What's on your computer desk, right now?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
September 4, 2007 10:41pm CST
So, what's on your computer desk right now? Does your family pile all their personal junk onto your desk and expect you to work around it? What do you do when family members/kids put their stuff up on your desk? Do you make them take it away or just work around the added junk?
Right now, there is an empty can of Planters mixed nuts; Dewalt tool box (empty, one empty glass, three stuffed animals and my daughter's collection of educational CD-Roms. It doesn't look much like a work desk, considering all the junk on my desk right now. And, just for the record, I did not put any of that junk on there. Well, maybe one thing.
This morning my spouse added the tool chest and can of peanuts. And, last night, my daughter added her stuffed dolls and CD-Roms. I might have added the glass to the desk awhile ago, but then again, it could have been someone else.
So, how does your computer desk or computer area look right now? And, this applies, even if your computer is on the kitchen table. So, feel free to share!
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29 responses
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Geez, let's see...my pc with the printer and my camera, the extra phone, my jewelry box, my Petey's pic, a few what-not's, my Bible, a stack of mail, some notebooks and papers, a big bowl of markers for my charts, a candle, a large shoebox with a cat sleeping in it :) That's her newest bed by the way. Thankfully I have a big desk. I'm the only one that puts anything on it though since Hubby has his own.
@beyonce03 (2331)
• Canada
4 Oct 07
There is so much things on my desk, that I really think I should clean up a little bit lol. I have papers with numbers, some witht he date of my visits for the doctor. I also have a calendar, my ipod, a calculator. Most of the rest are simply junk that I'm sure most of them I can put in the garbage lol
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
30 Sep 07
I’m at work- so my desk is full! Adding machine- telephone- fan- speakers- stapler- tape dispenser- can of pens and pencils- glass of water- tons of papers- in piles and all over- Pittsburgh steeler fan that sings- and flowers!
@shiloh_222 (5479)
• Philippines
3 Oct 07
hi... my table is pretty filled with lots of stuff, ballpens, papers, notes, cds, dvds, etc. i also have my alchohol, cologne, too...
@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
• United States
6 Sep 07
wow and i thought that my computer desk was a mess. LOL . i used to use the kitchen table as a desk, but thank god i no longer do! I went from a huge table to where lots could be accumalted to a tiny desk in hopes that less stuff would be placed there... errrrWRONG!! LOL... as of this very moment on my desk there is..... a couple of picture cds, as well as some music cds, a few empty cd cases, a picture frame of me and y oler sister when we were kids, my stack of ultra sound pictures, a "coffee fund" change jar. some silly putty not in its container, along with the hair that is stuck to it..(LOL) the pari of scissors my daughter was looking for a lil while ago, a precious moments bible, a film container filled with tacks, nail polish, toe nail clippers, a snow shite night light, s decorative sister plaque, a pile of paperwork, a half drank water bottle, a washcloth, a notebook, a few pen caps ( hmmm but no pens), tomorrows to do list , tomorrows grocery list, a few fishing bobbers my husband left there yesterday, my difital camera case, a letter i recieved in the mail a week ago that i have been searching for, a batman actin figre, a little debbi brownie wrapper ( hey im pregnant! LOL) and a cake topper. wow looking at how small my desk is and actually looking its pretty croweded.. i should probably add "clean off desk" to my tomorrows to do list!! LOL thanks for making me aware!! LOL
have a good day!
@catbvq (364)
• Philippines
26 Sep 07
Mine is quite stuffed too. Aside from the mouse and speakers, there's a clock, phone, dictionary, printer, cds, a stack of paper, pencil holder with pens and pencils, phone book, sticky papers, stapler, tape dispenser, an empty mug, ashtray, some notes and scratch papers, and the latest addition - bills. It takes getting used to for a while but now I can find my way through these.
@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
On my desk now, well i am in the office now, what in here are paperworks, my cellphone, lotion, calculator, mineral water, my drawer key, ballpen and so many receipts.lol! detailed isnt it? I also have a frame here (picture of my son) chocolate, so that if i bored i take a small bite for it. And hey I also have comb here. That's what in my computer table now.
