I am sooooooooooooooo depressed.

United States
September 4, 2007 12:03pm CST
Recently, I am aware that I am depressed. I sleep a lot. I have a hard time getting myself motivated to do anything. Is it any wonder? Considering what my summer has been like? Fine! I am depressed. I can accept that. I don't like how it makes me feel but I can accept a temporary lull. How about a magic wand to make it all go away? Anyone got a magic wand handy? LOL Usually, these foul moods pass in a reasonable amount of time. So logically this one should pass also. Right?? Why is it not passing? And I am developing a very bad case of "I just don't care" attitude and a small rash of the "why should I bother" attitude. It is affecting my appetite, my work, my social world, and my outlook on my life. What do you do when you find yourself depressed and it does not seem to be passing?? At what point do you decide that you need to go talk with your doctor about it? Do you think the doctor will have any magical happy pills to cure this situation??
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20 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Sep 07
Sweetie I wish I had a magic wand to make it go away I really do I am on tablets and have been for 3 years Monday I tried to stop them by Wednesday I was a state I cried for 6 hours everything went through my mind everything that has happened to me I went back on my Tablets and 2 Days later as in today I feel better I never used to be on them but according to my Doctor the loss of my Job because I got this Illness finished me my Body said enough So please Sweetie do not do what I did and pent up many years go to the Doctor now and get it sorted Love and a big Hug to you
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Sep 07
Well Sweetie please take it easy ok you have my Addy if you need me
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• United States
7 Sep 07
You could cook me up some scones and put some of your tablets in them. That might help. LOL I don't do a lot of crying but I do have a lot of trouble finding any motivation to do anything. I have a ton of things I need to do and no gumption to do any of it.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
5 Sep 07
here I am waving my monkey magic wand ! - here I am waving my monkey magic wand ! Did you smile
I am sorry to hear that you are depressed...:( I am waving my magic wand.. is it working??? I can get depressed at times, but I always seem to come out of it somehow. I decided a while ago that I wasn't going to let things get to me anymore. And I haven't let it either. So here I am... waving my magic wand at you.. doing monkey flips and trying to make you laugh. I know it isn't a cure, but I hope I can at least put a smile on your face. ((((hugs))))
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• United States
5 Sep 07
I love it. Can you see me smiling?? I love the pic of the monkey waving his magic wand for me. Thank you so much. I will let you know if it works.
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• United States
5 Sep 07
Well I can only hope it does.. at least I got you to smile :)
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• United States
5 Sep 07
If an unmentioned symptom is that you find yourself running to the bathroom a lot, get your blood checked. I am thinking diabetes. Maybe a full physical is in order. This happened to someone I know. I don't know what your favorite beverages are, but ... That sluggish feeling can also be from lack of water. Soda & coffee may quench thirst, but the human system is still a bit dehydrated. Maybe try drinking flavored water, if not plain water, & see if that helps.
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• United States
5 Sep 07
Nope, not diabetes. Just had my blood tests done two weeks ago. I have been keeping my regular doctor's appointments as I know those are very important to staying on top of my medical conditions. I have been making a point to eat good foods and take my meds. I have also been making a point to drink lots of water. I have two tests kits here just in case I need to check blood sugar levels. We have 4 hypoglycemics in the family. Maybe I need to add vitamins and another nap. LOL
@lovein (345)
• India
5 Sep 07
How did you get this awareness that you are depressed. ? Some one has said you that you are depressed? Some one has given in writing that you are depressed ? You speak like this "I know that I am depressed" ? Please try to focus on work you do now. Try to know the work you do now. Example : I know that I am replying to a discussion on depression. While writing these few lines I am going through it again and again to know what I am writing now. Thanks
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• United States
5 Sep 07
The voices in my head told me about it. How about you??? How do you know for sure that you have replied to a discussion on depression? Is it possible you only replied to a discussion on depression in this reality but not in another reality? And which reality is the real reality? Mine or yours or the next door neighbors?? LOL Actually, I have always been quite self-aware. I know what I feel when I feel it and I have the ability to identify it. Feeling depressed is quite different than when I am feeling normal.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
4 Sep 07
Hello there. I do not think you are depressed. I think you are feeling lost as you think you do not have a purpose in life. Usually people who are depressed find it hard to get to sleep. Depressed people usually cry or laugh uncontrollably without reason. Actually, a change of mindset can cure depression. However, this is easier said than done. So long as we are able to think more positively and count our blessings more, definitely we will feel happy. =D
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Sep 07
Depressed people DO sleep and sleep a lot. If I don't take my meds I will sleep and/or cry a lot. That's why people who are depressed sleep so much because they don't want to get up and face the world.
