OMG who cares...
By devilsangel
@devilsangel (1817)
United States
September 5, 2007 5:10pm CST
Ok I am so damn tired of hearing about this crap with Michael Vick. Frankly I'm pissed that everyone is so damn distraught about it. What gets me is people are more concerned about the well being of a damn dog then they are about other people. There are people who are being killed, abused and beatten every day yet no one is crying and making a big stink over them. But let someone train their dog to fight another dog and OMG theres a big issues and he's evil and wrong. Yet folks will pay thousands of dollars to watch another man beat the hell out of someone. Hmmmm yea that makes a whole lot of sesne. Get over yourselves. If you cared half as much about humans as you do animals the world wouldn't be in the hell it is in now. You wanna make a difference go feed a homless child and stop worrying about what someone is doing with their damn dog.
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16 responses
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Sep 07
I don't agree with a single sentence you have written here, or some of your comments to other peoples responses.
Why not? Because of the way you go about it, making assumptions about people's views on other matters.
You seem to not be too bothered about dog fighting. Okay, that is your view & you are entitled to have this view. I happen to strongly diasgree with it, which you should respect.
What you have done, however, is resort to making assumptions about many responders here, not caring about other humans whose lives are suffering. You repeatedly say this. I beg your pardon? From the first few responses I read, & many, many other responses on this matter in other discussions, not one person implied they didn't care about the human race & suffering. You have no way of knowing what their views are on this matter, so you should not be making any comparison about a seperate issue. I happen to know some of the My Lotters who have responded to this disccusion, & you are way out in assuming that they don't care, or act upon, poverty or human suffering.
The responders here are simply replying to the discussion over the dog abuse incident.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Sep 07
My final statement here, is that sometimes I do care more about animals than "some" human beings.
Now don't go making an assumption here, that I have not actively campaigned against human rights abuses, etc, because that is not what I said.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Sep 07
Ahh, would that be because you don't like what I have to say? Do people have to agree with you, before they can respond to your discussion?Hmmm... that is not a fair way to conduct a debate!!!
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
6 Sep 07
well since you felt the need to comment everywhere on here without anyone even talking to you I'm glad you're done. Damn, wanna know something I honestly couldn't care less what you thought. Frankly I'd prefer if you would just stay out of my discussions from now on. I don't care about your opinion and if you don't like what I have to say then don't read my discussions.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I understand part of what your saying; I hate the crime against animals and people in this world. I agree that every single crime that happens to someone isn't seen as big news to people, and I think one reason is because it happens so often (and that is bad).
Michael Vick is an @$$hole for what he did, it was cruel and wrong. I hope he gets into a lot of trouble!
But I wish that people who murdered other people and hurt other people would get in trouble too. And I wish the victims got as much backup as these dogs did. But frankly, I think people are just "bored" (for lack of a better word) with people vs. people crime. When somethine "new" comes alone it's going to get more Headlines.
Question: What thing are you talking about, people paying thousands of dollars to see one guy beat up another? Hehe, I wasn't sure. Are you talking about boxing? Because that is a lot different then dog fighting. Boxing has 2 willing fighting has MANY helpless, unwilling, terrified animals.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
6 Sep 07
No not boxing, yea thats violent and the people are a bit retarded if ya ask me but no not that. There are a lot of illegal fighting that goes on all around the country people force others to fight, it even happens in the prison systems but you hardly hear about that. Point is there are people who suffer everyday and very rarely do you see anything about it, yet this has made the news and kept it for a month now. A kid gets shot and that doesnt even make the paper. Somehow it just seems kind of screwed up.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Sep 07
So it's ok that he committed a crime? We should just shrug it off because he's a celebrity?
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Sep 07
But why assume that people care more about a dog than other people? Did I say that? Did others say that? No, you are just asssuming this.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Sep 07
"hell until all this crap made the news I had never heard of the guy. My point is that people seem to give more concern to what happens to an animal over the rights and life of another person"
LOL yea I had no clue who the hell he was either...and you are VERY right, ppl DO seem to care more about this sort of thing over far more important things like the rights and life of ppl....BUT at the same time I do think what he did was disgusting and I am an animal lover so i'm shocked and appauled HOWEVER like I said, I think you are right and ppl are making FAR TOO MUCH out of this....sad thing is its BECAUSE he's a celebrity...if it was some regular "no name" person it wouldnt get nearly the coverage if any....cause you KNOW DAMN WELL he's not the only person doing this sort of thing..not to mention in this particular case he wasnt the ONLY person involved...he "took part" in it which means there was one or more ppl so why aren't THEY all over the damn news...