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Two checkbooks, a phone, several empty soda bottles, paperclips, the camera, a bunch of pens, a ton of notes and bills. To top it all off several textbooks, and a pile of homework (some of it mine, some of it the wive's). Of course, there is also the scanner/printer. And periodically, there will be a cat on the desk. ;)
@bbsbeesknees (124)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I do all the junk piling. :) Hmm-taking inventory-top shelf-a stack of poetry books and a pink beanie-baby monkey named "Poet",a fake plant, galileo thermometer, photos of my hubby, candles, and a bunch of Celtic theme books. second shelf-a stack of empty journals-bless my in-laws-they keep buying them for me and I've yet to bleed a thought into any one of them! :) I do like the idea of journaling-and they're really nice-but time is the enemy there.
A bowl of marbles.(Every place I've lived-we keep finding marbles on the property. I'm sure there's a metaphor there somewhere.)
Below those-thesauruses and books about the writing craft. (Insert plug for "Zen in the Art of Writing" by Ray Bradbury here.)
A wire caddy full of pencils and whatnots, a faux crystal clock. Digital camera and dock, a ceramic turtle-(??)-blank CDs, calculator, assorted papers, phone, lamp, more Cds, 2 boxes of potpourri, screwdrivers-(??) and a box of tealights that goes in the living room.
Oh-and somewhere under all this there's a desktop. :)
@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
20 Sep 07
right now I have on top of my desk of course some of my paper works which I have to read, my cell phone, my ball pen and some files I have to read on. I have this lots of papers on top and some junk play things. I do go to computer games at times I have this usb where some of my kids game are installed which I sometimes also play. There are also lots of junk s right here and some cookies which I should not be having it near the computer for it might casue some problems later.
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Mine is pretty messy right now and it is driving me crazy!! I have some of my daughters homework out so I can look at it. Her flash cards, my to-do list for the day, a reminder for myself to go donate blood, our digital camera, printer and checkbooks =) It looks pretty sh*tty to me! I like everything to be organized and neat, but it isn't going to get cleaned today because I am tired =)
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
5 Sep 07
My computer/laptop table is actually my dining table LOL It has my sons laptop on the other side, todays mail, yesterdays mail and the day before too LOL and my calendar. It has to be cleared before I make dinner tonight so thats what I will be doing after when my son gets home from school! Oh there is also a cup of coffee from this morning and my cell phone!
@prettiemammie (835)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Well what I have on my table or computer desk is a glass paperweight, a mirror, coffee mug. Don't forget a calculator for computing. A flat monitor computer, huge telephone, that I'm still trying to learn. A Wireless optical mouse and a corded keyboard. Hmmm what else lots of pens, rubber bands, stapler, tape dispenser. Ooppsss don't let me forget a document holder. And most of all Clorox disinfecting wipes for like cleaning electronics :).
@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
5 Sep 07
My desk is always alot like yours sounds. School papers, toys, loose change out of my husbands pockets, empty glasses and snack plates. I also keep all my bills and mail on my desk, and it is always a mess because everyone seems to think they need to rifle through it and leave it askew. I also have the remote to the TV, ibuprofen, asthma meds and school fundraiser papers there, too. I had it cleared off over the weekend and it only takes a day or two for it to look like a tornado hit!
@andrejuly84 (1047)
• Romania
5 Sep 07
oh,there's a lot of junk,lot of things,mine or my girlie's,like books,little toys,pencils,a little blackboard wher she likes to draw,a lamp,some bracelets,some icons,some cd-s,an apple,some headphones,some garbage,oh i have to clean a little bit more over here.thanks for remembering to watch arround to all this mess that surrounds me.
@xiuluoelly (1224)
• China
5 Sep 07
My desk top computer with a small number of items, in addition to the computer, it is also a neat display of several books, a bowl of flowers, and a teacup, in addition to these there are no other things.