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• United States
4 Sep 07
I know I sleep 10 to 12 hours and very deeply. My kids say they could set off a bomb and I would not hear it. I fall asleep very easily also.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Sep 07
Awwww royal! I didn't know. I'm sorry! Here's a hug for you ((((HUG)))) Hope it makes you feel better in some sort of way because I care. Depression is very HARD to get by but you have to work HARD to get by it. However not all can get by it no matter how hard they work on it so going to the doctor may be your best answer. I take Zoloft for my depression and it works wonders for me but it's not for everybody. There's so many different kinds that you could try and if it doesn't work, tell your doctor and he/she can switch you to another kind. Mind you though, it takes at least 2 weeks for them to take affect so hang in there if you ever try that route. I'll be thinking about you!
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• United States
4 Sep 07
Thank you for the hugz. I appreciate it.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Sep 07
You're welcome. Is there anything that I can do to help?
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@jmafofo (359)
• South Africa
4 Sep 07
When I feel a little blue I go play with the kids, they love it and I refresh myself and remind myself that life is not meant to be depressing. If there is over-depression then there is one thing you are just not doing - my guess is you are not playing enough. There is a little kid in all of us and that is the part that keeps us playful and refreshed if we ignore it we become depressed. My humble opinion.
• United States
4 Sep 07
You are right about the "not playing" part. My girl scouts were not able to get together this summer. So we did not go swimming or camping. I do feel that I have not had a normal summer. And now it is fall. Too late to go back and try it again. Hopefully, now that school has started, the kids will cheer me up.
• United States
5 Sep 07
If the times get too rough I would recomend going to the doctor for those happy pills. It has always got me back on my feet! Just stay away from prozac, prozac gives anti depressents a bad name. Try celexa or wellbutrin those always worked for me but everyones chemistry is different so you should definetely ask your doctors opinion. Sometimes when I feel depressed I feel its due to ramdom people in my past supplying negative energy, trying to put you down, getting away with it and leaving you with your head down. That may sound like Im blaming them, well damit I am, we wouldnt be as depressed if people chose to treat everyone with kind words. But the only way to jump this hurdle is to contemplate that their negative behavior does not shame you, it only shames them. Let yourself heal, dont rush out of bed, process your negative thoughts to see where they routed from. But always keep happy thoughts in your mind such as, pets, beautiful weather and strong, good family. And remember its easier said than done. Good luck to you, I am glad we are not the only ones experiencing depression.
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I am sorry that you are feeling depressed. It is no fun. When I get that way I just do not want to do anything. I do have a magic wand PUUFFFF! Did it work? Oh my! I would say if the depression last for more then two weeks then it is time to go see a doctor. Maybe they can help you. I hope though that you have better luck then I did when the doctor said "Well I would expect someone in your situation would be depressed" and then did nothing for me. Also each medication works differently on different people. So you would have to find the one that works for you. I have been on several before I found one that actually helped. If you do get medication and it is not helping go back to the doctor. If you are like me you can releave the depression with activities but then as sone as the activity stops it just comes right back. Sorry that I can not be much of a help.
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• United States
7 Sep 07
Oh hun--I went through months of depression early this year and then on and off again... Thankfully, I am on a off again cycle-- I was so depressed about life and my poor kids and husband were and are amazing! The appetite went away, I could not sleep and I shied away from the few friends I have here. As a matter of fact, it was just 3 weeks ago I was pretty depressed...and one of these days I will post the reason why. I did take Zoloft back in 04-06 and it was great! The thing that made me depressed about taking the happy pill is that I gained 40 lbs. I started walking more and eating a little less. I have never had to diet-- I have always eaten whatever I wanted--and the thought of cutting something I enjoy out of my life does not sit well with me. Don't get me wrong, I am not obese--and I am at a healthy weight--but compared to where I was and where I am and not fitting into my size 5 --that is depressing. I cry a lot when I am depressed--that sometimes makes me sleepy and then I just sleep the rest away, if I can. Other times I try to write and most often I just try to think of an alternate life where my life is perfect and I have no issues. I think a dr is ok--but i think personally a great friend is a better cure :-)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Sep 07
I don't know the answers Royal. I'm depressed at the moment too. My house is a mess, I can't find the enrgy to do more than come on-line. I'm sad and I feel alone and unloveable. Another family member has passed away and I can't seem to stop worrying about what I will do when my Dad passes. I feel like I need to "grow up" and not be sad and frightened but I can't seem to snap out of it. I think the weather doesn't help. We so desperately need rain here and it is very windy and I find the wind strangely disturbing...it interferes with my peace and tranquility. I was taking St John's Wort daily and I believe this helped me...a friend gave me something else to try and I guess it's not doing the trick. I have so much that needs doing, so many small projects on the go and I can't get into them. I feel miserable and guilty and dissatisfied. I'm sure a doctor would tell me to get some fresh air and exercise and change my diet. It's not what I want to hear. But I don't know what i want to hear. I hate feeling like this.
