Ebay feedback...who leaves it first, Buyer or seller?

United States
September 5, 2007 10:32pm CST
Hi all I've been on Ebay for a long time, both as a buyer and seller, and was wondering what this community's thoughts on feedback were. As a buyer, I will leave feedback as soon as I recieve the item and am happy. As a seller I will leave feedback when the buyer either leaves me positive feedback or indicates otherwise that they have recieved their item and are happy. This seems to be a hot button on the ebay discussion boards. Some buyer's seem to think that by paying quickly they've held up their end of the bargain and should recieve their feedback before reciprocating. I'm in a "mexican standoff" with a buyer now who is threatening to leave me negative feedback if I don't leave him postive first! Any thoughts?
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15 responses
@soleya (1100)
• Latvia
6 Sep 07
I think that a seller can post positive feedback right after receiving money for the product and don't need to wait till the product will be received. But the buyer can only place positive feedback after receiving the product he was paying for. In this case he can leave a positive or negative feedback depending on the quality of the product.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Sep 07
Actually, both the buyer and seller can leave feedback as soon as the auction is over. I would like to be able to only allow feedback after I mark the payment recieved box or something like that!
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I totally agree with you, I buy and sell all the time on Ebay and I feel like the buyer should leave feedback first so the seller knows they are happy with the purchase. You don't want to leave positive feedback for a buyer and then have them go and leave you negative feedback if something comes up and they are not happy. I can't believe someone would threaten to leave you negative feedback if you don't leave positive feedback first, that is so silly!! As soon s I receive an item I purchased I go on-line to leave them feedback so they know I received my item and that I am happy.
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• United States
6 Sep 07
I agree totally, but if you go to Ebay forums, it seems like about half the folks there think that the seller should leave feedback first.
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
6 Sep 07
As a seller on ebay,I alwasy wait till the buyer leaves a feedback frist.Because if you as a seller leaves a feedback frist than the buyer will not have anything to lose by giveing you a negitive feedback.I would wait an let that buyer give you feedback frist.If the buyer smashes you frist then you can smash him right back.
• United States
6 Sep 07
I agree totally and I like your phrase "smash him right back"! That made me laugh!!!
@redfang (967)
7 Sep 07
#1 is exactly right I've also been a buyer and a seller on ebay for many years though now just mainly buy form time to time if there is something i am after. It's all down to personal preference really some people leave feedback first others don't, some people wait for others to leave feedback. Personally i think the system should be changed to something which is a little better than feedback because there is too much feedback blackmail going on and must be some other way of leaving a rating for the transaction without things getting nasty, i also hate the people who leave retaliatory feedback, like when a buyer doesn't pay for an item and you leave them a neg then they neg you back with some lame excuse or whatever, i think if ebay are so proud of paypal and they want everyone to use both ebay and paypal they should have a system where the two sites are linked and when a buyer has not paid they are not able to leave feedback of any sort until they have paid that would certainly stamp out all the none paying bidders and auctions wreckers it would also get virtually everyone to use paypal because of that little incentive. just my thoughts on it.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
18 Jun 08
LOL How petty. Do you think it will affect a buyer's decision to see a neg that says "Seller wouldn't leave feedback so I gave him a negative." I doubt it would change my mind about the seller. I am a powerseller. The feedback I leave is automatically reciprocated. I wouldn't leave feedback for a buyer if they didn't do it first. No one is under any obligation to leave feedback. Therefore it shouldn't be expected from anyone.
• Australia
22 Apr 10
As a seller I used to always leave feedback first however I see that by doing this I was getting less received by people. Now I always leave a note in the item I send saying that feddback is appreciatd and the favor will be returned. I noticed that I get alot more this way now. As a buyer I see that some seller leave me feedbal right after I pay while others do the same as I do as a buyer. Its really depends on the person and their experience on ebay.
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@shomomo (850)
• Israel
6 Sep 07
I think that the seller should leave it first: first of all, he gets the money before the buyer gets the product, second of all, if the product is bad for some reason it is up to the buyer to give a bad feedback without getting a bad feedback from the seller as a "revenge" so the seller will give a feedback on the shipment of the money itself and won't give it with any other intentions of ruining the buyer reputation.
