Are you Self - Important?
By thefortunes
@thefortunes (2367)
September 6, 2007 11:22pm CST
Do you feel and think highly about yourself, or do you lack on self-confidence? And do you think that you are better than your neigbors for example?
At times I feel like no one can beat me and my self-confidence is in perfect balance with the reality. At other times I feel kind of lost and start getting insecure. Fortunately this doesn't happen often in the last several years. And yes, I am guilty of thinking that I am better than the neigbors of the surrounding houses next to ours.
How about you, and what about your neigbors?
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11 responses
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 07
ups, this is a picture i suppose to upload in another discussion,... sorry
@rosie_123 (6113)
7 Sep 07
Well that is an interesting question my friend. In my view, self-important means pompous and arrogant, so I would say "no" - but if you mean am I confident in myself and my abilities, then "yes". I am certainly not insecure about myself. As far as my neighbours are concerned, we are all pretty similar in terms of professions, financial status etc (pretty average English middle-class I guess!), so I think we are pretty much the same, and I am certainly no better (or no worse) than any of them! However, if you ask me if I think I am "better" than people who go round hurting animals, and being cruel "for fun", than I think I am far better as they are dirt beneath my feet in my opinion! Interesting question - thanks.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Hiya Rosie, and thanks for jumping in this one too :)
And yes, the convo was about self-confidence and not the pompous and arrogant thing - but you knew that already ;)
Why I brought the neighbors in this discussion is because, where I am living things are getting worse. Most of the houses around are purchased, however due to the economy many have sold their houses, and the corporations have placed these houses for rent. It is probably useless to say it, but the quality of the neighbors has dropped in the last year. Now at both sides of my home I have people living that are not of the same class, not qua profession, nor qua upbringing. And I don't really feel pitying myself but if it goes on like the way it goes, we will be forced to sell our home too and move.
It's not really something that we are looking forward to doing, but I keep getting upset about the "music" that one of the neighbors is making daily... A thing he is calling music is producing the same beats 1000 of times each and every day, if you understand what I am talking about :(
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@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Sep 07
Oh that is really sad and I feel sorry for you. So far, that has only happened on one occasion in my area. The owner of one of the houses in our neighbourhood moved on, but rather than selling his house, he decided to rent through the local Council, which meant they moved the most ghastly couple in. I don't mean to sound snobbish, but they were real "trailer trash" as our American friends would say. They were on the Social, didn't work, kept 3 poor dogs tied up in the garden that they never took out or exercised, endless poor cats that were not spayed or neutered and the neighbours used to feed, and constantly rowed with loud swearing and bad language all night! Luckily the rest of us complained bitterly to the Council, and also to the original owner, who tookm pity on us and rescinded the lease and sent these ghastly people packing. We also got together as a neighbourhood group, and called the RSPCA to rescue the dogs and cats, though one of the poor cats had become so attached to me that I kept him, which is how I got my Henry (in photo). It is a bad situation though, and I feel really sorry for you, and hope you can get something sorted out soon. And - yes - I do know what you mean about the music!
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Hi Rosie, and I understand exactly what kind of people you got there as neighbors. In any case you were able to get these moved, and all is fine now. The question is however, where could such people be placed so that they do not bother others, while still having some kind of a home, and being able to live in a normal house? And do we have the right, and who are we after all to be willing to move these kind of people intosome kind of "ghetto"?
I will not be able to have the once living next to me moved however, as they are not exactly trashy, or going against the laws. The only thing that really bothers me is his music making...He is a wannabe musicain of some kind, and there is the problem. All day he plays one and the same piece of music, 100's, no, even 1000 times a day, and during the warm months with the wondows open. This has taken my pleasure to go and sit in the garden, what I was doing daily before these people came. I complained several times but he doesn't want to listen, and the police is not doing anything either. We did file a complaint recently to the corporation and are expecting some kind of an answer shortly. So we will see. But all of us have the right to be living in our own home with pleasure, and enjoying our gardens, right?
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@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Yes, most of the time that is. However, there are also plenty of people that give responces made of 1 line of 3 to 5 words, which is probably a way to increase the number of their posts on MyLot.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
7 Sep 07
Hi Balasri, here you sound almost like myself, and I like this way, reallydo :)

@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 07
haloo thefortunes, i have lest of confidence when i got situation first time first job appiance, first driving a car, first swim on the beach, first date,.. lol

@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 07
that will be very helpful :)
thank you thefortunes .
happy posting :D
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Hi Diansinta, thank you for your responce here :)
You could maybe read some self-help cources that will help you boost your self-confidence, and especially whith job interviews?
