Moving Around the World

September 4, 2007 7:44am CST
It seems there are a select few in this world who move alot. Whether its to another city or to another country. Should the one who moves consider his family(father and mother, brothers and sisters), first, or his own needs and desires and older children first? In this age of job redundancy, one has to go where the jobs are. This makes it hard to really consider other family members. What about home is where the heart is? What about honoring your parents? Or looking after your elderly parents? What about your own children's needs in friends, jobs etc.? What about preparing for your own future, if no jobs are found close by? What should come first??
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2 responses
• New Zealand
6 Feb 08
"Home is where the heart is" ain't that just the truth! Everyone believes, on the day they get married, that they know where their hearts are headed. After a while, and maybe a baby or two, reality sets in and they begin to kid themselves they are happy. When problems develop on the job front they find themselves believing the grass is greener on the other side. Off they go in search of the elusive "happiness". There's an old saying that wherever you go "You take yourself with you"For some, it's more likely they're running from their own consciences than searching for something. It's easy to walk away from friends, especially when they tell you things you don't want to hear. It's not so easy to do the same with family. Eventually they come to realise that no matter where they are on the planet,they remain in the same emotional rut. Of course jobs and families are important. But the burden of responsibility is made lighter by good communication, sincerity and love. You have to actually LIKE your family to achieve for them and not regard every day and each responsibility as a burdensome chore.On the job front, lack of ineptness is desirable! It's a strange thing, but you often find that those who have spent most of their lives helping others end up becoming the most in need of help. I knew such a woman. She was the most wonderful, caring and beautiful woman I ever knew. We had a huge split, but I love her still and I always will. She went away to the far side of the world, but the one thing she could never take away from me was what she meant to me. That's a spiritual thing of course, but a reality nonetheless. It is written "Where your treasure is.........there will your heart be also"
• New Zealand
19 Jun 08
Hi Kathy I know that you've read the above. Bit sad to see that your only "friend" on Mylot is your own son! If only you knew how your other friends here miss you.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
4 Sep 07
This is really a tough one and you brought up some good points. Years ago I moved from Boston to California leaving one daughter, a son, mother and brother behind. It was something I had to do to keep my sanity. I spent 8 years there but came back home a number of times for long visits. Finally when my oldest daughter started having a family and my son was having problems with his dad I came home for good. I'm glad I did what I did but I'm also happy that I came home. Home IS where the heart is no doubt about that.
• Canada
4 Sep 07
Thanks for the quick response. I know the feeling. But for the sake of ones sanity, one does what you have to do. We all have our own lives to live, but that doesn't make it easy does it?