I think thats what makes me the most livid..
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Sep 07
What makes me livid is that this discussion is just perpetuating the notoriety of which devilangel is complaining of!!! Does no-one else get the hypocrisy of this?
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Our dog is a rescue pup. He was rescued from a pit bull ring. The way they train these dogs for blood it to put a puppy in the ring and let the dogs tear the puppy apart. That gives the dog a taste for blood and makes it want to fight. It's sick, twisted and horrible. We rescued our pup and his sister. They lived the beginning of their lives without a mother and were bottle fed. We gave the sister to another caring home.
This irratates the crap out of me. At the same time, I am on the front lines fighting for human rights. I give to all kinds of charities. I care a great deal if children go to bed hungry. I would give my eye teeth if that didn't happen. I'm not a rich woman. I could rescue 2 dogs from a pit bull ring, but I cannot save all of the impoverished children in the country. I do my part, though.
I don't think that most people would work against dogfights and not try to do the same against poverty. It's a matter of doing what you can do. Rescuing my pup didn't cost me a thing, monatarily. But I am glad Vick is going to do his time. Rather than investing his money in dogfighting, he could have been saving a bunch more kids than I can.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Sep 07
Excellent comment cyntrow. I didn't try to justify my opposition to animal & dog abuse, nor what I do for human rights, but you certainly have the right to do that.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I'm one of the ones that posted "crap" (as you put it) about the goings on with Michael Vick. From reading your responses to replies here, I believe that you also don't think it was right what he did. And I can understand where you are coming from with all of the hype over it. My concern is with what goes on in the hearts and minds of people that can torture defenseless animals so viciously. It's been shown that people that can do that are equally as capable, and more often than not, guilty of committing the same torturous crimes against human beings. I don't have any use for people that beat on each other...I've been on the receiving end and it's not pleasant. But I also have no use or sympathy for abusers of animals either. So if you think that my opinion is "crap" because it doesn't coincide with yours 100%, well, that's your prerogative. We're all entitled to our opinions and to voice them freely.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I'm not asking people to agree with me 100%, hell I'm not even asking people to agree with me at all. I was just stating my opinion on the issue. The fact that yea what he did was gross, evil and wrong;howver, people blew it way out of where it needed to be. He wasn't the only one involved yet they seemed to make it look that way. My biggest issue was had it been anyone no named nobody then it would have never even made the news. It bugged me because it took away from more important issues that face this country.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
17 Sep 07
Like I said, I can see where you're coming from. And it definitely would have been better if ALL the people that were involved in the whole thing had been named. Michael Vick got the brunt of it because he's a big name sports star. And I'm sure we haven't heard the last of it yet either. Thanks for responding to my reply hon.
@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I agree completely. It's horrible what people are doing to animals, but face it, MUCH worse happens to other human beings every day and the same people protesting dogfights won't even bat an eye. Just because he's a celebrity shouldn't make his crime or punishment any less or more than any other person's. I wish people would stop ranting over this issue and get on with their lives. You want something to cry about? Take a look at some of the kids running the streets barefoot, the ones who die every day because they simply can't afford food. Why not look at the bigots who claim to feel sympathetic (lord knows they don't have the experience for empathy) towards the plight of the desperately poor, yet turn around and throw away tons of food, or worse yet, money that could be used to feed and clothe any number of deserving families. I'm utterly disgusted.
Blessed Be
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Sep 07
Do you do all you suggest?
"the same people protesting dogfights won't even bat an eye."
Really! How do you know this? Please don't assume that I am in that catergory of not caring & taking action about all the issues you mentioned.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
6 Sep 07
By your reasoning no body should give a toss about animal welfare as long as there is 1 sick, hungry person in the world.
I care deeply about Michael Vick's mistreatment of animals but I also care deeply for child welfare - these areas are where I choose to expend my energy trying to make the world a better place. I care more for humans actually but I still have room to care about animals.
In my opinion you cannot have welfare for one without caring for the other - we all share the same planet earth for one.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I agree in a sense that I too am fed up with all the hype about Michael Vick, just as I got fed up with hearing about Paris Hilton..okay two completely different issues, but like enough. At the same time, something of what Vick did does have to come to,first of all, this jerk thought he was above the law just because he was a "celebrity" yet what he did was against the law, two, what he was involved with was abuse against animals...he even admitted to killing dogs since they weren't profitable for him for his dog righting activity. And yes, I think the whole concept of two men fighting is insane as well.
But to quote you:
"...If you cared half as much about humans as you do animals the world wouldn't be in the hell it is in now. You wanna make a difference go feed a homeless child and stop worrying about what someone is doing with their damn dog..."