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@brijlesh (273)
• India
7 Sep 07
ya, I am better than others, and i have a lot of confidence, but in the field of english/english grammer i have no confidence because i am very poor in english.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Hi Brijlesh, thanks for your responce, and you will become better with your English if you keep working at it :)
@MAINEIAC55 (52)
• United States
7 Sep 07
i believe that if your a woman, you usually do not consider yourself more important then, lets say...your children, your job, your husband etc....because your always too busy doing what needs to be done for everyone else.
and then, by the time you do find free isn't spent on's spent doing the things you've been meaning to do, and that's usually for others as well.
but i think....more often then not, by the time that free time comes..if you have nothing to do....your way too tired to do anything for yourself.
i do feel that most ladies out there...are selfless...not selfish...and as such...we tend to ingor our wellbeing etc....and that's a shame. but i believe as time passes and we mature....we figure out that if we don't take care of ourselves one will...and that's when we begin to feel better about ourselves, build confidence and become secure in who we are !
as far as being better then my neighbors.....that would really be impossible for me to do...since i live in a such a rural area and i have no
have a wonderful day !
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Hi Maineiac55, and thank you for your responce :)
I do agree with what you are saying, about women easily caring for everything and everyone, and being selfless, and not having enough time over for her own. These are genes, and upbringing together :) Good points. And it is better to be in a ruralarea and with no neighbors, than with the new neighbors of ours.
@balasri (26537)
• India
7 Sep 07
I am very confident of myself.The reasons are
1.I am not cheap.
2.I hate gossip and dont gossip
3.I dont brag
4.I keep my time and always punctual and expect the same from
5.I never bore and never let others bore.
6.I make friends easy.And I stick to them
&.I want to be classy as much as possible.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Hibalasri, thanks for responding here too :)
And again 5 out of the 6 responces could have been given by me :)
@subha12 (18441)
• India
7 Sep 07
i am much more like yoyu. At times i feel that there are no one that can beat me. At times I feel very down and sad.
I am very much aware about my potential and ability.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
7 Sep 07
Thank you Subha12 for responding in this discussion :) Keep up with being confident and you can't go or be wrong
@bjgyjaui81 (38)
• China
7 Sep 07
hoho your statement makes me remeber one thing that is my gf, she always think that our neighborhoods are better than me, and often complain to me that i do not have so much money than one neighborhood, i am not so good towards her than the other people. i am very tired of that.
i think she lack of the self-confidence and always think that other people are better than her.
in my opinion, we should realize that there are people are better that ourselves and of course there also are persons that worse that ours , so the better way towards that in my opinion is just as you said we should balance with the reality, no agrogant no lost keep one peace and quiet heart thats my opinion
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Hi Bjgyjaui81, and thank you for responding tothis discussion.
Your GF does lack self-confidence for sure, and Iunderstand your feelings. And maybe you should speak with her about it?
@applecartronnie (1984)
• India
7 Sep 07
a person should not feel guilty of his or her achievements or knowledge or fortunes, they are all gifts from GOD. be open to teach and share but never be guilty, i know why that happens, it is because you feel too deeply for others and may be want them to be better than you and would go out of your way to do things to take people higher.
these are qualities of a great leader, believe me.
but if people want to learn they go them selves where knowledge is available, but yourniceness is that you want every body to be in Noah's ark and GOD will bless you for that but i have noticed that every one knows about Noah's ark but some love to be on it. so dont worry be cool, be the best, without example setters there would be good teachers.
lots of love, you are just cool , be cooler, smiles, apple.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 07
Hiya Apple, and thank you dear for your responce and contribution :)
@Thirteenth (291)
• Malaysia
7 Sep 07
I'm like that too. Sometimes, my self-confidence reaches the point of arrogance, but at other times I feel really insecure. It usually depends on my mood. Being happy makes me feel indestructible. C:
I don't often talk to my neighbours, so I don't know whether or not they are self-confident.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
7 Sep 07
Hi Thirteenth, and thank you for contributing in this discussion :) The thing is to not make others see you as arrogant,as this creates bad and negatieve feelings for all. You have already a high self-esteem which is great, and you will and should be able to convey every thought and wish with an ease coming from within, in a friendly and outspoken manner :)