music is kind of annoying, so I turn the sound off and put on my own music. It's got a timer and it tells you how far you've walked so far.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Sep 07
Hello twoey68,
You should eat about every three hours, a breakfast, fruit, lunch, fruit, dinner, fruit. In that order. It´s the healthiest way fro a diabetic. You should also read in the descriptions so you do not get any suger. I work with older people and they are many diabetics. We have to make shore they do eat and eat god food.
Take a walk per day, that helps to.
Hope that helps, Have a nice evning.
@Laurla98 (786)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I've started trying to lose weight because I have been listed as pre-diabetic. Are you able to do any walking? I ask because of the problems with your ankles and knees. I have started using a walking in home workout video. Its by Leslie Sansone. I have lost 10 pounds using this video & healthier eating. She has tons of videos so whatever works best for you. As for the question about chicken & beef. Yes, grilled chicken is better for you. I would buy salad fixings and then buy the pre-cooked grilled chicken thats cut up and put that on my salad. Then I would eat some cheese or put cheese on my salad. I don't think its necessarily a matter of healthier long as you keep your carbs & sugar intake down. You may want to check with a dietician & see if they can't work out a diet plan for you. =)