No...I hate to say it but you actually have it the other way around. The reason why there is so much hatred, and non-caring attitude stems from when people don't have compassion for animals...People who are abusive toward animals and have a non-caring attitude toward them, have no feelings for humans either and are usually abusive toward people. The reason why our world is in the "hell" it's in comes from people who lack any feeling toward animals and toward nature as a whole. People who DO feel compassion toward animals and the environment in general are compassionate toward people and are not abusive. I'm just wondering if you've ever had a pet...if you have then you wouldn't be making such a comment here. To make such a statement as you have shows you have no feelings toward defenseless animals who can't speak for themselves
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@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
9 Sep 07
Wow! After reading the responses you got, I'm almost afraid to post mine!
I had no idea who this clown was before this crap either.
I hate the fact that ANY kind of animal fighting goes on...I saw something on TV last night that showed horse fights. People fights are a little different. The people had a choice. I guess the people that pay for this kind of entertainment just like the brutality.
It would be nice if people would look after other people more...not look the other way when a child is abused or a homeless person comes by. Some people just don't want to get involved, I guess.
And before anyone jumps in, this topic and this response are talking GENERALLY! I didn't see anyone's name mentioned. If you are in the minority and take a stand for wrongs that you see, GOOD for you! Keep it up! Maybe someone with some pull will take notice and make the world a better place.
Angel, I'm sorry if I didn't get the spirit of your discussion. I just responded from the gut. :)
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
9 Sep 07
No worries, I think many people think that I think its ok what he did and I don't. The thing is I just don't udnerstand why it was all over the news, the papers, and magazines for over a month. While child rapist, muderers and real crime was put on the back burner. It fustrated the hell out of me that people seemed more concerned with the welfare of animals then with the welfare of other people. What buged me even more is he wasn't the only one involved yet he's the only one anyone was talking about. Had it been any "regular" person this thing would have never even made the news. Its like just becasue some star did something now everyone wants to get all up in arms about it. Its not like he's the first person to do these things either, so why is it now everyone wants to stand and take notice? That was my point. That no one cares about the important stuff unless the media or someone famous apperently tells them too. Its fustrating and sad all at the same time.
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@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I know it's frustrating that the media puts other crimes on the back burner when something happens with a big name. Dirty laundry from stars sells, though.
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@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
6 Sep 07
You really should watch your mouth when refering to those of us with a "damn dog"- I don't own a "damn dog" and never had- I have family members- and your DAMN RIGHT I was pissed off about hearing what VICK did- he should know better and so should you- BOXING is legal- DOGFIGHTING ISN'T- get over yourself!
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@baw2006 (34)
• United States
6 Sep 07
That's the problem with today's society though. Instead of trying to find missing persons or trying to find a persons killer, etc. we are more worried about celebrities and their pathetic lives. But that's today's society and I doubt that it's going to change anytime soon.
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@baw2006 (34)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I'm sorry, I should have made myself a little clearer on who I was referring to. I was referring to the media who usually reports more items on celebrities than they do about missing persons, etc. And I do watch the news and read what's going on across the world. In one hour there is probably 50 minutes of talk about the things celebrities do wrong (i.e. Micheal Vick, Lindsay Lohan, etc.) and 10 minutes of news that actually matters. I wish they'd show more of news that actually matters. If something happens to a celebrity, then report it, and be done with it. I hope this clears up what I was trying to say before. I apologize for not being more thorough.
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@patels (65)
6 Sep 07
yes you are wright we have to establish a welfare programs to help the people not killing others but insted of killing we have to give the knowledge that we have to help the poor and un educated people , save others life in cause of accidents, earth quakes,the girls from strangers in my point of view that this step to be taken from every body especially the government
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@patels (65)
6 Sep 07
Iam 18 years old and i never harm any body because in future it will help me in building a career and good moral value in society,i think killing people is making their future with problems and training a dog to kill other dog is foolishness,the dog have to be trained to help the other dog
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@patels (65)
6 Sep 07
yes you are wright killing people is foolishes and traing a dog to kill other dog is so discusting,man have to help the other man in problems he have to give good suggestion to others and have to follow the fundamentals and moral values in their life and be good to others
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
6 Sep 07
He is evil and wrong.I care and I'm damn tired of the indifference to the plight of the truly innocent.Frankly,I'm tired of humanity.Only people twist eachothers emotions to the sticking point for cash, and amusement.This is the arena for that type of b.s.
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
6 Sep 07
Micheal Vick should be strip naked and hanged by the neck from a lamp post to die. if you are so hot for him then..too bad.