Aren’t you weird?
By sunshinecup
@sunshinecup (7871)
September 6, 2007 5:10am CST
My youngest is on this latest kick of asking tons and tons of all these off the wall questions. Things like, what if birds didn’t have wings? Why don’t worms have legs? Why does the dog sniff her poop? You know things that catch you off guard and are really a bit hard to answer, at least for me anyway, LOL. Well today was the exception. Today she came home from school and asked, “Mommy are we weird?”, I turned to her and asked, “What do you mean?”. She replied, “ Are we weird or are we normal like everyone else?”. Knowing this question was most likely inspired by some kid at school calling her that, I took her to my computer and we got on the net. We looked up the words, weird and normal, here is what I found.
Weird - strikingly odd or unusual;
Normal - conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal;
Well without any more thought after I read these to her, I answered “ We are weird. Why would we want to be standard old normal when we can be strikingly odd?” Well that sent her into deep thought for about a minute then she smiled, “Good I don’t want be normal, that is boring”. Then she walked off happy as can be. :o)
Now I ask you, are you weird or are you normal? If you are not sure, then let me ask you this, do you live life in fear of what other’s think or do you live life as if tomorrow will be your last day? Tell me an example or why you think it’s important to be either.
? ? ?Thanks in advance, I read all and rate all. ? ? ?
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16 responses
@linoxy (283)
• Cyprus
6 Sep 07
I'm very, very weird. :)
When i was in primary school, my teacher would call my mom just to talk to her how weird i'm. The problem was, i was never into empty talks, my school friend never understood my opinions and i was having older friends whom with i could communicate on same level. My mom told my teacher, that she doesn't want an average child, that a child doesn't have to be 'same as other kids are'.
In my highschool same problem appeared. I had only few friends in my class, and all of them male. That kind of supprised my class professor and she called my mom just to say to her that i'm weird.
I admit i'm weird. I don't like to be 'normal' as other people are, don't like to be same as someone. I'm a totally different person.
So just tell your daughter: Weird is nothing to be ashamed of. Weird is just beeing different from someone. Weird is unique.
I'm still weird and proud of it! :))
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@sunshinecup (7871)
6 Sep 07
LOL, thanks for a great reply and a wonderful read! I think I too was weird for most of my life, but didn't realize it. I just went on through life being me and not caring much as to who noticed, who agreed or who was just like me. We never no when tomorrow will not come, I learned that one when I was young, so I just live life day by day and I try to be as happy as I can be while doing.
Honestly, I think we weirdo’s have it right. :o)

@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Oh god no I'm far from normal, lol. I don't want to be like everyone else casue then my life would be so very boring. I don't mind being a little off and a tab bit nuts :).
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@sunshinecup (7871)
7 Sep 07
Could you imagine if we all were afraid to think out and act outside the box? You are right, how boring that would be.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Sep 07
That was great way to handle her question and to make her feel good. I am most assuredly, definitely WEIRD and proud of it. I would hate to know my friends thought I was boring.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
7 Sep 07
I love talking to the kids, they remind us of things we forget over time. I didn't think about it till she brought it up, but yes being weird is so much better than being "normal", let me tell ya, :o)
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I think I may be a bit of both. I don't think I am a true conformist per-say, but I do tend to "play it safe" a lot of times. I am not much of a risk taker. I was raised with very "normal" parents and my first husband was the epitome of normal. It wasn't until I was much older that I felt I could allow some of my "weirdness" shine through. Nobody knew how to react when I started being myself and not who THEY wanted me to be! I am much much happier now!
@baw2006 (34)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I very much like this topic!
I believe I am a little bit of both. In certain situations I am wierd and in others I am normal. I think people should be a little bit of both. I think it's important to be wierd because if everyone conformed to society's standards, like your daughter said, it is boring. Being wierd spices life up. In the meantime being normal is okay too. Being normal is for those who don't really take the risk of doing something different. And if those type of people are happy, than that's okay, because they are happy.
I don't really live in fear of anything (the only thing I can think of right now that might scare me is that I'm due to have my little girl in about a month), but I always have in the back of my head "what if I'm not here tomorrow?" With that in mind, I always try to call my mom everyday and talk to her, even if it's only for five minutes and if my boyfriend and I have an arguement during the day, I try to make sure that we go to bed happy and not mad at each other.
Thanks for starting this discussion :)
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@sunshinecup (7871)
7 Sep 07
I'm due to have my little girl in about a month
Ah that is so cool! Congrats in a month, you will have to post her new born pic when you have her. I love seeing new born babies, nothing sweetens the soul more than a fresh new to the world baby.
I love you call your mom everyday as well as never go to the bed mad. Hubby and I have this agreement, no matter how mad we are with each other, we always kiss goodnight and we always say we love each other before bed. We can't fix the anger before bed all the time, but we can do these two things no matter what.
Thanks for sharing, and don't forget to show those pictures off a month from now :o)
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Kids are like that at that age. They ask a lot of questions and they do not know why things are the way they are.
@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I am with you on this!!
I am not normal and I like it that way!
I've always been like that though. One of my cousins when we were in high school called me a freak. I said "Thank you". LOL
I don't care what others think of me for the most part. Strangers especially. They don't like it? Tough. I do.
But I don't think I live everyday as if it were my last. I try to though.
I guess I like being different and marching to my own drum and that's why I believe it important to be 'weird'.
Though really - who really is normal? And what really is normal? And you know if we are all marching to our own beats wouldn't that classify as normal if we're all doing it?
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
7 Sep 07
I am weird and proud of it. I am definitely different from other people. I am not boring. I know I am weird cause people tell me I am weird. I am 50 but I don't dress like I am 50 and I don't wear my hair like I am 50. I don't act like other people in my community that are 50. They act old. I am strikingly odd. Maybe that it is why I get along with so many people from different backgrounds and cultures. I am easily adaptable.
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Well your younger is very sweet and cute and she found the hradest question not only for her but also for us. She may be feel more excited if finds you have trapped us with her questions and we are now in great trouble. Well, I live in the fear of what other people will think, yes and I can't avoid this thought and i found this help me getting the most out of life without losing much. Also I think living with the thought that tomorrow is my last day is not against the first thought or fear as if I think this i still have fear that what will other people think about me at the end of tomorrow pr day after tomorrow, I want to be remembered by them in the same way as I am now so I keep this in mind while live for today and enjoy today.
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@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
8 Sep 07
Aww blees ya little girl, she sure took the words out of my mouth. I am extremely proud to announce that I AM WEIRD, or at least i sure hope i am. I have always taken pride in being a rebel and refusing to conform just to satisfy others. If i do not agree with the norm set, my surroundings will sure know about this and if they do not like it, tough siht, they will have to listen and question their own morale and norm sets, lol. Nice subject.
@Kangleicha (376)
• India
7 Sep 07
I am normal. Because I tried being weired. It was fun, but I want to try normal again, just for the kicks of it.
It is very difficult you know, being normal. One has to take care of things one does, things one should not do, restrictions, proper ways, things to do, always keeping the toe in the line.
But it has its plus points. Being ordinary is like being in love. If you are not ordinary you would not know what I am taking about. It is like the most wonderful feeling in the world, to know that everyone is like you, and you are like them, in some way or the other.
And I am content.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
7 Sep 07
*smiles* I think you have a cute, intelligent son there..can you hug him for me? :)
and just like him, I don't wanna be normal too..that's boring! LOL
I know I am unique and God has created me different from all His that makes me a weird individual right?