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@nrnotrare (631)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Hello Malamute.... Tell that buyer you are going to report them to ebay for feedback extortion.....and then do it. Everyone needs to remember that feedback is VOLUNTARY.....no one can OWE you feedback.....you are NOT obligated to leave feedback. Tom
• United States
6 Sep 07
Thanks nrnotrare, I will think about that. The big thing with me is I have over 800 positives and nary a neg, and was hoping to reach 1000 this year. This guy got his item quickly and as described, he just has a real thing about feedback!
@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I agree with you. As a seller, I wait for the buyer to receive the item and leave feedback. Then I will leave feedback as the seller. I feel that as a seller, i am responsible for the buyer's happiness with the item. if they are not happy with it, they can contact me and then we can work it out. If the buyer leaves feedback saying they are happy with the transaction, then I consider the transaction complete, and I leave feedback.
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@shaggin (74036)
• United States
2 Feb 11
I believe it is best for the buyer to leave feedback first. I think if I remember correctly that ebay recommends that sellers wait to leave feedback until their buyers have left feedback. Some sellers will be rotten and leave negative feedback just to be rotten but if they think that the seller might do the same thing then they are less likely to leave false negative feedback just to be mean.
@reveria (51)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I've never thought about that...of course i've always been the buyer so far and to tell the truth with my hectic schedule i always wait till the next time i go into Ebay to leave feedback for everything that i've received since my last login. I do agree that by paying quickly, we buyers are upholding our end of the bargain but i've never looked to see if i got feedback from the seller first before leaving my own feedback. I totally agree with the my-lotter who says that the feedback should be spontaneous. It outrageous that the buyer is treatening to leave you negative feedback just because of this feedback issue. I wouldn't response, besides, you probably don't need feeback from this person in the first place if you've been doing this awhile. Isn't there still an option for you to explain and response on your chart if he does leave negative feedback? that's terrible.
• United States
6 Sep 07
The buyer should always leave it first! This is one of my big pet peeves with ebay. 1. The buyer should leave feedback first because like others have stated is lets the seller know there isn't a problem. 2 Why the heck to buyer's care about their feedback so much?! If they don't get feedback for an item it doesn't really hurt them, but seller's rely on getting feedback from their buyers in order to up their rating. As a seller I never really care about my buyer's feedback unless they have a lot of negatives saying the are difficult or don't pay in a timely manner. 3. If they paid right away, then the buyer has nothing to fear about getting an unexpected negative. However, a seller that leaves a positive first has left the buyer no incentive to leave him positive feedback. The buyer may be satisfied, but is too lazy to leave feedback. Or the buyer may suddenly decide to have a big issue and just leave a negative instead of contacting you about it. I am so sick of whiny ebay buyers!!!!! They're not the ones trying to make a living online. They got their item that they paid for so shut up about it already. Me leaving you your 4th positive feedback is not going to change your ebay life, but you leaving me a feedback weighs heavily on how much I can earn! Can you see now why I left ebay? It's the worst place in the world and it's gotten to the point where is just attracting idiots now (from the buyers side).
• United States
6 Sep 07
Thanks! Great answer, my thoughts are that if the buyer has a problem it gives me a chance to rectify it and then when all parties are satisfied...feedback is left! And I agree about the whiny ebay buyers. When I first started back in 1998 or so it was a much better community, a big yard sale of sorts. Now Ebay's greed along with the crazy shipping costs and buyer's trying to get something for nothing it's not much fun anymore.
@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
7 Sep 07
I've been both a buyer and a seller on ebay and I would think that it should be the buyer that leaves feedback first. Without having feedback left, as a seller, I don't know if the other party has gotten the package or not. If the seller leaves feedback first there's less incentive for the buyer to leave feedback for you. Sometimes it's nerve wracking waiting for feedback though, but at least you know the package got there.
@elemental69 (1561)
• Ireland
24 Sep 07
Report him to ebay!!! If you give him a positive he probably give you a neg anyway,but what he is doing is against ebay policy, he is using threatening behaviour to get feedback from you.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I was waiting until the buyer leaves a response. I got burned with a negative response once, after I gave positive response. I am really not sure what is the best approach.