• United States
5 Sep 07
I also have a lot of unfinished projects. Maybe I will try to get a few of them done and out of my way. I know what you mean about the weather. I need the fresh air but the weather seems to greatly affect how I feel each day.
@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
Count on it!The doctor always has 'magic pills' for these situations....whenever I find myself feeling this way,I find a nice quiet place and read....spend some 'me' time,I usually go to a park,sit on a blanket and read until dark....you'd be surprised how good you feel when you're done....good luck!
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@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I'm so sorry you are going through a rough time. I think if you are wondering if your should mention it to your doctor, then you probably should. Even if it's just a passing funk, it sounds like it's been going on for a pretty long time, and it's seeping into all parts of your life. Seeing your doctor will at least get you on the radar. They might not perscripe pills right off the batm but maybe they can suggest something would help, like therapy. Just know ing you are working on theings might make you feel better and lift the clouds a bit. Best of luck and take care.
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
5 Sep 07
I don't believe there are any magic happy pills. The ones the doctor gave me only made me feel like a zombie. The best way to get through a depression, and back to feeling like your true self again is to take care of yourself the best you can. Whatever is good for your health, like enough exercise, and good nutrition, and enough sleep, make sure you get it. You might have to limit your contact with people that bring you down. Hang out with a friend who can still make you laugh. You might have to spend some time figuring what you want out of life, and come up with a plan to make it happen. I still have some really bad days sometimes, but now I know I'll get through them.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
4 Sep 07
The truth is that the doctor doesn't have any happy pills that will do you any good really. Most antidepressants can cause impotency in men and inability to reach a climax for women. There goes a bunch of your happy right there. You may need to take yourself in hand and take an inventory of why you are feeling this way and start untangling the knot that your gut is in. Unresoloved issues very often lead to depression, which leads to a negatively active mentality rather than a proactive and bright outlook. If you have given it time to pass and it isn't doing so, first try starting with the homeopathic medications such as St. Johns wort or something similar.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
4 Sep 07
You never know he just might. You should try and be thankful for everything you have in this world. Thats what I do when Im depressed and feeling sorry for myself.LOL I also dont stay depresse to long. I start doing things that make me happy. And I also do things that make other people happy. I feels good to see smiles on people faces. So give it a shot it cant possibly hurt.
@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
4 Sep 07
Speaking from experience here, well I had a mental breakdown before I ended up going to my doctor about my depression. I had been taking Paxil for a few years to help with anxiety and it was not working anymore. I had put on weight, had a friend who was using me, poor relationship with my husband, grad school had kicked my butt, and other things that just piled up on me I got tired of dealing with. So I would sleep a lot and avoid people more or less except for the friend that used me. Well after breaking down and coming to realize what had happened to me, I went to my physician and stuck myself in therapy. Now I take Prozac which helps a lot. I am not nearly as spacy as I was before. I am able to focus more. My husband and I are communicating much better now and we walk almost every night. So I am starting to lose weight. I guess after breaking down like I did, I knew I had to make a change and a positive one at that. It was hard. I still have a rocky friendship because of what happened. I am working on getting over that but it is hard. I still have my days, but you know what? Things are a lot better than they used to be.
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I'm sorry to hear your having a hard time. I would suggest getting out of the house and spending time with a good friend that will listen and be understanding. We all need others to share good times and are willing to still be our friend in the bad times. We are all here and hope we can help you have a better day.
• United States
4 Sep 07
Some years back I was in serious depression. It took me awhile to go to the doctor but I am glad I did and wish I had sooner. She put me on medication that changed my life. Now, I am the person I really am without depression.
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@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
4 Sep 07
Hi Royal52gens, I have been there too often a few years ago, and what helped me most was hugs :) And than I started a small journal for only the things that I am grateful for. Daily i wrote thanks you for having my eyes to see around, thank you for having my legs and being able to walk around the house and thegarden, thank you for the house, and everything in it, and thank you for my partner, for my dear cats, and to be able to provide for them. Such things that I was writing daily made me get my smile back on my face, and little by little I got the things going better. i started getting the push to do this and that. Maybe this could help you some too?
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